332,504 research outputs found

    Picard-Fuchs Ordinary Differential Systems in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories

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    In general, Picard-Fuchs systems in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories are realized as a set of simultaneous partial differential equations. However, if the QCD scale parameter is used as unique independent variable instead of moduli, the resulting Picard-Fuchs systems are represented by a single ordinary differential equation (ODE) whose order coincides with the total number of independent periods. This paper discusses some properties of these Picard-Fuchs ODEs. In contrast with the usual Picard-Fuchs systems written in terms of moduli derivatives, there exists a Wronskian for this ordinary differential system and this Wronskian produces a new relation among periods, moduli and QCD scale parameter, which in the case of SU(2) is reminiscent of scaling relation of prepotential. On the other hand, in the case of the SU(3) theory, there are two kinds of ordinary differential equations, one of which is the equation directly constructed from periods and the other is derived from the SU(3) Picard-Fuchs equations in moduli derivatives identified with Appell's F4F_4 hypergeometric system, i.e., Burchnall's fifth order ordinary differential equation published in 1942. It is shown that four of the five independent solutions to the latter equation actually correspond to the four periods in the SU(3) gauge theory and the closed form of the remaining one is established by the SU(3) Picard-Fuchs ODE. The formula for this fifth solution is a new one.Comment: \documentstyle[12pt,preprint,aps,prb]{revtex}, to be published in J. Math. Phy

    The ruff of equatorial emission around the SS433 jets: its spectral index and origin

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    We present unique radio observations of SS433, using MERLIN, the VLBA, and the VLA, which allow us to, for the first time, properly image and derive a meaningful spectral index for the `ruff' of equatorial emission which surrounds SS433's jet. We interpret this smooth ruff as a wind-like outflow from the binary.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the 4th Microquasar Workshop, eds. Ph Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs and J. Rodrigue

    Twining characters, orbit Lie algebras, and fixed point resolution

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    We describe the resolution of field identification fixed points in coset conformal field theories in terms of representation spaces of the coset chiral algebra. A necessary ingredient from the representation theory of Kac Moody algebras is the recently developed theory of twining characters and orbit Lie algebras, as applied to automorphisms representing identification currents.Comment: Latex, 24 pages. Slightly extended version of lectures by J. Fuchs at a workshop in Razlog (Bulgaria) in August 199

    D-brane conformal field theory

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    We outline the structure of boundary conditions in conformal field theory. A boundary condition is specified by a consistent collection of reflection coefficients for bulk fields on the disk together with a choice of an automorphism \omega of the fusion rules that preserves conformal weights. Non-trivial automorphisms \omega correspond to D-brane configurations for arbitrary conformal field theories.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX2e. Slightly extended version of a talk given by J. Fuchs at the 31st International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the Theory of Elementary Particles, Buckow, Germany, September 199

    K3--Fibrations and Heterotic-Type II String Duality

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    We analyze the map between heterotic and type II N=2 supersymmetric string theories for certain two and three moduli examples found by Kachru and Vafa. The appearance of elliptic j-functions can be traced back to specializations of the Picard-Fuchs equations to systems for K3K_3 surfaces. For the three-moduli example we write the mirror maps and Yukawa couplings in the weak coupling limit in terms of j-functions; the expressions agree with those obtained in perturbative calculations in the heterotic string in an impressive way. We also discuss symmetries of the world-sheet instanton numbers in the type II theory, and interpret them in terms of S--duality of the non-perturbative heterotic string.Comment: 16p, harvmac with hyperlink

    SS 433: Radio/X-ray anti-correlation and fast-time variability

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    We briefly review the Galactic microquasar SS 433/W50 and present a new RXTE spectral and timing study. We show that the X-ray flux decreases during radio flares, a behavior seen in other microquasars. We also find short time-scale variability unveiling emission regions from within the binary system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, mq.sty included. A higher resolution version can be found at http://aurora.physics.umanitoba.ca/~samar/4MQ/ss433/. Proceedings of the 4th Microquasar Workshop, eds. Ph. Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs and J. Rodriguez, published by the Center for Space Physics: Kolkata (in press

    Rezensionen 1998

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    Barnett P., The Second Epistle to the Corinthians (Fuchs), S. 276 Blok H. - Steiner M., Jerusalem. Ausgrabungen in der Heiligen Stadt (Fuchs), S. 234 Busch P., Der gefallene Drache (Fuchs), S. 277 Diebold-Scheuermann C., Jesus vor Pilatus (Fuchs), S. 266 du Toit D.S., THEIOS ANTHROPOS (Schreiber), S. 242 Gradwohl R., Bibelauslegungen ausjüdischen Quellen, Bd. 1+2 (Fuchs), S. 237 Green J.B., The Gospel of Luke (Fuchs), S. 260 Haacker K., Paulus. Der Werdegang eines Apostels (Fuchs), S. 274 Haubeck W. -von Siebenthal H., Neuer sprachlicher Schlüssel (Fuchs), S. 229 Hengel M.- Schwemer A.M.(Hgg), Die Septuaginta (Fuchs), S. 238 Hengel M., Judaica et Hellenistica (Fuchs), S. 239 Hvalvik R., The Struggle for Scripture and Covenant (Fuchs), S. 244 Klauck H.-J., Magie und Heidentum in der APG (Fuchs), S. 271 Kremer J., Der Erste Briefan die Korinther (Fuchs), S. 275 Levinskaya I., The Book of Acts in its Diaspora Setting (Fuchs), S. 272 Mauerhofer E., Einleitung I (Fuchs), S. 246 McNicol- D.L. Dungan- D.B. Peabody (Hgg), Beyond the Q Impasse (Fuchs), S. 247 Mounce R.H., The Book ofRevelation (Fuchs), S. 280 Piehier J., Paulusrezeption in der Apostelgeschichte (Fuchs), S. 273 Pokomy P., Theologie der lukanischen Schriften (Fuchs), S. 259 Prieur A., Die Verkündigung der Gottesherrschaft (Fuchs), S. 262 Rein M., Die Heilung des Blindgeborenen (Fuchs), S. 265 Reventlow H., Epochen der Bibelauslegung. Bd. I (Fuchs), S. 236 Ried! H., Zeichen und Herrlichkeit (Fuchs), S. 263 Söding Th., Das Wort vom Kreuz (Fuchs), S. 274 Stock A., The Method and Message ofMatthew (Fuchs), S. 257 Taylor J.E., The Immerser (Fuchs), S. 251 Tucket! C.M. (Hg), The Scriptures in the Gospels (Fuchs), S. 230 Ulland H., Die Vision als Radikalisierung (Fuchs), S. 278 Walker P.W.L., Jesus and the Holy City (Oberforcher), S. 235 Witherington B., The Acts ofthe Apostles (Fuchs), S. 26

    GX 339-4: back to life

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    We report preliminary results of a RossiXTE campaign on the 2002 outburst of the black-hole candidate GX 339-4. We show power density spectra of five observations during the early phase of the outburst. The first four power spectra show a smooth transition between a Low State and a Very High State. The fifth power spectrum resembles a High State, but a strong 6 Hz QPO appears suddenly within 16 seconds.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Proceedings of the 4th Microquasar Workshop, eds. Ph Durouchoux, Y. Fuchs and J. Rodriguez, published by the Center for Space Physics: Kolkat
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