1,663 research outputs found

    The Implementation and Obstacles in Jigsaw Technique in Teaching Reading

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    This study is intended to figure out the implementation of Jigsaw Technique (JT) in teaching reading to the first year students. The study used a descriptive research design. The population in this study was all the first grade students at SMAN 1 Peusangan Siblah Krueng, a total of 40 students and two English teachers were taken as the sample. The data were collected by using three instruments namely: observation sheets, an interview guide, and a questionnaire. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the two English teachers at the school used JT themselves as a model. Furthermore, the teachers did three phases in using JT, including: (a) preparation, learning curriculum and syllabus: the teachers match the basic competences with appropriate technique. (b) core activities: students’ questions about JT, students are student-centered in the learning process with good interaction, cognitive-affective-psychomotor of the students in using JT are good, (c) closing: summarization of using Jigsaw JT, motivation/moral value and giving homework. In addition, two English teachers did positive performance in using JT. Some difficulties faced by the two English teachers in the implementation of JT in teaching reading are: in designing lesson plan, preparing appropriate teaching materials by using JT, source of reading text. Finally, the students’ responses toward the implementation of using JT were very positive. The findings shows that 90% of the students like to learn reading in English by using JT. So, it is suggested that English teachers should use JT in teaching reading because it is an effective tool in the teaching–learning process

    The Target Situation Analysis for Bahasa Inggris Syllabus at Bunda Mulia University

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    This research focused on analyzing the process and results of pre-course needs analysis focusing in the target needs for an academic English subject (Bahasa Inggris) for students of Bunda Mulia University. The data comprised the target situation analysis conducted before the course, which was collected from interviews with the head or secretary of each department at Bunda Mulia University as the users. Another is gained from questionnaires, which were delivered to the lecturers who were teaching the subject. The other data is collected by studying relevant university documents. The target situation was analyzed during that pre-course needs analysis. The result of this research will hopefully be used as the basis in devising a syllabus for Bahasa Inggris subject at Bunda Mulia University. Keywords: Needs analysis, target situation analysi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi pemanasan global. Metode penelitiannya deskriptif kuantitatif yaitu menjelaskan apa adanya dengan menggunakan statistik. Populasi penelitian seluruh siswa kelas XII SMA PGRI 2 Palembang, dengan teknik purposive sampling yang menjadi sampel  adalah siswa kelas XII-IPA 3 yang berjumlahkan 32 siswa.  Instrumen yang digunakan berupa soal  berpikir kritis berbentuk essai, mengacu pada berpikir kritis Ennis. Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dikelompokan pada kemampuan berpikir Elder dan Paul dalam 4 kelompok yaitu tidak kritis, kurang kritis, cukup kritis dan kritis.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi pemanasan global tergolong rendah karena dari semua indikator berpikir kritis Ennis perolehan skor siswa dibawah 45 %. Bila dilihat berdasarkan tingkatan berpikir kritis Elder dan Paul, siswa berada pada tingkatan tidak kritis yaitu TBK 0,  37,5 % tidak kritis, TBK1, 50 %, kurang kritis, TBK2, 9,4 % cukup kritis dan TBK3, 3,1 % kirits. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi pemanasan global perlu ditingkatkan dengan melatihkan siswa menyelesaikan suatu masalah dengan berbagai sudut pandang.This study aims to determine the level of students' critical thinking skills on global warming material. His research method is descriptive quantitative, namely explaining what is by using statistics. The research population was all students of class XII SMA PGRI 2 Palembang, using a purposive sampling technique as samples were students of class XII-IPA 3, which consisted of 32 students. The instrument used is in the form of critical thinking questions in the form of essays, referring to Ennis' critical thinking. Students' critical thinking abilities are grouped into Elder and Paul's thinking skills into 4 groups, namely uncritical, less critical, moderately critical and critical. The results showed that students' critical thinking skills in global warming material were low because of all Ennis' critical thinking indicators, students scored below 45%. When viewed based on the critical thinking level of Elder and Paul, students are at an uncritical level, namely TBK 0, 37.5% not critical, TBK1, 50%, less critical, TBK2, 9.4% quite critical and TBK3, 3.1% kirits. The results of the study concluded that students' critical thinking skills on global warming material needed to be improved by training students to solve a problem from various points of view

