Gambaran Dukungan Sosial Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung


Introduction: Independent nursing management have vital role to quality of life the heart failure and can give the positive impact to improve heart failure symptoms, quality of life, mordibity. The adequately social support proves can bring down nortality, accelerate, cognitive function, physical and mental health. Purpose: To discover the descriptive of heart failure social support in patients. Method: Type of descriptive quantitative research. Number of samples in current research is 83 heart failure respondent obtained by accidental sampling technic. This data aggregation of research using by MOS-SSS questionnaire and then analyze by univariate analysis. Results: Heart failure respondents’ characteristics evidence for most part are men (72,3%), the mean of age 59,08 (±10,373), the mean of ejection fraction about 51,65 (±13,992). Social support of heart failure patients mostly acquire quite enough social support, the mean emotional/ informational support score was 29,80 (±5,932), the mean tangible support score was 11,72 (±3,861), the mean affectionate support score was 10,45 (±2,328), and the mean positive social interaction support score was 12,53 (±2,834). Conclusion: Most of respondent acquire the sufficient social suppor

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