
The implementation of Hymes “SPEAKING” theory on ethnography of communication


This paper is a response to the recent phenomenon among the students of English study program at IAIN Palangka Raya who are interested in lingusiticts especially in interdisciplinary approach. To respond to those phenomenons, then we present the sociolinguistic approach, how to apply the SPEAKING theory that is initiated by Hymes (1972) in ethnography of communication. In sociolinguistic studies the use of language in a speech event is not only discuss about the form of language, as well as the structure, but it’s closely related to the behavior of speech that is governed by norms that have been negotiatid in a certain community. Hymes (1972a) argues that a communication in a speech event is closely related to factors outside the language or called as metalingual such as where, when, who the speaker and his or her opponent, the content of the utterance, the purpose of the speech, the intonation of the speech, are included in the psychological condition of the speaker. All components of that speech then summarized in an acronym of "SPEAKING.

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