33 research outputs found

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada An. A dengan Leukimia Limfoblastik Akut di Ruang Melati II Rumah Sakit Dr. Moewardi

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    Latar Belakang: Leukimia limfoblastik akut sering ditemukan di rumah sakit umum dengan angka kejadian terbanyak yang menyerang pada anak-anak usia 2-6 tahun. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui asuhan keperawatan pada klien dengan Leukimia limfoblastik akut meliputi pengkajian, intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi keperawatan. Hasil: Diagnosa yang muncul pada kasus adalah nyeri, gangguan nutrisi, gangguan pola tidur dan resiko tinggi infeksi. Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 3x24 jam didapatkan hasil nyeri pada klien sudah berkurang, nafsu makan meningkat, pola tidur klien teratasi dengan baik, dan resiko infeksi berkurang. Kesimpulan: Tindakan keperawatan yang dilakukan pada klien adalah dengan memberikan terapi analgesik dan massase dapat mengurangi nyeri dan pola tidur klien teratasi dengan baik, memberikan terapi diet sesuai program menyebabkan gangguan nutrisi tidak terjadi dan dengan menjaga personal hygiene resiko infeksi pada klien tidak terjadi

    Pengaruh Terapi Murotal Terhadap Kecemasan Hospitalisasi Pada Anak Di Rsud Dr. Moewardi Surakarta

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    Hospitalization anxiet can arise because when the child care process is separated from his family he loves and from his social group. Anxiety can be derived by giving distraction, among others through audio, music, play therapy. Murotal therapy is an audio therapy that can provide serenity. This study aims to determine the effect of murotal therapy on hospitalization anxiety in children at RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. This research was a quantitative research with pre experimental design and using one group research design pre post test design. This study was done in room Melati II RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta with a sample of 30 children aged 9-12 years who were determined using purposive sampling technique. The data collection used an anxiety questionnaire made by researchers referring to the T-MAS anxiety questionnaire and adjusted to the characteristics of the children then analyzed used paired sample t-test analysis. The result of paired sample t-test is significant (2-tailed) 0,001 smaller than P-value 0,05, so the test decision is Ho rejected and Ha accepted, so there is influence of murotal therapy to hospitalization anxiety in child. Murotal therapy has a significant effect on the decrease in anxiety of children who experience hospitalization. Children who experience anxiety during hospitalization are recommended given murotal therapy

    Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Ibudengan Perkembangan Personal Sosial Anak Usia Prasekolahdi Kelompok Bermainbaiturrahmankarangasem

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    The development aspect of children at preschool is important aspect which needs to be optimalized especially social personal. The development of children’s social personal can be seen in socialization, interaction, and independence of the children. Many factors influence the development, one of the fundamental is parenting. The objective of this research is to know the corelation between mother’s parenting and personal social development of preschool children in playgroup Baiturrahman Karangasem. The kind of this research uses analitic observational design and cross sectional approaching. The technique of taking sample used is non probability technique. It is total sampling. The sample consists of 48 respondents which are preschool children in playgroup Baiturrahman Karangasem and some their mothers. The tabulation data uses Spearman Rank analysis.The result of the univariate analysis shows the data as much 60,4% of parenting applied by the mothers is democratic and 68,7% of children social personal development is normal. The result of calculation corelation Spearman Rank shows p value (0,003) < α (0,05). It means there is corelation between mother’s parenting and personal social development of preschool children in playgroup Baiturrahman Karangasem. The suggestion to the next research needs to concern others factor which influence the development of children personal and mother’s parenting. Keyword : Mother’s parenting, preschool, social personalBiblliography : 36 (2006-2016

    Pengaruh Pijat Bayi Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Bayi Umur 0-6 Bulan Di Puskesmas Kartasura

