13 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Hello English Application as English Learning Media to Teach Speaking Skill in Tourism Major at the Tenth Grade Students at SMK Negeri 1 Karanganyar

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    This research aims to describe the implementation of the Hello English application as English learning media used by English teachers in teaching speaking skills in class, identifying the responses given by students to Hello English application that the teacher applied as English learning media to teach speaking skill, and describe the advantages and disadvantages of the Hello English application as learning media to teach speaking skillfrom the perspective of teacher and students. The method used in this research is qualitative description research, techniques in data collection through observation, interview and documentation. Thisresearch uses a theory from Hymes (1970) as a reference in finding and analyzing the implementation of Hello English application as English learning media to teach speaking skill.The subjects of this research were teacher and students. Based on data analysis, the results of this study indicate that in applying the material, the teacher divides the learning process by three parts such as pre-teaching, while teaching includes observing the step; question and answer step; gathering information or trial step; step of association or information processing; the communication step, and post-teaching. The students responses toward theimplementation the method that teacher used is good and positively, because during the teaching learning process, the students can enjoy and understand fluently

    Speech Act of Directive Utterances in Sherlock Holmes “Scarlet”

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    SUMMARY Anthien Bhinthamie, A320110036. "Speech Act of Directive Utterances in Sherlock Holmes “Scarlet”". Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Research Paper. 2015. The objective of the research is to describe forms and intention of directive utterance. The data source is Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet novel. The object to be analyzed are speech act of directive utterances in Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet novel. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The writer uses documentation as the method of collecting the data in this research. The method of documentation are reading the novel, signing the directive utterance, and gathering the data. The result of the research shows that: First, the writer finds three kinds of directive form, they are: declarative sentence, imperative sentence, and interrogative sentence. The imperative sentences are divided into two categories: imperative sentence ended by exclamatory mark and ended by full stop. Second, the roles of directive utterance are classified into four types: command, requesting, suggestion, and invitation. Keywords: directive utterance, pragmatic, speech ac

    A Revenge In Olivier Megaton’s Colombiana Movie (2011): A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    This research investigates how the revenge influences the major character’s personality development in Olivier Megaton, viewed for an individual psychological approach, especially behaviorist perspective. Therefore, the study analyzes the movie in terms of its structural elements based on the individual psychological perspective. This study belongs to qualitative study. In this method, the writer uses two data sources; they are primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source and the object of the study is the movie, Colombiana itself. Meanwhile the secondary one is any books of literature and psychology related to this study. The writer collects the data from both primary and secondary data sources in a sort of document evidence. The result of the data shows the following conclusion: first, the dominant influence building Restrepo's personality is his family, especially her daughter. Her personality is like her father. Second, Cataleya becomes a quiet girl when she was young. This is all because of love, love from her parent. In this movie, Cataleya change to be strong, smart and killer person because of his family’s influence

    Improving Vocabulary Using Illustration For Fifth Year Students Of SD N Gendingan 4 Ngawi In 2011/2012 Academic Year

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    This study aims at describing the procedures of teaching vocabulary using illustration and its influence to the students’ vocabulary mastery and for clarifying the strengths and weaknesses of the illustration to teach vocabulary. The research was held in SD N Gendingan 4 Ngawi. The writer took 28 students of the fifth year as the subject. To collect the required data the writer compared the results of pre-test and post-test. We could see that improving vocabulary using illustration was able to achieve a good result. It means that the teaching-learning process was effective and successful. In pre-test the mean score was 64. 07, in post-test 1 the mean score was 80.46, and in post-test 2 the mean score was 83,89. It could be seen from the increasing result of students’ achievement of the post-test 2 and was better than post-test 1. Post-test1 was better than pre-test.. It means that teaching vocabulary using illustration in SD N Gendingan 4 has a good result. The use of illustration in teaching vocabulary is very appropriate and helpful in teaching-learning process. The advantages of this research are the students have high interest in learning English and the students are motivated to be active in the class. The disadvantages of this research are the teacher needed much time to prepare material and she used the native language in the class

    An Analysis Of Focus Group Discussion Strategies To Enhance Public Speaking Used By Muhammadiyah English Debating Society(MEDS)

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    This study aims to describe the implementation of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) used by Muhammadiyah English Debating Society at Muhammadiyah University, Surakarta, identify difficulties experienced by the students and find solutions to overcome the difficulties. Researcher used qualitative descriptive methods with a phenomenological approach. The subjects in this study are 10 students from MEDS members. Technique for collecting data uses observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that there are 8 FGD implementation steps used by MEDS including 1) Prepare for the meeting, 2) Making themes, 3) Begin the meeting, 4) Facilitator/Speaker Giving materials, 5) Facilitator/Speaker Giving motion, 6) Discussion/ Prepare argue, 7) Practice, 8) Evaluate. Problem faced by students have been classified by researcher into 4 parts, namely: 1) Motion Problems, 2) Timing Problems, 3) Self-Problems, 4) Minimum Facility. Student solutions to face difficulties based on their experienced include: 1) Motion problems are asking speaker or friends, looking for information on the internet, studying in various fields. 2) Timing problems are maximizing time well, thinking fast, reading a lot and give extra time to students who cannot follow the exercise on schedule. 3) Self-problems are think positively, open minded, and be diligent in practicing. 4) Minimum facility is trying to adjust the situation. The conclusion of this research is Focus Group Discussion can be a training method to enhance public speaking

    Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Discussion In Grade XI Of SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Jaten 2012/2013 Academic Year

