
Gambaran Respon Nyeri Pada Anak Saat Pemasangan Infus Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat (IGD) Rsud Dr. Moewardi Surakarta


Children who are treated in hospitals require competent care to minimize the negative effects of hospitalization and developing a positive effect. There are various procedures performed on children who are hospitalized. One of them is the act of infusion. Their procedures or stabbing venous infusion in the infusion can cause pain in children. In the infusion procedure, there are differences in the response of children when experiencing pain. This study aims to reveal the child's pain response at the time of infusion in the Emergency Room (ER) Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta. This research uses quantitative research with descriptive observation method. Samples were 48 respondents obtained by sampling technique accidental sampling. This is the conclusion of researchers by 26 respondents (68,4%) experiencing a response to frown, clenched jaw, chin trembling, 20 respondents (52,6%) had a response kick or pull the leg upwards, respondents 18 (47.4%) experiencing the response curve, rigid, or jerking, 23 respondents (60.5%) had a response to cry out, scream or sob, often complain, 28 respondents (73.7%) experienced the ease with touching, hugging, or talk can be transferred, and 29 respondents (76.3%) level of pain severe pain category

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