82 research outputs found

    Dinamika Agroforestry Tegalan Di Perbukitan Menoreh, Kulon Progo, Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Land management in agroforestry systems requires species selection and proper silviculture. Selection of species and silvicultural treatments aimed at maintaining competition in obtaining a light, water and nutrients. Farmers choose the species based on the economical factor. This study aims to determine the composition of plant species in dry land agroforestry in Menoreh Hill, Kulon Progo District. Research done by survey method. Plot observation was divided into three level of light intensity: : a) early agroforestry (light intensity >50%), b) middle agroforestry, (light intensity 30-50%), c) further agroforestry (light intensity <30%). Four planting plots were made as repetition, so that there were 12 plots observation. Observations and measurements of vegetation are done with census (100%). The Result show five important value index in early Agroforestry,: sengon (77.84), coconut (50.04), and cacao (25.47), tree density was 482 trees/hectare and basal area 5.48 m2/ha, in middle agroforestry were: sengon (88.15), mahogany (49.51), and clove (45.03), with tree density was 595 trees/ha, and basal area was 6.70 m2/ha, further agroforestry were: clove (72.37%), sengon (50.61), and coconut (37.02), tree density was 650 trees/ha, basal area was 6.78 m2/ha


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    A dry-field (tegalan) is one of the subsystems of classical agroforestry, where there is no intensive management of both the spacing and the selection of the type that is considered. Dry-field (tegalan) agroforestry subsystems have a state that resembles natural forest ecosystems. It became an opportunity execution of research related to the stands composition of dry-field (tegalan) and forest nature. The purpose of this study is to determine the pattern of developing agroforestry in Bulu and the relation of the natural forest. This research was conducted in Bulu-Giripurwo Village, Girimulyo District, Kulonprogo. Data was collected at 36 sample plots representing 3 strata. The first stratum had an area of &lt; 1000 m2, the second 1,000 m2–2,000 m2, and the third &gt; 2,000 m2. K-Means Cluster Analysis and exponential equation modeling was used to analyze the dry-field (tegalan). The results of this study indicate that there were three models of management of cultivated land in Bulu; the Mixed Model, Model MPTS dominant plants, and forest trees dominant model. Mixed models had the stand equation Y = 3.39 x 2.7128-0,026X with an R2 of 0.798. The dominant MPTS plan models had the stand equation 3,155 x 2.7128-0,021X with an R2 of 0.770. The dominant of forest trees models has stands equation Y = 3.182 x 2.7128-0,024X with R2 of 0.706. These results demonstrate agroforestry modeling subsystem dry-field (tegalan) has characteristics resembling natural forest indicated from the value of R2 that characterized so close with the equation of uneven-aged forest model.Keywords: Agroforestry, dry-field (tegalan), natural fores

    Effect of The Substitution of Compound Fertilizer With Single Fertilizer and Mycorrhizal Inoculation on The Growth and Yield of Soybean Among Eucalyptus

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    The efforts to improve the productivity of soybean can be done through technological innovation by the provision of chemical fertilizers and mycorrhizae. This study were aimed to obtain information on the effect of a single fertilizer, which can provide the same or higher level of soybean crops if compared with those compound fertilizers, as well as to find out the effect of mycorrhizae to the improvement of efficiency in the use of inorganic fertilizers. It is expected that the mycorrhizae inoculation can reduce single fertilizer’s dose to the level equivalent to the compound fertilizer given by farmers. The study was conducted in Bleberan Village, Playen Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta from February to May 2015. It was conducted by using a two-factors factorial design arranged in a randomized block design with three replications. The first factor was inorganic fertilizer (N, P2O5 and K2O), consisting of 5 levels, i.e. without fertilizer (0-0-0 kg/ ha), Phonska fertilizer (45-45-45 kg/ha), single fertilizer (45 -45-45 kg/ha), a low single fertilizer (23-36-30 kg/ha) and high single fertilizer (23-108-90 kg/ha). The second factor was mycorrhizal inoculation, consisting of three levels, i.e. without mycorrhizae (0 g), medium dose (2.5 g) and high dose (5 g). Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of 5%. If there was a significant difference, analysis was followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test with a significance level of 5%. The relationship between variables observed was examined by a correlation analysis. The results showed that there was no interaction between inorganic fertilizer and mycorrhizal application. The dose of single fertilizer which was equivalent to the dose of compound fertilizer given to soybean could increase crops by 1.37 t/ha compared with plants treated with a compound fertilizer 1.13 t/ha. The results of correlation analysis among parameters showed that there were correlations between the grain crops and height (r = 0.506**), stem diameter (r = 0.303*), and the number of pods per plant (r = 0.313*)