    Proxy Cache Video Dengan Squid Server Freebsd Di Pt. Power Telecom Solo

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    Teknologi web yang semakin berkembang tidak seimbang dengan harga bandwidth yang turun sangat perlahan. Dengan adanya cache mampu membantu meningkatkat kecepatan akses tanpa menambahkan besarnya bandwidth. Salah satu software yang mampu digunakan untuk membuat cache adalah squid proxy. Pada dasarnya squid proxy hanya mampu menyimpan halaman web yang berupa teks dan gambar. Sedangkan saat ini pengguna internet semakin mengikuti perkembangan mengenai video yang beredar pada internet. Videocache yang dijalankan pada FreeBSD, mampu menyimpan file berbasis video. Dengan melakukan download video sebelum terjadi cache pada sistem untuk diketahui berapa lama waktu yang ditempuh dan membadingkan dengan waktu rata-rata yang ditempuh dari beberapa kali download setelah file video yang sama tersimpan pada hardisk lokal server dapat dihitung efisiensi waktunya. Pada penelitian ini, sistem ini mampu menghemat waktu sebesar 32,35 detik dari waktu yang ditempuh sebelum terjadinya cache, atau dapat dikatakan terdapat efisiensi waktu sebesar 41,47 %. Berdasarkan tahapan yang telah dibuat dan sesuai dengan rancangan, server squid sebagai cache video ini berhasil diwujudkan sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan sebelumnya

    .Penerapan Metode Permainan Kooperatif Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mengenal Bentuk –Bentuk Geometri Pada Anak Di Taman Kanak – Kanak IT Ridha Makassar.

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    ABSTRAK Masalah penelitian ini adalah rendahnya kemampuan mengenal bentu – bentuk geometri pada anak di TK IT Ridha Makassar.Rumusan masalah adalah bagaiman meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal bentuk – bentuk geometri melalui penerapan bermain balok pada anak di TK IT Ridha Makassar.Tujuan pengembangan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam mengenal bentuk – bentuk geometri melalui penerapan bermain balok pada anak di TK IT Ridha Makassar.Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah peningkatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terselenggara selama lima kali tindakan / pertemuan, yaitu meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanan, observasi, dan refleksi. Fokus penelitian ini yaitu kemampuan mengenal bentuk – bentuk geometri.Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan anak TK IT Ridha Makassar yang aktif pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2015-2016. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian adalah observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian metode penerapan permainan kooperatif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal bentuk – bentuk geometri pada anak usia dini di Taman kanak-kanak IT Ridha Makassar

    Investigating the Roles of Implicit and Explicit Knowledge in the Production of Grammatical Errors

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    This research aims to investigate the role of implicit and/or explicit knowledge in the production of grammatical errors in academic texts. Explicit knowledge is defined as conscious and declarative knowledge used to monitor language production while implicit knowledge is defined as an intuitive knowledge which enables the second language learners to use the language spontaneously without any reflection (Zhang, 2015). The reasons why this research is conducted is due to the fact that the students are still producing errors even though they have learnt English since elementary school. The data is gained from the academic text written down by fifteen English department students studying in a university in Jakarta. It is analyzed by using two different measurements: (1) Delayed Grammatical Judgment Tests (GJT), and (2) Interview including Metalingual Comment to investigate the role of explicit knowledge in the production of grammatical errors. The other two measurements are also used; they are (1) Timed Grammaticality Judgment Test (TGJT), and (2) Oral Production Test (OPT) to investigate the role of implicit knowledge. The results show that 19.2% of grammatical errors are produced due to the implicit knowledge and 80.8% is due to explicit knowledge. Since the explicit knowledge plays an important role in producing the grammatical errors, it can be concluded that teaching English grammar for university students is still important. If possible, the English Grammar lessons should be given more rooms in the overall curriculu

    An Analysis of the Speech Act of Request by University Students from Jakarta, Bangka-Belitung, and Pontianak

