367 research outputs found

    The Topography and Gross Anatomy of the Abdominal Gastrointestinal Tract of the Persian Squirrel (Sciurus anomalus)

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    The Persian Squirrel (Sciurus anomalus) is the only member of the Sciuridae family found in the Middle East. It is herbivorous, feeding mostly on pine acorns and other seeds and fruits. It is a wild animal nesting in forest trees, although it is frequently found close to city gardens and parks. As Persian squirrels are also found in homes as "companion animals", veterinarian assistance may be sometimes required; this is a good reason to gain more specific knowledge of the anatomical features of this animal. Due to the scantiness of relevant literature, we carried out this study with the aim to provide further information on the topography and gross anatomy of its abdominal gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Seven animals of this species were utilized to measure the length, content weight and area surface of the relative segments of the abdominal GIT. The stomach is unilocular, lined with glandular epithelium; the small intestine is divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The cecum is situated on the right side of the abdominal cavity and lacks the vermiform appendix observed in some rodents. The ascending colon is extensive, consisting of two loops and two straight parts forming a unique topographic arrangement, closely resembling the ascending colon of the horse. The transverse colon connects the ascending and the descending colon located on the left side of the abdominal cavity, and shows a distinct sigmoid flexure before entering the pelvic cavity. Overall, the in situ examination and the relative measurements of the various parts of the abdominal GIT suggest that the ascending colon is the main fermentation chamber in the Persian Squirrel. La ardilla es el único miembro de la familia de los Sciuridae que se encuentra en el Medio Oriente. Es un herbívoro, come semillas, principalmente de pino, y fruta. Vive mayormente en el bosque en estado salvaje, aunque a veces se puede encontrar en las ciudades, en parques y jardines. Las ardillas persianas tambien se tienen en casas como mascotas y algunas veces es necesaria la atención del veterinario. Esta es una buena razón para conocer más profundamente sus características anatómicas. Teniendo en cuenta la escasa bibliografía existente a cerca de este animal, el objetivo de este estudio fue aportar nueva información sobre la anatomía topográfica y mascroscópica del tracto abdominal gastrointestinal (GIT) de la ardilla. Siete animales de esta especie han sido utilizados para medir el largo, el peso y el área de la superficie de los segmentos del GIT. El estómago es unilocular, alineado con epitelio glandular; el pequeño intestino está dividido en duodeno, jejuno e ileo. El ciego está localizado en la parte derecha de la cavidad abdominal y le falta el apéndice vermiforme que poseen los roedores. El colon ascendente es extenso, constituido de dos partes curvas y dos rectilíneas que forman una única dispoción topográfica cerrada como el colon ascendente en el caballo. El colon trasverso, que conecta el ascendente y el descendente, está localizado en el lado izquierdo de la cavidad abdominal y muestra una clara flexión sigmoide antes de entrar en la cavidad pélvica. En resumen, el examen in situ y las relativas medidas de las varias partes del GIT sugieren que el colon ascendente es la principal "cámara" de fermentación en la ardilla persiana

    Transcriptomic signatures of neuronal differentiation and their association with risk genes for autism spectrum and related neuropsychiatric disorders.

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    Genes for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are also implicated in fragile X syndrome (FXS), intellectual disabilities (ID) or schizophrenia (SCZ), and converge on neuronal function and differentiation. The SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line, the most widely used system to study neurodevelopment, is currently discussed for its applicability to model cortical development. We implemented an optimal neuronal differentiation protocol of this system and evaluated neurodevelopment at the transcriptomic level using the CoNTeXT framework, a machine-learning algorithm based on human post-mortem brain data estimating developmental stage and regional identity of transcriptomic signatures. Our improved model in contrast to currently used SH-SY5Y models does capture early neurodevelopmental processes with high fidelity. We applied regression modelling, dynamic time warping analysis, parallel independent component analysis and weighted gene co-expression network analysis to identify activated gene sets and networks. Finally, we tested and compared these sets for enrichment of risk genes for neuropsychiatric disorders. We confirm a significant overlap of genes implicated in ASD with FXS, ID and SCZ. However, counterintuitive to this observation, we report that risk genes affect pathways specific for each disorder during early neurodevelopment. Genes implicated in ASD, ID, FXS and SCZ were enriched among the positive regulators, but only ID-implicated genes were also negative regulators of neuronal differentiation. ASD and ID genes were involved in dendritic branching modules, but only ASD risk genes were implicated in histone modification or axonal guidance. Only ID genes were over-represented among cell cycle modules. We conclude that the underlying signatures are disorder-specific and that the shared genetic architecture results in overlaps across disorders such as ID in ASD. Thus, adding developmental network context to genetic analyses will aid differentiating the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders

    A double histochemical/immunohistochemical staining for the identification of canine mast cells in light microscopy

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    Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a widely used technique in diagnostic pathology, but the simultaneous analysis of more than one antibody at a time with different chromogens is rather complex, time‐consuming, and quite expensive. In order to facilitate the identification of mast cells (MCs) during immunohistochemical analysis of membrane and/or nuclear markers, we propose a new staining method that includes the association of IHC and toluidine blue as a counterstain. To achieve this goal, we tested c‐kit, Ki67, and cannabinoid receptor 2 on several cases of cutaneous canine mast cell tumors (MCTs), cutaneous mastocytosis, and atopic dermatitis. The results obtained show how this double staining technique, although limited to non‐cytoplasmic markers and of little use in poorly differentiated MCTs in which MC metachromasia is hard to see, can be used during the evaluation of nuclear and/or membranous immunohistochemical markers in all canine cutaneous disorders, especially if characterized by the presence of a low number of MCs. It can help to evaluate those MCTs in which neoplastic MCs must be clearly distinguished from inflammatory cells that can infiltrate the tumor itself, in facilitating the calculation of the Ki67 index. Moreover, it can be used to study the expression of new markers in both animal and human tissues containing MCs and in MC disorders

    Distribution of Cannabinoid Receptors in Keratinocytes of Healthy Dogs and Dogs With Atopic Dermatitis

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    It is commonly accepted that some form of skin barrier dysfunction is present in canine atopic dermatitis (AD), one of the most common cutaneous pruritic inflammatory diseases of dogs. The impaired skin barrier function facilitates the penetration of allergens and subsequently stronger sensitization responses. The role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the physiology and pathology of the skin is becoming increasingly established. It has been demonstrated that cannabinoid receptors are expressed in healthy and diseased skin and, based on current knowledge, it could be stated that cannabinoids are important mediators in the skin. The present study has been designed to immunohistochemically investigate the expression of the cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1R) and 2 (CB2R) and the cannabinoid-related receptors G protein-coupled receptor 55 (GPR55), transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors alpha (PPARα), and serotoninergic receptor 1a (5-HT1aR) in keratinocytes of healthy dogs and of dogs with AD. Samples of skin tissues were collected from 7 healthy controls (CTRL-dogs) and from 8 dogs with AD (AD-dogs). The tissue samples were processed using an immunofluorescence assay with commercially available antibodies, and the immunolabelling of the receptors studied was quantitatively evaluated. The keratinocytes of the CTRL- and the AD-dogs showed immunoreactivity for all the receptors investigated with a significant upregulation of CB2R, TRPA1, and 5-HT1aR in the epidermis of the AD-dogs. The presence of cannabinoid and cannabinoid-related receptors in healthy keratinocytes suggested the possible role of the ECS in canine epidermal homeostasis while their overexpression in the inflamed tissues of the AD-dogs suggested the involvement of the ECS in the pathogenesis of this disease, having a possible role in the related skin inflammation and itching. Based on the present findings, the ECS could be considered a potential therapeutic target for dogs with AD

    A large deletion in the GP9 gene in Cocker Spaniel dogs with Bernard-Soulier syndrome

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    Inherited bleeding disorders including abnormalities of platelet number and function rarely occur in a variety of dog breeds, but are probably underdiagnosed. Genetically characterized canine forms of platelet disorders provide valuable large animal models for understanding similar platelet disorders in people. Breed-specific disease associated genetic variants in only eight different genes are known to cause intrinsic platelet disorders in dogs. However, the causative genetic variant in many dog breeds has until now remained unknown. Four cases of a mild to severe bleeding disorder in Cocker Spaniel dogs are herein presented. The affected dogs showed a platelet adhesion defect characterized by macrothrombocytopenia with variable platelet counts resembling human Bernard-Soulier syndrome (BSS). Furthermore, the lack of functional GPIb-IX-V was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry. Whole genome sequencing of one affected dog and visual inspection of the candidate genes identified a deletion in the glycoprotein IX platelet (GP9) gene. The GP9 gene encodes a subunit of a platelet surface membrane glycoprotein complex; this functions as a receptor for von Willebrand factor, which initiates the maintenance of hemostasis after injury. Variants in human GP9 are associated with Bernard-Soulier syndrome, type C. The deletion spanned 2460 bp, and included a significant part of the single coding exon of the canine GP9 gene on dog chromosome 20. The variant results in a frameshift and premature stop codon which is predicted to truncate almost two-thirds of the encoded protein. PCR-based genotyping confirmed recessive inheritance. The homozygous variant genotype seen in affected dogs did not occur in 98 control Cocker Spaniels. Thus, it was concluded that the structural variant identified in the GP9 gene was most likely causative for the BSS-phenotype in the dogs examined. These findings provide the first large animal GP9 model for this group of inherited platelet disorders and greatly facilitate the diagnosis and identification of affected and/or normal carriers in Cocker Spaniels

