243 research outputs found

    Uncertainties of the CJK 5 Flavour LO Parton Distributions in the Real Photon

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    Radiatively generated, LO quark (u,d,s,c,b) and gluon densities in the real, unpolarized photon, calculated in the CJK model being an improved realization of the CJKL approach, have been recently presented. The results were obtained through a global fit to the experimental F2^gamma data. In this paper we present, obtained for the very first time in the photon case, an estimate of the uncertainties of the CJK parton distributions due to the experimental errors. The analysis is based on the Hessian method which was recently applied in the proton parton structure analysis. Sets of test parametrizations are given for the CJK model. They allow for calculation of its best fit parton distributions along with F2^gamma and for computation of uncertainties of any physical value depending on the real photon parton densities. We test the applicability of the approach by comparing uncertainties of example cross-sections calculated in the Hessian and Lagrange methods. Moreover, we present a detailed analysis of the chi^2 of the CJK fit and its relation to the data. We show that large chi^2/DOF of the fit is due to only a few of the experimental measurements. By excluding them chi^2/DOF approx 1 can be obtained.Comment: 28 pages, 8 eps figures, 2 Latex figures; FORTRAN programs available at http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~pjank/param.html; table 10, figure 10 and section 6 correcte

    Large-Volume Flux Compactifications: Moduli Spectrum and D3/D7 Soft Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We present an explicit calculation of the spectrum of a general class of string models, corresponding to Calabi-Yau flux compactifications with h_{1,2}>h_{1,1}>1 with leading perturbative and non-perturbative corrections, in which all geometric moduli are stabilised as in hep-th/0502058. The volume is exponentially large, leading to a range of string scales from the Planck mass to the TeV scale, realising for the first time the large extra dimensions scenario in string theory. We provide a general analysis of the relevance of perturbative and non-perturbative effects and the regime of validity of the effective field theory. We compute the spectrum in the moduli sector finding a hierarchy of masses depending on inverse powers of the volume. We also compute soft supersymmetry breaking terms for particles living on D3 and D7 branes. We find a hierarchy of soft terms corresponding to `volume dominated' F-term supersymmetry breaking. F-terms for Kahler moduli dominate both those for dilaton and complex structure moduli and D-terms or other de Sitter lifting terms. This is the first class of string models in which soft supersymmetry breaking terms are computed after fixing all geometric moduli. We outline several possible applications of our results, both for cosmology and phenomenology and point out the differences with the less generic KKLT vacua.Comment: 64 pages, 4 figures; v2. references added; v3. typos, reference added, matches published versio

    Prospects for Pentaquark Searches in e+e−e^+e^- Annihilations and γγ\gamma\gamma Collisions

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    Recent strong experimental evidence of a narrow exotic S = +1 baryon resonance, Θ+\Theta^+, suggests the existence of other exotic baryons. We discuss the prospects of confirming earlier experimental evidence of Θ+\Theta^+ and the observation of additional hypothetical exotic baryons in e+e−e^+e^- annihilations and γγ\gamma\gamma collisions at LEP and B Factories

    High-resolution measurement of the time-modulated orbital electron capture and of the ÎČ+\beta^+ decay of hydrogen-like 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions

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    The periodic time modulations, found recently in the two-body orbital electron-capture (EC) decay of both, hydrogen-like 140^{140}Pr58+^{58+} and 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} ions, with periods near to 7s and amplitudes of about 20%, were re-investigated for the case of 142^{142}Pm60+^{60+} by using a 245 MHz resonator cavity with a much improved sensitivity and time resolution. We observed that the exponential EC decay is modulated with a period T=7.11(11)T = 7.11(11)s, in accordance with a modulation period T=7.12(11)T = 7.12(11) s as obtained from simultaneous observations with a capacitive pick-up, employed also in the previous experiments. The modulation amplitudes amount to aR=0.107(24)a_R = 0.107(24) and aP=0.134(27)a_P = 0.134(27) for the 245 MHz resonator and the capacitive pick-up, respectively. These new results corroborate for both detectors {\it exactly} our previous findings of modulation periods near to 7s, though with {\it distinctly smaller} amplitudes. Also the three-body ÎČ+\beta^+ decays have been analyzed. For a supposed modulation period near to 7s we found an amplitude a=0.027(27)a = 0.027(27), compatible with a=0a = 0 and in agreement with the preliminary result a=0.030(30)a = 0.030(30) of our previous experiment. These observations could point at weak interaction as origin of the observed 7s-modulation of the EC decay. Furthermore, the data suggest that interference terms occur in the two-body EC decay, although the neutrinos are not directly observed.Comment: In memoriam of Prof. Paul Kienle, 9 pages, 1 table, 5 figures Phys. Lett. B (2013) onlin

