41 research outputs found

    Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien Dengan Gangguan Sistem Reproduksi: Post Lumpektomi Fibroadenoma Mammae (FAM) Sinistra Diruang Multazam RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang : Fibroadenoma Mammae (FAM) adalah tumor jinak payudara yang paling sering terjadi dikalangan wanita muda sehingga membuat kaum wanita selalu cemas tentang keadaan pada dirinya. Dari data yang didapatkan penulis di rumah sakit tempat penulis melakukan penelitian, lebih dari seratus kasus FAM terjadi, ini membuktikan angka kejadian FAM cukup tinggi. Pada penelitian sebelumya, belum di ketahui penyebab pasti FAM. Tujuan : untuk untuk memberikan gambaran bagaimana asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan post lumpektomi Fibroadenoma Mammae (FAM). Hasil : setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan selama 2 x 24 jam didapatkan hasil nyeri berkurang, belum ada tanda-tanda infeksi, gangguan citra tubuh teratasi sebagian. Kesimpulan : pada pengkajian didapatkan hasil terdapat lupa post operasi lumpektomi, ditegakkan diagnosa nyeri, resiko infeksi, gangguan citra tubuh. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan masalah teratasi sebagian

    Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Melalui E-Health Terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pasien Gagal Jantung Di RS UNS

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    Symptoms that often appear in heart failure and side effects that interfere with taking medication make it difficult for patients with heart failure to adhere to the recommended treatment regimen properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of providing education through e-health on the compliance of heart failure patients at UNS Hospital to take medication. This study uses a quantitative research method with a pre-experimental design with a one group pretest-posttest design without a control group. Data collection was carried out for heart failure patients undergoing outpatient treatment at the outpatient installation of UNS Hospital as many as 68 respondents. The sampling technique int his study used accidental sampling. The research instrument related to demographic data was obtained from a demographic data questionnaire and related to medication adherence was obtained through the 8 Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of the characteristics of heart failure patients at UNS Hospital were male with an age group > 55 years, belonging to the NYHA II functional class, SMA/SMK education, family members who cares for them were wives, and the majority had never received education to take medication. Furthermore, based on statistical analysis using the wilcoxon test, p value of 0,001 was obtained where the value was <0,05 so Ho was rejected,meaning that there was an effect of providing education through e-health on the average score of medication adherence in heart failure patients at UNS Hospital. Suggestions for further researchers are to use educational media such as e-health and develop medication reminder alarms according to the patients schedule that can be connected to the operator as well as develop e-health that can provide opportunities for heart failure sufferers to consult regarding their illness

    Gambaran Self-Efficacy Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung

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    Heart failure or congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic disease that is not contagious and is a common disease in the world. Self-efficacy is a person's belief in their ability to exercise some form of self-control and events in the environment. The higher value of self-efficacy in patients with heart failure, also higher in self-acceptance of the disease experienced and affect the better self-care performed. This study aims to determine the description of self-efficacy in heart failure patients. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with 70 respondents in the UNS Hospital Surakarta. Retrieval of data using a descriptive survey approach and non-random sampling research methods with accidental sampling techniques. The research instrument used the Cardiac Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE Scale) questionnaire which had 12 statement items using the Likert scale ie 0 = not at all confident, 1 = somewhat confident, 2 = quite confident, 3 = very confident, and 4 = fully confident. The results obtained from this study amounted to 82.9% of all respondents having high self-efficacy. Many factors that affect the level of self-efficacy in patients with heart failure, so it is hoped that future studies can add insufficient knowledge to this study

    Hubungan Antara Self Efficacy Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Chronic Kidney Disease Yang Menjalani Hemodialisa Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Moewardi

