75 research outputs found
Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Pada Kondisi Cerebral Palsy Flaccid Di Sekolah Luar Biasa Daya Ananda Panti II Yayasan Sayap Ibu Cabang Yogyakarta
Latar belakang: cerebral palsy merupakan masalah kelainan bawaan lahir yang
sering terjadi. Setiap 2000 kelahiran, 5 diantaranya mengalami gangguan tersebut.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui penatalaksanaan fisioterapi dengan terapi latihan
dalam meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar, meningkatkan kemampuan
koordinasi, dan meningkatkan kemampuan aktivitas fungsional dengan
menggunakan terapi latihan.
Hasil: Setelah dilakukan terapi dengan terapi latihan sebanyak 6 ka li, selama 2
minggu belum ada peningkatan terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar dengan gross
motor function T0= 64,78% sampai T6= 64,78% , peningkatan kemampuan
koordinasi, dan peningkatan kemampuan aktivitas fungsional dengan Indeks
Barthel T0= 80 sampai T6= 80.
Kesimpulan: Cerebral palsy flaccid adalah gangguan pada otak atau saraf pusat
yang bersifat non-progresif yang disebabkan oleh adanya lesi atau perkembangan
abnormal pada otak yang ditandai dengan kondisi dimana tonus terlihat lemah dan
kualitas otot le bih rendah dari normal dan disertai gerakan yang lebih lambat.
Terapi latihan belum mampu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan motorik kasar,
meningkatkan kemampuan koordinasi dan meningkatkan kemampuan aktivitas
fungsional secara maksimal
Latihan Contract Relax Stretching dapat Meningkatkan Fleksibilitas Otot Hamstring
Background: Flexibility is an important support in performing comfortable movements and is one of the components that determine human motion activity. For non-athletes the flexibility can be to support the activities of everyday activities while for sportsmen such as gymnastics, scenic jumps, judo, some athletic numbers, fencing, wrestling and other sports games flexibility is indispensable. Flexibility is a necessary prerequisite for displaying a skill that requires extensive joint motion and facilitates quick and agile movements.
Objective: To determine the effect of Contract Relax Stretching exercise to increase the flexibility of Hamstring muscle.
Research Methods: The design of this study was an experiment with Quasy Experimental type. The design of this study used pre test and post test and control group involving intervention groups. Sample of 20 people. The study was divided into two groups of 10 groups each. The treatment group was given Contract Relax Stretching exercises and the control group was given Active Stretching exercises.
Result: The data obtained from normality test distributed because p> 0,05 then influence test that used is paired sample t-test with result of influence test on treatment group p value = 0.000 and control group p value = 0,000, while test the difference of Contract Relax Stretching and Active Stretching effect using independent test sample t-test result p = 0,000.
Conclusion: Based on the data, it can be concluded that Contract Relax Stretching and Active Stretching exercises have an effect on increasing flexibility of hamstring muscle
Penatalaksanaan Massage Dan Terapi Latihan Pada Kondisi Torticollis Sinistra Di Ypac Surakarta. Management Massage And Therapy Exercise In The Condition Torticollis Sinistra In Ypac Surakarta.
Latar Belakang: Torticollis adalah suatu keadaan dimana terjadi keterbatasan gerak pada leher yang disebabkan oleh pemendekan otot sternocleidomastoideus pada salah satu sisi dan mengakibatkan kepala dipertahankan pada sisi yang
mengalami gangguan yang menyebabkan kontralateral pada dagu. Pada kasus ini diberikan modalitas berupa massage dan terapi latihan. Jika pada kasus ini tidak dilakukan terapi dengan segera maka akan muncul masalah-masalah baru
misalnya terjadi asymetris pada wajah pasien. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan fisioterapi dalam mengurangi spasme,
meningkatkan lingkup gerak sendi dan mengulur otot sternocleidomastoideus yang memendek pada kasus torticollis dengan menggunakan modalitas massage dan Terapi Latihan (TL). Hasil: Setelah dilakukan terapi selama 6 kali didapat hasil penilaian: peningkatan lingkup gerak sendi (LGS) neck pasif. T1 lateral fleksi dextra: 4 menjadi T6: 6. T1 side rotasi dextra: 3,2cm menjadi T6: 4,7cm. LGS neck aktif T1 lateral fleksi dextra: 3cm menjadi T6: 5cm. T1 side rotasi dextra: 3cm menjadi T6: 4cm. Peningkatan penguluran otot sternocleidomastoideus sinistra (statis), T1: 8cm menjadi T6: 8,3cm. Saat posisi dinamis (distretch), T1: 8,9cm menjadi T6: 9,2cm. Penurunan spasme T1: terdapat spasme menjadi T6: spasme berkurang. Kesimpulan: Massage dapat mengurangi spasme pada kedua otot trapezius dan
sternocleidomastoideus sinistra. Terapi Latihan dapat meningkatkan lingkup gerak sendi pada leher, dan dapat mengulur otot sternocleidomastoideus yang memendek.