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    The objectives of this research are to describe whether or not teaching speaking by using discussion method can increase students’ speaking skill and o identify the difficulties faced by the students in using discussion as method to increase their speaking skill in grade XI of SMA M 5 Jaten.In achieving the objectives of this research, the researcher uses collaborative research. Each cycle of this research consists of four steps: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subjects of this research consist of 26 students. In analyzing the data the researcher uses both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis was done based the process of teaching and learning process. While quantitative analysis was done based to the scores of pre-test and post-test. There were three cycles in this research, each cycle conducted in two meetings. The result of the research shows that the average score of pre-test is 37.6, post-test one is 5.6, post-test two is 2 53, post-test three is 3 66.15 and final test is 63. Those scores indicate that the students have an improvement in speaking ability. Through discussion the students become more confident and more critical. Then, it can be called that teaching speaking through discussion is succesful to improve students speaking ability in SMA M 5 Jaten. There were some weaknesses of discussion; (1) just problematic materials could be used, (2) some of them depend on with clever students, (3) many students may dominated the discussion, (4) subjective scoring, (5) moves slowly the class, and (6) takes long time

    The Importance Of Social Skill In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s A Little Princess Novel (1904): A Sociological Approach

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    The major problem of this study is how the importance of social skill is reflected in A Little Princess novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The objective of this study is to analyze the novel based on its structural elements and to describe the importance of social skill in the novel based on the sociological analysis. In analyzing A Little Princess, the writer uses qualitative method and sociological approach. The data sources consist of primary data and secondary data sources. The primary data source is A Little Princess novel and the secondary data sources are the other sources related to the analysis such as books of literary theory, the author’s biography and the other relevant information. The method of the data collection is library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis. The outcome of the study is shown in the following conclusions. First, from the structural analysis of the novel, Burnett describes that children need to learn about the basic of social skill, such as greeting and asking, starting a corversation, giving opinion or response, etc. The theme of the novel also gives emphasi that people should be aware of the way of treating others and should appreciate and respect each other as well as they respect themselves. Second, based on sociological analysis, it shows that there is a close relationship between A Little Princess novel and social realities of English society in the early twentieth century

    Love And Selfishness Reflected In Gary Winick‟S Letters To Juliet Movie (2010): A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    The research is proposed to analyze how the love and selfishness reflected in Letters to Juliet movie 2010 by Psychoanalytic Approach. There are two objectives: the first is to analyze the movie based on its structural elements and technical elements, and the second is to analyze the main character's personality using a psychoanalytic approach. This study is a qualitative study, using Gary Winnick‟s Letters to Juliet movie 2010 as of structural elements, and the secondary data. The primary data source is Letters to Juliet movie which is directed by Gary Winnick, and the secondary data are some articles, book of literary and internet related to the subject. The method of collecting data in this research is library research by watching the movie, reading some related books and articles, accessing internet, taking notes of important part, arranging, and drawing conclusion the data. In analyzing the data, the writer employs descriptive analysis. The outcome of the study shows that the movie illustrates how to love someone and selfishness attitude of the movie. One of the bad demeanors which is against love for two person is selfishness. The solution to solve the problem is try to change that behaviorism or tries to find someone else

    Comparative Error Analysis In Writing Recount Text Made By The First And The Third Semester Students Of English Department UMS 2014/2015 Academic Year

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    The objectives of the study are to describe the types of error made by the first and the third semester students of English Department UMS 2014/ 2015 academic year and to find the similarities and the differences of the types of error which are made by the first and the third semester students of English Department UMS 2014/ 2015 academic year. This study is qualitative research. The data are taken from all interlanguage errors which are made by the student’s writing recount text. The technique for analyzing data is by exploring, reducing, categorizing, and checking the data validity. The results of this study are: (1) the types of error which are found on the first and the third semester students are morphological error and syntactical error. Syntactical error is the most types of error, which has appeared, (2) the similar types of error that are made by the first and the third semester students is morphological and syntactical error, (3) the differentt types of error happened in the syntactical error only. There were some types of error that made by the first semester students but the third semester students did not, namely in omission of indefinite article (a/ an), omission of introductory THERE as subject, verb II is used after ‘modal’ form, misplace of conjunction, omission of phrasal verb, omission of preposition in the sentences, and wrong arrangement of phrase

    Personality Of King George VI In Tom Hooper’s The King’s Speech Movie (2010): A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    Her study investigates personality of King George VI reflected in The King’s Speech movie viewed from psychoanalytic approach. Her research is aimed to analyze personality of King George VI viewed in character of King George VI based on psychoanalytic perspective and analyze the movie based on its structural elements. In achieving the objectives, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method as the type of the research. The object of her study is The King’s Speech movie by Tom Hooper. The data sources are the primary data and secondary data. The primary data are the movie itself and the secondary data are the other data which have relationship with the study, such as some biography of the author, the books and other relevant information. In collecting the data, the researcher uses documentation method and the technique of the data analysis is descriptive analysis. Based on the psychoanalytic analysis, in The King’s Speech, Tom Hooper describes how the personality of King George VI is one of causes the story become interesting, because he has an interesting personality. He is a kind person who can give influence for the audiences because King George VI has good personality, even though he has stammer, but he is very responsible for his duty. Structure of King George VI’s personality shows interesting conflict between id, ego, and superego. It can be seen from King George VI has done in this movie, such as when King George VI’s superego pressures id to be a king although he knows that he never wishes to be king of England. He knows the limitations he has. He has stammer but he always strives to recover his stammer