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    Penderita gagal ginjal kronis yang menjalani hemodialisa memiliki kualitas hidup yang bervariasi dikarenakan banyak faktor diantaranya adalah Self Efficacy. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara Self Efficacy dengan kualitas hidup pasien gagal ginjal kronik. Penelitian ini berjenis kuantitatif korelasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan chi square. Populasi yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini yaitu 3995 pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisa di RSUD dr. Moewardi. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa sebanyak 24 sampel memiliki kualitas hidup baik dengan sisanya buruk, kemudian Self Efficacy didapatkan 20 sampel Self Efficacy rendah dan 22 sampel Self Efficacy tinggi. Berdasarkan chi square didapatkan hasil Rhitung = 0,672 sedangkan tingkat signifikasi didapat 0,001 lebih kecil dari 0,05 sehingga disimpulkan terdapat hubungan antara kedua variabel tersebut. Rhitung menunjukan korelasi tinggi antara kedua variabel. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Self Efficacy memiliki peranan dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien gagal ginjal kronik yang menjalani hemodialisa. Peneliti selanjutnya dapat menggunakan faktor lain untuk menentukan pengaruh kualitas hidup

    Gambaran Dukungan Sosial Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung

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    Introduction: Independent nursing management have vital role to quality of life the heart failure and can give the positive impact to improve heart failure symptoms, quality of life, mordibity. The adequately social support proves can bring down nortality, accelerate, cognitive function, physical and mental health. Purpose: To discover the descriptive of heart failure social support in patients. Method: Type of descriptive quantitative research. Number of samples in current research is 83 heart failure respondent obtained by accidental sampling technic. This data aggregation of research using by MOS-SSS questionnaire and then analyze by univariate analysis. Results: Heart failure respondents’ characteristics evidence for most part are men (72,3%), the mean of age 59,08 (±10,373), the mean of ejection fraction about 51,65 (±13,992). Social support of heart failure patients mostly acquire quite enough social support, the mean emotional/ informational support score was 29,80 (±5,932), the mean tangible support score was 11,72 (±3,861), the mean affectionate support score was 10,45 (±2,328), and the mean positive social interaction support score was 12,53 (±2,834). Conclusion: Most of respondent acquire the sufficient social suppor

    Gambaran Tingkat Beban Keluarga Dalam Merawat Anggota Keluarga Yang Menderita Gagal Jantung

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    The impact that emerges while caring for family members who suffer from heart failure is known as the weight of family difficulties. Economic constraints, a lack of education, a lack of support, and gender differences are all issues that occur. There are many heart failure patients that have a lower quality of life as a result of inadequate family care. The goal of this study is to discuss the family issues that develop when treating heart failure patients at the RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta heart polyclinic. A descriptive strategy with a quantitative approach was used in this investigation. Using the Quota Sampling technique, the research sample at the RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta heart polyclinic included 68 respondents who are families who care for heart failure patients. Data collection is done with a questionnaire sheet, and data analysis is done with a descriptive test. The bulk of respondents in this survey are female, hence the results obtained a description of their characteristics. The majority of the responders are between the ages of 40 and 49. The majority of responders are self-employed, with a high school diploma as their most recent schooling. In the polyclinic of RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, the burden of family difficulties in caring for family members who suffer from heart failure is typically described as a moderate load of up to 45.6 percent. The majority of the respondents reported issues with financial constraints, inability, and ignorance, according to the findings. As a result, interventions such as educational counseling about heart failure for patients and families are required in order to improve family awareness of patient care and lessen the burden of difficulties associated with treating heart failure patients

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Anticipatory Guidance Anak Toddler terhadap Pengetahuan Ibu di Desa Ngemplak Kartasura

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    The role of parents in toddlers (12 – 36 month) is urgently needed, ignorance and lack of information often leads parents to mistaken parenting, this may lead to trauma in children and affect their growth and development. Anticipatory guidance is an important and necessary guidance to parents to assist in addressing the problems that may occur in every phase of child growth and development. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of health aducation about anticipatory guidance for toddler on mother knowledge in ngemplak kartasura village. This type of research was quantitative research using pre-experiment design and one group pre and post test design. The samples in this study were 52 mothers with toddler and lived in Ngemplak Kartasura village with sampling technique using proportional stratified random sampling. The research instrument used power point health education media, leaflet and knowledge questionnaire. The data analysis used paired t-test. The result of paired t-test obtained value tcount = -19,637 and p-value = 0,001. The conclusion of this research is existence influence of health education anticipatory guidance for toddler on mother knowledge in Ngemplak Kartasura village