    Cannabinoid receptors in the inflammatory cells of canine atopic dermatitis

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    Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is one of the most common cutaneous inflammatory and pruritic diseases in dogs. Considering its multifactorial nature, AD can be a challenging disease to manage, and the therapeutic strategy must often be multimodal. In recent years, research has been moving toward the use of natural products which have beneficial effects on inflammation and itching, and no side effects. Cannabinoid receptors have been demonstrated to be expressed in healthy and diseased skin; therefore, one of the potential alternative therapeutic targets for investigating AD is the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Objective: To immunohistochemically investigate the expression of the cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R), and the cannabinoid-related receptors G protein-coupled receptor 55 (GPR55), transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) and ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) in mast cells (MCs), macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs), T cells, and neutrophils of the skin of dogs with AD. Animals: Samples of skin tissues were collected from eight dogs with AD (AD-dogs). Materials and methods: The immunofluorescent stained cryosections of the skins of 8 dogs with AD having antibodies against CB2R, GPR55, TRPV1, TRPA1 were semiquantitatively evaluated. The inflammatory cells were identified using antibodies against tryptase (mast cells), ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (IBA1) (macrophages/DCs), CD3 (T cells), and calprotectin (neutrophils). The proportions of MCs, macrophages/DCs, T cells, and neutrophils expressing CB2R, GPR55, TRPV1 and TRPA1 were evaluated. Results: The cells of the inflammatory infiltrate showed immunoreactivity (IR) for all or for some of the cannabinoid and cannabinoid-related receptors studied. In particular, MCs and macrophages/DCs showed CB2R-, GPR55-, TRPA1-, and TRPV1-IR; T cells showed CB2R-, GPR55- and TRPA1-IR, and neutrophils expressed GPR55-IR. Co-localization studies indicated that CB2R-IR was co-expressed with TRPV1-, TRPA1-, and GPR55-IR in different cellular elements of the dermis of the AD-dogs. Conclusions and clinical importance: Cannabinoid receptor 2, and cannabinoid-related receptors GPR55, TRPV1 and TRPA1 were widely expressed in the inflammatory infiltrate of the AD-dogs. Based on the present findings, the ECS could be considered to be a potential therapeutic target for dogs with AD, and may mitigate itch and inflammation

    Water immersion vs. air insufflation in canine duodenal endoscopy: is the future underwater?

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    Endoscopy represents a commonly employed technique for canine enteropathies. Different trials in human intestinal endoscopy have suggested that the introduction of water for luminal distension, in place of air, improves the visualization of the mucosal texture and decreases pain. The aim of the study was to compare water immersion (WI) vs. air insufflation (AI) during duodenoscopy in anesthetized dogs in terms of mucosal visualization and nociception. Twenty-five dogs undergoing duodenoscopy were included. The same image of the descending duodenum was recorded applying WI and AI. Each pair of images was analyzed using morphological skeletonization, an image entropy evaluation, and a subjective blind evaluation by three experienced endoscopists. To evaluate differences in nociception related to the procedure applied, heart rate and arterial blood pressure were measured before, during and after WI/AI. To compare the two methods, a t-test for paired data was applied for the image analysis, Fleiss\u2019 Kappa evaluation for the subjective evaluation and a Friedman test for anesthetic parameters. No differences were found between WI and AI using morphological skeletonization and entropy. The subjective evaluation identified the WI images as qualitatively better than the AI images, indicating substantial agreement between the operators. No differences in nociception were found. The results of the study pointed out the absence of changes in pain response between WI and AI, likely due to the sufficient control of nociception by the anesthesia. Based on subjective evaluation, but not confirmed by the image analysis, WI provided better image quality than AI

    Cellular Distribution of Canonical and Putative Cannabinoid Receptors in Canine Cervical Dorsal Root Ganglia

