9 research outputs found

    Representation of Eastern Indonesian Stereotype on Television Program (Semiotic Analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce in Waktu Indonesia Timur Television Program)

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    Waktu Indonesia Timur Program is the latest comedy variety show on NET TV by presenting authentic Eastern Indonesian comics as talented talents. the host brought funny content to entertain the audience for its television show. The aim of this study was to reveal the stereotypical representation of Indonesia in Waktu Indonesia Timur program with Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic analysis. This research analysed the signs that appeared in Waktu Indonesia Timur program through Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics and find out the representation of stereotypes of the program. The object of this research is eight videos of Waktu Indonesia Timur, and subject of this research are visual and dialogue delivered in the East Indonesian dialect. The results of this research are two stereotype that represent the eastern of Indonesia, there are first, stereotype of Papuan Humor Mop which contains Voicing the backwardness of Eastern Indonesia and Mocking fellow the easterners and stereotype of culture which include the use of dialect of Papuan Malay dialect, physical differences of the eastern and the eastern legacy

    Diskursus Khilafah dalam Media Televisi Indonesia (Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Program Acara Aiman episode “Mendadak Khilafah” di KompasTV)

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    In Indonesian case, media used to be a tool of government to dominate the universe of discourse, so the discourse that considered as an opposition and threaten the existence of political sturcture, will not have any space. In this reformation era, the media freely rise again with many kinds of importance. Includes KompasTV media, when which appoint khilafah theme that shown on the television program called Aiman, in Monday, 12th of June 2017. Aiman talked about khilafah theme, which is hot topic in society life. In critisism paradigm, the using of language in media it is not a natural and not neutral, but it is intentionally done with some purpose behind it. By looking in this case, the writer interests to know khilafah discourse that will be constructed in KompasTV by the mentioned television program. This analytical unit in form of spoken text and the written text in Aiman, which entittled “Mendadak Khilafah.” The writer uses discourse theory by Michel Foucault to uncover how is the dominance practical doing. By using critical discourse analysis technique, by Norman Fairclough which has result that KompasTV constructs khilafah discourse considered as negative ideology, dangerous, and positioned as forbiden idea which can be threatening the unity of nation. This discourse also shows that KompasTV is the part of media member to prepatuate dominant ideolgy that embraced by this nation. KompasTV practicing discrimination and excision to khilafah ideology, because the struggle of enforcement of khilafah in Indonesia assumed as confrontanting and threatening the structure of nation authority which exist

    Representasi Peran Ibu dalam Iklan (Analisis Semiotika pada Iklan Bertema Hari Ibu)

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    Advertising is a complex communication pattern that moves towards the goal. This study aims to describe the meaning of Mother's Role contained in four YouTube advertisements in December 2017 with the theme "Mother's Day". The research method used is descriptive-qualitative data analysis techniques using Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis which uses the terms denotation, connotation and myth to find out the meaning of the signs of Mother's Role values in the ad. The results of the analysis of this study are indications of understanding motherism in advertisements researchers do. This understanding of motherism is characterized by symbols of Mother's role as an educator, source of affection and a person who has a dual role

    Mediatisasi Identitas Juventus di Kota Solo (Deskriptif Kualitatif Identitas Suporter Juventus di Solo)

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    The purpose of this research is to know the mediatization of ultras shown by Juventini Solo members. This research uses ethnographic research method. Research subjects are Juventus supporters who are members of Juventus Club Solo Indonesia community. Technique of collecting data in this research is interview and observation in field. Data analysis technique in this research is qualitative. The identity of the informant as a Juventini is shown in everyday life by using Juventus trinkets as a form of his love of Juventus. The identity of the ultras is indicated by the identities of yells, songs, and dances that are identical with the support fans from Italy. The role of electronic media especially television and print media has influenced a person to do things like that of Juventus supporters in his country. By viewing television, Italian uforia can be seen directly by members of Juventini Chapter Solo, it encourages Juventus Solo to do something in accordance with what he sees as Juventus supporters on television

    Religion-Related Violence On Television (Study of Semiotic Analysis of Violence in Religion on TV Series "Game of Thrones")

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    The development of communication technology make it easier for us to get information, violence is one of the information, sometimes the violence contained in the media has related with religious issues that we can easily encounter on news and films. Film is the media that has a strong influence on the society in the dissemination of information, the existence of films that use scenes of violence related to religion allows people to think that religion is closely related to an act of violence, whereas a more in-depth analysis is needed to examine the reason for religion to commit an act of violence. One popular program which there is an element of religious violence is the Game of thrones, HBO's exclusive television series which is created from the famous novel by George R.R. Martin. This qualitative research is conducted to show the public about the types of religious-related violence and how the acts of violence are symbolized in the film, so that the society can know the cause of the religious-related violence which appeared in the film. Using Roland Barthes's semiotics method and using the violence theory of Hendrarti and Purwoko which discusses the types of violence, researchers try to conduct an in-depth analysis of religion-related violence in the Game of Thrones. The result of this research is classification of several types of violence in a scene that already analyzed through Roland Barthes semiotics using denotative and connotative techniques, so that it can find out how religious violence is symbolized through scenes in the film and find some kind of violence committed on the basis of religion such as, physical violence, symbolic violence, bureaucratic violence, and structural violence. Keywords: Game of Thrones , religion, semiotics, violenc