    Growth of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) and Food Crop Production Under Agroforestry Bamboo Systems

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    One of the main species in community forests is betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper). Optimizing land use under bamboo can be achieved by cultivating food crops. This research aimed to determine the growth of betung bamboo and the production of food crops. The experimental design used a split plot design with four cultivation patterns as the main plots: agroforestry bamboo pattern i.e. agroforestry bamboo + rice (P1), agroforestry bamboo + rice + cassava (P2), agroforestry bamboo + rice + taro (P3), and mixed food crops (rice + cassava + taro) (P4), while the subplots were rice varieties: rindang 2 (V1), protani (V2), and unsoed (V3). The observed parameters were bamboo growth, soil fertility, and food crop production. The results showed that seven-year-old betung bamboo had an average of 6.01 mature stems per clump, an average plant height of 7.23 m, and a stem diameter of 7.12 cm. The numbers of young stems and shoots per clump was 1.45 and 3.71. The highest betung bamboo growth was in the agroforestry pattern (length: 8,49 m, diameter: 7.17 cm, thickness: 1.95, total weight: 21.31 kg). The highest rice yield was observed in the P2V1 treatment (4.17 kg). The highest cassava tuber yield per plant was observed in P4 (2.12 kg). The taro tuber yield was relatively higher in the agroforestry pattern with a distance of &gt;1 m from the bamboo clump (0.52 kg plant-1). The land equivalent ratio (LER) and area time equivalent ratio (ATER) of bamboo and food crop agroforestry have a value above 1, so it is more efficient in land

    The Optimum Dose of Nitrogen, Phosporus, and Potassium to Improve Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr) Productivity on Kayu Putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) Stands

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    It was necessary to obtain optimum dose of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium obtained through fertilisation in order to improve productivity in the intercropping. Kayu putih tree was cultivated in Yogyakarta for oil production, and the inter-row was designed for intercropping plants, including soybean. The objective of present study was to obtain optimum dose of urea, SP-36, and KCl for soybean intercropped with kayu putih. The experiment was conducted in Menggoran Forest Resort (RPH Menggoran), Playen Forest Section (BDH Playen), Yogyakarta Forest Management District (KPH Yogyakarta) using split-split plot design. The main plot was urea, subplot was SP-36, and sub-subplot was KCl. Fertilisation consisted of three levels (0, 25, 50 kg ha-1 of urea), (0, 150, 300 kg ha-1 of SP-36) and (0, 75, 150 kg ha-1 of KCl). The results showed that application of 50 kg ha-1 urea, 300 kg. ha-1 SP-36, and 150 kg. ha-1 KCl increased N, P, K uptake per hectare as much as 16.23 kg N ha-1, 86.27 kg P ha-1, 40.02 kg K ha-1, respectively. There was positive interaction between urea and SP-36, SP-36 and KCl at leaf area, photosynthetic rate, number of seeds per plants, seed weight per plants, and seed weight per hectare. Under kayu putih intercropping, optimum dosage of urea, SP-36 and KCl were 0, 298.03 and 87.12 kg ha-1, respectively. These combination enabled to produce maximum seed weight of 2.01 tons. ha-1

    Physiological Response of Upland Rice Varieties to Furrow with Organic Matter on Agroforestry System with Kayu Putih (Melaleuca leucadendra L.)

