2,490 research outputs found

    Pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab dan Dadang Hawari tentang Cara Mendidik Anak dalam Keluarga dan Sumbangannya terhadap Pendidikan Islam

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    Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa salah satu problema yang dihadapi bangsa Indonesia pada zaman kemajuan ini, terutama di kota-kota besar ialah gejala-gejala yang menunjukkan hubungan yang agak terlepas antara ibu-bapak dengan anak-anaknya. Seorang ahli sosiologi menamakannya krisis kewibawaan orang tua. Banyak orang tua yang tidak dapat mengendalikan putera-putrinya, kalau tidak boleh dikatakan sudah seperti hujan berbalik ke langit, yaitu putra putri itulah dalam prakteknya yang mengendalikan orang tua mereka. Yang agak membangunkan pikiran dalam hal ini ialah bahwa peristiwa itu banyak dijumpai di kalangan keluarga-keluarga yang disebut cabang atas yang mempunyai kedudukan sosial ekonomi yang baik, dan pada umumnya terdiri dari orang-orang terpelajar dan berpendidikan tinggi. Bahkan ada pula di antaranya yang memegang fungsi penting dalam jabatan negara. Proses penjawaban persoalan tersebut yaitu pendidikan hendaknya tidak hanya menitikberatkan agama sebagai ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga pengamalannya. Selain itu pendidikan agama seyogyanya sampai pada esensinya tidak hanya berada pada garis permukaan. Di samping itu penanaman akhlak pada anak harus mampu mengimbangim kemajuan sains dan teknologi. Berdasarkan hal itu, maka penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab dan Dadang Hawari tentang cara mendidik anak dalam keluarga serta sumbangan pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab dan Dadang Hawari tentang cara mendidik anak terhadap pendidikan Islam. Penulisan ini sebagai bagian dari usaha untuk menambah khasanah ilmu pengetahuan di bidang pendidikan anak. Dengan meneliti pemikiran Dadang Hawari dan M. Quraish Shihab tentang cara mendidik anak, maka akan menjadi sumbangan pemikiran dalam mengatasi problema pendidikan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis library research dan kualitatif. Data Primer yaitu karya tulis Quraish Shihab dan Dadang Hawari. Data Sekunder di antaranya: kitab/buku-buku, tesis, buletin/jurnal dan lain-lain. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik dokumentasi atau studi dokumenter. Dalam menganalisis data digunakan metode deskriptif analitis, analisis isi (Content analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa apabila pendapat kedua ahli tersebut (M. Quraish Shihab dan Dadang Hawari) dibandingkan, maka persamaannya, kedua tokoh ini menganggap komponen utama yang dapat membentuk perilaku anak yaitu pertama, peran pendidikan agama; kedua, orang tua sebagai benteng utama yang memiliki pengaruh besar dalam mewarnai sepak terjang anak. Adapun perbedaan konsep kedua tokoh ini yaitu pertama, Shihab lebih banyak penekanannya bersandar pada al-Qur'an utamanya surat Lukman. Sedangkan Hawari lebih banyak merujuk pada pendekatan disiplin psikologi


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    AbstactIdeology is a series of values (norms) or a basic value system that is comprehensive and in-depth and is owned and held by a society or nation as their insight or outlook on life. Pancasila is an ideology for the Indonesian nation because Pancasila is a belief that is considered most appropriate for carrying out the state system of the Republic of Indonesia. The Pancasila principle explored by Sukarno is still firmly planted in the hearts of the Indonesian people, so that it remains a cultural characteristic of the Indonesian nation. One of the dimensions of the civilizing movement, which also means its practice in real life, is the development of ideas about the values of Pancasila that remain within the framework of the paradigm or the true content of nature and serve as the foundation for shaping the morals and character of the multicultural Indonesian nation so that harmonious relations in diversity stay awake. For this reason, in maintaining the ideology of national culture, of course, we try to re-instill an understanding of the values of Pancasila as the philosophy of the Indonesian State. Keywords: Soekarno, , Pemikiran Pancasil

    Pengaruh Alih Fungsi Lahan Sawah terhadap Produksi Padi di Kabupaten Gowa Provinsi Sulawesi-selatan

