4,270 research outputs found

    Role of tumour necrosis factor gene polymorphisms (-308 and -238) in breast cancer susceptibility and severity

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    Introduction Genetic polymorphisms in the promoter region of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) gene can regulate gene expression and have been associated with inflammatory and malignant conditions. We have investigated two polymorphisms in the promoter of the TNF gene (-308 G>A and -238 G>A) for their role in breast cancer susceptibility and severity by means of an allelic association study. Methods Using a case–control study design, breast cancer patients (n = 709) and appropriate age-matched and sex-matched controls obtained from the Breast Screening Unit (n = 498) were genotyped for these TNF polymorphisms, using a high-throughput allelic discrimination method. Results Allele frequencies for both polymorphisms were similar in both breast cancer cases and controls. However, the -308 polymorphism was found to be associated with vascular invasion in breast tumours (P = 0.024). Comparison with other standard prognostic indices did not show any association for either genotype. Conclusions We demonstrated no association between the -308G>A polymorphism and the -238G>A polymorphism in the promoter region of TNF and susceptibility to breast cancer, in a large North European population. However, the -308 G>A polymorphism was found to be associated with the presence of vascular invasion in breast tumours

    Vitruvius’ idea on character: somelessons for design students

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    Ponencia presentada a Session 3: EducaciĂłn y arquitectura en las universidades / Architectural education in the universitie

    The Influence of Construction Project Team Effectiveness in Higher Institutions’ Building Projects: A Case from Nigeria

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    Projects are required to meet the stakeholders’ requirements on the stipulated time, quality and budget. The achievement of such requirements is related to team effectiveness. However, there is poor project time and cost performance in Nigeria such that the constructions initiated mostly escalate beyond the cost and time budgeted. The construction project teams in Nigeria are shrouded with dysfunctions leading to undesirable project outcomes. This study aims to examine the influence of project team effectiveness on project performance of higher educational institutions’ construction in Nigeria. A quantitative survey design was employed where 150 questionnaires were administered to construction projects team members in four higher educational institutions in Bauchi state, Nigeria. The result indicated that the team effectiveness factors of communication, role and responsibility as well as team relationships have a substantial influence on project performance. However, goal and objectives, leadership, as well as trust and values factors, do not have significant influence. Overall, the result shows that the variation in the project performance can be explained substantially by changes in the construction project team effectiveness (Adj. R2 =.585). The implication of this finding is that project performance in Nigerian higher educational institutions can be significantly improved by strengthening communications, roles and responsibilities as well as relationships among team members. Thus, this research contributed to the existing body of knowledge on the linkage between team effectiveness and project performance in the Nigeria higher educational institutions' construction projects. The study, therefore, recommended the improvement of team effectiveness factors of the industry by all projects’ stakeholders and participants


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendidikan Islam menurut pemikiran Muhammad Abdussalam al-Azmy dan bagaimana relevansi pemikiran Muhammad abdussalam al-Azmy tentang pendidikan Islam terhadap Pendidikan Islam masa kini. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan Library Resarch, yang mana pengumpulan datanya menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan mengambil sumber-sumber yang diperboleh dari karya-karya Muhammad Abdussalam Al-Azmy dan sumber lain nya yang relevan. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode interpretasi dan hermeneutika serta kesinambungan historis. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa pemikiran Muhammad Abdussalam Al-Azmy tentang Pelajaran Islam Tiga prinsip besar adalah dasar-dasar pendidikan Islam yang harus dipahami oleh semua pendidik dan peserta didik. Karena aqidah mengatur gerak kita, Aqidah Dasar memiliki tingkatan yang harus didahulukan sebelum Dasar Taabbudiyah dan Dasar Fikriyah. Segala sesuatu yang Allah senangi dan senangi baik dalam ucapan maupun perbuatan adalah dasar ibadah yang kedua. Keterkaitan antara filsafat dan pendidikan menghasilkan hasil yang sama pada keduanya, menurut hasil rasional ketiga. berdasarkan kajian ini, pendidikan Islam sangat penting bagi kehidupan didunia dan akhirat, karena tujuan pendidikan Islam adalah meraih ridha-Nya Allah Swt. MuhammadAbdussalam Al-Azmy memberikan menjelaskan bahwa pendidikan Islam menyiapkan seorang muslim dengan persiapan yang menjadikan peserta didik taat dan berkualitas dari setiap langkah pertumbuhannya Hal itu, menjadikan bahwa pendidikan Islam posisi yang dijunjung tinggi dalam kehidupan sehari-har

