2,210 research outputs found

    Fighting Corruption through Regional and International Conventions: A Satisfactory Solution?

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    While considering the current legal frameworks adopted by the regional and international anti-corruption conventions this article aims to show (1) that the lack of a unified approach is unlikely to further the fight against corruption in any meaningful way, (2) that regulation is unlikely to be efficient results unless there are robust enforcement mechanisms in place, and (3) that anti-corruption legislation provides only a partial answer and that we need to engage in what I call a process of re-socialization. Part 2 (How Widespread is Corruption?) critically assesses the methodology adopted by Transparency International (TI) for compiling its perception index. Part 3 (Regulatory Measures: The Conventions) examines the current frameworks adopted by the existing conventions to tackle corruption. Part 4 (Enforcement and Informers) highlights the difficulties associated in enforcing the conventions and explores whether the antiquated qui tam action might serve a useful purpose in addressing enforcement deficit. Part 5 (Fighting Corruption Through Re-Socialization) asks whether greater social awareness through education provides a possible solution. Guided by a humanistic philosophy of society the view is put forward that part of the answer for effectively tackling corruption lies in making people aware of its long-term effects

    Documentation fraud, Fraudulent bills of lading

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    This thesis investigates the issue of bill of lading fraud and discusses the impact of electronic bills of lading. The thesis will focus on English common law and international conventions under which the issue of bill of lading frauds will be analysed. In the analytical chapters, the thesis will make a detailed descriptive investigating as to the different kind of bill of lading fraud. Further it will look at impact of the Rotterdam rules in dealing with its provision on handling fraudulent bills of lading. It was argued that electronic bills of lading system were not only created to minimize the problem of late arrival of documents at the port of discharge but also minimizing the risk of fraud. This should foremost be achieved by electronic bills of lading no longer being sent in three or six originals. It is, however, still debatable, due to lack of a reliable e-commerce system, weather this will minimize the incidence of fraud in bills of lading. Moreover, according to some scholars, the occurrence of bills of lading fraud may even increase due to the likelihood of computer mismanagement and where an open network such as the internet is used. In order for traders to turn to an e-commerce system a reliable and trustworthy system is of essential importance. Further there should be a strong co-operation between states to exchange information about cross-border data flow and access evidence. The Rotterdam Rules was created to progress the current regimes and were projected to satisfy the needs of shipping industry in the 21st century. The Rotterdam Regime makes a more comprehensive attempt to further mitigating the occurrence of bill of lading fraud. Foremost, the particulars which are required to be incorporated in the bill of lading are more clarified and precise. Further, it seems that the Rotterdam regime provides a broader security for the carrier who acts in fraud than its former regimes

    Petty Corruption, Development and Information Technology as an Antidote

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    On the Struggle for Recognition of Southeast Asian and Regional Philosophy

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    World philosophies are gradually gaining in recognition. Today, philosophers in Southeast Asia can freely construct their regional philosophies without philosophical tyranny of the West. However, this situation has not come so easily. Many Asian and African philosophies have experienced a struggle for acceptance. And even this recognition is limited by selectivity and philosophical fashion centered in Western academia and perpetuated by Western educated eastern intellectuals. This paper attempts to show how regionalphilosophy in general and Southeast Asian philosophy in particular can be constructed and accepted. These regional self-constructed philosophies can serve to correct the legacy of the racism and bigotry of the tradition. And the paper also promotes the idea of establishing a philosophical umbrella called ‘Southeast Asian philosophy’ under which regional philosophies can develop and thrive

    Supporting New ODL Learners via Face-to-Face Academic Advising to Increase Retention: Sharing Open University Malaysia’s Experience

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    The last decade has witnessed an increased demand for tertiary education via Open and Distance Learning due to advance methods in technology for educators, administrators and learners that make a difference in effective instruction being delivered at a distance. More people too are beginning to embrace adult education and lifelong learning. Institutions that offer such mode of learning which include the Indira Gandhi National Open University, Islamic Azad University, Anadolu University and Allama Iqbal Open University, have all attained the ‘Mega’ university status with enrolment exceeding 1,000,000 learners. Attrition rate which can be based on completion or graduation rates of their learners is as low as 50 percent to as high as 80 percent. A high rate of attrition is always linked to the learners’ background, which includes their academic and social background, workplace settings, their ability to adapt to the new learning environment as well as their ability to finance their studies. As the cost of attracting learners to an ODL institution is higher than the cost of retaining them, thus the subject of retention has become a widely researched subject until today. At Open University Malaysia, the retention rate is within 69-79 percent among new learners and varies from one faculty to another and also varies for learners from different intakes. Data collected over the last five years revealed that attrition is highest for learners in their first semester as compared to later stages. Thus, several interventions were taken to reach out to new learners to provide support services to engage them actively in learning. Research conducted on 6,141 learners from all over Malaysia throughout a one-year period in 2011 found that early interventions that include face-toface meetings cum Academic Advising sessions conducted by Directors of Learning Centers, have successfully increased the retention rate of first semester learners to 80.1 percent in January 2012. This study is important as early intervention and engagement with new learners will help to improve retention rate and enable an ODL institution to remain sustainable. (abstract by authors

    Soteriologi Buddhis: Jalan Arhat dan Jalan Boddhisattva

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    Soteriology is a branch of theology that studies salvation which provides a framework for understanding how individuals can achieve spiritual liberation and offers guidance on how to live a good life. The specific beliefs and practices associated with them may vary between different religions, but the concept of salvation is a common thread that exists across many religions. Soteriology is important in Buddhism because it provides a framework for attaining liberation from suffering and the cycle of rebirth. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is to attain Nirvāna, the state of complete liberation from suffering. The Catvāri Āryasatyānī (Four Noble Truths), Āryāṣṭānga mārga (Noble Eightfold Path), and other Buddhist teachings all contribute to the Buddhist soteriological framework. Hinayāna and Mahāyāna are two main branches of Buddhism that have different approaches to soteriology. The goal of Hinayāna soteriology is to attain the state of an Arhat, a state of complete personal liberation from suffering and rebirth. While Mahāyāna has the Bodhisattva concept. The ultimate aim of Mahāyāna soteriology is to attain Buddhahood, the state of perfect enlightenment, and use that attainment for the benefit of all sentient beings. They provide guidance for practitioners to develop ethical conduct, wisdom, and mindfulness to advance on the path to liberation

    Ensino a distância e desenvolvimento sustentado: do Índico ao Pacífico

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    Comunicação apresentada no Colóquio sobre "O Oriente hoje: do Índico ao Pacífico", realizada na Universidade Nova de Lisboa de 30 de Maio a 1 de Junho de 199


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    Pertambahan penduduk akan mengakibatkan peningkatan aktivitas dan pembangunan kota, yang akan berdampak pada peningkatan kebutuhan ruang. Kurangnya lahan mengakibatkan ruang terbuka publik akan semakin terdesak. Massa bangunan yang berjejal terasa tidak manusiawi, dan berkurangnya ruang terbuka ini mampu mempengaruhi sirkulasi udara terbuka kawasan dan juga psikologi masyarakat sekitar. Demikian pula dengan kondisi ruang terbuka publik yang ada di Kawasan Simpang Lima Semarang yang mempunyai fungsi semakin kompleks, antara lain sebagai sarana rekreasi, paru-paru kota, penyeimbang kehidupan perkotaan, dan tempat masyarakat bersosialisas