477 research outputs found

    Imaging cell lineage with a synthetic digital recording system

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    Cell lineage plays a pivotal role in cell fate determination. Chow et al. demonstrate the use of an integrase-based synthetic barcode system called intMEMOIR, which uses the serine integrase Bxb1 to perform irreversible nucleotide edits. Inducible editing either deletes or inverts its target region, thus encoding information in three-state memory elements, or trits, and avoiding undesired recombination events. Using intMEMOIR combined with single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization, the authors were able to identify clonal structures as well as gene expression patterns in the fly brain, enabling both clonal analysis and expression profiling with intact spatial information. The ability to visualize cell lineage relationships directly within their native tissue context provides insights into development and disease

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Main Complications: From Experimental Findings to Clinical Practice

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a complex multifactorial disorder which involves a loss of self-tolerance leading to the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β−cells. Exogenous insulin administration cannot mimic precise pancreatic β-cell regulation of glucose homeostasis, thereby leading to severe long-term complications. Pancreas or islet transplant only provides partial exogenous insulin independence and induces several adverse effects, including increased morbidity and mortality. The scientific community and diabetic patients are thus, still waiting for an effective therapy which could preserve the remaining β-cells, replenish islet mass and protect newly-generated β-cells from autoimmune destruction. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been envisioned as a promising tool for T1DM treatment over the past few years, since they could differentiate into glucose-responsive insulin-producing cells. Their immunomodulatory and proangiogenic roles can be used to help arrest β-cell destruction, preserve residual β-cell mass, facilitate endogenous β-cell regeneration and prevent disease recurrence, thereby making them ideal candidates for the comprehensive treatment of diabetic patients. This review focuses on recent pre-clinical data supporting MSC use in regenerating β-cell mass and also in treating several T1DM-associated complications. Clinical trial results and the ongoing obstacles which must be addressed regarding the widespread use of such therapy are also discussed.Fil: Ezquer, Marcelo. Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana; ChileFil: Arango Rodriguez, Martha. Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana; ChileFil: Giraud Billoud, Maximiliano German. Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana; Chile. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Cienicas Médicas. Instituto de Histología y Embriología de Mendoza Dr. Mario H. Burgos; ArgentinaFil: Ezquer, Fernando. Universidad del Desarrollo. Facultad de Medicina Clínica Alemana; Chil

    Tourism policy and destination marketing in developing countries: the chain of influence

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    Tourism marketers including destination marketing organisations (DMOs) and international tour operators play a pivotal role in destination marketing, especially in creating destination images. These images, apparent in tourist brochures, are designed to influence tourist decision-making and behaviour. This paper proposes the concept of a “chain of influence” in destination marketing and image-making, suggesting that the content of marketing materials is influenced by the priorities of those who design these materials, e.g. tour operators and DMOs. A content analysis of 2,000 pictures from DMO and tour operator brochures revealed synergies and divergence between these marketers. The brochure content was then compared to the South African tourism policy, concluding that the dominant factor in the chain of influence in the South African context is in fact its organic image

    Aircraft aerodynamic prediction method for V/STOL transition including flow separation

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    A numerical procedure was developed for the aerodynamic force and moment analysis of V/STOL aircraft operating in the transition regime between hover and conventional forward flight. The trajectories, cross sectional area variations, and mass entrainment rates of the jets are calculated by the Adler-Baron Jet-in-Crossflow Program. The inviscid effects of the interaction between the jets and airframe on the aerodynamic properties are determined by use of the MCAIR 3-D Subsonic properties are determined by use of the MCAIR 3-D Subsonic Potential Flow Program, a surface panel method. In addition, the MCAIR 3-D Geometry influence Coefficient Program is used to calculate a matrix of partial derivatives that represent the rate of change of the inviscid aerodynamic properties with respect to arbitrary changes in the effective wing shape

