123 research outputs found

    Global Impacts Report 2017

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    Our fifth Global Impacts Report reflects on the progress of the MSC over the past 20 years, examines the sustainability performance of certified fisheries around the world and highlights areas of future interest

    Shadow banking and the great recession: evidence from an estimated DSGE model

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    We argue that shocks to credit supply by shadow and retail banks were key to understanding the behavior of the US economy during the Great Recession and the Slow Recovery. We base this result on an estimated DSGE model featuring a rich representation of credit flows. Our model selects the two banking shocks as the most important drivers of the crisis because they account simultaneously for the fall in real activity, the decline in credit intermediation, and the rise in lending-borrowing spreads. On the other hand, in contrast with the existing literature,our results assign only a moderate role to productivity and investment efficiency shocks

    Shadow banking and the great recession: evidence from an estimated DSGE model

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    We argue that shocks to credit supply by shadow and retail banks were key to understanding the behavior of the US economy during the Great Recession and the Slow Recovery. We base this result on an estimated DSGE model featuring a rich representation of credit flows. Our model selects the two banking shocks as the most important drivers of the crisis because they account simultaneously for the fall in real activity, the decline in credit intermediation, and the rise in lending-borrowing spreads. On the other hand, in contrast with the existing literature,our results assign only a moderate role to productivity and investment efficiency shocks

    Reversing resistance to tembotrione in an Amaranthus tuberculatus (var. rudis) population from Nebraska, USA with cytochrome P450 inhibitors

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    Background: A population of Amaranthus tuberculatus (var. rudis) was confirmed resistant to 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)-inhibitor herbicides (mesotrione, tembotrione, and topramezone) in a seed corn/soybean rotation in Nebraska. Further investigation confirmed a non-target-site resistance mechanism in this population. The main objective of this study was to explore the role of cytochrome P450 inhibitors in restoring the efficacy of HPPD-inhibitor herbicides on the HPPD-inhibitor resistant A. tuberculatus population from Nebraska, USA (HPPD-R). Background: A population of Amaranthus tuberculatus (var. rudis) was confirmed resistant to 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)-inhibitor herbicides (mesotrione, tembotrione, and topramezone) in a seed corn/soybean rotation in Nebraska. Further investigation confirmed a non-target-site resistance mechanism in this population. The main objective of this study was to explore the role of cytochrome P450 inhibitors in restoring the efficacy of HPPD-inhibitor herbicides on the HPPD-inhibitor resistant A. tuberculatus population from Nebraska, USA (HPPD-R). Results: Enhanced metabolism via cytochrome P450 enzymes is the mechanism of resistance in HPPD-R. Amitrole partially restored the activity of mesotrione, whereas malathion, amitrole, and piperonyl butoxide restored the activity of tembotrione and topramezone in HPPD-R. Although corn was injured through malathion followed by mesotrione application a week after treatment, the injury was transient, and the crop recovered. Includes supplementary file

    Intellectual capital and stock market performance of retail trade and property and real estate industry in Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of intellectual capital on the value of company. Intellectual capital as an independent variable is measured using the Value Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) component. On the other hand, company value as a dependent variable is proxied with Price to Book Value (PBV). 28 companies are selected based on purposive sampling method that come from retail trade and property & real estate sectors listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) from 2014 to 2016. Both panel data procedure analysis and statistical criteria test were conducted. The findings show that the Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), and Structural Capital Value Added (STVA) significantly influence the Price to Book Value (PBV), where VACA has significant positive effect on PBV, while VAHU and STVA have no significant positive effect on PBV.peer-reviewe

    Lipokalin udružen s neutrofilnom gelatinazom kao rani biološki biljeg akutnog oštećenja bubrega u novorođenčadi

