5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Brand Association, Brand Image, Brand Trust, Price Dan Word Of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sepatu Merk Vans ( Studi kasus pada pembelian Sepatu Sneakers merek Vans Di Infusionstore Malang )

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    AbstractThis study aims to determine and analyze the effect of product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price, and word of mouth on purchasing satisfaction. Researchers are interested in this study because sales of Vans Sneakers at the Infusionstore are decreasing or not growing. With the existing theory, hopefully it can answer the problems that occur, the sample in this study is 73 consumers. The population of this study is in this study the population is all buyers of Vans Sneakers at the Malang Infusionstore from Mei to July 2020, which is estimated to reach 264 consumers. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it is known that product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price and word of mouth have a simultaneous effect on purchasing decisions and product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price and word of mouth have a partial effect on purchasing decisions. . Keywords: product quality, brand association, brand image, brand trust, price, word of mouth, purchase satisfactio

    Perbedaan titer antitoksin tetanus anak wanita kelas VI SD di desa risiko tinggi dan nonrisiko tinggi tetanus neonatorum yang belum dan sudah di imunisasi TT pada,The Differece of Antitoxin Titre among Grade Sixth Fem..=

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    ABSTRACT Tetanus neonatorum was still a public health problem in the developing countries, including Indonesia. Since 1984, Toxoid Tetanus immunization was given to girls, i.e. grade-six female students and the brides. Since 1996, the immunization program had introduced 5-dose TT, beginning from 15-to-39 females with high risk of tetanus neonatorum and it was extended to school children and TT immunization for pregnant mothers. Earlier the immunization for children was aimed at providing basic immunization, at present the aim was to improve immunity. The rescheduling of the immunization program for school children was begun on November 14, 1997 that was later called as school children immunization month. The antitoxin level considered as preventing from tetanus was >0,01 u/ml. Basic data on the immunity status against tetanus at the age of 10-13 years old and antibody measurement had not been conducted after the immunization month. This study was aimed at learning the difference of antitoxin tetanus among female school children grade 6 both in the high-risk villages and non-high-risk villages, those who were and were not immunized. This study was conducted using cross-sectional, observational method and was done at several villages covered by Salam Babaris community health centers and Banua Padang in Tapin district. The subjects were female school children grade 6. Blood samples were 2 cc, and then antitoxin titre was measured. The toxin was measured by way of pasive hemaglutination assay (PHA), conducted by Pusat Penelitian Penyakit Menular Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Departement of Health, Jakarta. The result of the study showed that there was difference between antitoxin titre and immunity level toward tetanus among female school children in the high-risk villages and non non-high-risk villages, between those immunized and not immunized at the time of immunization for school children (


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kandungan jumlah kuman dan Escherichia coli pada nasi rames di warung makan , kelurahan mangkang wetan kecamatan tugu Kodya semarang. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksploratif (penjajagan), pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan analisa bakteriologis terhadap nasi rames untuk mengetahui adanya kandungan jumlah kuman dan Escherichia coli yang dilakukan di Balai Laboratorium kesehatan Semarang, serta wawancara se para pedagang warung makan untuk mengetahui higiene dan sanitasi. Pada penelitian ini sampel diambil dari warung makan kel. Mangkang Wetan, Kec. Tugu Kodya Semarang yang kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan sebanyak 30 kali untuk setiap parameter yaitu Ankla Total Kuman (TPC) dan MPN Escherichia coli. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nasi rames yang diambil dari warung makan Kelurahan Mangkang Wetan , Kec. Tugu Kodya Semarang telah mengalami kontaminasi dan tercemar oleh bakteri Escherichia coli, yang telah melebihi persyaratan dari jumlah yang diperbolehkan. Dari hasi penelitian maka penulis menyarankan pada konsumen agar tidak sembarangan mengkonsumsi makanan nasi rames yang tidak baik untuk menghindari penyakit gastrointeritis, dan perlu dilakukan penelitian lain yang dikembangkan kearah pemantauan kandungan mokroorganisme lainnya yang banyak dibahan pangan, juga tidak lupa terhadap aspek higiene dan sanitasinya. Kata Kunci: ESCHERICHIA COL