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    There are uncertain pattern in the development of rice field function alteration tonon-rice field, where the alteration absolutely depends on various factors, such asthe development of office building (both public and privat), housing, roadway, etc.,in any sub-district at Kabupaten Gowa. The wide of field significantly affects on thetotal of rice production, but the in the level of 5%, the influence of function alterationof rice field to non-rice field statistically was not significant

    Partial Stroke Test (Pst) Of Rotork Emergency Shutdown Valve: Analysis And Design Simulation

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    This report essentially discusses the basic understanding to comprehend the technology of Partial Stroke Testing (PST) of Emergency Shutdown (ESD) Valve and how it is conducted and analyzed

    Tentang Whole Language dalam Pengajaran Bahasa

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    Whole language mengandung konsepsi bahwa bahasa merupakan gejala plural yang mempunyai keutuhan. Sebab itu, sebagai bahan pembelajaran, bahasa tidak dapat disikapi sebagai gejala yang tersegmentasikan secara artifisial melainkan disikapi sebagaimana gejala penggunaannya dalam berbagai peristiwa komunikasi. Sebagai wawasan yang ada dalam konteks pengajaran bahasa, penerapan prinsip whole language berimplikasi pada penyikapan bahasa sebagai bahan pembelajaran, bentuk pembelajaran, assessment, dan penilaian. Dalam artian luas, penerapan prinsip tersebut berimplikasi dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penilaian program

    Pengaruh Promosi Penjualan dan Lokasi Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Produk Chicken Nugget So Good Food Di Transmart Gatot Subroto Medan

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      The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of promotion on consumer satisfaction with Chicken Nugget So Good Food at Transmart Gatot Subroto Medan, the effect of product location on consumer satisfaction with Chicken Nugget So Good Food at Transmart Gatot Subroto Medan, the effect of promotion and location on consumer satisfaction at Chicken Nugget So Good Food products at Transmart Gatot Subroto Medan. The population in this study at Transmart Gatot Subroto Medan was 6531 customers and the samples used were 44 customers, while the determination technique used Incidental Sampling. The data sources in this study are primary data, namely data obtained directly from the research location and secondary data, namely data derived from reports, books and journals related to it. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of multiple regression analysis are Y = 4.243+ 0.540X1 + 0.265X2 + e which shows promotion and location have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. The results of the partial test (t) show that promotion has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction where it can be seen that the tcount value is 6.072 ttable 1.682 and the location variable also has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction where it can be seen that the tcount value is 3.135 ttable 1.682. The result of the coefficient of determination is 0.622, this shows that 62.2% of the Consumer Satisfaction variable is influenced by promotion and location, in other words, promotion and location affect customer satisfaction by 62.2%, while the remaining 37.8% is influenced by other than this researc

    Pengaruh Keterampilan Karyawan Dan Pengalaman Kerja Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan di PT. So Good Food Kota Medan

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    This study aims to determine how much influence the Employee Skills, Work Experience in Improving Employee Performance at PT. So Good Food Medan City. The research methodology used is a quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study are employees from PT. So Good Food Medan City as many as 37 employees. Population and sample in research at PT. So Good Food Medan has 37 employees. The sampling technique uses a saturated sample. The data sources in this study are primary data, namely data obtained directly from the research location and secondary data, namely books and journals related to it. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of multiple regression analysis are Y = 0.596 + 0.602X1 + 1.046X2 + e which shows skills and work experience have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The results of the partial test (t) show that skills have a positive and significant effect on employee performance where it can be seen that the tcount value is 3.862 ttable 1.690 and the work experience variable also has a positive and significant effect on employee performance where it can be seen that the tcount value is 5.929 ttable 1.690. The significance value of F is less than 5% or 0.05 or the value of Fcount = 92.762 Ftable 3.28. The result of the coefficient of determination is 0.845, this shows that 84.5% of employee performance variables are influenced by skills and work experience, in other words, skills and work experience affect employee performance by 84.5%, while the remaining 15.5% are influenced by other factors outside of this study

    Development of Coastal Protection Scheine Database for Peninsular Malaysia

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    To improve the systems, the author is taking initiative to create a database scheme of coastal protection along the Peninsular Malaysia coastline. The gathering of this database is hoped to develop better understanding on design criteria about coastal protection scheme along Peninsular Malaysia coastlines performances and failure mode of structure. In presenting the database of coastal protection scheme along Peninsular Malaysia's shoreline, software called GIS (MapInfo Professional 7.0®) is used
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