11 research outputs found

    Harmonisasi Regulasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Tentang Pengaturan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Publik (Analisis Terhadap Peraturan Daerah Kota Surakarta Nomor 1 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Surakarta Tahun 2011-2031)

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    Regulatory harmonization of legislation on setting the open green space of this public departure from the regulatory area of Surakarta number 1 Year 2012 about the Spatial Plan of the region of Surakarta City Year 2011-2031 against regulations other legislation in accordance with the theory of the hierarchy of norms. Where in the settings have been created in the synchronization and harmonization of legislation concerning public open green space. However, from the data issued by the environmental agency of Surakarta city year 2015 total new public open green space 9.72%, while in the area's rules state that a public open green space of at least 20% of the total area of the city . This means that the regulation of the area as if just follow the existing regulations on it without looking at the circumstances that exist in the city of Surakarta, due to increasing public open green space from 9.72% to more than 20% of that is not an easy thing. Because the City Government should do over the function more than 10% of the land area of the city to serve as a public open green space. While the numbers at least 30% for open green space is the minimum standard for a city to be called as an ideal city, that quantity of open green space for a city can vary but must be more than 30% of the total area of the city, because it is a right for every citizen of the Republic of Indonesia to earn a good living environment and healthy according to article 28 H subsection (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945

    Implementasi Fungsi Pengawasan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa Terhadap Kinerja Kepala Desa (Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Girimarto Kabupaten Wonogiri)

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    The village head and the village council are elements of the village government. One of the functions of the village council is to monitor the village head’s performance. The surveillance function would prevent the village chief’s authority from being absolute. The village council oversees planning operations. The competence of human resources determine the achieving of surveillance goals. As for the village head’s good performance. The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of the performance of the village head. The research method used was sociological jurisdiction and the methods used were qualitative methods. Qualitative research results in descriptive and inductive mindset. In the research, it was concluded that the performance of surveillance up to the presents time of the union was inadequate, owing to the competence of human resources inadequate between the task performed and the competence possessed


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    Amandemen Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 telah membawa perubahan besar dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Salah satu perubahannya ialah perubahan gagasan kedauatan rakyat dalam UUD 1945. Perubahan tersebut lantas mempengaruhi sistem pemilihan umum di Indonesia dalam hal ini untuk memilih anggota legislatif. Sejarah telah mencatatkan sistem pemilu untuk memilih anggota legislatif di Indonesia telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan. Pada pemilu tahun 2014, sistem pemilu untuk memilih anggota DPR, DPRD Provinsi, dan DPRD Kabupaten/Kota menggunakan sistem proporsional terbuka berdasarkan suara terbanyak. Berkaitan dengan berlakunya hak recall oleh partai politik terhadap anggota DPR, pengaturan tersebut masih menimbulkan persoalan. Hal ini disebabkan karena saat ini anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) yang duduk sebagai anggota parlemen karena legitimasi dari suara rakyat dalam artian dipilih secara langsung oleh rakyat, dan bukan dari suara Partai Politik. Sehingga legitimasi parpol dalam hal merecall anggotanya yang telah duduk di kursi DPR patut dipertanyakan. Apalagi beberapa kali kasus recall oleh partai politik terhadap anggota DPR terjadi semata-mata karena alasan politis partai. Pada pelaksanaannya, hak recall oleh partai politik terhadap anggota DPR tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip kedaulatan rakyat di Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yaitu prinsip kebebasan, kesetaraan dan persamaan, suara mayoritas, dan pertanggungjawaban. Selanjutnya jika dikaitkan dengan sistem proporsional terbuka saat ini, hak recall oleh partai politik terhadap anggota DPR dirasa masih perlu. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya tidak sepenuhnya mutlak berada di tangan partai politik tetapi partai politik perlu memperhatikan aspirasi konstituen yang telah memilihnya. Kata kunci : hak recall, kedaulatan rakyat, proporsional terbuk

    Mahkamah Konstitusi sebagai Positive legislature (Studi Putusan Nomor: 28/PUU-XI/2013 dan Putusan Nomor: 85/PUU-XI/2013)

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    The Constitutional Court is a high state institution which has an authority as a negative Legislature to overturn legislation that is contrary to the 1945 Constitution. However, in the decision Number 28/PUU-XI/2013 and Decision Number 85/PUU-XI/2013, the Constitutional Court is as a positive Legislature by enacting the act. This study reviews the legal considerations and the validity of the Constitutional Court to rule against the enforcement of an act in the decision. The methodology used is a qualitative research with the doctrinal approach (normative). The results of this study is concluded that the Constitutional Court that rules to the act is a progressive and responsive decision in order to avoid a legal confusion as a result of a legal vacuum in a society. However, that kind of decision is a decision that is not in a harmony with the principle of division-of-power related to checks and balances

    Inkonsistensi Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Terkait Kewenangan Mengadili Sengketa Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Studi Kasus Putusan MK Nomor 072-073/PUU-II/2004 dan Nomor 97/PUU.XI/2013)

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    Judicial review on the constitutionality of law is basically toughts as the check and balances mechanism by the Constitutional Court as the guardian of Constitution. Constitutional Court“s Verdict was dispose in final an binding – gives so much correction to the inconstitutional law, which not necessary with consitution content or even the nation“s whises in our constitution. As the guardian of constitution, Constitutional Court should give guarantee of rule of law nation could stand for erectly. What exactly happened is, some of Constitutional Court“s Verdicts is seems full of controversy. Inconsistency Constitutional Court“s Verdict can be seen when it run judicial review on the constitutionality of law in dispute of local government election context, it cannot be separated from the Constitutional Court“s competence which has an authority to sit in on judgement of national election dispute, it viewed as the same as dispute of local government election, it is one of the Constitutional Court“s competence. This special intitution was made for constitutional case resolution, in one of verdict of judicial review number 072-073/PUU-II/2004 suggested that Constitutional Court have competence to sit in on judgement of dispute of local government election, but in verdict of number 97/PUU.XI/2013 declared for unjudge that case no more. Nemo judex in causa cua principle says that the judge cannot try to judge a case which it have a connection with him/herself. But, as a guardian of constituition, it has to stands for legal security to bring rule of law principle erectly. Keywords : Inconsistentcy, Constitutional Court“s Verdict, Dispute of local government electio

