115 research outputs found

    Metal organic frameworks as sorption media for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds at ambient conditions

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    In this research, we investigated the sorptive behavior of a mixture of 14 volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (four aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, p-xylene, and styrene), six C-2-C-5 volatile fatty acids (VFAs), two phenols, and two indoles) against three metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), i.e., MOF-5, Eu-MOF, and MOF-199 at 5 to 10 mPa VOC partial pressures (25 degrees C). The selected MOFs exhibited the strongest affinity for semi-volatile (polar) VOC molecules (skatole), whereas the weakest affinity toward was volatile (non-polar) VOC molecules (i.e., benzene). Our experimental results were also supported through simulation analysis in which polar molecules were bound most strongly to MOF-199, reflecting the presence of strong interactions of Cu2+ with polar VOCs. In addition, the performance of selected MOFs was compared to three well-known commercial sorbents (Tenax TA, Carbopack X, and Carboxen 1000) under the same conditions. The estimated equilibrium adsorption capacity (mg.g(-1)) for the all target VOCs was in the order of; MOF-199 (71.7) > Carboxen-1000 (68.4) > Eu-MOF (27.9) > Carbopack X (24.3) > MOF-5 (12.7) > Tenax TA (10.6). Hopefully, outcome of this study are expected to open a new corridor to expand the practical application of MOFs for the treatment diverse VOC mixtures.This study was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST) (No. 2009-0093848). E Kwon also acknowledges the support made by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No. 2914RA1A004893). The third author thanks SERB-DST, New Delhi for 'Young Scientist-Start up Research Grant (YSS/2015/001440)

    Modeling the innovation resonance in industrialized regions

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    The main objective of this article is to provide a rationale for mathematical models describing the innovation resonance in industrialized regions. The article presents a thorough analysis of trends in the development of Russian industrialized regions, which is then used as the basis to advance and test several hypotheses, such as the hypothesis of uneven economic development in different types of industrialized regions (regions strengthening their industrial status, newly industrialized regions and deindustrialized regions), hypothesis of individual characteristics in the development of certain types of industrialized regions, hypothesis of the state acting as catalyst in innovation dynamics, hypothesis of innovation resonance existing in economic system. The authors propose the methodology of innovation resonance, describe the conditions required for the emergence of resonance in the economic system, and provide a rationale for the types of resonance response. The main methods used in this article are as follows: resonance control method, reproduction method, methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The authors propose a mathematical formalization for the mechanism of innovation resonance in the regional industrial system, including: a) A model for generating investment by industrial sectors and reproduction sectors; b) Dynamic multi-sector reproduction model; c) Adaptive management model for innovative self-development of the regional industrial system; g) A model for the sustainability of innovation dynamics and expanded reproduction. The authors study the innovation resonance in Russian industrialized regions. In the context of innovation resonance, the authors review the functional industrial policy of a typical industrialized region and resonance responses related to its implementation. The results of the study presented in the article can be used in substantiating the mechanisms of regional industrial policy, and to assess the regulatory impact of existing regulatory and legal acts.This article has been prepared with the financial support of the Grant of the Russian Foundation for Humanities № 13–32–01258 Assessing the Capacity for New Industrialization in Russian Regions

    Modeling the innovation resonance in industrialized regions

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    The main objective of this article is to provide a rationale for mathematical models describing the innovation resonance in industrialized regions. The article presents a thorough analysis of trends in the development of Russian industrialized regions, which is then used as the basis to advance and test several hypotheses, such as the hypothesis of uneven economic development in different types of industrialized regions (regions strengthening their industrial status, newly industrialized regions and deindustrialized regions), hypothesis of individual characteristics in the development of certain types of industrialized regions, hypothesis of the state acting as catalyst in innovation dynamics, hypothesis of innovation resonance existing in economic system. The authors propose the methodology of innovation resonance, describe the conditions required for the emergence of resonance in the economic system, and provide a rationale for the types of resonance response. The main methods used in this article are as follows: resonance control method, reproduction method, methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The authors propose a mathematical formalization for the mechanism of innovation resonance in the regional industrial system, including: a) A model for generating investment by industrial sectors and reproduction sectors; b) Dynamic multi-sector reproduction model; c) Adaptive management model for innovative self-development of the regional industrial system; g) A model for the sustainability of innovation dynamics and expanded reproduction. The authors study the innovation resonance in Russian industrialized regions. In the context of innovation resonance, the authors review the functional industrial policy of a typical industrialized region and resonance responses related to its implementation. The results of the study presented in the article can be used in substantiating the mechanisms of regional industrial policy, and to assess the regulatory impact of existing regulatory and legal acts