    Upaya Peningkatan Mobilitas Fisik Pada Pasien Stroke Dengan Hemiparese

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    Background: According to the Central Java Provincial Health Office (2012), the prevalence of stroke in Central Java in 2012 was 0.07 higher than in 2011 (0.03%). Problems often arise in stroke patients is the occurrence of physical mobility disorder mainly occurs hemiplegia or hemiparese. Someone who experience movement disorders or disturbances in muscle strength will have an impact on daily activities. To increase muscle strength necessary mobilization exercises, which aim to improve neurological function and prevent contractures or stiffness of muscles with physical therapy and other techniques. Objective: To provide an overview of nursing care efforts to increase physical mobility in and to prevent muscle stiffness in patients with stroke. Methods: The method used is descriptive case studies in stroke patients conducted on the 10th until February 12th, 2017 covering five nursing process ranging from assessment, determine a diagnosis, intervention, implementation and evaluation. Data were obtained from medical records, observation, interview, physical examination and documentation of journals also books. Results: Patients showed increased physical mobility after give the nursing care. The effect of the action Range Of Motion (ROM) and reposition improve physical mobility. Conclusion: The issue is resolved physical mobility constraints partly because of the right limb was able to be moved, but not maximized. Thus require treatment or further mobilization exercises in order to achieve the expected outcomes

    Hubungan Antara Jenis Kelamin dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung

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    Heart failure is a syndrome which characterized by inability of heart that can’t enough to fulfill the requirement of oxygen and nutrient in the body’s tissue. Psychological problems such as anxiety can occur in people with heart failure caused by the prognosis of worsening disease. Anxiety in people with heart failure can be different between men and women. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between gender and anxiety of patients with heart failure. This study was used analytical quantitative design with cross sectional approach. The number of samples in this study is 70 respondents taken by quota sampling with the same amount between male and female respondents. This study conducted in Poly Heart in Hospital of University Sebelas Maret. This study uses GAD-7 (General Anxiety Disorde-7). The age’s mean of the respondent is 57.67, the highest level of education is collage and the most respondent are in NYHA I. Spearman rank test results showed a p-value of 0.007 which means there is a relationship between gender with anxiety levels in heart failure patients and women had more anxiety than male. In this study, most of the male respondents were in the mild anxiety category and women were in the moderate anxiety category. For the future researchers are expected to research more about other things that cause anxiety in people with heart failure

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Ny. P dengan Gangguan Sistem Imunologi : Post Operasi Ekstirpasi Tumor Colli Hari Pertama di Ruang Multazam RS PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Background: Tumor colli or branchial cyst is a congenital disorder which caused by imperfections obliteration of apartus branchial so remain of cells that will provoke the formation of cysts. In 2013 the incidence of head and neck tumors in PKU Muhammadiyah of Surakarta Hospital until 30 incidence tumor colli. The lack of public knowledge about the disease is also used effects the increase in the incidence of tumors colli because they can not realize early on tumor colli disease and they don’t know if the tumor colli left will cause respiratory disorders and indigestion. Objective: To determine nursing care of patients with tumors colli include assessment, intervention, implementation and evaluation of nursing. Result: after 2 days of action for nursing diagnoses that appear three are: pain, there is lack of sleep and there is no infection. In most implementations are compliant with the plan of action that has been applied. Conclusion: after action for nursing care during 3 x 24 hours began April 30th 2013 until May 1th 2013 for Ny. P with post operation tumor colli, cooperation between the health care team and patient or family is indispensable for the success of nursing care to patients. Process nursing care action of patients began from choice diagnoses of nursing, planning, actions, evalutions and documentations