    Kajian Yuridis Kedudukan Dan Fungsi Pengawasan Kppu Sebagai Komisi Negara Independen Dalam Sistem Ketatanegaran Di Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT Law Number 5 Year 1999 became a new step for Indonesia in realizing the provisions in Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution based on the principle of economic democracy justice. The consequence of the Act is the establishment of KPPU as an independent state institution authorized to supervise business competition and to impose sanctions regardless of the influence of the government and other parties. This thesis discusses two issues, firstly, how the position of KPPU in the constitutional system, and the second discusses how the KPPU authority according to the Antimonopoly Law. The research is conducted by normative juridical method, the purpose of this research is to know how the position of KPPU in the constitutional system and to know how KPPU's authority in conducting supervision based on Antimonopoly Law. The result of research indicates that the position of KPPU in the constitutional system is as an independent non-structural state institution which is under the executive authority and the authority of KPPU itself is only listed in Article 36 of the Antimonopoly Law. Keywords: KPPU, Position, Authority, Antimonopoly La

    Kajian Teoritis Pengaruh Sistem Penetapan Calon Terpilih dengan Suara Terbanyak Terhadap Pemenuhan Hak Affirmative Action

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    In democracies, men and women have equal opportunities to participate in politics. It is mentioned in Article 27 Paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia that every citizen of both men and women has equal status in law and government. Women also have human rights as set out in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (DUHAM) states that women have the right to be free from discrimination and have the right to participate in politics. In Article 55 paragraph (2) of Law No.10 Year 2008 requires political party to include at least 1 candidate elected from 3 candidates. The provision is a form of affirmative action to increase women's participation in parliament. However, the system of determining the elected candidates used in the election by majority vote makes affirmative action blurred and only as a formality

    Kewenangan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Dalam Pemberhentian Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945

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    The amendment of 1945 Indonesian Constitution took many changes, one of them is the existence of the regulation about the dismissal of President and/or Vice President in his/her term of office (deposing). This event certainly made Indonesia becoming more determided for carrying out the law-state principle due to the involvement of Contitutional Court (Indonesian: Mahkamah Konstitusi, MK) in the decision-making process. Therefore, hopefully there would be no more dismissal of President and/or Vice President by political reason. This study aims at analysing the mechanism of dismissal the President and/or Vice President in his/her term of office (deposing), and then to interpretate the final verdict which was uses for the dismissal of the President and/or Vice President. This study is a normative legal research, using qualitative descriptive analysis, and using hermeneutics interpretation of the law. This result of this research showed that dismissal of the President and/or Vice President shall be proposed by the House of Representatives (Indonesian: Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, DPR) to the People’s Consultative Assembly (Indonesian: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, MPR). Prior to the filing of the dismissal to the People’s Consultative Assembly, House of Representatives must first submit an application to the Contitutional Court. However, the mecanism of 1945 constitution bore many fissure for the dismissal of persident and/or Vice President by political reason. Where the final decision lies in the hands of People’s Consultative Assembly (Indonesian: Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, MPR) through the plenary meeting with the final decision comes through majority voice model

    Pemenuhan Hak Ekosob Dibidang Pekerjaan, Pangan Dan Perumahan Bagi Masyarakat Miskin Kelurahan Pucangsawit Kota Surakarta

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    This research will exemine the regulations and the realization of the fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights in the field of right to work, food and housing to the poor people in Kelurahan Pucang Sawit, Surakarta. This research uses empirical juridical approach. The result shows that Surakarta City Government has taken legislative steps to establish regional regulations relating to fulfillment of the right to work, food and housing, namely Local Regulation of Surakarta Number 11 Year 2014 on Poverty Reduction and Regulatory Mayor of Surakarta No. 2-H in 2013 on a Strategy Regional Poverty Reduction (PRSP) Surakarta in accordance with Article 2 Verse (1) of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Surakarta City Government has made efforts to fulfill the right to work, food and housing for the poor people, especially in Kelurahan Pucang Sawit, but the fulfillment of these rights have not been fully realized, as stated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Keywords: Rights fulfillment, Economic, social and cultural rights, Poor Peopl

    Pengaruh Penetapan Calon Terpilih Berdasarkan Suara Terbanyak Dalam Pemilihan Umum Anggota DPR/DPRD Terhadap Keterpilihan Calon Perempuan

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    Since the reform era, general elections in Indonesia have any regulation to increase women's representation, as in the Law Number 10 year 2008. By these regulation, the political parties shoul put at least 30 % on their list of candidates. 30% in the list of legislative candidates. This is in accordance with the mandate of Article 28H paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. With respect to the above discussion, this study aims to identify, describe and analyze the effect of determining the elected candidate based on the most votes on the electability of female candidates and the fulfillment of Affirmative Action rights. The results showed that these efforts had to be hampered again by the Constitutional Court Decision number 22-24/PUU-VI/2008 on the determination of the elected candidates in the elections for members of the DPR and DPRD. With this decision, there was a discrepancy between the initial purpose of implementing Affirmative Action in an effort to accommodate women's rights and the implementation of the law so that Affirmative Action's efforts seemed to be blurred and only a formality contained in the law