22 research outputs found

    Prediction of Volumetric Strain for Sand under Cyclic Loading

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    In order to investigate volume change of sand due to cyclic loading, different tests were performed on hollow cylindrical specimens under drained cyclic simple shear condition. Correlation of accumulated plastic shear energy with volumetric strain and effects of different parameters such as initial confining pressure, initial anisotropic consolidation and strain amplitude on this correlation were studied. Test results showed that volumetric strain of sand under different initial confining pressures was almost same. Volume change of specimens with different initial anisotropic consolidations was also identical, except for initial stage of shearing. It was found that the correlation of volumetric strain and normalized energy was similar for different initial confining pressures and anisotropic consolidation. Test results showed that shear strain amplitude affected the volumetric strain-energy correlation. This effect was not significant when volume change was smaller. An average correlation of volumetric strain and energy can be used to predict volume change of sand under different strain amplitudes

    An Improved Discrete PSO for Tugboat Assignment Problem under a Hybrid Scheduling Rule in Container Terminal

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    In container terminal, tugboat plays vital role in safety of ship docking. Tugboat assignment problem under a hybrid scheduling rule (TAP-HSR) is to determine the assignment between multiple tugboats and ships and the scheduling sequence of ships to minimize the turnaround time of ships. A mixed-integer programming model and the scheduling method are described for TAP-HSR problem. Then an improved discrete PSO (IDPSO) algorithm for TAP-HSR problem is proposed to minimize the turnaround time of ships. In particular, some new redefined PSO operators and the discrete updating rules of position and velocity are developed. The experimental results show that the proposed IDPSO can get better solutions than GA and basic discrete PSO

    Optimal mathematical programming and variable neighborhood search for k-modes categorical data clustering

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    The conventional k-modes algorithm and its variants have been extensively used for categorical data clustering. However, these algorithms have some drawbacks, e.g., they can be trapped into local optima and sensitive to initial clusters/modes. Our numerical experiments even showed that the k-modes algorithm could not identify the optimal clustering results for some special datasets regardless the selection of the initial centers. In this paper, we developed an integer linear programming (ILP) approach for the k-modes clustering, which is independent to the initial solution and can obtain directly the optimal results for small-sized datasets. We also developed a heuristic algorithm that implements iterative partial optimization in the ILP approach based on a framework of variable neighborhood search, known as IPO-ILP-VNS, to search for near-optimal results of medium and large sized datasets with controlled computing time. Experiments on 38 datasets, including 27 synthesized small datasets and 11 known benchmark datasets from the UCI site were carried out to test the proposed ILP approach and the IPO-ILP-VNS algorithm. The experimental results outperformed the conventional and other existing enhanced k-modes algorithms in literature, updated 9 of the UCI benchmark datasets with new and improved results

    A variable neighborhood search with an effective local search for uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing problems

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    In this study, we improved the variable neighborhood search (VNS) algorithm for solving uncapacitated multilevel lot-sizing (MLLS) problems. The improvement is two-fold. First, we developed an effective local search method known as the Ancestors Depth-first Traversal Search (ADTS), which can be embedded in the VNS to significantly improve the solution quality. Second, we proposed a common and efficient approach for the rapid calculation of the cost change for the VNS and other generate-and-test algorithms. The new VNS algorithm was tested against 176 benchmark problems of different scales (small, medium, and large). The experimental results show that the new VNS algorithm outperforms all of the existing algorithms in the literature for solving uncapacitated MLLS problems because it was able to find all optimal solutions (100%) for 96 small-sized problems and new best-known solutions for 5 of 40 medium-sized problems and for 30 of 40 large-sized problems

    A study on human-task-related performances in converting conveyor assembly line to cellular manufacturing

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    In this paper, we propose a study to analyse the human-task-related performances in converting a Conveyor Assembly Line (CAL) to cellular manufacturing, which include the possible added operational tasks (which is considered a negative factor for the conversion), the skill level and the cross-training of workers. Three theoretical models (CAL, cellular manufacturing and a joint type, CAL+CM) are constructed involving those constraints respectively. A human-factor-based training approach is also represented for the system performance improvement in cellular manufacturing. Assuming the product mix and the skill level of workers are probability variables, simulation experiments based on the data collected from the previous documents are then used to estimate the marginal impact each factor change had on the estimated performance improvement resulting from the conversion. [Received 18 January 2007; Revised 13 July 2007; Accepted 26 July 2007]assembly line conversion; conveyor assembly lines; cellular manufacturing; labour efficiency; skill levels; cross-training; simulation; performance evaluation; manufacturing cells; human factors; performance improvement.