535 research outputs found

    A review of the Cremastinae of the Balkan peninsula, Turkey and Cyprus with zoogeographical notes (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).

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    Es werden Bestimmungstabellen der westpaläarktischen Gattungen der Cremastinae und der Arten von Cremastus Grav. und Temelucha Foerster vorgestellt. Drei neue Arten der Gattungen Cremastus Grav. und Nothocremastus Dasch werden beschrieben. Für jede der 63 gegenwärtig bekannten Arten des Gebietes werden die Verbreitungsangaben und zoogeographische Bemerkungen geboten.Nomenklatorische Handlungenquadratus Kolarov, 1997 (Cremastus), spec. n.beyarslani Kolarov, 1997 (Nothocremastus), spec. n.bulgaricus Kolarov, 1997 (Nothocremastus), spec. n.Keys for the identification of the Western Palaearctic genera of the Cremastinae and the species of Cremastus Grav. and Temelucha Foerster are provided. Three new species of the genera Cremastus Grav. and Nothocremastus Dasch are described. For each of the 63 species currently known from the region all the available distributional data are presented and a zoogeographical typification is proposed. Nomenclatural Actsquadratus Kolarov, 1997 (Cremastus), spec. n.beyarslani Kolarov, 1997 (Nothocremastus), spec. n.bulgaricus Kolarov, 1997 (Nothocremastus), spec. n

    A review of the Collyriinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

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    The species of the subfamily Collyriinae are reviewed. A new species from Turkey is described. A key for identification of the species is proposed

    Application of platelet-rich plasma for alveolar ridge preservation. A review article

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    INTRODUCTION: Bone quality and quantity are key prerequisites for dental implant surgery. The methods of reducing tissue resorption after tooth extraction are called alveolar ridge preservation and have recently gained increasing popularity. One of them is the application of autologous platelet concentrates. They release an abundance of growth factors with the potential to accelerate the healing process.AIM:The present review aims to observe the application of platelet-rich plasma in postextraction dental sockets and evaluate its efficacy for hard and soft tissue healing and preservation according to the literature. We carefully analyzed, compared, and summarized the collected data and found numerous research and methodological gaps that can explain the heterogeneity in the studies.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The review is based on the existing scientific database and includes 222 studies. It provides a comparative analysis and guidelines for further research. RESULTS: There is high heterogeneity among studies, regarding the effect of platelet concentrates and platelet-rich plasma in particular on alveolar ridge preservation. Most of them validate its beneficial impact on tissue healing and volumetric preservation, which facilitate the subsequent implant placement.       CONCLUSION: The scientific data about the efficacy of platelet concentrates for soft tissue healing and preservation of the alveolar ridge are not univocal. Further research, longitudinal studies, randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses are required to evaluate its efficacy and determine whether it is superior to other methods for socket preservation

    Revision of Genus Enclisis Townes and description of two new species (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)

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    Published in the book of abstracts of the X European Workshop on Insect Parasitoids, Erice (Sicily), Italy, 17-21 september, 2007, p. 73.Two new species of Enclisis Townes, 1970, from Spain and Balkan Region are described and illustrated: E. castellana sp.n. and E. balcanica sp.n. Females of the new species are distinguished between, and from the closest species E. ornaticeps, by microsculpture of first lateral area of propodeum and mesopleurum, head features and body colour. Male of E. balcanica is distinguished from the closest species E. infernator and E. schwarzi by its head, less transversal, and for a longer second metasomal tergite. Male of E. castellana is separated from E. ruficeps by its microsculpture on mesopleurum and mesonotum, always on shiny background, and for the position of subdiscoideus, which reach the postnervulus in the middle or above the centre. Furthermore, data on phenology of E. castellana and a new illustrated key for the Enclisis species, excluding E. nigricoxis and E. ruficoxis, is provided. The species E. alpicola, E. ornaticeps and E. macilenta are recorded for the first time for Bulgarian fauna. E. infernator is first record for Bulgaria and Spain.This research was supported partially by the Projects 040/2002 from Ministerio de Medio Ambiente of Spanish Government and GV06/271 from Conselleria d’Empresa, Universitat i Ciència of Generalitat Valenciana

