13 research outputs found


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    PENGARUH AKTIVITAS BERORGANISASI DAN PRESTASI BELAJAR KEJURUAN TERHADAP MINAT BERWIRASWASTA SISWA KELAS XII JURUSAN TEKNIK MESIN OTOMOTIF SMK TAMAN SISWA JETIS YOGYAKARTA TAHUN AJARAN 2010/2011 Oleh : Gunawan Budi Susilo\ud NIM : 08504245009 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh aktivitas berorganisasi terhadap minat berwiraswasta siswa kelas XII Jurusan Teknik Otomotif SMK Taman Siswa Jetis Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2010/2011. (2) mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh prestasi belajar kejuruan terhadap minat berwiraswasta siswa kelas XII Jurusan Teknik Otomotif SMK Taman Siswa Jetis Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2010/2011. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan metode expost facto dan observasi. Pengumpulan data melalui metode angket (kuisioner) dan dokumentasi. Teknik sampling jumlah populasi sebanyak 150 siswa, Sampel sebanyak 112 siwa, dan uji coba penelitian sebanyak 38 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu apabila obyeknya kurang dari seratus, lebih baik di ambil semua sehingga penelitiannya merupakan penelitian populasi. Selanjutnya jika obyeknya lebih besar dari 100 dapat diambil antara 10-15% atau 20-25% lebih. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah proportional random sampling. Uji coba Intrumen menggunakan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji Normaloias dan linearitas. Uji Hipotesis yang digunakan adalah uji t pada taraf signifikan 5% dengan program SPSS 16,00. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) minat berwiraswasta siswa yang aktif berorganisasi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan minat berwiraswasta siswa yang tidak aktif berorganisasi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai thitung = 3,971, > ttabel = 2,02, berarti terdapat pengaruh dari aktivitas berorganisasi terhadap minat berwiraswasta. (2) minat berwiraswasta siswa yang berprestasi tinggi lebih besar jika dibandingkan minat berwiraswasta siswa yang prestasi belajar rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai thitung = 2,945 > ttabel = 2,02, berarti terdapat pengaruh dari prestasi belajar kejuruan terhadap minat berwiraswasta siswa

    Design of ergonomic chair for grinding operation

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    One of essential production activities is grinding process. This process mainly involves the constant activity of eroding a surface to be smoother or more evenly, cutting a workpiece, creating profiles like angles and arches, sharpening a cutting tool, and finishing a final product. Meanwhile, there is no study evaluating the risk levels of workers working on grinding, and there is no unique chair specifically designed for the process. Therefore, this study aims to assess the risk levels of a grinding worker and to propose the design of an ergonomic chair that is adjustable, comfortable, durable, and keen to be used. The risk levels of the grinding workers were evaluated using REBA, while the ergonomic chair design was based on anthropometric data taken from 4 grinding workers in Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The researchers selected a buttock-popliteal length (seat depth), lower leg length (popliteal height) and hip breadth sitting as anthropometric measures to make a chair design for the grinding operations. After that, the existing adjustable chair designs were also considered and evaluated to get better adjustableergonomic chair design for the grinding operations. The results show that it is important that the stakeholders improve most of the grinding operations of the workers, especially by using an ergonomic chair design for grinding operation that is adjustable, comfortable, durable, and reliable. The chair height can be adjusted from 361-414 mm to adapt with the users, and the variation in product height aims to prevent bending on the back. Finally, the grinding chair can reduce the risk level from the high and medium level to the low-risk levels of working postures


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    Pasal 58-59 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 11 Tahun 2021 tentang Badan Usaha Milik Desa menyebutkan tentang pertanggungjawaban, yaitu pelaksana operasional wajib menyiapkan laporan berkala yang memuat pelaksanaan rencana program kerja BUM Desa/BUM Desa bersama. Laporan berkala meliputi laporan semesteran dan laporan tahunan. Laporan semesteran meliputi laporan posisi keuangan dan perhitungan laba rugi semesteran serta rincian masalah selama satu semester. Program pendampingan penyusunan Laporan Keuangan di Kabupaten Blitar juga berkolaborasi dengan Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa (Dindammade) Kabupaten Blitar. Terdapat empat BumDes yang dilakukan pendampingan, yakni BUMDes Al Hikmah, BUMDes Mujair Berkah Sejahtera, BUMDes Beringin Makmur dan BUMDes Makmur Sejahtera. Setiap BUMDes memiliki lebih dari satu unit usaha dengan beragam jenis usaha yang meliputi manufaktur, jasa perdagangan, jasa keuangan (simpan pinjam) dan jasa-jasa lainnya. Hasil asersi terhadap laporan keuangan menunjukkan bahwa satu BUMDes sudah menyampaikan laporan pertanggungjawaban yang memenuhi Standar Akuntansi Keuangan untuk Entitas Tanpa Akuntabilitas Publik (SAK ETAP) dengan kesalahan minor. Sedangkan tiga BUMDes lainnya belum menunjukkan BUMDes sudah menyampaikan laporan pertanggungjawaban, meskipun belum menunjukkan laporan keuangan yang komprehensif ataupuan memenuhi SAK ETAP. Ketiga BUMDes tersebut masih melakukan pelaporan berbasis kas

    Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Downlight dengan Implementasi Simulasi Die Casting

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    Die casting is a casting process in which molten metal is poured into a mold by injection using a piston driven by pneumatic/hydraulic energy. In some cases, the resulting product does not match the desired design because defects will occur if the configuration is not correct. There are several defects that commonly occur in the Die casting process such as cold shot, shrinkage, bubble, warping, undercut, etc. With the help of computers, these problems are expected to be reduced. Using inspire cast to visualize the injection process will facilitate the analysis of the Die casting process. With the help of this software, a better configuration can be created and implemented into the machine. However, the results are different, when simulating in the software it is said that the molten metal streams from different gates are above the recrystallization temperature of 665°C so it should harden and fuse better when the two molten metal streams meet. However, after implementing the new configurations into the machine, the process defects were still high at 23% for configuration 1 and 13% for configuration 2 compared to 6% for the existing configuration. However, implementing this software will reduce the cost of trial and error process to find a new configuration for a new material

    Memoar pulau Buru

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    xxii, 616 p.; 21 c

    Pemanfaatan foto udara untuk perencanaan pengembangan tambak Biocrete Kasus di pantai selatan kabupaten Bantul = The use of Aerial Photograph Systems for Planning Biocrete Shrimp Ponds Development The Case of the Southe

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    The objectives of this research were to know the capability of black-and-white panchromatic aerial photograph at scale 1 : 20,000 to extract a physical land parameters data, to evaluate land suitability, and to formulate a plan of Biocrete shrimp ponds development. For evaluating land suitability for Biocrete shrimp ponds, used a multi-scoring of some physical variables was used, i.e. soil and terrain criteria (the content of sand particle, the pH value of soil, slope, and flooded frequency), water quality and water supply criteria (salinity, the pH value of water, the distance from coast line, and the distance from the river), and landuse criteria. Landforms and landuse information were extracted from interpretation and digitizing on screen of aerial photograph. GIS programs were used for spatial analysis. The planning of Biocrete shrimp ponds development was made by matching the suitable land into formal legal aspects, especially the Detail Planning of Spatial Arrangement at the Southern Coastal area of Bantul Regency (RDTRK Pantai Selatan Kabupaten Bantul) and the .carrying capacity aspect. The results showed that the extraction of some physical land parameters from the aerial photograph was sufficient to aquire a high accuracy information, especially for landforms and landuse with an accuracy of 84.62% and 92.50% respectively. Principally, the land at the research area is suitable for Biocrete shrimp ponds development. Most of the land was categorized into a moderately suitable class (S2), with a area of 1,253.98 ha (70.26%). Meanwhile, a highly suitable class (S1) and marginally suitable one (S3) were 113.79 ha (6.38%) and 416.86 ha (23.36%) respectively. Planning of Biocrete shrimp ponds development was directed into the main area at Srandakan with a maximum area of 24.48 ha and the maximum production of 428.45 ton/ha. Keywords: aerial photograph, land suitability evaluation, development planning, Biocrete shrimp ponds

    Analisis Pembuatan Bahan Bakar dari Pirolisis Thermal dan Katalitik Limbah Plastik Low Density Polyethylene

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    Increasing global warming due to the uncontrolled use of fossil fuels has resulted in climate change which is currently a worldwide concern. Various efforts to use alternative energy have been made to overcome these problems, one of which is Pyrolysis technology to convert solid plastic waste into liquid fuel. Pyrolysis is a heating process, or the working principle is the same as distilling a raw material particle that will change shape from a solid to a gas and then passing through a condenser tube to cool down so that the steam will turn into a liquid. This process generally takes place at temperatures between 500-800°C. The pyrolysis process occurs with the help of heating from LPG gas. From the data obtained, further testing can be carried out on the physical and chemical properties of the pyrolysis oil to determine its characteristics. The physical properties tested included density and viscosity, while the chemical properties tested were the calorific value of the plastic pyrolysis process. The next step is to test the pyrolysis oil using WBT (Water Boiling Test) to determine the performance of the oil stove with pyrolysis oil as fuel. From the results of the efficiency of the stove from the pyrolysis of plastic oil, it is known that the largest input energy (Qin) is obtained in the pyrolysis oil without a catalyst in the first condenser of 2375,291 watts. The result of sensible heat (SH) of the most significant pyrolysis oil sample from pyrolysis without a catalyst in condenser one is 125.4 watts. The highest latent heat value was found in the pyrolysis of natural zeolite catalyst in condenser three at 231.752 watts, while the highest thermal efficiency value of pyrolysis using natural zeolite catalyst in condenser one was 28.39%. Natural zeolite catalysts reduce the liquid and solid products but increase gas products. The catalysts from pyrolysis oil have a darker color than without a catalyst. The cause is the reaction of the catalyst during the pyrolysis process

    Kekuasaan dan pendidikan : Suatu tinjauan dari perspektif studi kultural

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    xxvii, 351 p., : il.; 23 c