    Peningkatan Membandingkan Dua Pecahan melalui Strategi Calilang pada Siswa Kelas VI SD Muhammadiyah 1 Babat

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    This study aims to improve students' ability to understand fraction comparisons of sixth graders at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Babat by using the CALILANG strategy. This type of research is classroom action research. The subjects in this study were students of class VI SD Muhammadiyah 1 Babat, totaling 10 students. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, test, and documentary techniques. The research instrument used an observation sheet and a written test. The data analysis technique uses the mean formula whose results are presented in a qualitative descriptive form

    The Success of a Food Tourism Destination: A Systematic Review

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    Purpose: This study aimed to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) of food tourism destinations and analyse their importance for the development of destination tourism.   Design/methodology/approach: We conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify prevalent CSFs in food tourism destinations. Out of 210 articles related to food tourism destinations, 41 underwent a rigorous selection process for analysis. The chosen articles were examined comprehensively to provide a replicable overview of the subject.   Findings: The five most popular factors were: marketing, food quality, food product, cultural identity and visitor experience. It was also found that more studies were conducted on the supply side, while fewer studies were conducted on the demand and supply side. There was a significant difference between the CSFs of supply and demand side statistics separately.   Research Practical & Social implications: This comprehensive review of CSFs in food tourism destinations offers a valuable contribution to the field. It encompasses insights into publication patterns, temporal distribution, research methodologies, and the identification of prevalent success factors. This knowledge helps researchers position their work, identify gaps, and align their research for maximum impact. Ultimately, it fosters efficient and productive future research, facilitating meaningful advancements in food tourism.   Originality/value: The study clarifies what are the most popular venues for successful food tourism destinations for publishing research. How research on CSFs in food tourism destinations is distributed over time and what the geographical distribution of research looks like. And what are the most popular CSFs for food tourism destinations


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    Lagu menjadi sarana hiburan yang disukai banyak kalangan. Selain sebagai hiburan, lagu juga sebagai media untuk mengenalkan budaya di suatu daerah. Salah satunya adalah lagu Madura atau lagu yang menggunakan Bahasa Madura. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui budaya masyarakat Madura dalam lagu-lagu Madura yang mengarah pada pendidikan, pengajaran dan pembiasaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough yang terdiri dari tahap kebahasaan, praktik kewacanaan, dan pratek sosiokultural. Sumber data terdiri dari 3 lagu Madura yang bertema pendidikan, pengajaran dan pembiasaan. Sedangkan data yaitu diksi, frase dan lirik-lirik lagu Madura yang menggambarkan budaya masyarakat Madura. Proses analisis data dilakukan tiga tahap yaitu tahap deskripsi, tahap interpretasi, dan tahap eksplanasi. Masing-masing tahap yaitu mengarah pada teori yaitu teks kebahasaan yang fokus pada kosakata yang mengandung kata ideologi, praktik kewacanaan yang  fokus pada pelibat wacana yang mengarah pada peran masyarakat dan praktek sosiokultural yang mengarah pada konteks situasional. Hasil penelitian ini, pendidikan masyarakat Madura pada teks lagu mengarah pada pendidikan pesantren dan begitu menjunjung tinggi seorang guru atau kiyai. Pada pengajaran masyarakat Madura begitu patuh pada pengajaran yang diajarkan oleh kiyai, ustad, guru, dan tokoh agama. Sedangkan pembiasaan, budaya masyarakat Madura suka bergoyun atau bercanda tentang keinginan untuk berpoligami. Ketiga budaya diatas tercermin dalam lirik-lirik lagu Madura
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