    Seesaw mechanism in the sneutrino sector and its consequences

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    The seesaw-extended MSSM provides a framework in which the observed light neutrino masses and mixing angles can be generated in the context of a natural theory for the TeV-scale. Sneutrino-mixing phenomena provide valuable tools for connecting the physics of neutrinos and supersymmetry. We examine the theoretical structure of the seesaw-extended MSSM, retaining the full complexity of three generations of neutrinos and sneutrinos. In this general framework, new flavor-changing and CP-violating sneutrino processes are allowed, and are parameterized in terms of two 3×33\times 3 matrices that respectively preserve and violate lepton number. The elements of these matrices can be bounded by analyzing the rate for rare flavor-changing decays of charged leptons and the one-loop contribution to neutrino masses. In the former case, new contributions arise in the seesaw extended model which are not present in the ordinary MSSM. In the latter case, sneutrino--antisneutrino mixing generates the leading correction at one-loop to neutrino masses, and could provide the origin of the observed texture of the light neutrino mass matrix. Finally, we derive general formulae for sneutrino--antisneutrino oscillations and sneutrino flavor-oscillations. Unfortunately, neither oscillation phenomena is likely to be observable at future colliders.Comment: 69 pages, 5 figures, uses axodraw.sty. Version accepted for publication in JHEP: some comments and one more Appendix with additional discussion added, references update

    Observational Constraints on Undulant Cosmologies

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    In an undulant universe, cosmic expansion is characterized by alternating periods of acceleration and deceleration. We examine cosmologies in which the dark-energy equation of state varies periodically with the number of e-foldings of the scale factor of the universe, and use observations to constrain the frequency of oscillation. We find a tension between a forceful response to the cosmic coincidence problem and the standard treatment of structure formation.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures in 19 files, uses iopart.cls, iopart10.clo; added reference

    Supporting work practices through telehealth: impact on nurses in peripheral regions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Canada, workforce shortages in the health care sector constrain the ability of the health care system to meet the needs of its population and of its health care professionals. This issue is of particular importance in peripheral regions of Quebec, where significant inequalities in workforce distribution between regions has lead to acute nursing shortages and increased workloads. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are innovative solutions that can be used to develop strategies to optimise the use of available resources and to design new nursing work practices. However, current knowledge is still limited about the real impact of ICTs on nursing recruitment and retention. Our aim is to better understand how work practice reorganization, supported by ICTs, and particularly by telehealth, may influence professional, educational, and organizational factors relating to Quebec nurses, notably those working in peripheral regions.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>First, we will conduct a descriptive study on the issue of nursing recruitment. Stratified sampling will be used to select approximately twenty innovative projects relating to the reorganization of work practices based upon ICTs. Semi-structured interviews with key informants will determine professional, educational, and organizational recruitment factors. The results will be used to create a questionnaire which, using a convenience sampling method, will be mailed to 600 third year students and recent graduates of two Quebec university nursing faculties. Descriptive, correlation, and hierarchical regression analyses will be performed to identify factors influencing nursing graduates' intentions to practice in peripheral regions. Secondly, we will conduct five case studies pertaining to the issue of nursing retention. Five ICT projects in semi-urban, rural, and isolated regions have been identified. Qualitative data will be collected through field observation and approximately fifty semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Data from both parts of this research project will be jointly analysed using triangulation of researchers, theoretical approaches, methods, and results. Continuous exchanges with decision makers and periodic knowledge transfer activities are planned to facilitate the dissemination and utilization of research results in policies regarding the nursing recruitment and retention.</p
