
Mediatisasi Identitas Juventus di Kota Solo (Deskriptif Kualitatif Identitas Suporter Juventus di Solo)


The purpose of this research is to know the mediatization of ultras shown by Juventini Solo members. This research uses ethnographic research method. Research subjects are Juventus supporters who are members of Juventus Club Solo Indonesia community. Technique of collecting data in this research is interview and observation in field. Data analysis technique in this research is qualitative. The identity of the informant as a Juventini is shown in everyday life by using Juventus trinkets as a form of his love of Juventus. The identity of the ultras is indicated by the identities of yells, songs, and dances that are identical with the support fans from Italy. The role of electronic media especially television and print media has influenced a person to do things like that of Juventus supporters in his country. By viewing television, Italian uforia can be seen directly by members of Juventini Chapter Solo, it encourages Juventus Solo to do something in accordance with what he sees as Juventus supporters on television

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