Background: Torticollis is a condition where there is limited motion in the neck caused by muscle shortening sternocleidomastoideus on one side and maintained
the lead to the head side contralateral disorder that causes the chin. In this case it is given in the form of massage modalities and therapeutic exercise. If the case is
not done immediately, the therapy will emerge new problems such as occurs asymetris on the patient's face.
Objective: To determine the implementation of physiotherapy in reducing spasms, increase range of motion and muscle gain sternocleidomastoideus shortened in cases of torticollis using massage modalities and Exercise Therapy.
Results: After treatment for 6 times the results of the assessment obtained: an increase in range of motion (LGS) passive neck. T1 lateral flexion dextra: 4 to T6:
6. T1 rotation dextra side: 3.2 cm to T6: 4.7 cm. LGS active T1 lateral neck flexion dextra: 3cm to T6: 5cm. T1 rotation dextra side: 3cm to T6: 4cm. Increased muscle stretching sternocleidomastoideus the left (static), T1: 8cm to T6: 8.3 cm. When dynamic positioning (distretch), T1: 8.9 cm to T6: 9.2 cm. Decrease spasm T1: there is a spasm of T6: reduced spasm. Conclusion: Massage can reduce muscle spasm in the trapezius and sternocleidomastoideus both sinistra. Exercise therapy can improve range of
motion in the neck, and can bide sternocleidomastoideus shortened muscles
Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kondisi Nyeri Punggung Bawah Miogenik Di RSUD Sragen
Background: Low back pain miogenik is a sensory and emotional experience which is not pleasant in the area between thorakal 12 to the bottom of the hip or lumbar 5, which arise as a result of damage or potential tissue damage, among others, the damage to the blood vessels, fascia, muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligament, meniscus and exchanges (Paliyama, 2003).
Objective: To determine the benefit of Short Wave Diathermy (SWD) and Core Stability Exercises for the reduction of pain, muscle spasm of the vertebrae, increase range of motion, increase muscle strength and functional activity due to increased lower back pain miogenik.
Results: After the implementation of the action physiotherapy for six times the results obtained are, decrease the degree of pain, an increase in LGS and increase muscle strength flexor and extensor trunk as follows: painful motion of T1 on a scale of 6 to T6 scale 3, tenderness of T1 scale 4 to T6 scale 1, painful silence of T1 scale 3 to T6 scale 1, LGS on that trunk flexors T1 trunk of 3cm into T6 8 cm, trunk extensor of T1 T6 2cm into 6cm, side flexion of T1 10cm dekstra be T6 12 cm, side The left flexion of T1 12cm fixed 12 cm, increase muscle strength of the trunk flexors T1 is 3 to 4 T6, trunk extensor of T1 T6 3 to 4, side flexion dekstra of T1 T6 3 to 4, and flexion of the left side of the T1 3 to 4.
