35 research outputs found

    The implementation of Hymes “SPEAKING” theory on ethnography of communication

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    This paper is a response to the recent phenomenon among the students of English study program at IAIN Palangka Raya who are interested in lingusiticts especially in interdisciplinary approach. To respond to those phenomenons, then we present the sociolinguistic approach, how to apply the SPEAKING theory that is initiated by Hymes (1972) in ethnography of communication. In sociolinguistic studies the use of language in a speech event is not only discuss about the form of language, as well as the structure, but it’s closely related to the behavior of speech that is governed by norms that have been negotiatid in a certain community. Hymes (1972a) argues that a communication in a speech event is closely related to factors outside the language or called as metalingual such as where, when, who the speaker and his or her opponent, the content of the utterance, the purpose of the speech, the intonation of the speech, are included in the psychological condition of the speaker. All components of that speech then summarized in an acronym of "SPEAKING.

    Analisis Perilaku Konsumsi Pangan Mahasiswa PGSD UMPR Selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peerilaku konsumsi pangan mahasiswa PGSD UMPR pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah mahasiswa lebih memilih untuk memasak atau mengolah makanan sendiri dibandingkan membeli makanan dari luar karena lebih menjaga kesehatan. Perilaku konsumsi pangan mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan pada saat pandemi Covid-19, mahasiswa lebih selektif dalam memilih makanan

    Korespondensi Imam Qalyubi

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    The Economics of Literature Study of Bidadari Bermata Bening Novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy

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    This study aims to find the economic values contained in the novel Bidadari Bermata Bening by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. This research is a qualitative descriptive research that uses primary and secondary data sources. This study uses content analysis techniques by describing the contents of literary texts in novels and then relating them to economic theories. The results of the study found that there are many economic values contained in the novel Bidadari Bermata Bening, including: consumption, distribution, marketing, investment, production, and management. Consumption that occurs when the character buys tuna with a price difference that is not far from the market price. The distribution value is reflected in the giving of a certain amount of money for library books. Marketing is described when a merchant offers his product as an alternative to other products. Investments in novels are in the form of financing for children to study abroad. The production value is shown in figures who work in textile factories and in the operation of a service agency for the distribution of labor abroad. Management practices exist in collaboration between pesantren and local residents to provide lodging for student guardians


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    This study attempted to find out how students view the use of code switching and code mixing when learning in public speaking course. Code switching is the switching of two languages from one language to another or language variations in one conversation across sentence or clause boundaries. While code mixing is one language to another in the same speech or in the same spoken or written text. This study used 15 class A students of 2020 and a lecturer who taught public speaking courses in that class. This research used a case study method, while the instruments used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study were (1) code switching and code mixing was very influential in learning especially public speaking. These codes were very helpful in understanding English fully, so that there was no misunderstanding in receiving material from the lecturer, and so that the learning process can run well and the learning materials can be accepted by students perfectly. (2) Several factors caused code switching and code mixing to be carried out in public speaking class, the factors were: (a) Avoid misunderstanding when delivering material. (b) To make sure the student understood what he talked about. (c) To make the learning process be easier, make students able to receive learning materials well. (3) Based on observation, interview, and data documentation, the finding revealed that code switching and code mixing happened when was absent and during learning, the types used by lecturer only code switching, they called as intra sentential, inter sentential, and emblematic. Keywords:  Code Switching, Code Mixing, Public Speakin

    An Analysis of Cultural Contents in EFL Textbook: “Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII”

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    EFL textbooks are optimal resources for EFL teachers and students, providing essential materials for teaching and learning English. Cultural content in these textbooks is an important aspect that needs attention, because it plays an important role in shaping EFL students' attitudes and beliefs towards other cultures, especially in MTsN 1 school in Palangka Raya city. This study aims to find out (1) what aspects are included in the cultural content presented in the "Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII" textbook. then (2) What is the meaning of culture presented in the "Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII" textbook? Cultural content will be studied using descriptive and qualitative methods. The research subject is taken from the EFL Textbook:"Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII". The data sources used are the cultural content contained in the research books, observations and documents. The analysis in this study includes data collection, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research shows that the textbook "Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VII" has an unbalanced ratio between the four aspects of culture (product, practice, perspective and society). The practical side dominates the content of the book, followed by the product side, the opinion side, and the social side. There are three types of cultural content in secondary school textbooks: source culture, target culture and international culture. Textbooks present more source culture than target culture and international culture

    "Isen Mulang" Motto : Spirit Symbol of the Dayak Community in Response to Capital City Movement to Palangka Raya

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    This paper try to explore the issues of the capital city movement from Jakarta to Palangka Raya which is in the recent years has been widely discussed both in the regional and national media. So far there have been many studies on the movement of the capital's discourse on economic, geological, topographical aspects and there is no research that explicitly examines the discourse of the transfer of capital from a cultural perspective as reviewed in this paper. We know that the culture is very fundamental in encouraging the discourse of the capital movement, especially in the cultural aspect especially in Isen Mulang's spirit which is owned by Ngaju Dayak in central Kalimantan. In this study found that the Dayak community in several regions in Central Kalimantan, especially in the three research locations, the municipility of Palangka Raya, Katingan Regency and Gunung Mas Regency responded with three views in addressing the capital city movement as follows.; (1) Fully agree with the discourse of the capital city movement (2) Reject the discourse of the capital city movement, and (3) Receives the discourse with some notes


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    Language variations in terms of usage are known as registers. This study examines the form and meaning of registers of vegetable traders in the modern traditional Kahayan market of Palangkaraya Municipality. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research which involved five informants in Kahayan Modern Traditional Market Palangkaraya Municipality based on sampling technique the criteria needed. Collecting the data, the researcher utilized three instruments  which  were observation, interview and documentation. (1) This study attempts to describe the form of registers of vegetable traders in the modern traditional Kahayan market, Palangkaraya Municipality. (2) This  study attempts to describe the meaning of the register of vegetable traders in the modern traditional Kahayan market, Palangkaraya Municipality. The data were analyzed using the listen, note and tapping technique. Data were analyzed using triangulation method. The results of this study are that the first is that there is a clitic form of the entlithic type and the phrase. Second, the meaning of registering vegetable traders in the traditional Kahayan market, Palangkaraya, Kota Madya, is instrumental, provides an opportunity, and interaction function shows feelings. Keywords:  Vegetable Seller Register, Analysis Language, and Traditional Marke