2,366 research outputs found

    Linking research, teaching and learning within the discipline: evaluating student learning through real life research in sports development

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    The ways in which links between research and teaching are embedded within the curriculum and related to student learning are influenced by the discipline context (Griffiths, 2004; Healey, 2005a; Jenkins, 2000). The current paper evaluates how involving students as researchers impacted on their learning within a community sports development module. The paper shows how experience of "real life" evaluation can develop student research skills, develop their industry contacts, and prepare them to problem-solve as graduates in a complex and uncertain society (Barnett, 2000; Scott, 2002). Difficulties and obstacles to learning are also presented

    Enhancing teaching and learning with technology through collaborative research with students

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    There is increasing awareness that technological developments should enhance student learning experience and compliment traditional teaching methodologies (McGugan and Peakcock, 2005). The recently published JISC inquiry into the implications of Web 2.0 technology for higher education (2009), highlighted how learners make effective use of Web 2.0 technology in social contexts. However, at present our knowledge of how university students and staff engage with and use technologies, including Web 2.0 technology, both through the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and outside of it is limited. This project aimed to explore how Sport Sciences students expect, use, and would like to see, technologies used to enhance their learning whilst at university. The project adopted a collaborative approach by involving students in development of the study, particularly in assisting with design of data collection tools, participant recruitment and interpretation of findings. The study involved interviewing twenty-one students about their familiarity and use of Web 2.0 technologies. These students also gave ideas for potential technological enhancements within the sport curriculum. This data then formed the basis of a staff and a student questionnaire used to ascertain broader views of technologies as well as the perceived potential of such technologies to enhance student learning. The findings from this wider survey of staff (n = 17) and students (n = 323) informed curricular innovations in teaching and learning that involved introduction of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and discussion boards in the institutional VLE as well as use of Facebook for specific student learning activity. The presentation will include a demonstration of how FAQs and Facebook have been utilised and report on initial staff and student evaluation of how these particular approaches to using technology enhance student learning. Issues associated with the use of these technologies are discussed

    Against Hayek

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    Presents a critical analysis of Hayek in the light of modern computability and economic computability theory.Hayek, Computability, Socialism

    Sampling design for compliance monitoring of surface water quality: A case study in a Polder area

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    International agreements such as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) ask for efficient sampling methods for monitoring natural resources. In this paper a general methodology for designing efficient, statistically sound monitoring schemes is described. An important decision is the choice between a design-based and a model-based method, implying the choice between probability (random) sampling and purposive sampling. For mapping purposes, model-based methods are more appropriate, whereas to obtain valid results for the universe as a whole, such as in testing water quality standards against legal standards, we generally prefer a design-based method. Four basic sampling patterns in space-time universe are described: static, synchronous, static-synchronous, and rotational. A case study is carried out for monitoring the quality of surface water at two farms in western Netherlands, wherein a synchronous sampling design is applied, with stratified simple random sampling in both space and time. To reduce laboratory costs the aliquots taken at the locations of a given sampling round are bulked to form a composite. To test the spatiotemporal mean N-total concentration during the summer half-year against the MAR standard with a power of 80% at a concentration 15% below the MAR standard and with a confidence of 95%, six to nine sampling rounds are needed with 50 to 75 locations per sampling round. For P-total the required number of sampling rounds differs strongly between the two farms, but is for both farms much larger than for N-total

    Experimental Aortic Fluid and Solute Transport Measurement System Independent Study

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    This paper details the design, development, and preliminary experimental results of a device capable of measuring diffusion through aortic wall samples over time to determine permeability. Initial sketches and 3D CAD designs provided proof of concept. Initial trials showed effective waterproofing of inner and outer drum design in conjunction with the specified O-ring. Overall, the system was effective in measuring the diffusion across aortic membranes, but improvements to materials as well as experimental procedure would produce more accurate experimental results

    Belligerent Interference with Mails

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    Wedari, Allin. 2009. Konflik Antarklan yang Tergambar dalam Novel Taira no Masakado Karya Eiji Yoshikawa (Tinjauan Objektif). Program Studi Sastra Jepang. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya. Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing: (I) Retno Dewi Ambarastuti, M.Si. (II) Dra. Elisabeth Worobroto P.Kata Kunci : Novel, Konflik antar klan, Kajian Struktural dan Konflik Sosial. Novel  Taira  no  Masakado  menceritakan  tentang  konflik-konflik  yang terjadi  di  zaman Heian. Konflik  yang mendominasi  dalam  cerita  adalah  konflik antarklan. Oleh karena itu, dalam analisis kali ini penulis akan menganalisis sebab dan akibat dari konflik antarklan dalam novel Taira no Masakado.   Di dalam sebuah karya fiksi terdapat beberapa unsur yang saling berkaitan hubungannya  antara  unsur  yang  satu  dengan  unsur  yang  lain. Kajian  Struktural dapat  digunakan  untuk  mendeskripsikan  hubungan  antarunsur  tersebut.  Dalam novel Taira no Masakado hubungan antara peristiwa yang satu dengan yang lain saling  berkaitan  sebab  dan  akibatnya.  Selain  itu,  peristiwa  dan  konflik  dalam novel tersebut juga berkaitan dengan tokoh dan penokohan, latar serta tema. Pada analisis kali ini penulis menggunakan kajian struktural untuk menganalisis konflik antarklan dalam novel Taira no Masakado.  Hasil  penelitian  kali  ini  menunjukkan  bahwa  dalam  novel  Taira  no Masakado  terjadi  konflik  antara  klan  Taira  dan  klan Minamoto. Wujud  konflik antarklan  tersebut  berupa  peperangan.  Konflik  tersebut  berawal  dari  pertikaian antara tokoh utama Taira no Masakado dan para pamannya dalam memperebutkan harta warisan ayah Masakado. Konflik tersebut mengakibatkan beberapa peristiwa. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya yang ingin meneliti novel Taira no Masakado, dapat meneliti dengan pendekatan historis
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