Conclusion: In mitigate problems arising from lower back pain miogenik, physiotherapy with modalities Short Wave Diathermy (SWD) and Core Stability Exercise can reduce pain, reduce muscle spasms in the vetrebra, increase range of motion (LGS) in the trunk, increase muscle strength so that the functional activity of the patient can return to normal
Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Push-Up Dan Clapping Push-Up Terhadap Peningkatan Power Otot Lengan Pada Remaja Laki-Laki Usia 12-15 Tahun
Latar belakang: Kondisi fisik merupakan unsur yang sangat penting dalam olah raga, dan power otot dijelaskan mempunyai peranan yang esensil dalam tercapainya kesuksesan seorang atlet. Power dari otot dapat meningkat ketika otot
tersebut mendapatkan suatu latihan. Salah satu latihan untuk meningkatkan power otot adalah latihan plyometric. Latihan plyometric adalah metode latihan dengan bentuk kombinasi latihan isometrik dan isotonik yang mempergunakan
pembebanan dinamik. Upper body plyometric disebutkan masih menerima sedikit perhatian. Latihan plyometric push-up dan clapping push-up adalah bagian dari latihan plyometric untuk meningkatkan power dari otot lengan. Tujuan
penelitian: untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan plyometric push-up dan clapping push-up terhadap peningkatan power otot lengan pada remaja usia 12-15 tahun. Metode penelitian: quasi experiment dengan two group pre and post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah anak asuh berjenis kelamin laki-laki yang bertempat tinggal di panti Yayasan Bina Insani Kab. Ngawi. Total populasi sebanyak 25 responden dan total sampel sebanyak 18 responden dengan rincian pada kelompok Plyometric push-up 9 responden dan pada kelompok Clapping push-up 9 responden, 7 responden tidak memenuhi kriteria inklusi, dan tidak ada responden yang termasuk dalam kriteria eksklusi ataupun kriteria pengguguran. Power dari otot lengan diukur dengan menggunakan Medicine ball put test. Hasil penelitian dianalisa dengan menggunakan uji Paired sample T-test dan uji Independent sample T-test. Hasil penelitian: uji Paired sample T-test menunjukkan hasil p = 0,00001 < 0,05 yang berarti ada pengaruh latihan Plyometric push-up dan Clapping push-up terhadap peningkatan power otot
lengan pada remaja usia 12-15 tahun. Berdasarkan nilai rata (mean) kelompok Clapping push-up memiliki rata-rata pengaruh yang lebih besar dari pada Plyometric push-up (30,33 > 27,78). Hasil uji Independent sample T-test
menunjukkan hasil p = 0,443 > 0,05 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kelompok Plyometric push-up dan kelompok Clapping push-up terhadap peningkatan power otot lengan pada remaja laki-laki usia 12-15 tahun
Pengaruh Latihan Interval Intensitas Tinggi Terhadap Peningkatan Kebugaran Kardiorespirasi Pada Pemain Bulutangkis Di SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal
Background: Badminton is a small ball game that requires good cardiovascular endurance especially in single game. One of the training to improve cardiovascular endurance (VO2max) is high intensity interval training (HIIT), basically the method of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is done sprint and jogging in turn.
Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of High Intensity Interval Exercise on increasing VO2max.
Method: This research is an experimental research using group pretest posttest design design done in SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal in December 2017 until january year 2018. The sample of this research is students of Extracurricular Exercise of Badminton of SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal which amounted to 28 people, who were given pre and post. This exercise is done for 6 weeks with the frequency of exercise twice a week. At the time of pre measurement is done with Multy-satge fitness test (MFT). Then intervention is done using High Interval High Intensity (HIIT) walk and run. Next post is measured with Multy-stage fitness test.
Results: The results showed that in the normality test by using the shapiro-wilk test, the results obtained p = 0.647 so that 0.647> 0.05 then the normal distribution. In the test of influence by using dependent T-test obtained the average value of the test before 30,579 and after 42,271 showed there was an increase before the training was given and after the exercise, with the value p = 0.000. This shows that p is smaller than 0.05 means that in this training it is affected, improved and significant.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the effect of high intensity interval training for 15 minutes to increase VO2max.
Suggestion: It is recommended that HIIT training is intensified in badminton sport training process. Suggestions for future researchers in order to monitor physical activity, nutritional status and sleep patterns of samples that will also affect the results of research
Pengaruh Balance Exercise Terhadap Peningkatan Status Keseimbangan Fungsional Pada Wanita Di Posyandu Lansia Ngadisono Kadipiro Surakarta
Latar belakang: keseimbangan fungsional pada wanita lansia dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan otot, system visual, dan vestibular. Pemberian balance exercise dengan modifikasi metode penguatan otot ekstremitas bawah dan cawthorne’s head exercise dengan pemberian durasi 20 menit, 2 hari 1 kali selama 3 minggu dinilai dapat meningkatkan status keseimbangan fungsional. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk mengetahui pengaruh balance exercise terhadap status keseimbangan fungsional pada wanita lansia. Metode Penelitian: quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pre and post test with group control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu-ibu di posyandu lansia Ngudi Waras, Ngadisono selama 3 minggu, responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebanyak 30 responden. Total sampel sebanyak 30 responden dengan rincian pada kelompok eksperimen 15 responden, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol terdapat 15 responden. Hasil penelitian dianalisa dengan uji Independent T-Test. Hasil Penelitian: Uji Independent T-Test menunjukan hasil p= 0,0001 < 0,05 yang berarti ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol terhadap status keseimbangan fungsional pada wanita lansi
Pengaruh Latihan Interval Intensitas Tinggi Terhadap Peningkatan Kebugaran Kardiorespirasi Pada Pemain Bulutangkis Di SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal
Background: Badminton is a small ball game that requires good cardiovascular endurance especially in single game. One of the training to improve cardiovascular endurance (VO2max) is high intensity interval training (HIIT), basically the method of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is done sprint and jogging in turn.
Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of High Intensity Interval Exercise on increasing VO2max.
Method: This research is an experimental research using group pretest posttest design design done in SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal in December 2017 until january year 2018. The sample of this research is students of Extracurricular Exercise of Badminton of SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal which amounted to 28 people, who were given pre and post. This exercise is done for 6 weeks with the frequency of exercise twice a week. At the time of pre measurement is done with Multy-satge fitness test (MFT). Then intervention is done using High Interval High Intensity (HIIT) walk and run. Next post is measured with Multy-stage fitness test.
Results: The results showed that in the normality test by using the shapiro-wilk test, the results obtained p = 0.647 so that 0.647> 0.05 then the normal distribution. In the test of influence by using dependent T-test obtained the average value of the test before 30,579 and after 42,271 showed there was an increase before the training was given and after the exercise, with the value p = 0.000. This shows that p is smaller than 0.05 means that in this training it is affected, improved and significant.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the effect of high intensity interval training for 15 minutes to increase VO2max.
Suggestion: It is recommended that HIIT training is intensified in badminton sport training process. Suggestions for future researchers in order to monitor physical activity, nutritional status and sleep patterns of samples that will also affect the results of research
Pengaruh Yoga Terhadap Kontrol Asma
Background: Asthma is a serious public health problem in many countries around the world. people with asthma will experience muscle spasms that can cause shortness of breath, difficulty in expiration, decreased lung capacity and physical condition will be weakened. Management of asthma guidelines aiming for a better quality of life with controlled asthma. Yoga is a physical and mental training methods for all the ages. Yoga will give relaxation to the body, blood circulation, breathing control. Yoga is very good for people with asthma and bronchitis. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of yoga on asthma control. Methods: This study is the use of quasi-experimental research, using the method of single-case approach research with pre and post test. Sampling using the total sample. Measuring the level of asthma control using the Asthma Control Test (ACT). Results: Test statistic using the Wilcoxon test and the obtained results mean p = 0.042 p <0.05, it is concluded that there is a difference between before and after treatment. Conclusion: There is the effect of yoga on asthma control. Seen from differences in questionnaire scores Asthma Control Test (ACT) before or after treatmen
Hubungan Proses Persalinan Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Pada Bayi Usia 4 Bulan Dan 10 Bulan
Background: Motor development is the development of a control body movement through the coordination of the activity of the central nervous, peripheral nerves and :muscles. Control the 111(\\,<::I11<e:mnterged from the development of reflex-reflex which started in the womb. •1he development 01"
111010c1o' nsist of 2 1110torthat is differentiated into gross and line motor. The gross
111010ris an aspect of motor development of locomotion (movement) and postures
(body position). while the fine motor development is an aspect thai is affected by
maturation of neuromuscular coordination. 1110torfunction is good. accurate visual function. and the ability of the intellect nonverbal. Motor development i$ influenced by many factors. both from" ithin and from the outside one is labor. Birthing is consist of2 thai is spontaneous labor and seciio caesarea. Spontaneous birthing cause a baby actively experiencing the reflex was born. while babies who are born in sectio caesarea do not experience a reflex born. Early development in the baby's brain is maturasi influenced by primitive reflex mechanisms which were reflected in the womb. birth reflexes. reflexes after born and natural reflexes. Primitive reflexes of the average will be clouded by a functional movement at the age of 6 months. Primitive:' reflexes of their residence shows the presence or impaired development.
Objective: This research was conducted to find out the labor relationship with
1110tordevelopment of infants aged .j months and I() months.
Research method: This study uses observational approach case control of
retrospective. Measuring instrument used is the II DDST. Su~jCCtS research 30 infants aged 41months and ~O infants aged I() months.
Result: Test analysis using Chi-Square with the result p value on 4 month age group is 0.0 II and P value On 10 month age group is 0.127.
Conclusion: On 4 1110nthage group the P value < 0.05 which means there is a relationship between birth'ing with the development of motor skills and 10 month
age group the P value > (LOS which means there is no relationship between binhing with the development of motor skills.
Key words: fine 1110torgross motor. birthing proces
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