    Trends In Chronic Kidney Disease In Bulgaria

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    Хроничните бъбречни заболявания са едни от най-разпространените медицински състояния на зрялата и напредналата възраст, особено в развитите страни, където застаряването на населението им отрежда едно от първите места сред причините за смъртност. Те много често не се диагностицират преди развитието на крайната фаза на бъбречната недостатъчност поради липса на съществени клинични оплаквания от страна на пациентите, което обуславя нуждата от скрининг с определени лабораторни показатели. Както у нас, така и в световен мащаб, е налице тенденция за прогресивно нарастване на бъбречните заболявания, водещи до хронична бъбречна недостатъчност.Chronic kidney disease is one of the most widespread medical conditions of adults and elderly people. In developed countries where the aging population is increasing, kidney disease is the first among the causes of mortality. It is difficult to diagnose due to lack of complaints, indicating the need for screening through laboratory tests. In Bulgaria and in the world there is a tendency for a progressive increase of the kidney diseases leading to chronic kidney failure

    Medical photography

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    The photography is a method for creating a permanent image of an object through designing the image on a light-sensitive media (film or sensor). The word “photography” comes from greek (“photos” - light and “grapho” - write) and means “light-writing”, or, in other words, a method of producing photographic image by using light and according to the laws of optics.(1)Specific qualities of the photography are its objectivity and documentary.It records events, phenomena in nature, events from common life, personalities - everything that leaves a lasting memory of what happened before. And not only. With the help of the photography, we can create convincing and realistic works that through their deep impact develop mental capabilities and enrich the cultural knowledge of every thinking person, create new, different ideas for the outside world, evoke feelings, thoughts and emotions.(2)Due to its rapid development, especially in the recent “digital” years, photography became an integral part of all spheres of life. Besides being a documentary tool, it is also an extremely powerful method of research and analysis for inaccessible to the human eye spheres and phenomena - the processes that takes place in an environment unattainable for man, studying the atomic nucleus, exploring the secrets of the cosmic space, observations on the functionality of the human organism and many others

    Chronic Renal Failure And Changes In Laboratory Performance

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    Хроничната бъбречна недостатъчност е състояние, което настъпва в резултат от необратима загуба на основните бъбречни функции. При напреднало хронично бъбречно заболяване терапевтичните възможности са ограничени и са насочени към ограничаване на прогресията на бъбречната недостатъчност, намаляване на сърдечно-съдовите усложнения, своевременно започване на бъбречно заместващо лечение, подобряване на преживяемостта и качеството на живот на болните. Тъй като честотата на хронично бъбречните заболявания е с нарастваща тенденция през последните години, от съществено значение е поставянето на ранната диагноза и насочване към нефролог за допълнително диагностично уточняване и провеждане на лечение.Chronic kidney failure is a condition that occurs as a result of irreversible loss of essential kidney function. In the case of progressive chronic kidney disease, therapeutic options are limited and are aimed at limiting the progression of renal failure, reducing cardiovascular complications, initiation of renal replacement therapy, improving survival and quality of life of the patients. The incidence of chronic kidney disease has been increasing in recent years, therefore early diagnosis as well as timely treatment by a nephrologist are very important

    Immediate implant placement using customized healing abutments as a method of hard and soft tissue preservation. A review article

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    INTRODUCTION: Dental implant placement with its excellent and predictable results is becoming the treatment of choice after tooth removal. A key step in creating a proper environment and conditions for it is the process of tissue preservation after the extraction. Various ridge preservation procedures have been suggested and performed, one of which is the application of immediate implant protocol using customized healing abutments. AIM: This review observes immediate implants not only as a definitive treatment after tooth extraction but also as a method for ridge preservation, especially in conjunction with customized healing abutments. We compared and evaluated the reports on their application and summarized their features, advantages, and limitations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present article is based on 61 articles. A manual and electronic search using PubMed and Google Scholar databases was conducted until June 2022. RESULTS: The majority of studies support the concept of immediate implant placement with customized healing abutments as a successful and reliable strategy for tissue preservation. It has numerous advantages, some of which are reduced healing time and post-operative discomfort, and excellent aesthetic results without the need for additional surgical stages. CONCLUSION: Further investigation is still necessary to clarify the exact protocols and indications for this treatment, and to point out the conditions, which demand greater caution