    Self Disclosure Difabel dalam Media Sosial (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Kedalaman Self Disclosure Siswa Difabel Daksa di YPAC Surakarta)

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    Different ability is a social problem that still experienced by the society, therefore the disabled people have limitations to meet their needs. Self disclosure is an important thing for everyday needs because the presence of self disclosure can convey people ideas, feelings, opinions, and others. Disabled people who find it difficult to communicate directly can use social media such as facebook. Social media facebook is an effective way to communicate especially for the disabled people who are shy to interact socially because the fear the rejections and negative views. The purpose of this research is to know how the depth disabled people's self disclosure through social media facebook. The type of this research is qualitative with descriptive approach. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews with disabled people and online observation in social media facebook. The data sampling in this study is using purposive sampling, by taking 3 disabled student informants at YPAC Surakarta. The core of the result of this study related to disabled people’s self-disclosure according to its depth include cliches, facts, opinions, and feeling. The confidence of people with disabilities is very visible in social media. In addition, social media provides flexibility for the disabled in conveying his feelings. Another finding, there are disabled people that have a low level of self disclosure even though already using social media because their personality an introvert person

    Representasi Rasisme Dalam Film Loving (2016) (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes)

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    Most of the many films produced by Hollywood that tell of problems in life such as racism in the United States, because the country is rich in races with various skin colors. Loving is a racism-themed film that tells about the true history of the ban on interracial marriages carried out by Richard Loving (white race) and Mildred (black race) in the city of Virginia, before the 1967 anti-miscegenation law was legalized. With these problems, the study was conducted to find out how the representation of racism in the film Loving. The film will be analyzed using Roland Barthes' semiotic theory to make verbal or nonverbal meanings for every scene shown in the film that refers to racism. Because it uses Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, the process of interpreting these scenes will go through two stages, namely through the meaning of denotation and connotation which will then develop into a mythical level for the meaning of each sign. The results of this study indicate that there is racism in the film Loving. Racism is grouped into personal and institutional forms in the form of (1) stereotypes of the black race against whites, (2) prejudice from law enforcement in Virginia against interracial marriage. Then (3) there is discrimination by the family, community, and Virginia law enforcement in dealing with cases of interracial marriage

    Representasi Nasionalisme Indonesia dalam Kemasan Mooie Indie

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    Dji Sam Soe “Mahakarya” merupakan salah satu iklan rokok Indonesia yang mengangkat tema nasionalisme. Dji Sam Soe “Mahakarya” memberikan pesan nasionalisme untuk terus mencintai negeri sendiri, yakni Indonesia. Iklan tersebut mengajak masyarakat Indonesia untuk terus mencintai negeri ini di tengah derasnya laju modernisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui representasi identitas nasional dalam iklan rokok Dji Sam Soe “Mahakarya”. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Analisis data berupa pengidentifikasian tanda, pemahaman, dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua bentuk makna representasi dalam iklan Dji Sam Soe “Mahakarya”, yakni representasi nasionalisme dalam kemasan Mooie Indie dan representasi inklusi budaya daerah Bali. Representasi identitas nasional dalam Mooie Indie ditunjukkan dalam aspek kecintaan terhadap tanah kelahiran. Kecintaan terhadap tanah kelahiran divisualisasikan negara Indonesia. Wujudnya berupa mencintai negara sendiri

    Representasi Orang Tua Tunggal dalam Film Susah Sinyal

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    Film Susah Sinyal adalah film yang mengangkat tema kehidupan perempuan orang tua tunggal dalam menjalankan perannya. Orang tua tunggal merupakan gambaran dari orang tua tunggal yang sangat tangguh karena harus memerankan kedua peran yaitu sebagai ayah dan ibu. Adapun tujuan melakukan penelitian yaitu menunjukan stereotip-stereotip perempuan orang tua tunggal pada film Susah Sinyal. Jenis peneltian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Penelitian ini berfokus pada peran perempuan orang tua tunggal bernama Ellen yang direpresentasikan dalam film. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa reperesentasi stereotip orang tua tunggal ditunjukkan dalam 2 (dua) kategori. Pertama, represntasi stereotip perempuan orang tua tunggal yang menggambarkan perempuan yang memiliki sifat emosional, sikap otoriter terhadap anak dan bekerja keras dalam ranah publik. Kedua, representasi ideologi patriarki menemukan adanya stereotip bahwa anak yang bermasalah merupakan kegagalan perempuan orang tua tunggal dalam mendidik dan mengasuh anak