    Millores electromagnètiques de la màquina elèctrica rotativa FM-1

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    Ricard Bosch en la seva tesi doctoral va demostrar que en màquines elèctriques sense ferro al rotor, no es produïen forces de reluctància entre rotor i estator, eliminant la necessitat dels coixinets. Amb aquesta premisa es van dissenyar i construïr la VF-1 i la FM-1, ambdues màquines elèctriques bifàsiques d’inducció sense ferro al rotor.La FM-2 és la següent en la l’evolució d’aquesta tipologia de màquines. Presenta el mateix rotor i estator que la seva antecessora directa, la FM-1, però amb la innovació d’aplicar el concepte de la màquina de Gramme.Així doncs la FM-2, no treballa amb un, sinó amb dos circuits inductors, els quals s’anomenaran inductor primari i inductor secundari, a més a més del rotor. El circuit inductor primari consta de 36 ranures de fil prim per les quals hi circula baixa intensitat. L’inductor secundari consta de 36 conductors actius formats per dues espires de coure recuit d’1/4” tancades sobre sí mateixes (a l’estil de Gramme).Cada ranura del circuit inductor primari tindrà doncs un transformador d’intensitat propi. El fet de tenir un transformador d’intensitat individual per cada ranura permet activar o desactivar aquella ranura en tot instant, per simple commutació dels 36 inductors primaxris. L’avantatge és que permetria poder controlar el número exacte de pols i vies en paral·lel per pol, en cada moment. Teòricament, permetria controlar la corba parell velocitat en tot instant.En aquest treball no només s’explica el concepte teòric, sinó que es du a terme la fabricació i muntatge de l’inductor secundari, així com el disseny de l’inductor primari. També es defineixen les passes a seguir de cara a obtenir el conjunt final format per inductors primari i secundari, i rotor

    The maintenance paradox

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    This research will spot main features of servitization in real estate, placing main emphasis to current and future development of the trend. In manufacturing the servitization process has already been studied since the late 1980’s, whereas in real estate is a phenomenon not yet been clearly defined yet. Despite being a market characterised by low speed innovation, currently some changings in management of the built environment can be noticed: with new business models and financing structures, a shifting from a product-oriented market to a service-oriented one can be spotted. Therefore, through this research will be investigated the servitization process, with regard to maintenance management, no longer conceived as an optional non-core activity, after the transaction of the asset, but as part of the services included in the purchasing of the building and its facilities. Accordingly, the building is conceived more and more as a complex tangible and intangible entity, not only characterised by its production and location value, but also by its capability to offer provide users with a wide array of services to users. Thus, after a phase featured by the willingness to acquire legitimacy in the building process by the maintenance operators, we are witnessing to the maintenance paradox: the servitization of business model in real estate, leading to performing “the maintenance without maintenance”. The paper concludes with some considerations on future developments of the research and trends in the real estate marke

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Electronic Medical Record System Use and User Satisfaction at Five Low-Resource Setting Hospitals in Ethiopia

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    Background: Electronic medical record (EMR) systems are increasingly being implemented in hospitals of developing countries to improve patient care and clinical service. However, only limited evaluation studies are available concerning the level of adoption and determinant factors of success in those settings. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the usage pattern, user satisfaction level, and determinants of health professional’s satisfaction towards a comprehensive EMR system implemented in Ethiopia where parallel documentation using the EMR and the paper-based medical records is in practice. Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional study design was used to assess the usage pattern, user satisfaction level, and determinant factors of an EMR system implemented in Ethiopia based on the DeLone and McLean model of information system success. Descriptive statistical methods were applied to analyze the data and a binary logistic regression model was used to identify determinant factors. Results: Health professionals (N=422) from five hospitals were approached and 406 responded to the survey (96.2% response rate). Out of the respondents, 76.1% (309/406) started to use the system immediately after implementation and user training, but only 31.7% (98/309) of the professionals reported using the EMR during the study (after 3 years of implementation). Of the 12 core EMR functions, 3 were never used by most respondents, and they were also unaware of 4 of the core EMR functions. It was found that 61.4% (190/309) of the health professionals reported over all dissatisfaction with the EMR (median=4, interquartile range (IQR)=1) on a 5-level Likert scale. Physicians were more dissatisfied (median=5, IQR=1) when compared to nurses (median=4, IQR=1) and the health management information system (HMIS) staff (median=2, IQR=1). Of all the participants, 64.4% (199/309) believed that the EMR had no positive impact on the quality of care. The participants indicated an agreement with the system and information quality (median=2, IQR=0.5) but strongly disagreed with the service quality (median=5, IQR=1). The logistic regression showed a strong correlation between system use and dissatisfaction (OR 7.99, 95% CI 5.62-9.10) and service quality and satisfaction (OR 8.23, 95% CI 3.23-17.01). Conclusions: Health professionals’ use of the EMR is low and they are generally dissatisfied with the service of the implemented system. The results of this study show that this dissatisfaction is caused mainly and strongly by the poor service quality, the current practice of double documentation (EMR and paper-based), and partial departmental use of the system in the hospitals. Thus, future interventions to improve the current use or future deployment projects should focus on improving the service quality such as power infrastructure, user support, trainings, and more computers in the wards. After service quality improvement, other departments (especially inter-dependent departments) should be motivated and supported to use the EMR to avoid the dependency deadlock
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