118 research outputs found

    Tunneling ``zero-bias'' anomaly in the quasi-ballistic regime

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    For the first time, we study the tunneling density of states (DOS) of the interacting electron gas beyond the diffusive limit. A strong correction to the DOS persists even at electron energies exceeding the inverse transport relaxation time, which could not be expected from the well-known Altshuler-Aronov-Lee (AAL) theory. This correction originates from the interference between the electron waves scattered by an impurity and by the Friedel oscillation this impurity creates. Account for such processes also revises the AAL formula for the DOS in the diffusive limit.Comment: 4 pages, 2 .eps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    A Self-Consistent First-Principles Technique Having Linear Scaling

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    An algorithm for first-principles electronic structure calculations having a computational cost which scales linearly with the system size is presented. Our method exploits the real-space localization of the density matrix, and in this respect it is related to the technique of Li, Nunes and Vanderbilt. The density matrix is expressed in terms of localized support functions, and a matrix of variational parameters, L, having a finite spatial range. The total energy is minimized with respect to both the support functions and the elements of the L matrix. The method is variational, and becomes exact as the ranges of the support functions and the L matrix are increased. We have tested the method on crystalline silicon systems containing up to 216 atoms, and we discuss some of these results.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX, 2 figure

    Teams between Neo-Taylorism and Anti-Taylorism

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    The concept of teamworking is the product of two distinct developments. One: a neo- Tayloristic form of organization of work, of which Toyota has shown that it can be very profitable, was packaged and reframed to make it acceptable to the Western public. Two: anti-Tayloristic ways of organizing work, inspired by ideals of organizational democracy, were relabeled to make these acceptable to profit-oriented managers. Drawing on empirical research in Scandinavia, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK, as well as on published case studies of Japanese companies, the paper develops a neo-Tayloristic and an anti-Tayloristic model of teamworking. Key concerns in the teamworking literature are intensification of work and the use of shop floor autonomy as a cosmetic or manipulative device. Indeed, all the features of neo-Tayloristic teamworking are geared towards the intensification of work. However, one of the intensification mechanisms, the removal of Tayloristic rigidities in the division of labor, applies to anti-Tayloristic teamworking as well. This poses a dilemma for employee representatives. In terms of autonomy, on the other hand, the difference between neo-Tayloristic and anti-Tayloristic teamworking is real. In anti-Tayloristic teamworking, there is no supervisor inside the team. The function of spokesperson rotates. All team members can participate in decision-making. Standardization is not relentlessly pursued; management accepts some measure of worker control. There is a tendency to alleviate technical discipline, e.g. to find alternatives for the assembly line. Buffers are used. Remuneration is based on proven skill level; there are no group bonuses. In contrast, in neo-Tayloristic teamworking, a permanent supervisor is present in the team as team leader. At most, only the team leader can participate in decision-making. Standardization is relentlessly pursued. Management prerogatives are nearly unlimited. Job designers treat technical discipline, e.g. short-cycled work on the assembly line, as unproblematic. There are no buffers. A substantial part of wages consists of individual bonuses based on assessments by supervisors on how deeply workers cooperate in the system. Group bonuses are also given. The instability and vulnerability of anti-Tayloristic teamworking imply that it can only develop and flourish when managers and employee representatives put determined effort into it. The opportunity structure for this contains both economic and political elements. In mass production, the economic success of Toyota, through skillful mediation by management gurus, makes the opportunity structure for anti-Tayloristic teamworking relatively unfavorable

    Non-linear response of a Kondo system: Perturbation approach to the time dependent Anderson impurity model

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    Nonlinear tunneling current through a quantum dot (an Anderson impurity system) subject to both constant and alternating electric fields is studied in the Kondo regime. A systematic diagram technique is developed for perturbation study of the current in physical systems out of equilibrium governed by time - dependent Hamiltonians of the Anderson and the Kondo models. The ensuing calculations prove to be too complicated for the Anderson model, and hence, a mapping on an effective Kondo problem is called for. This is achieved by constructing a time - dependent version of the Schrieffer - Wolff transformation. Perturbation expansion of the current is then carried out up to third order in the Kondo coupling J yielding a set of remarkably simple analytical expressions for the current. The zero - bias anomaly of the direct current differential conductance is shown to be suppressed by the alternating field while side peaks develop at finite source - drain voltage. Both the direct component and the first harmonics of the time - dependent response are equally enhanced due to the Kondo effect, while amplitudes of higher harmonics are shown to be relatively small. A zero alternating bias anomaly is found in the alternating current differential conductance, that is, it peaks around zero alternating bias. This peak is suppressed by the constant bias. No side peaks show up in the differential alternating - conductance but their counterpart is found in the derivative of the alternating current with respect to the direct bias. The results pertaining to nonlinear response are shown to be valid also below the Kondo temperature.Comment: 55 latex pages 11 ps figure

