8 research outputs found

    Implementasi Market Basket Analysis dengan Algoritma Apriori untuk Analisis Pendapatan Usaha Retail

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    Pada era teknologi sekarang hampir semua bisnis ritel sudah menggunakan teknologi Point of Sale (PoS), dimana semua transaksi di rekap dalam sebuah database sistem. Data yang disimpan di dalam database dapat diolah untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Dengan mengetahui asosiasi data penjualan, aplikasi dapat memberikan rekomendasi produk yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk membeli rekomendasi produk tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pola asosiasi yang terdapat pada sebuah toko yang sudah menerapkan teknologi PoS. Apabila pola asosiasi tersebut membentuk keterhubungan produk yang relevan dan mendatangkan keuntungan lebih maka metode yang di usulkan akan di terapkan pada aplikasi toko. Algoritma Apriori dapat menemukan pola hubungan produk antar satu atau lebih item dalam suatu dataset. Hanya saja Algoritma Apriori memiliki kelemahan dalam performa. Penerapan algoritma apriori dapat memperlambat akses transaksi, sehingga perlu pengkajian lebih dalam tentang kebermanfaatan pola asosiasi ini. Pada penelitian ini pola asosiasi dianalisis apakah berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan penjualan. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa pola asosiasi memiliki peran penting dalam peningkatan penjualan. Didapatkan rata - rata asosiasi dengan nilai confidence tertinggi terjadi pada bulan maret, yaitu 0.61 dengan nilai minimal support 0.003. Hal ini sesuai dengan hasil penjualan tertinggi, yaitu sebesar Rp. 295.509.934 pada bulan maret, tahun 2021. Berdasarkan penelitian ini maka penggunaan algoritma apriori pada aplikasi POS perlu diterapkan


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    Data and facts based monitoring and evaluation process used to support AIDS response programs coordinated by National, Provincial and District AIDS Comission. Effective responses to HIV and AIDS epidemics depend on up-todate information. Therefore it was necessary to design an online recording and reporting system to facilitate data collection needed in planning AIDS response programs. This thesis deals with the development of AIDS Response Information System which will be used by Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Kabupaten Banyumas using object-oriented approach. This research has applied Ripple method focusing on analysis and design phase. The result of this research were artifacts of system modelling, written in UML 2.0. The artifacts were actors list, use case diagrams, use case details, user interface sketches, communication diagrams and database schema. Those artifacts could be used to implement the AIDS Response Information System using Object-Oriented Programming language

    Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of Drug Groups

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    The stages of clinical trials need to be carried out when determining a new drug group for patient management. This stage is considered quite long and requires a lot of money. Medical record system data continues to grow all the time. The data can be analyzed to find a pattern of grouping drugs used in the treatment of patients based on their body condition. Utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) technology can be done to classify drug data used during patient care. Machine learning as a branch of science in the AI field can be a solution to deal with these problems. Machines will learn, analyze, and predict drug requirements quickly with less cost. Based on related research, we contribute to comparing the performance of the best machine learning algorithms that can be used as drug classification models. The results of this study are the accuracy of the support vector machine algorithm is 94.7% while the random forest and decission tree algorithms are 98.2%. This shows that the algorithms that can be considered as a drug classification model are random forest and decision tree. This model needs to be tested on a larger dataset to produce the best accuracy value

    Prediksi Kelulusan Peserta Uji Kompetensi Profesi Menggunakan Algoritma C4.5

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    Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Profesi Dokter Gigi (UKMP2DG) merupakan exit exam bagi para mahasiswa yang telah selesai menempuh pendidikan profesi dokter gigi. Meski peserta yang tidak lulus UKMP2DG dapat mengulang ujian di periode-periode berikutnya, para retaker ini dihadapkan pada batasan masa studi maksimal sebelum dinyatakan drop out. Selain itu semakin lama jeda antara penyelesaian studi dan waktu ujian dikhawatirkan berpengaruh pada penguasaan terhadap ilmu yang telah dipelajari. Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun model yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi kelulusan calon peserta UKMP2DG melalui data-data pendukung. Penerapan algoritma C4.5 menghasilkan model dengan tingkat akurasi 81,40%, presisi 82,84% dan recall sebesar 95,82%. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh Institusi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi (IPDG) untuk mengambil langkah-langkah khusus dalam mempersiapkan calon peserta yang diprediksi akan tidak lulus dalam ujian yang akan ditempuh

    Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of Drug Groups

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    The stages of clinical trials need to be carried out when determining a new drug group for patient management. This stage is considered quite long and requires a lot of money. Medical record system data continues to grow all the time. The data can be analyzed to find a pattern of grouping drugs used in the treatment of patients based on their body condition. Utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) technology can be done to classify drug data used during patient care. Machine learning as a branch of science in the AI field can be a solution to deal with these problems. Machines will learn, analyze, and predict drug requirements quickly with less cost. Based on related research, we contribute to comparing the performance of the best machine learning algorithms that can be used as drug classification models. The results of this study are the accuracy of the support vector machine algorithm is 94.7% while the random forest and decission tree algorithms are 98.2%. This shows that the algorithms that can be considered as a drug classification model are random forest and decision tree. This model needs to be tested on a larger dataset to produce the best accuracy value