1,245 research outputs found

    Sectarianism and Shia Politics in Pakistan, 1979-Present

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    The Iranian revolution has left a profound mark on Pakistan's politics in general and the role of religion therein, in particular. The revolution underscored the importance of Islam to sociopolitical change, and provided impetus for Islamist activism. Iran's drive to establish regional hegemony combined with growing Sunni resistance to its Shia characteristics produced sectarian conflict. This conflict has been fed on regional struggles for power between Iran and its Arab neighbors, and competition for resources and influence between Sunnis and Shias in South Asia. The result has been a new form of Islamist politics, one that draws on Islamism in tandem with identity politics. Its force has greatly impacted sociopolitical relations in the region. The more lasting impact of the Iranian revolution in the region has not been promotion of Islamist activism, but deep division between Shias and Sunnis, a sectarian discourse of power, and deepening of social cleavages in the region

    Sectarianism and Shia Politics in Pakistan, 1979-Present

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    The Iranian revolution has left a profound mark on Pakistan's politics in general and the role of religion therein, in particular. The revolution underscored the importance of Islam to sociopolitical change, and provided impetus for Islamist activism. Iran's drive to establish regional hegemony combined with growing Sunni resistance to its Shia characteristics produced sectarian conflict. This conflict has been fed on regional struggles for power between Iran and its Arab neighbors, and competition for resources and influence between Sunnis and Shias in South Asia. The result has been a new form of Islamist politics, one that draws on Islamism in tandem with identity politics. Its force has greatly impacted sociopolitical relations in the region. The more lasting impact of the Iranian revolution in the region has not been promotion of Islamist activism, but deep division between Shias and Sunnis, a sectarian discourse of power, and deepening of social cleavages in the region

    Hartung, Jan-Peter. A System of Life: Mawdūdī and the Ideologisation of Islam

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    As Vali Nasr rightfully points out, biographies can be essential sources for understanding contemporary Islamic revivalism (1996:3). Among the individuals whose biography can contribute to shedding light on the phenomenon, the Indo-Pakistani thinker Abu’l A‘la Mawdudi (1903-1979) stands out prominently; his importance has however been somewhat underestimated outside the circles of scholars specialized in Islamism. Such lack of fame is all the more surprising as Mawdudi has been particularly i..

    Nasr (Seyyed Vali Reza). The Vanguard of Islamic Revolution - The Jama'at-i Islami of Pakistan

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    L'ouvrage de S.V.R.N. porte sur la Jama'at-i islami (JII) du Pakistan, un des plus anciens mouvements islamistes en Asie du Sud. Il fait le tour de la question en trois parties et 300 pages, ce qui constitue un véritable tour de force : dans un premier temps, l'auteur présente la formation du mouvement dans l'Inde encore coloniale de 1941, il s'intéresse ensuite à la structure de l'organisation et à sa base sociale avant de consacrer six chapitres à dérouler l'histoire de la Jama'at (...)

    A oposição Sunismo/Xiismo enquanto fonte de tensão e conflito no Médio Oriente contemporâneo

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    O objectivo deste ensaio é o de analisar a divisão entre sunismo e xiismo enquanto fonte de tensão e conflito no mundo muçulmando contemporâneo, em especial no Médio Oriente. Esta análise envolve uma ênfase especial na análise do xiismo, já que importantes transformações nas dinâmicas políticas desta comunidade, sobretudo desde a revolução iraniana de 1979 e, mais recentemente, do derrube de Saddam Hussein em 2003, são um dos princípais factores que estão a alterar as articulações geopolíticas no Médio Oriente

    Imamate and Leadership: The Case of the Shi'a Fundamentalists in Modern Iran

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    The theory of Imamate (absolute religious, spiritual and political leadership of the Muslim community) is one of the most important pillars in Twelver Shi'ism (the second largest branch of Islam). While there was a relative agreement on the nature and boundaries of the theory of Imamate and leadership during the presence of the twelve Shi'i Imams, there is no such consensus among the Shi'a in this regard after the Occultation of the last Imam, the Mahdi, in 874. Generally speaking, with respect to the latter period, there are two broad schools of thought. For Traditionalists, during the absence of the Imam, Imamate is no longer conceivable as the absolute religious and political leadership of the community of believers. On the other hand, Fundamentalists believe in full implementation of the theory of Imamate in the society by jurists, as the general deputies of Imam Mahdi in his absence. This study intends to examine the views of the Shi'a fundamentalists, particularly in the modern Iran. Keywords: Shi'ism; Imamate; infallible Imams; fundamentalism; Islamic government; guardianship of the jurist; democracyRésumé: La théorie de l'imamat (le leadership absolu, religieux, spirituel et politique de la communauté musulmane) est l'un des piliers les plus importants dans le chiisme duodécimain (la deuxième plus grande branche l'islam). Bien qu'il y ait un accord relatif sur la nature et les limites de la théorie de l'imamat et du leadership au cours de la présence des douze imams chiites, il n'y a pas ce genre de consensus parmi les chiites à cet égard après l'occultation du dernier Imam, le Mahdi, en 874. De manière générale, à l'égard de cette dernière période, il y a deux grandes écoles de pensée. Pour les traditionalistes, l'imamat n'est plus concevable en tant que le leadership absolu religieux et politique de la communauté des croyants. Par contre, les fondamentalistes croient en la pleine application de la théorie de l'imamat dans la société par les juristes, en absence des représentants généraux de l'Imam Mahdi. Cette étude vise à examiner les vues des fondamentalistes chiites, en particulier en Iran moderne.Mots-clés: Chiisme; imamat; imamsinfaillibles; fondamentalisme; gouvernement islamique; tutelle du juriste; démocrati