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    open10noGrowing evidence indicates cannabinoid receptors as potential therapeutic targets for chronic pain. Consequently, there is an increasing interest in developing cannabinoid receptor agonists for treating human and veterinary pain. To better understand the actions of a drug, it is of paramount importance to know the cellular distribution of its specific receptor(s). The distribution of canonical and putative cannabinoid receptors in the peripheral and central nervous system of dogs is still in its infancy. In order to help fill this anatomical gap, the present ex vivo study has been designed to identify the cellular sites of cannabinoid and cannabinoid-related receptors in canine spinal ganglia. In particular, the cellular distribution of the cannabinoid receptors type 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2) and putative cannabinoid receptors G protein-coupled receptor 55 (GPR55), nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα), and transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1) have been immunohistochemically investigated in the C6-C8 cervical ganglia of dogs. About 50% of the neuronal population displayed weak to moderate CB1 receptor and TRPV1 immunoreactivity, while all of them were CB2-positive and nearly 40% also expressed GPR55 immunolabeling. Schwann cells, blood vessel smooth muscle cells, and pericyte-like cells all expressed CB2 receptor immunoreactivity, endothelial cell being also PPARα-positive. All the satellite glial cells (SGCs) displayed bright GPR55 receptor immunoreactivity. In half of the study dogs, SGCs were also PPARα-positive, and limited to older dogs displayed TRPV1 immunoreactivity. The present study may represent a morphological substrate to consider in order to develop therapeutic strategies against chronic pain.openChiocchetti R, Galiazzo G, Tagliavia C, Stanzani A, Giancola F, Menchetti M, Militerno G, Bernardini C, Forni M, Mandrioli LChiocchetti R, Galiazzo G, Tagliavia C, Stanzani A, Giancola F, Menchetti M, Militerno G, Bernardini C, Forni M, Mandrioli

    High levels of osteopontin associated with polymorphisms in its gene are a risk factor for development of autoimmunity/lymphoproliferation

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    The autoimmune/lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS) displays defective function of Fas, autoimmunities, lymphadenopathy/splenomegaly, and expansion of CD4/CD8 double-negative (DN) T cells. Dianzani autoimmune/lymphoproliferative disease (DALD) is an ALPS variant lacking DN cells. Both forms have been ascribed to inherited mutations hitting the Fas system but other factors may be involved. A pilot cDNA array analysis on a DALD patient detected overexpression of the cytokine osteopontin (OPN). This observation was confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detection of higher OPN serum levels in DALD patients (n = 25) than in controls (n = 50). Analysis of the OPN cDNA identified 4 polymorphisms forming 3 haplotypes (A, B, and C). Their overall distribution and genotypic combinations were different in patients (N = 26) and controls (N = 158) (P <.01). Subjects carrying haplotype B and/or C had an 8-fold higher risk of developing DALD than haplotype A homozygotes. Several data suggest that these haplotypes influence OPN levels: (1) in DALD families, high levels cosegregated with haplotype B or C; (2) in healthy controls, haplotype B or C carriers displayed higher levels than haplotype A homozygotes; and (3) in AB and AC heterozygotes, mRNA for haplotype B or C was more abundant than that for haplotype A. In vitro, exogenous OPN decreased activation-induced T-cell death, which suggests that high OPN levels are involved in the apoptosis defect

    Decreased Gas6 and sAxl Plasma Levels Are Associated with Hair Loss in COVID-19 Survivors

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    : Post-acute conditions after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are quite common, although the underlying pathogenetic mechanisms leading to these conditions are not yet completely understood. In this prospective observational study, we aimed to test the hypothesis that Growth Arrest-Specific 6 (Gas6) and its soluble receptors, Axl (sAxl) and MerTK (sMer), might be implicated. A total of 263 subjects underwent a structured clinical evaluation one year after their hospital discharge for COVID-19, and they consented to donate a blood sample to measure their circulating Gas6, sAxl, and sMer levels. A total of 98 (37.3%) post-COVID-19 subjects complained of at least one residual physical symptom one year after their hospital discharge. Univariate analysis revealed that sAxl was marginally associated with residual symptoms, but at the level of logistic regression analysis, only the diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLCO) (OR 0.98, CI 95%: 0.96-0.99; p = 0.007) and the female sex (OR 2.49, CI 95%: 1.45-4.28; p = 0.001) were independently associated with long-lasting symptoms. A total of 69 (26.2%) subjects had hair loss. At the level of univariate analysis, Gas6, sAxl, DLCO, and the female gender were associated with its development. In a logistic regression analysis model, Gas6 (OR 0.96, CI 95%: 0.92-0.99; p = 0.015) and sAxl (OR 0.98, CI 95%; 0.97-1.0; p = 0.014), along with the female sex (OR 6.58, CI 95%: 3.39-12.78; p = 0.0001), were independent predictors of hair loss. Decreased levels of Gas6 and sAxl were associated with a history of hair loss following COVID-19. This was resolved spontaneously in most patients, although 23.7% complained of persistent hair loss one year after hospital discharge