    Influence of Buffer рН Value and Anion Туре on L-Ascorbic Acid Oxidation Rate

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    U radu je spektrofotometrijski ispitivana brzina oksidacije L-askorbinske kiseline. Tok reakcije je praćen snimanjem UV apsorpcionih spektara termostatiranih rastvora L-askorbinske kiseline u puferima različitih vrednosti rN: acetatnom (4-6). fosfatnom (5-8). fosfatno-citratnom (6-8), boratnom (8-11). glicinskom (9-11) i univerzalnom (4-11) !zveden je jednostavan oblik kinetičke jednačine reakcije višeg i razlomljenog reda. Dobijena jednačina je univerzalna, jer obuhvata jednačine nultog, prvog, drugog, trećeg i razlomljenog reda izračunate su vrednosti reda reakcije i one variraju sa promenom vrednosti rN unutar jednog puferskog sistema. Veza između vrednosti konstanti brzine oksidacije L-askorbinske kiseline i vrednosti rN ispitivanih pufera je linearna do vrednosti rN=10.00. Vrednosti koeficijenta pravca prave su različite za ispitivane pufere. Vrsta anjona prisutna u puferu kao i prisusutvo jona metala u korišćenim hemikalijama utiču na vrednosti konstante brzine oksidacije L-askorbinske kiseline i one su različite u raznim puferima istih vrednosti rN. Vrednosti konstante brzine oskidacije L-askorbinske kiseline su največe u univerzalnom puferu pri svim vrednostima rN. Prisutna smeša anjona manje utiče na oksidaciju L-askorbinske kiseline nego pojedinačni anjoni, verovatno zbog među- sobnih interakcija.The paper deats with the spectrophotometric study of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate. The course of reaction has been observed by recording the UV absorption spectra of thermostated solution of L-ascorbic acid in buffers with different рН values: acetate (4-6), phosphate (5-8), phosphate-citrate (6-8), borate (8-11), glycine (9-11) and universal (4-11). A simple form of kinetic eguation of higher and fractional order reaction has been observed. The obtained eguation is universal as it comprises the eguations of zero, first, second, third and fractional order. The reaction order values have been calculated and they vary with change of рН values within each buffer system. The relation between the values of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate constants and рН value of the studied buffers is linear up to рН value = 10.00. The straight line stopes are different for investigated buffers. The anion type present in a buffer as wett as the presence of metal ions in applied chemicals affect the values of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate constant and they are different in different buffers with the same рН values. The values of L-ascorbic acid oxidation rate constant are the highest in the universal buffer at all рН values. The present anion mixture affects the L-ascorbtc acid oxidation to a tesser degree than single anions, presumabty due to mutuat interactions

    Diagnosis and Gluten-Free Nutrition in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

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    Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an endocrine disease. It is an organ-specific autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland. In terms of etiology, thyroiditis occurs due to a genetic predisposition, which leads to a violation of the immune system. It erroneously recognizes its own proteins as foreign. As a result, "autoaggression" occurs in the body, and it reacts against its own thyroid gland with an inflammatory reaction. This damages both the cells of the gland as well as its function. An important factor in the disease is the environment, micronutrient deficiencies, and nutrition. In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about gluten-free foods and their negative impact on human health. Gluten proteins have long been of interest to the food industry due to their high impact on the baking qualities of wheat flour. The link between gluten and Hashimoto's thyroiditis is twofold. Although evidence is insufficient, after all there is some evidence that gluten triggers the immune response and impairs thyroid function