    From Islamist to Muslim democrat: the present phenomenon of Muslim politics in Malaysia

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    The Muslim political rivalry in democracy has triggered the birth of two groups; Islamist and Muslim Democrat. The two groups are competing by using a different approach in getting the support of the people. The Islamist group is championing its Islamic State agenda and the implementation of Shari`a as a political ambition within the framework of democracy while the Muslim Democrat recognises democracy and freedom as the basis of their struggle. Due to a greater development in democracy and a more open political rivalry, the Islamist group that was initially strongly backed by their rigid ideology and approach, has decided to change for a more moderate approach. This can be seen through their political strategy that emphasises on universal issues such as democracy, justice and good governance without rhetorical expressions of Islam and Shari`a. This change from Islamist to that of Muslim Democrat is an exciting development for it shows the transition path and direction of Muslim politics in Malaysia. This paper examines the latest development of the Islamist group, i.e. PAS in political rivalry in Malaysia, particularly in the recent General Election in 2013. This article reveals that due to the changing political landscape and democratization, the Islamist has pragmatically moderated their stance to gain more supports and it has embarked on a new landscape for Muslim political rivalry in Malaysia. Although PAS’s new approach to transform its approach to be more open and democratic is still questionable, this study believes that the participation of the party in democracy is no longer just for the sake of election, on the other hand it should recognise democracy as a political culture that emphasizes justice, freedom and good governance

    On the Integration of Science and Religion: Between Sacred Science and Wilāyat Al Faqīh

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    This paper deals with the Integration of Science and religion based upon the Wilāyat Al Faqīh. It will critique the attempt by Nasr called “Sacred Science” as incomplete, as it is based merely on esoteric principles. Then it will proceed to show to what extent Wilāyat Al Faqīh can accomplish the ideal of Science Integration through the analysis of four aspects: the religious, the metaphysical, the epistemological and the ethical. To do this it will draw from the transcendental epistemological approach of Jawadi Amuli

    Sunni-Shia Ecumenism in Austria: A Model for Western Europe?

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    oai:ojs.aljamiah.or.id:article/772The dynamics of encounter between Shiism and Sunnism have been investigated by some scholars, nevertheless the detailed study on the ventures of Sunni-Shia convergence which takes place in Austria is still underdeveloped. Such a picture is significance in revealing the features of Sunni-Shia ecumenism and its relationship with ‘European Islam’. This paper investigates the problems and the prospects for Sunni-Shia rapprochement in Austria, as well as the extent to which ecumenism in this country could serve as a model for Western Europe. The conflicts between Sunnites and Shiites are in some ways grounded in the misunderstandings between these two main sects of Islam. The recognition of faith community plays a part in figuring the fate of rapprochement between Sunnites and Shiites in the country. The prospects for Sunni-Shia ecumenism in Austria lie in the hands of authoritative personages and organisations, and in the ability of various elements of the society to enter into a dialogue to eradicate misunderstandings and prejudices. The authentic elaboration of ‘European Islam’ will also mould the future of Sunni-Shia ecumenism in Austria. There are possibilities and limits of applying Austrian model of Sunni-Shia ecumenism to other countries in Western Europe.[Dinamika perjumpaan antara Sunni dengan Syiah telah diteliti oleh banyak ahli, meskipun demikian kajian khusus tentang hubungan Sunni – Shiah  dengan studi kasus di Austria masih belum banyak diteliti. Gambarannya terletak pada arti penting pemahaman prinsipil antara Sunni – Syiah dan keterhubungan mereka dengan Islam Eropa. Tulisan ini menjelaskan berbagai persoalan dan prospek dalam membangun kedekatan keduanya di Austria sebagaimana kelanjutan perihal keyakinan di Negara tersebut sebagai model untuk Eropa Barat. Konflik antar pengikut Sunni - Syiah diantaranya mengakar karena ketidaksepahaman antar dua kelompok ini. Pengakuan komunitas agama berperan dalam penentuan pemulihan hubungan antara Sunni dan Syiah di negara ini. Prospek ekumenisme Sunni-Syiah di Austria ada di tangan tokoh dan organisasi kompeten, dan kemampuan beberapa pihak masyarakat untuk berdialog sehingga dapat menghilangkan kesalahpahaman dan prasangka. Elaborasi otentik ‘Islam Eropa’ juga akan membentuk masa depan ekumenisme Sunni-Syiah di Austria. Termasuk adanya kemungkinan dan batasan penerapan model ekumenisme Sunni-Syiah Austria ke negara-negara lain di Eropa Barat.