14,623 research outputs found


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    Existence BKM represent one matter becoming priority in is powered of impecunious society \ud through PNPM Mandiri. Role of BKM expected to earn more improved and created by new \ud innovation improve level live impecunious people. It is of course, existence of this program need \ud strong law umbrella in the form of By Law and also Decision of Regent to be more directional \ud and looked after. Mechanism development of society participation through sub-district facility, \ud that is local government invite society to involve actively in socializing BKM. But that way after \ud all enableness conducted, just social difference remain to be happened, that is poorness. For the \ud reason, poorness overcoming or at least poorness meminimalisir become one of the principal \ud focus development of government. During the time strategy conducted by government of Malang \ud Town is with forming one institute entangling various side. The institute so called BKM. BKM \ud founded in country side storey; level / sub-district which target of the core important to \ud overcome poorness of local society. To increase efftiveness overcoming of poorness and creation \ud employment, govermmental launch Program National Enableness of Society (PNPM Mandiri) \ud start year 2007 re-formulated self Supporting by PNPM mechanism strive overcoming of \ud poorness entangling society element, start from planning phase, execution, till evaluation and \ud monitoring. \ud This research is conducted by using approach qualitative with descriptive method. Technique \ud data collecting through: Observation and interview and also docementation. After done by its \ud inspection of him, data analysed by presentation of data is at the same time analised and \ud withdrawal of conclusion. \ud From result of obtained data (1). Role BKM in execution of program of PNPM Mandiri in Sub-\ud District Mojolangu District of executed Malang Lowokwaru Town two program type that is \ud physical program and giving of fund turning around where in the plan have passed some \ud planning phase that is aspiration network, deliberation development of sub-district in sub-district \ud of Mojolangu through to negotiate citizen and approval of proposal raised by every RW in region \ud sub-district of Mojolangu by paying attention the condition of which really insist on to be \ud assisted by way of evaluation at vinicity environment and society. Fund budgeted by PNPM \ud Mandiri of central government give relief fund allocation stimulan equal to Rp. 250 million, And \ud report evaluated auditor have been delivered to center. But with the anggara still felt by the \ud existence of lacking in aid program and development of sub-district environment. Finally BKM \ud set mind on giving of loan by giving some conditions and do survey. BKM have strategy which \ud is best with implementasion training skill of management, managing small industry and give \ud capital loan to impecunious society to be can solve and overcome its own problem. Therefore BKM socialization priority for the quickening of activity PNPM Mandiri coordinated by Team \ud Controller of PNPM Mandiri which cover for example policy of public and development \ud program, stipulating of location, communication strategy, system development of information, \ud and also evaluation and monitoring. (2) Constraint of BKM in execution of program of PNPM \ud Mandiri in sub-district Mojolangu Distric of Malang Lowokwaru Town during the time do not \ud facilities and basic facilities it and lack of fund which in special allocation to support process \ud construction of BKM and awareness of society exist in Sub-District of Mojolangu less so \ud comprehend with existence of program of PNPM. Fluency of PNPM Mandiri very is base on \ud awareness of society, like performing a routine fee taken as supporter medium to fluency of \ud PNPM Mandiri. Execution of this program it is true have been planned, like sharing holder order. \ud Division of result, that is profit 70% entering receiver of benefit (impecunious citizen) and which \ud is 30% entering cash of BKM and this have been agreed on by society Sub-District of \ud Mojolangu

    The Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Competence and Work Environment on Teacher Performance of SMP Kemala Bhayangkari Jakarta

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence, competence and work environment toward teacher performance either partially or simultaneously. The object research carreid out to the employee stamp of SMP Kemala Bhayangkari Jakarta. Design research conducted in the preparation of this is quantitative that aims to determine the influence between two or more deeply variables describe or reveal a problem, situation, event or revealing fact as they are deeply and try to find a solution or problems solve. The results showed that Emotional intelligence has positive effect on performance with coefficient value of 0.161. Competence has positive effect on performance with coefficient value of 0.429. Work environment positively influence toward performance with coefficient value equal to 0,262. Adjust R Square value of 0.442. Indicates that emotional intelligence, competence and work environment together contribute 44,2% to performance and the rest of 55,8% influenced by other variable outside this researc

    The Influence of Job Satisfaction and Work Experience on Lecturer Performance of Pamulang University