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    The aim of this research is to find the request strategies and modifiers used by the students from Jakarta, Bangka-Belitung, and Pontianak while they are making requests. Those three places – Jakarta, Pontianak, and Bangka - Belitung – are chosen since the majority of the students come from those three places. It is expected that by understanding students from different origins in making requests, misunderstanding can be avoided. The respondents are 45 students studying in an English Department in a university in Jakarta. 15 of them are from Jakarta, other 15 students are from Pontianak, and the other 15 students are from Bangka-Belitung. The data is collected by delivering a Discourse Completion Test (DCT) to the respondents. The DCT contains 6 scenarios which cover the different powers and social distances. The respondents have to produce a speech act of request of each scenario. The results of this research show that the students from Jakarta, Pontianak, and Bangka - Belitung are applying the similar request strategies. Regarding the modifiers used, the students from Bangka - Belitung are using the most external downgraders, followed by the students from Pontianak. When the power is high, none of the students from Jakarta are using the external downgraders while the students from Pontianak and Bangka Belitung use them a lot. Keywords: speech act of request, modifie

    Syntactic Complexity in EFL and Native Learners' Undergraduate Thesis Abstracts

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    This research aims to find syntactic complexity of the abstracts in the undergraduate thesis written down by university learners in Indonesia and the ones written down by native speakers of English. The characteristics of syntactic complexity produced by Indonesian learners and the learners who are the native speakers should also be analyzed. It is possible to extend the type of syntactic complexity found in academic texts. In the end, those extensions should be characterized the English language used by Indonesian learners. The data is gained through downloading the abstracts of the undergraduate thesis in the academic year of 2015-2016 from the UBM English Department alumni database. The data regarding the abstracts written down by the native speakers is downloaded from the reputable universities in The United States of America. After that, the data is analyzed by making used of the syntactic analyzer by Lu & Ai (2015). The results shows that the Indonesian learners tend to write more complex sentences and use subordination in the abstracts. The native speakers, on the other hands, tend to write longer sentences with longer T-Unit and clauses. They also tend to write complex nominal in the abstracts. The number of coordination used is similar between the ones written down by Indonesian learners and native speakers of English. Keywords: syntactic complexity, syntactic structures, undergraduate thesis, Indonesian learner

    Analyzing Translation Techniques Used in Sesame Street Books

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    This article discusses how have the English Sesame Streets books been translated into Indonesian. The source language had to be very carefully translated into the target language, in this case is Indonesian, since the readers are very young. Data were taken from five bilingual Sesame Street books for toddlers. They were analyzed by using translating techniques by Hoed (2006). The results showed that seven techniques were used and successfully conveyed the meaning and style from the source language to the target language.    Keywords: source language, target language, translation technique

    Supervision in Coaching of Early Childhood Teachers in Sub-District Banda Raya, Indonesia

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    Abstract: Supervision in Coaching of Early Childhood Teachers in Sub-District Banda Raya, Indonesia. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the planning, implementation, and follow-up of the supervision carried out by the supervisors in developing early childhood education teachers in Banda Raya Sub-District, Indonesia. Methods: A descriptive method with a qualitative approach was used in this study. The data needed were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The subject of this study consisted of supervisors, principals, heads of teacher working groups, and senior teachers of early childhood education. Findings: The results of this study indicates that (1) the supervision was planned by the supervisors in order to improve the ability of early childhood education teachers in doing their main tasks. In addition, (2) the supervision was conducted through a coordination so that there was no overlapping of the supervision schedules of the school principal and teachers. Finally, (3) this supervision was then followed up with guidance on teachers who encountered obstacles through discussions, case conferences, and question and answer sessions.Keywords: Supervision, early childhood teachers, Indonesia. Abstrak: Pengawasan dalam Pembinaan Guru Anak Usia Dini di Kecamatan Banda Raya, Indonesia. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan perencanaan, implementasi, dan tindak lanjut dari pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh pengawas dalam mengembangkan guru pendidikan anak usia dini di Kecamatan Banda Raya, Indonesia. Metode: Metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang dibutuhkan dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ini terdiri dari pengawas, kepala sekolah, kepala kelompok kerja guru, dan guru senior pendidikan anak usia dini. Temuan: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa(1) pengawasan direncanakan oleh pengawas dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan guru pendidikan anak usia dini dalam melakukan tugas utama mereka. Selain itu, (2) pengawasan dilakukan melalui koordinasi sehingga tidak ada tumpang tindih jadwal pengawasan kepala sekolah dan guru.Kata kunci: Supervisi, guru PAUD, Indonesia. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v10.i3.20201
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