Representasi Rasisme Dalam Film Loving (2016) (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes)


Most of the many films produced by Hollywood that tell of problems in life such as racism in the United States, because the country is rich in races with various skin colors. Loving is a racism-themed film that tells about the true history of the ban on interracial marriages carried out by Richard Loving (white race) and Mildred (black race) in the city of Virginia, before the 1967 anti-miscegenation law was legalized. With these problems, the study was conducted to find out how the representation of racism in the film Loving. The film will be analyzed using Roland Barthes' semiotic theory to make verbal or nonverbal meanings for every scene shown in the film that refers to racism. Because it uses Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, the process of interpreting these scenes will go through two stages, namely through the meaning of denotation and connotation which will then develop into a mythical level for the meaning of each sign. The results of this study indicate that there is racism in the film Loving. Racism is grouped into personal and institutional forms in the form of (1) stereotypes of the black race against whites, (2) prejudice from law enforcement in Virginia against interracial marriage. Then (3) there is discrimination by the family, community, and Virginia law enforcement in dealing with cases of interracial marriage

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