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effect of job satisfaction and work experience on lecturer performance of Pamulang University. The research design used is quantitative with descriptive method. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis with a sample of 150 and the sampling technique used is proporsionate random sampling. Furthermore, the research is done by testing the stages of analysis that includes descriptive analysis of questionnaires, validity test, reliability test, linear regression test, correlation coefficient test, partial test (t test), simultaneous test and determination test. Regression analysis results proved, Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on the performance of 0.557, tcount 6.751 and a significance value of 0.000 smaller than 0.05. Work experience has a significant effect on performance of 0.451, the tcount of 5.467 and the significance value of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05. Simultaneous analysis proved job satisfaction and work experience have positive and significant effect on performance value of F arithmetic of 72.201, significance value of 0.000 and determination coefficient of 0.744.  It's means, job satisfaction and work experience able to explain the performance of 74.4% while the rest of 25.6% is explained by other variable

    Fuzzy anti-windup scheme for practical control of point-to-point (Ptp) positioning systems

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    The Positioning Systems Generally Need A Controller To Achieve High Accuracy, Fast Response And Robustness. In Addition, Ease Of Controller Design And Simplicity Of Controller Structure Are Very Important For Practical Application. For Satisfying These Requirements, Nominal Characteristic Trajectory Following (NCTF) Controller Has Been Proposed As A Practical PTP Positioning Control. However, The Effect Of Actuator Saturation Cannot Be Completely Compensated Due To Integrator Windup Because Of Plant Parameter Variations. This Paper Presents A Method To Improve The NCTF Controller For Overcoming The Problem Of Integrator Windup By Adopting A Fuzzy Anti-Windup Scheme. The Improved NCTF Controller Is Evaluated Through Simulation Using Dynamic Model Of A Rotary Positioning System. The Results Show That The Improved NCTF Controller Is Adequate To Compensate The Effect Of Integrator Windup


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran elemen mesin menggunakan metode ceramah, (2) mengetahui hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran elemen mesin menggunakan model STAD, (3) mengetahui efektifitas model STAD pada pembelajaran elemen mesin, (4) mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian experiment. Dalam pelaksanaannya menggunakan jenis quasi experiment. penelitian dilakukan di SMK Tamtama Kroya Cilacap dengan kelas X Teknik Pemesinan 2 (X TP2) sebagai kelompok eksperimen, kelas X Teknik Pemesinan 1 (X TP1) sebagai kelompok kontrol. Kelas X TP2 sebagai kelompok eksperimen mengalami perlakuan dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran cooperative learning model STAD dalam kegiatan belajar mengajarnya, sedangkan kelas X TP1 sebagai kelompok kontrol tetap menggunakan metode pembelajaran ceramah dan tanya jawab dalam kegiatan belajar mengajarnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Hasil belajar kelas kontrol yang menggunakan metode ceramah memperoleh mean 72,8, modus 73, median 73, nilai tertinggi 85, dan nilai terendahnya adalah 63, (2) Hasil belajar pada kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan model STAD memperoleh mean 83,1, modus 85, median 85, nilai tertinggi 100, dan nilai terendahnya adalah 70, (3) Pembelajaran model STAD dinilai efektif diterapkan pada pembelajaran elemen mesin, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari aktivitas keaktifan siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik dibandingkan kelas kontrol, (4) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar kelas kontrol dengan kelas eksperimen, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari perbedaan rata-rata pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata kelas pada kelas kontrol. Sehingga dapat dikatakan model pembelajaran STAD lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah


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    Tujuan dari proyek akhir yang berjudul perbaikan dan pengecatan bodi mobil Toyota Hiace Tahun 1981 sebelah kiri adalah untuk melakukan proses rekondisi bodi dan cat mobil Toyota Hiace sebelah kiri dan mengetahui hasil setelah dilakukan perbaikan dan pengecatan mobil Toyota Hiace. Proses perbaikan dan pengecatan bodi mobil Toyota Hiace Tahun 1981 sebelah kiri diawali dengan menilai luasan permukaan yang mengalami kerusakan, melakukan perbaikan bodi kendaraan yang terjadi kerusakan, mengupas lapisan cat dan dempul yang rusak, pengelasan, pendempulan, pengamplasan proses masking, proses epoxy, pengecatan cat dasar, pengecatan cat akhir, pelapisan clear/ gloss dan pemolesan (polishing). Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam proses perbaikan dan pengecatan ulang antara lain las asetilen, kompresor, selang udara, gerinda tangan, sander, gunting plat, mistar baja, palu, air duster gun, amplas, blok tangan, spatula/ kape, skrap, mixing plate/ kaca, batang pengaduk, spray gun dan kain lap atau majun. Alat pengamannya antara lain kacamata, masker, sarung tangan, topi, pakaian kerja dan topi. Bahan yang diperlukan untuk pengecatan ulang bodi mobil Toyota Hiace yaitu plat besi, bahan tambah (kawat), amplas dari grit 80-1000, dempul alfagloss, isolasi, kertas koran, epoxy alfagloss, spot putty, cat dasar danagloss blue, cat akhir danagloss blue 325, thinner Impala hijau dan impala hitam, thinner A spesial, compound ivory. Setelah proses perbaikan bodi dan cat selesai dilakukan penilaian oleh ahli pengecatan. Hasil perbaikan dan pengecatan bodi mobil Toyota Hiace tahun 1981 sebelah kiri terlihat bahwa warna sudah sesuai tetapi kurang mengkilap, terdapat beberapa kelelehan cat, bintik cat, cat tidak terangkat, tidak terdapat mata ikan tetapi ada beberapa pengecatan menyerupai kulit jeruk


