428,251 research outputs found

    Efficiency versus Economy of Time in Multi-Unit Descending Auction: The Role of "Mari"at Flower Markets in Japan

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    The auctioning rule in Japanese flower markets is a slightly modified version of that of the original Dutch flower auction. At Japanese flower markets, there is an additional stage, called "mari", where buyers who lost in the previous auction can apply for purchasing the remainder of flowers at the same price as in the previous auction. We investigate the role of "mari" in multi-unit descending auction, and show that "mari" extensively speeds up the market procedure at the cost of sufficiently small loss of efficiency, compared to the original Dutch sequential auction.

    Prairie Surreal--A Digital-Poetic Road Trip

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    Poetry by Mari-Lou Rowle


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    Introduction to genericity in the nominal, verbal and sentential domain

    On the emergence mechanism of lunar maria

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    Hypothetical emergence mechanism of lunar mari

    Impact of native culture and religion on the Mari language

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    Mari is one of the endangered Finno-Ugric languages located in the territory of the Russian Federation. The danger of extinction of Mari is influenced by both objective and subjective factors. In the current paper, the issue under investigation is the impact of the Mari traditional religion and folk culture on language maintenance. Because of continuously reduced institutional support, the status of the Mari language has decreased significantly in the last 10 years. The favourable development of traditional culture has brought with it an increase in the number of native speaking people within the Mari El region (Russia). It is slightly observed in some spheres (social and cultural) and almost unnoticeable in others (political, economic). The mechanism of impact of Mari traditional religion and culture is characterized as psychological. It gives reason to believe that the chances for the preservation of the Mari language are reasonably good.Kokkuvõte. Elena Vedernikova: Rahvakultuuri ja -usundi mõju mari keelele. Mari keel on Vene Föderatsiooni ohustatud keeli. Mari keele väljasuremise ohtu mõjutavad nii objektiivsed kui ka subjektiivsed asjaolud. Käesolevas artiklis uuritakse mari rahvausundi ja rahvakultuuri mõju keele säilimisele. Institutsionaalse toetuse pideva vähenemise tõttu on mari keele staatus viimase kümne aasta jooksul tähelepanuväärselt langenud. Rahvakultuuri soodus areng on kaasa toonud emakeelekõnelejate arvu suurenemise Mari Eli piirkonnas (Venemaal). Soodus areng on vähesel määral märgata mõnes valdkonnas (sotsiaalia ja kultuur) ning peaaegu märkamatu teistes (poliitiline ja majanduslik). Mari rahvausundi ja rahvakultuuri toime- mehhanism on psühholoogiline. See annab põhjust uskuda, et mari keele säilitamise võimalused on üpris head.Märksõnad: keele säilitamine, kultuur, mari rahvausun

    Steven Bornstein, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Health and Human Services, Travels to Rusia

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    Professor Steven Bornstein traveled to Russia in November 2008 to present a paper at Mari-State University in Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, on the effects of hearing loss on oral language and speech development
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