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    The aim of the study was to determine the incidence, risk factors and efficiency of the neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) biomarker in early diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in newborns. The study was designed as a prospective, clinical, epidemiological investigation conducted in the period of three years, which included 50 newborns with AKI hospitalized in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, University Children’s Hospital in Skopje. The estimated prevalence of AKI was 6.4%, while the prevalence according to RIFLE classification was 8.7%. Perinatal asphyxia was a common predisposing factor associated to kidney injury. The mortality rate was 32% and was significantly higher in the group of newborns with congenital heart diseases. There was a significant difference between NGAL values and creatinine values on the day of admission. There was a significant difference in NGAL values between newborns with AKI and lethal outcome and newborns without lethal outcome (p<0.001). In conclusion, AKI is a life-threatening condition. It is an independent contributor to mortality. Urinary NGAL is an early predictive biomarker of AKI in critically ill newborns.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi incidenciju, čimbenike rizika i učinkovitost biološkog biljega lipokalina udruženog s neutrofilnom gelatinazom (neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, NGAL) u ranoj dijagnostici akutnog oštećenja bubrega (AOB) kod novorođenčadi. Istraživanje je provedeno kao prospektivna klinička epidemiološka studija kroz razdoblje od tri godine, a obuhvatila je 50 novorođenčadi s AOB hospitalizirane u Neonatalnoj jedinici intenzivnog liječenja (NJIL) Sveučilišne dječje bolnice u Skopju. Procijenjena učestalost AOB bila je 6,4%, dok je učestalost prema klasifikaciji RIFLE iznosila 8,7%. Perinatalna asfiksija bila je čest predisponirajući čimbenik udružen s oštećenjem bubrega. Stopa smrtnosti bila je 32% i bila je značajno viša u skupini novorođenčadi s kongenitalnim srčanim bolestima. Utvrđena je značajna razlika među vrijednostima NGAL i kreatinina na dan prijma u NJIL. Značajna razlika zabilježena je u vrijednostima NGAL između novorođenčadi s AOB i smrtnim ishodom i novorođenčadi bez smrtnog ishoda (p<0,001). U zaključku, AOB je za život opasno stanje koje neovisno doprinosi smrtnosti. NGAL u mokraći je rani predskazujući biološki biljeg za AOB kod kritično bolesne novorođenčadi

    The influence of regulating university student’s workload on their attitude towards homework

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    La presente investigación analiza la percepción que tiene el alumnado universitario sobre el proceso metodológico y evaluativo llevado a cabo en dos asignaturas, focalizándose en los factores de implicación hacia el trabajo y la regulación de las tareas. Participaron 241 alumnos de tres asignaturas del Grado en Prim aria e Infantil de la Universidad de Burgos. Cada una de las asignaturas se dividió en dos grupos (A y B), cada uno impartido por un profesor mediante un enfoque pedagógico diferente. Se empleó una metodología de trabajo mixta mediante el diseño pretest -postest. Por un lado, cuantitativa, realizándose un análisis tanto descriptivo (medias y desviación típica por factores) como inferencial (ANOVAS). Por otro lado, cualitativa, realizando entrevistas a los dos docentes al finalizar el proceso. Se empleó un cu estionario validado de formación inicial del profesorado. Al finalizar la asignatura, los estudiantes del grupo A (registraron su trabajo de manera activa) manifestaron una mayor implicación hacia el trabajo, tanto en relación al pretest como respecto al gru po B (no regularon su trabajo). Dentro del grupo A fueron los alumnos con más titulaciones universitarias los que valoraron más positivamente la experiencia, mientras que en el grupo B las diferencias se encontraron en la variable independiente de la exper iencia previa en el registro de trabajo. Los docentes otorgaron una importancia dispar al rol que desempeña la metodología en el aula

    The Most Effective Strategies to Curb Corruption and Improve Water Service Delivery in Zimbabwe

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    &nbsp;The main objective of this study was to find the most effective strategies to curb and eradicate corruption and improve water service delivery. The study also aimed to present the type, causes, and effects of corruption. A mixed-methods questionnaire survey design was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. 220 questionnaires were distributed to providers and users of water services in Zimbabwe. 149 respondents returned the completed questionnaires. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The Analysis of Variance was used to test the significance of mean scores. The study revealed that corruption is highly prevalent in Zimbabwe. The main factors that cause corruption in the water sector are poor governance, economic hardship, and weak accountability. Corruption leads to economic stagnation and poor foreign investments. Organisations such as the Zimbabwe National Water Authority must improve systems and structures, enhance the auditing process, and educate staff on good ethical standards and effective governance to effectively fight against corruption and improve service delivery. They must also put in place strong governance and accountability frameworks and work closely with communities and policy makers to eradicate corruption. The availability of water should be the same across all the suburbs, and the country needs to adjust its water bill rates in line with regional rates. Service providers should make use of mobile technology to promote citizenry participation in sharing ideas and making decisions on water sustainability. This study reaffirms the need to fight corruption and improve water service delivery.&nbsp