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat media pembelajaran CADD berbantuan komputer, mengetahui kelayakan media video, dan mengetahui pengaruh penerapan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer terhadap prestasi belajar siswa kelas XI Jurusan Teknik Mesin SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan (Research and development) dilakukan di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan Jurusan Teknik Mesin Kelas XI. Objek penelitian ini berupa pengembangan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer. Pada analisis penerapan pembelajaran membandingkan presentase tingkat keberhasilan belajar siswa XI TPB sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan media video di SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah media berbantuan komputer. Tahap pengembangan media yang dilakukan adalah: a) Observasi, survei dan wawancara, b) Analisis Kebutuhan, c) Mendesain media pembelajaran media berbantuan komputer dengan program Microsoft Office PowerPoint, d) Membuat model atau Story board media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer, e) Validasi media oleh ahli media dan materi Menggambar dengan Sistem Inventor, f) Uji coba pertama, g) Revisi tahap pertama, h) Uji coba kedua, i) Revisi tahap kedua, j) uji penerapan media pembelajaran menggunakan media berbantuan komputer pada kelas XI TPB, h) Produk akhir berupa media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer. Media berbantuan komputer dinyatakan layak berdasarkan uji kelayakan menurut ahli media dengan presentase kelayakan 85,11%, uji coba pertama dengan presentase 83,99%, uji coba kedua dengan presentase 84,37%. Media media berbantuan komputer teruji dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Hasil belajar siswa sebelum menggunakan media sebesar 26,27 % dan setelah menggunakan media sebesar 91,12%. Dari hasil uji media diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa media berbantuan komputer yang telah dikembangkan dan dinyatakan layak dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar sisw

    Dynamic Modelling and Adaptive Traction Control for Mobile Robots

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    Mobile robots have received a great deal of research in recent years. A significant amount of research has been published in many aspects related to mobile robots. Most of the research is devoted to design and develop some control techniques for robot motion and path planning. A large number of researchers have used kinematic models to develop motion control strategy for mobile robots. Their argument and assumption that these models are valid if the robot has low speed, low acceleration and light load. However, dynamic modelling of mobile robots is very important as they are designed to travel at higher speed and perform heavy duty work. This paper presents and discusses a new approach to develop a dynamic model and control strategy for wheeled mobile robot which I modelled as a rigid body that roles on two wheels and a castor. The motion control strategy consists of two levels. The first level is dealing with the dynamic of the system and denoted as Low level controller. The second level is developed to take care of path planning and trajectory generation

    Environmental Dynamic, Business Strategy, and Financial Performance: an Empirical Study of Indonesian Property and Real Estate Industry

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    Firm’s strategic orientation involves synchronizing environmental dynamics, corporate strategy and capital structure in order to achieve firm performance targets. The co-alignment model used successfully in the hospitality industry might be used in a wider context as a framework in explaining these relationships simultaneously. Using the data of public firms in Indonesia during the period of 1996-2010, we found that co-alignment model can be implemented in property and real estate industry as well as in hospitality industry

    Studi Literatur Metode Optimasi untuk Penjadwalan Kelas

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    The preparation of teaching schedules in a conventional way is still often found in some schools, so it is necessary to prepare schedules that can be computerized, one of which uses an algorithm. Some methods that can be used in class scheduling optimization are using genetic algorithms, hybrid cat swarm optimization, hybrid artificial bee colony, tabu search, and waterfall. This research aims to examine class scheduling optimization using algorithmic methods. The research method used is library research (literature study) from several journals and proceedings of scheduling optimization in Indonesia from 2020-2023. The results showed that the algorithm methods used can provide optimal results in scheduling classes at school. Using several algorithms can help learning between classes to be more effective with the availability of space and time as well as teachers who can shorten the time in preparing the teaching schedule at school