163 research outputs found

    A spatial analysis of the XIII Italian Legislature

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    We present a spatial map of the Italian House during the XIII Leg-islature obtained by applying the Poole and Rosenthal methodology to roll call data. We obtain coordinates for almost all the 650 MPs that were on the House's °oor at the time, and we aggregate them according to parties. We ¯nd that voting patters generate basically a two dimensional political space. The ¯rst dimension represents loyalty to either the ruling coalition or the opposing one. The second dimension may describe differences at the constitutional level. This finding is consistent with the exceptional case of the party Northern League, which at the time did not belong to either coalition, and presented itself as a northern and anti-system party. Last, we compute the average dispersion of party coordinates along each dimension and compare them with the Rice index of cohesion, the agreement index (which takes into account abstention), and one other index we construct to account for absence from voting. We ¯nd that absence is significantly correlated with the dispersion of parties along the second dimension. We use this to motivate the importance of further analysis on the massive absence in Italian Parliament from voting sessions.

    Transport Inequalities. A Survey

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    This is a survey of recent developments in the area of transport inequalities. We investigate their consequences in terms of concentration and deviation inequalities and sketch their links with other functional inequalities and also large deviation theory.Comment: Proceedings of the conference Inhomogeneous Random Systems 2009; 82 pages

    Special Issue: Feature Papers 2020

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    The goal of this Special Issue is to highlight, through selected works, frontier research in basic to applied horticulture among those published in Horticulturae in 2020 [...

    UNISAT-7: A Flexible IOD Platform with Orbital Maneuvering Capabilities

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    New Space technology for Small Satellites has greatly advanced in the past five years. These progresses shall match with a swift integration and testing phase, to be readily marketable, therefore IOD missions are essential to expedite project outcomes. GAUSS has started working on Small Satellites since 1990s, with its first satellite, UNISAT, launched in 2000. In 2013, UNISAT-5 was the first platform to accomplish in-orbit-release of third-party satellites, with UNISAT-6 following in less than one year. UNISAT-7 is the latest addition to the UNISAT series: a 32kg microsatellite designed and manufactured by GAUSS Srl (a spin-off company of Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Sapienza University of Roma), built from scratch thanks to the extensive experience gained with past missions. Launch is scheduled in in Q1 2021. It is the most complex mission ever flown by GAUSS, and it includes several original GAUSS subsystems developed for Earth Observation, sat-to-ground optical links, navigation, power, RF, and Smallsat in-orbit-deployments. All these subsystems are tested in orbit in specific IOD missions. Moreover, UNISAT-7 integrates a precise ADCS solution and a newly developed low-thrust, electric propulsion system named REGULUS, from Italian Company Technology for Propulsion and Innovation (T4i), which will allow the satellite to modify its final orbit, as well as to execute housekeeping maneuvers for drag compensation. REGULUS is a propulsive unit based on MEPT (Magnetically Enhanced Plasma Thruster) technology developed inside the propulsion laboratory of the University of Padua. T4i, born as a Spin-off of the University of Padua, industrialized this technology in order to make it fly. REGULUS is T4i very first product that has ever flown into space. Its envelope is 1.5 U of volume, it is equipped with solid iodine propellant and its main features are a thrust level of 0.55 mN and Isp of 550 s at 50 W of input power, and wet mass of 2.5 kg at 3000 Ns of Itot. REGULUS is designed to serve nanosatellite platforms from 6U to 24U and CubeSat carriers. The integration took place in GAUSS white chamber in Rome in late 2020 and the launch is scheduled in March 2021 from Baikonur as a secondary payload of Soyuz-2-1a/Fregat. Performances of REGULUS propulsion system are evaluated after the initial commissioning of UNISAT-7. This key IOD mission paves the way to next UNISAT programs, where GAUSS microsatellites will be able to execute orbital maneuvers before any single CubeSat deployment, in order to efficiently shape customized constellations by using UNISATs as autonomous vehicles for in-orbit-deployment. Provide an informative abstract of no more than 500 words. The abstract should stand alone as a summary of the paper, not as an introduction (i.e., no numerical references). Type the abstract across both columns and fully justified

    Contribuciones para la construcción de la teoría sobre la ciudad latinoamericana

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    Los estudios realizados sobre la ciudad latinoamericana siempre han estado ligados a modelos teóricoconceptuales europeos dada la herencia colonial o a patrones de influencia norteamericana principalmente, el presente trabajo, defiende la idea de que la ciudad latinoamericana tiene códigos propios, si bien innegablemente se desarrolló bajo el soporte físico de la ciudad colonial y en su desarrollo tuvo diversas influencias, fue la ciudadanía quien la transformó a partir de sus usos y costumbres, de igual forma que hizo con el arte colonial, desarrolló un “sincretismo urbano”. Para entender las lógicas de la ciudad actual latinoamericana, debemos estudiar su código genético, apoyándonos en la arqueología como herramienta de trabajo para extraer las señas de identidad que se transmitieron en el tiempo desde aquellas sociedades precolombinas e ir superponiendo los diferentes periodos históricos que transformaron morfológicamente las ciudades, extrayendo elementos singulares que puestos en relación con los demás, crearon nuevas estructuras.Studies Latin American city have always been linked to theoretical and conceptual European models given the colonial legacy or patterns of American influence mainly the present study supports the idea that Latin American city has its own codes, although undeniably was developed under the physical support of the colonial city and its development had different influences, citizenship who was transformed from their customs, just as he did with the colonial art, he developed an "urban syncretism " . To understand the logic of the current Latin American city, we must study its genetic code, relying on archeology as a tool to extract the hallmarks that were transmitted in time from those pre-Columbian societies and go superimposing different historical periods morphologically transformed cities, extracting unique elements brought into relation with others, created new structures.Peer Reviewe

    Ricerca corrente

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    Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Governors of the City of Dublin Technical Schools and Science and Art Schools for the Session 1910 -1911

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    Annual Report Cash account from 1st. August, 1910 to 31st.July, 1911 Occupations of students. Results of examinations ,session 1910 -1911. List of life members, annual subscribers and donors for the year 1910-19011