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    Good night's sleep is essential for the growth of the baby, because the baby's brain during sleep growth peaked. But in fact in one study found 51.3% of infants experienced sleep disturbances, 42% infant nighttime sleep less than nine hours, and at night the baby wakes up more than 3 times with old woke up more than an hour. One non-pharmacologic therapy to overcome the problem of sleeping baby is a baby massage. This study aims to determine the effect of massage on babies with sleep quality infant aged 0-6 months in Puskesmas Kartasura. This research method is analytical use case control design. Collecting data using a questionnaire, while data analysis using Chi Square test. Chi Square test results obtained 2hitung value of 20.417 (p-value = 0.001) and the Value of odds ratios (OR) test of 15.00. The conclusion of the study there the effect of infant massage with sleep quality infant aged 0-6 months where infants who received infant massage likely to have a good sleep quality is 15 times higher than babies who do not get a baby massage

    Pengaruh Terapi Murotal terhadap Kualitas Tidur Anak Penyandang Tunagrahita di SLB-C YPSLB Kerten Surakarta

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    Kondisi tunagrahita dapat terjadi pada 1-2% dari keseluruhan populasi anak di dunia dan 80% di antaranya mengalami gangguan tidur. Gangguan tidur yang dialami cenderung kronis dan bertahan sampai remaja ataupun dewasa. Akibat gangguan tidur yang dialami dapat timbul rasa lelah, mengantuk, dan rasa malas sehingga berdampak buruk pada konsentrasi belajar dan daya ingat. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, diperlukan terapi agar kualitas tidur anak meningkat. Salah satu terapi nonfarmakologis yang dapat dilakukan adalah terapi murotal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi murotal terhadap kualitas tidur anak penyandang tunagrahita di SLB-C YPSLB Kerten Surakarta. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode pra-eksperimental dengan rancangan one group pre-post test design. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebesar 30 responden anak tunagrahita dan orang tuanya dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner SDSC, analisis data dengan uji statistik Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa ada pengaruh terapi murotal terhadap kualitas tidur anak penyandang tunagrahita di SLB-C YPSLB Kerten Surakarta dengan p-value=0,001

    Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Story Telling Terhadap Respon Nyeri Saat Pemasangan Infus Pada Anak Di RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali

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    time of hospitalisasi was when implementing invasive installation of infusion. Installation of infusion is the second source of pain after the illness suffered by the child. Pain that cannot be resolved to make the child be not cooperative or reject action procedures so that it can slow down the healing process. Story telling is a distraction that is expected to reduce the pain. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of play therapy story telling against the response of pain when the installation of infusion in children at the RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali. This research is quantitative research design quasi experiments with this type of post test only with control group. The population of this research were children aged 3-6 years treated in the Edelweis children's room RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali. Sample research as many as 34 children are divided into 2 groups, the 17th son of the intervention group and the control group children 17, specified using the technique of consecutive sampling. Measurement of pain using the FLACC. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of Independent samples t-test. Result of independent test of sample of t-test of 2 pain, t count equal to 3,531 (pv = 0,001), hence decision of test is Ho rejected. The authors concluded that there were significant differences in pain response during infusion in the intervention and control group. Conclusion: story telling therapy has a significant effect on child's pain response when infusion is done. Suggestion: preschool children who do infusion is recommended given the therapy of story telling play

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Gizi Dan Pola Pemberian Makan Terhadap Kejadian Gizi Kurang Pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gajahan Surakarta

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    Nutrition deficiency became one of the main nutritional problems in Indonesia. The prevalence of nutrition deficiency on toddlers based on index weight according to age (w/U) in Indonesia gives an fluctuating so the Government emphasizes Healthy Indonesia Program with one of the principal targets of the medium-term National development plan 2015 until the year 2019, namely increasing the nutritional health status of mothers and children. This research aims to know the influence of the mother's knowledge of nutrition and feeding patterns of events less nutrition on a toddler so it can do the efforts of health promotion to lower numbers of less nutrients swoop on toddlers. This research method is quantitative analytic and use case control design. Sample of this research is getting by total sampling methods for case group as much as 50 toddler with nutrition deficiency. And use purposive sampling for control group as much as 50 toddler with good nutrition. Data collected by using questionnaires and analized by using Chi Square test. The Chi Square test results for mother's knowledge about nutrition gained 2hitung value 6.978 (p-value = 0.031) and the Odd ratio (OR) value 2.9. As for the feeding pattern gained 2hitung value 41.558 (p-value = 0.000) and the Odd ratio (OR) value 6.3. Conclusion of this study is there is the influence of the mother's knowledge of nutrition and feeding patterns on events nutrition deficiency on toddler where mothers with less knowledge are at risk of having children with nutrition deficiency as 2.9 times than mothers with good knowledge and toddler with less feeding patterns have risk of 6.3 times suffered nutrition deficiency than toddler with good feeding pattern

    Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Aroma Jars Terhadap Asupan Nutrisi Anak Prasekolah Saat Hospitalisasi

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    Nutrition intake in preschool children during hospitalization is very important for the healing process. Lack of nutritional intake consumed by preschool children will lead to obstacle to the healing process in hospital, and also can affect the growth and the development of children. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the nutritional intake for preschoolers during the hospitalization. This research aims to know the influence of therapy playing jars aroma to the nutritional influence on children of preschool during hospitalization in RSUD Sukoharjo.This research is quantitative research with pre-experimental design with pre-post test with one group approach. Population are preschoolers aged 3 – 5 years treated in the Orchid Room Sukoharjo RSUD in the last three months of April – June 2017 of 122 children. The sample in this study consisted of 31 children taken with non-probability sampling technique with purposive sampling approach. The research data collection using food weighing and filling questionnaire which then analyzed using Paired sample t-test analysis. Paired sample t-test results obtained with the value p= 0.000.The result of the analysis showed that with the therapy of playing jars aroma in preschool children who underwent hospitalization caused a significant change in nutritional intake when compared to before therapy aroma jars. Conclusion therapeutic aroma jars have a significant effect on the nutrition of preschool children during hospitalization. Suggestion: preschoolers who have nutritional intake during hospitalization are recommended to be given aroma jars therapy. Key word: play therapy, aroma jars, nutritional intake, preschooler

    Gambaran Respon Nyeri Pada Anak Saat Pemasangan Infus Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) Rsud Dr. Moewardi Surakarta

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    Children who are treated in hospitals require competent care to minimize the negative effects of hospitalization and developing a positive effect. There are various procedures performed on children who are hospitalized. One of them is the act of infusion. Their procedures or stabbing venous infusion in the infusion can cause pain in children. In the infusion procedure, there are differences in the response of children when experiencing pain. This study aims to reveal the child's pain response at the time of infusion in the Emergency Room (ER) Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. This research uses quantitative research with descriptive observation method. Samples were 48 respondents obtained by sampling technique accidental sampling. This is the conclusion of researchers by 26 respondents (68,4%) experiencing a response to frown, clenched jaw, chin trembling, 20 respondents (52,6%) had a response kick or pull the leg upwards, respondents 18 (47.4%) experiencing the response curve, rigid, or jerking, 23 respondents (60.5%) had a response to cry out, scream or sob, often complain, 28 respondents (73.7%) experienced the ease with touching, hugging, or talk can be transferred, and 29 respondents (76.3%) level of pain severe pain category

    Pengaruh Terapi Murotal Terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Pada Anak Saat Pemasangan Infus Di RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta

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    Disease and hospitalization are often the main problems a child has to face. Action of infusion is one of the invasive procedures in children during hospitalization and can cause pain. Unresolved pain resulted in the child becoming uncooperative and resisting the procedure of action so as to inhibit the healing process. Murotal Al Qur'an is a distraction technique that is expected to reduce pain in children. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of murotal therapy on the level of pain in children during the installation of infusion in RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. This research is a quantitative research using quasy method of experiment and using post test only with control group research design. The population of this study are children aged 4-6 years who were treated in room Melati II RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. The sample of this study were 30 children divided into 2 groups, 15 intervention group and 15 control group, determined using non probability sampling technique. Measurement of pain using FLACC scale. The data obtained were analyzed using the Independent sample t-test. Result of Independent test sample t-test of pain, t count equal to 3,904 (p = 0,001), hence decision of test is Ho rejected. The investigators concluded that there was a significant difference in pain levels during intravenous infusion in the intervention and control groups. Conclusion: Murotal therapy has a significant effect on child's pain level during intravenous infusion action. Suggestion: Children with preschool age performed infusion recommended given murotal therapy