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    Drought is one of the major limitations in dry land cultivation. Drought affects plant physiology processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, mineral and water transportation, and transpiraton, briefly called drought stress. Drought stress can be avoided by managing environment. Furrow containing organic matter for rain fed rice has been the subject of many studies, with special emphasis on soil moisture. This research is aimed to know the effects of the furrow containing organic matter on physiological responses of several upland rice varieties on agroforestry system based on kayu putih (cajuput). The experimental design applied the strip plot design. The vertical factor is the furrow system of treatment consisting of 2 levels i.e. without furrow + without organic matter and furrow + organic matters. The horizontal factors are the upland rice varieties consisting of 3 varieties i.e. Situ Patenggang, Situ Bagendit and Ciherang. The collected data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) applying a level of significance α = 5%. Whenever significant differences among treatments were found, further analysis was carried out by applying the Tukey's HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) test α = 5% levels. The result shows that drought affects plant physiology and can be avoided by using furrow containing organic matters. Situ Patenggang with furrow containing organic matters has the higher physiology capability, it had photosynthesis 387.18 µmol CO2 per clump s-1, transpiration 3038.50 mg per clump per secondand CO2 721.11 mol CO2 clump per mol. There different plant requirements for Cu between varieties

    The Effect of Furrow Containing Organic Matters to Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Growth and Yield in Agroforestry System with Kayu Putih

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    This research was aimed to know the effects of the furrow system containing organic matter for rainfed, to growth and yield of several varieties on agroforestry system with Kayu Putih. The research was conducted in Petak 83 Resort Pengelolaan Hutan (RPH) Menggoran, Bagian Daerah Hutan (BDH) Playen, Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) Yogyakarta from March to August of 2018. The experimental design applied the strip plot design. The vertical factor was the furrow system of treatment consisting of 2 levels i.e, without furrow + without organic matter and furrow + organic matters. The horizontal factors were the varieties of upland rice consisting of 3 varieties i.e. Situ Patenggang, Situ Bagendit, and Ciherang. Then the collected data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Anova) applying a level of significance α = 5%. Whenever the significant differences among treatments were found, further analysis was carried out by applying the Tukey's HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) at 5% levels. The result showed that furrow containing organic matter was able to support plant growth in dry land. Situ Patenggang has highest adaptation to growth dan produce in drought stress. The combination of furrow containing organic matter with Situ Patenggang showed the best result in CGR, total root length, total chlorophyll content, number of panicle, number of spikelet per panicle, 1000 grain weight and estimated productivity

    Effect of Trenches with Organic Matter and KCl Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Upland Rice in Eucalyptus Agroforestry System

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    Rice production can be improved through extensification using sub-optimal lands. One type of land that can be used for extensification of rice production in D.I. Yogyakarta is eucalyptus agroforestry system in Playen, Gunung Kidul. Besides expanding the land use, it can also increase farmers’ income and ecological functions. However, this system has limiting factors such as the limited availability of water, which only relies on rain. Thus, proper water management and fertilization are necessary to fulfill water and nutrient requirements for rice growth. This study aimed to determine the effects of the application of trenches with organic matter and the doses of KCl on the growth and yield of upland rice (Situ Patenggang) in eucalyptus agroforestry systems. The study was conducted at the Menggoran Forest Management Resort, Bleberan, Playen, Gunung Kidul in March-August 2018. The study was arranged in a split-plot design with three blocks as replications. The first factor was the application of trenches with organic matter, while the second factor was KCl fertilizer at. various doses. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the level of 5%. The optimal dose of KCl fertilizer was determined by regression. The results showed that both factors had a positive effect on soil moisture content, growth, physiology, and yields of upland rice. The treatments significantly increased the availability of water in the soil, thereby supporting the growth and yield of upland rice
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