443 research outputs found

    Thermo-Electric Generator Evaluation Board

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    Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) are solid-state devices that convert temperature gradients into electrical energy. TEGs are desirable sources of energy as they require low maintenance and have high reliability with potential for use in low power and remote applications. To date, no simple and affordable, common test platform for evaluating the performance of TEGs in their associated environment exists. This project is aimed at providing such a platform to deliver performance data that is crucial in power budgeting and viability studies of TEG-powered applications. The design utilizes the common LTC3109 converter chip and an off-the-shelf micro-controller for temperature and load current measurements. The setup automatically regulates the electronic load to achieve maximum power transfer and measurement data can either be observed in real-time through a USB-serial host communication port or logged at a user adjustable rate

    Application of Image Processing to Track Twin Boundary Motion in Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys

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    Materials scientists make use of image processing tools more and more as technology advances and the data volume that needs to be analyzed increases. We propose a method to optically measure magnetic eld induced strain (MFIS) as well as twin boundary movement in Ni2MnGa single crystal shape memory alloys to facilitate spatially resolved tracking of deformation. Current magneto-mechanical experiments used to measure MFIS can measure strain only in one direction and do not provide information about the movement of individual twin boundaries. A sequence of images captured from a high resolution camera is analyzed by a boundary detection algorithm to provide strain data in multiple directions. Subsequent motion detection and Hough feature extraction provide quantitative information about the location and movement of active twin boundaries

    A Memristor-Based Neuromorphic Computing Application

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    Artificial neural networks have recently received renewed interest because of the discovery of the memristor. The memristor is the fourth basic circuit element, hypothesized to exist by Leon Chua in 1971 and physically realized in 2008. The two-terminal device acts like a resistor with memory and is therefore of great interest for use as a synapse in hardware ANNs. Recent advances in memristor technology allowed these devices to migrate from the experimental stage to the application stage. This Master\u27s thesis presents the development of a threshold logic gate (TLG), which is a special case of an ANN, implemented with discrete circuit elements using memristors as synapses. Further, a programming circuit is developed, allowing the memristors and therefore the network to be reconfigured and trained in real-time. The results show that memristors are indeed viable for use in ANNs, but are somewhat hard to control as a lot of intrinsic device characteristics are still under investigation and are currently not fully understood. A simple threshold logic gate was built and can be reconfigured to implement AND, OR, NAND, and NOR functionality. The findings presented here contribute towards improvements on the device as well as algorithmic level to implement a memristor-based ANN capable of on-line learning

    Disappearing disease: III. A comparison of seven different stocks of the honey bee (Apis mellifera)

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    The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history


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    SUMMARY We have measured the effects of ephedrine, adrenaline, noradrenaline and isoprenaline on halothaneinduced contractures in muscle biopsies from patients potentially susceptible to malignant hyperthermia (MH). At concentrations of 4-24 mmol litre−1, ephedrine induced in vitro contractures in halothane 0.44 mmol litre−1-prechallenged muscle, whilst adrenaline, noradrenaline and isoprenaline had no effect. There was a shift of the ephedrine concentration-response curve to theleft and an increased maximum muscle contracturein the MH susceptible group compared with the MH negative group (P < 0.001). We conclude that ephedrine increased halothane-induced muscle contractures in vitro either by an unknown pharmacological mechanism or by an adrenergic stimulation which was different from those of the other investigatedadrenoceptoragonists. (Br. J. Anaesth. 1993; 70:76-79

    The reality of construction

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    Stemming from a reflexion on the distrust or denigration of images that characterizes many philosophical or religious doctrines, from Moses' and Plato's condemnations, to empirist doctrines (Bacon, Locke, Hobbes, Hume), this paper proposes a general theoretical argument about the nature of communication and discourse about it. The argument is motivated by some issues in media studies, but is not limited to them. In fact, we suggest that the media, rather than ruining communication (via the manipulation of images), reveal something profound about communication that was easier to leave implicit in earlier times. Thus they reactivate some of the fears that were present in various iconodastic traditions. What is being revealed is closely related to the well-known thesis of the social construction of reality. Our argument, here, is that this constructed character does not entail any need for generalized scepticism, and does not call for a hermeneutics of suspicion intent on unmasking manipulation or artifice. In fact, the social constructedness of social phenomena is in no way antithetic to their reality. If one recognizes that there is a "construction of reality", one can recognize as well that there is a reality to the construction, and finally admit with Lewis Mumford that... "all that can be called 'real' is the outcome of a multitude of sustained transactions and interrelations between the human organism and the environment".A partir d'une réflexion sur la méfiance ou la réprobation à l'égard des images que manifestent plusieurs traditions philosophiques ou religieuse, notamment la Loi mosaïque, la théorie platonicienne, et la tradition des empiristes anglais Bacon, Locke, Hobbes, Hume, cet article propose une analyse plus générale de la nature de la communication et des discours qui s'y rapportent. Cette analyse s'appuie sur quelques exemples empruntés au domaine des médias, mais elle ne porte pas exclusivement sur ce domaine. Elle vise à démontrer que la production d'images à laquelle se livrent les médias, loin d'éliminer la possibilité d'une communication véritable, révèle en fait certaines des caractéristiques propres à toute communication. Ces caractéristiques étaient longtemps restées implicites. Avec l'événement des médias, elles émergent au grand jour, réactivant les craintes qui sous-tendent les grandes traditions iconoclastes. Ces caractéristiques renvoient à la thèse bien connue d'une construction sociale de la réalité. La position défendue ici est que, loin de devoir mener à un scepticisme généralisé, ou à une herméneutique du soupçon avant tout soucieuse de démasquer l'artifice ou la manipulation, le caractère construit des phénomènes sociaux ne s'oppose en rien à leur réalité. On peut alors parler non seulement d'une « construction de la réalité » mais aussi d'une « réalité des constructions », et soutenir avec Lewis Mumford, que ce qu'on baptise le « réel », n'est rien d'autre que le « résultat d'une multitude de transactions et d'échanges continus entre l'organisme humain et son environnement »

    Coming out with the media: the ritualization of self-disclosure in the Dutch television program Uit de Kast

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    Using the media to disclose one’s sexual identity has become an increasingly salient practice in recent years. Yet little is known about the reasons for the emergence of this form of self-disclosure. Based on an analysis of the Dutch television programme Uit de Kast (‘Out of the Closet’), this article relates the rise of mediated coming out practices to the ritualizing power of the media: we argue that media plays a quintessential role in transforming the socially unscripted act of coming out into a patterned, culturally meaningful performance. Our analysis reveals that the ritual work of the programme is embedded in the ways 1) the generic format of the show structures the self-disclosures, 2) the authority of the media is deployed to channel the coming out process, and 3) the programme, while controlling diversity, reinforces dominant societal values and ideologies. The case not only highlights how unprecedented ritual forms come to flourish in the current era of ‘participatory’ media culture, but also demonstrates how ritualization supports and naturalizes the claim that media is an effective agent to create order in everyday, ordinary lives
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