6,830 research outputs found

    Casino Atmospherics from a Customer\u27s Perspective: A Re-Examination

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    Considerable research in recent years has examined the influence of physical evidence, or atmosphere, in a variety of service settings, including leisure services. Not fully covered has been the area of atmosphere in a casino gaming setting. This extension of a previous study further investigates atmospherics in casinos. The findings showed that customers defined casino atmosphere in five key elements: theme, floor layout, ceiling height, employee uniforms, and noise level. Three of the five contributed positively to a player\u27s satisfaction with the gaming experience as shown by the regression analysis. This reinforces previous indications of the need for casino management to create an inviting atmosphere that will maximize customer satisfaction, with specific attention to those aspects that players appear to value most highly

    The Influence of a Hospitable Healthcare Environment on Patient Emotions and Behavioral Responses

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    A structural model is proposed and empirically examined that investigates the influence of a medical center’s environment on patient responses. A stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) model, often used to frame hospitality service research, is adapted as the basis of the theory that elements included in a healthcare Servicescape will affect emotional responses of patients, which in turn influence their overall satisfaction with experience and likelihood to return, recommend to others, and willingness to pay higher out of pocket expenses behavioral intentions. Analyzed elements of the Servicescape include physical design, layout, atmospherics, and service delivery

    The influence of hospitable design and service on patient responses

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    A study of 216 respondents examined a medical center environment’s influence on patient responses. A stimulus–organism–response (S-O-R) model was adapted to the theory that more hospitable healthcare servicescape elements will affect patients’ overall satisfaction with healthcare experience, loyalty intentions, and willingness to pay out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare services. Servicescape elements included atmospherics of the healthcare environment, service delivery by healthcare staff, physical design of the healthcare environment, and wayfinding. Results of structural equation modeling confirmed that the four servicescape elements – had a significant impact on patients’ overall satisfaction with the healthcare experience. Furthermore, overall satisfaction with the healthcare experience predicted patients’ loyalty intentions and willingness to pay out-of-pocket expenses for healthcare services. The study makes a significant contribution to the empirical modeling of patients’ behavioral responses to hospitable healthcare environments