    Theory for Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductors: d-wave symmetry order parameter

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    Using as a model the Hubbard Hamiltonian we determine various basic properties of electron-doped cuprate superconductors like Nd2xCexCuO4{Nd}_{2-x}{Ce}_{x}{CuO}_{4} and Pr2xCexCuO4{Pr}_{2-x}{Ce}_{x}{CuO}_{4} for a spin-fluctuation-induced pairing mechanism. Most importantly we find a narrow range of superconductivity and like for hole-doped cuprates dx2y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}} - symmetry for the superconducting order parameter. The superconducting transition temperatures Tc(x)T_{c}(x) for various electron doping concentrations xx are calculated to be much smaller than for hole-doped cuprates due to the different Fermi surface and a flat band well below the Fermi level. Lattice disorder may sensitively distort the symmetry dx2y2d_{x^{2}-y^{2}} via electron-phonon interaction

    Basis Functions for Linear-Scaling First-Principles Calculations

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    In the framework of a recently reported linear-scaling method for density-functional-pseudopotential calculations, we investigate the use of localized basis functions for such work. We propose a basis set in which each local orbital is represented in terms of an array of `blip functions'' on the points of a grid. We analyze the relation between blip-function basis sets and the plane-wave basis used in standard pseudopotential methods, derive criteria for the approximate equivalence of the two, and describe practical tests of these criteria. Techniques are presented for using blip-function basis sets in linear-scaling calculations, and numerical tests of these techniques are reported for Si crystal using both local and non-local pseudopotentials. We find rapid convergence of the total energy to the values given by standard plane-wave calculations as the radius of the linear-scaling localized orbitals is increased.Comment: revtex file, with two encapsulated postscript figures, uses epsf.sty, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Towards a Linear-Scaling DFT Technique: The Density Matrix Approach

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    A recently proposed linear-scaling scheme for density-functional pseudopotential calculations is described in detail. The method is based on a formulation of density functional theory in which the ground state energy is determined by minimization with respect to the density matrix, subject to the condition that the eigenvalues of the latter lie in the range [0,1]. Linear-scaling behavior is achieved by requiring that the density matrix should vanish when the separation of its arguments exceeds a chosen cutoff. The limitation on the eigenvalue range is imposed by the method of Li, Nunes and Vanderbilt. The scheme is implemented by calculating all terms in the energy on a uniform real-space grid, and minimization is performed using the conjugate-gradient method. Tests on a 512-atom Si system show that the total energy converges rapidly as the range of the density matrix is increased. A discussion of the relation between the present method and other linear-scaling methods is given, and some problems that still require solution are indicated.Comment: REVTeX file, 27 pages with 4 uuencoded postscript figure

    An Integrated TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource to Drive High-Quality Survival Outcome Analytics

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    For a decade, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program collected clinicopathologic annotation data along with multi-platform molecular profiles of more than 11,000 human tumors across 33 different cancer types. TCGA clinical data contain key features representing the democratized nature of the data collection process. To ensure proper use of this large clinical dataset associated with genomic features, we developed a standardized dataset named the TCGA Pan-Cancer Clinical Data Resource (TCGA-CDR), which includes four major clinical outcome endpoints. In addition to detailing major challenges and statistical limitations encountered during the effort of integrating the acquired clinical data, we present a summary that includes endpoint usage recommendations for each cancer type. These TCGA-CDR findings appear to be consistent with cancer genomics studies independent of the TCGA effort and provide opportunities for investigating cancer biology using clinical correlates at an unprecedented scale. Analysis of clinicopathologic annotations for over 11,000 cancer patients in the TCGA program leads to the generation of TCGA Clinical Data Resource, which provides recommendations of clinical outcome endpoint usage for 33 cancer types

    Avanços recentes em nutrição de larvas de peixes

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    Os requisitos nutricionais de larvas de peixes são ainda mal compreendidos, o que leva a altas mortalidades e problemas de qualidade no seu cultivo. Este trabalho pretende fazer uma revisão de novas metodologias de investigação, tais como estudos com marcadores, genómica populacional, programação nutricional, génomica e proteómica funcionais, e fornecer ainda alguns exemplos das utilizações presentes e perspectivas futuras em estudos de nutrição de larvas de peixes