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    Industri pariwisata yang terus berkembang saat ini mampu meningkatkan peran makanan dan minuman dalam sektor pariwisata. Kondisi pasar saat ini menuntut adanya perubahan yang dapat memberikan nilai lebih dari suatu produk/jasa yang dapat memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan konsumen. Salah satu bentuk perubahan tersebut ditunjukkan dengan tujuan konsumen untuk mengunjungi sebuah tempat makan kini bukan lagi karena faktor kebutuhan akan makan dan minum saja, tetapi mencari pengalaman makan yang berkesan lewat suasana dan tempat yang unik. Lewat suasana dan tempat yang unik tersebut, perusahaan mengharapkan konsumen akan merasa puas sehingga memperbesar peluang konsumen untuk datang kembali. Untuk dapat bertahan di tengah persaingan, perusahaan harus mampu menciptakan keunikan lewat lingkungan fisik sebuah tempat makanagar konsumen merasa tertarik untuk datang sehingga mampu meningkatkan repurchase intentionbagi perusahaan. Salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi repurchase intention yaitu melalui atmospherics, service quality dan food quality. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1)mengetahui gambaran atmospherics,2)mengetahui gambaranservice quality, 3)mengetahui gambaranfood quality,4)mengetahui gambaran repurchase intentiondan 5)mengetahui besarnya pengaruh dining atmospherics melalui atmospherics, service quality, food qualityterhadap repurchase intention. Objek penelitian ini adalah konsumenGiggle Box CafĂ© & Resto Outlet Progo. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, verifikatif dan metode yang digunakan adalah explanatory survey dengan teknik purposive samplingdengan sampel berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah koefisien korelasi pearson product moment dan analisis regresi berganda dengan alat bantu software SPSS 22.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa atmospherics, service quality, food qualitydan repurchase intentionpada Giggle Box CafĂ© & Resto Outlet Progoberada pada kategori tinggi. Hasil perhitungan korelasi, variabel atmospherics, service quality, dan food qualitysama-sama memiliki hubungan yang positif dengan klasifikasi rendah dengan repurchase intention. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian menyatakan bahwa kinerja atmospherics, service quality, dan food quality mempengaruhi repurchase intention sebesar 24,3%. Dari hasil terhadap pengujian hipotesis dapat diketahui bahwa atmospherics, service quality, dan food quality memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap repurchase intention. Penulis merekomendasikan agar perusahaan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih berkesan kepada konsumen serta tetap menjaga, mempertahankan dan meningkatkan atmospherics, service quality, dan food quality yang telah diterapkan agar dapat meningkatkan repurchase intention perusahaan. Kata Kunci:atmospherics, dining atmospherics, food quality, repurchase intention,service quality  The tourism industry continues to grow at this time able to increase the role of food and drinks in the tourism sector. The current market conditions demand a change that can deliver more value than a product or service that can meet the expectations and needs of consumers. One of the changes is shown by consumers for the purpose of visiting a place to eat is no longer because of the need for food and drink, but look for a memorable dining experience through the atmosphere and unique place. Through the atmosphere and the unique place, the company expects consumers will be satisfied, thus increasing the chances of the consumer to come back. To survive in the competitive, companies must be able to create a unique physical environment that consumers feel compelled to come and to increase the repurchase intention for the company. One of the factors that may affect the repurchase intention, through atmospherics, service quality and food quality. This study aims to 1)to give description of atmospherics, 2)to give description of service quality, 3)to give description of food quality, 4)to give description of repurchase intention, and 5) the influence of dining atmospherics through atmospherics, service quality, food quality toward repurchase intention. Object of this study is consumers on Giggle Box CafĂ© & Resto Outlet Progo. The study uses descriptive, verifikatif, and the explanatory method used was survey by purposive sampling technique, and a sample of 100 respondents. Data analysis technique used is correlation coefficient of pearson product moment and multiple regression analysis with SPSS 22.0 software. The result of study showthat atmospherics, service quality, food quality, repurchase intention on Giggle Box CafĂ© & Resto Outlet Progo is inupper categorize. The result of correlation shows that each of atmospherics variable, service quality, and food quality has positive relation with low classification toward repurchase intention. The results obtained in this study that the performance of atmospherics, service quality, and food quality affects repurchase intention by 24.3%. from the results of this study of hypothesis testing can be seen that atmospherics, service quality, and food qualityhas a positive influence toward repurchase intention. The author recommends that companies provide a more memorable experience to consumers as well as maintain, sustain and improve the atmospherics, service quality, and food quality that have been implemented in order to increase the repurchase intention of the company. Key Words: atmospherics, dining atmospherics, food quality, repurchase intention, service qualit

    Unclassified information list, 12-16 September 1966

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    Book and document information list - astrophysics, atmospherics, biology, nuclear physics, missile technology, navigation, electronics, chemistry, materials, mathematics, and other topic

    The Emotional Impact of Casino Servicescape

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    This study investigates the emotional impact of casino servicescape among Chinese table games gambling participants, and its impact on their approach/avoidance behavior. Data on casino servicescape, pleasure, arousal and dominance emotion (PAD) and approach/avoidance responses were obtained from 158 Chinese gamblers in Macau and analyzed using path analysis. The results of this study suggest that aesthetic factors within servicescape significantly influence the customers\u27 perception of the overall servicescape quality. While gambling facilitating factors within servicescape have significant impact on PAD emotions, they are not significant components of the perceived overall servicescape quality. Both overall servicescape quality and PAD emotions have significant positive influence on approach responses. The current study shows that besides inducing pleasure (satisfaction) emotion in customers, a successful strategy would include arousal and dominance emotions when designing and managing the casino servicescape. Casino operators could benefit from designing facilities that can make a customer feel satisfied, excited, and in control

    Pengaruh Atmopherics Stimuli terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Buah-Buahan (Studi Kasus di Istana Buah Blimbing, Malang)

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    Menghadapi persaingan yang ketat, pengusaha retail berlomba untuk menarik berbagai konsumen dengan berbagai strategi pemasaran. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengendalikan situasi pembelian melalui komponen atmospherics stimuli yang dapat mempengaruhi minat beli konsumen. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh komponen atmospherics stimuli yang terdiri dari eksterior, interior, bentuk dan tata ruang, titik pembelian dan dekorasi serta manusia secara simultan dan secara parsial terhadap minat beli konsumen di Istana Buah Blimbing, Malang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel atmospherics stimuli mampu menjelaskan variabel minat beli sebesar 54,1%. Komponen atmospherics stimuli secara serempak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat beli konsumen. Secara parsial, variabel yang berpengaruh secara signifikan adalah variabel manusi
