1,146 research outputs found

    Part 2: Apartment Housing in Hampton Roads

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    Vacancy rates have fallen as home ownership rates have declined. Monthly rents are among the highest in the southeast region of the country. These conditions may lead to an upsurge in apartment construction

    UK apartment construction impact on carbon life cycle calculations

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    There is no fixed method to analyse the global warming (carbon) impact of a building envelope over its life time, however guidance is given in BS EN 15978 [1]. The paper assesses the Life Cycle stages and components in 3 archetypal construction typologies for an apartment building assessed with the BRE Green Guide [2] as a comparator. There is a difference of a factor of 4 between construction types and the position of units within an apartment block. Replacement and recycling factors significantly affect the end results with steel being highly recyclable, concrete advantageous in longevity and timber sequestering carbon at early stages. Timber does have an increased number of replacements during the life span and significant impacts at end of life stages. The BRE quantification does not take into account foundations leading to a climate change impact 3 times lower than a bottom up analysis for a steel building

    Gerakan Perlawanan Menolak Pembangunan Apartemen Studi Kasus : Dusun Balirejo, Kelurahan Muja Muju, Kec Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to analyze the community's movement against the construction of an apartment located in Balirejo Hamlet, Muja Muju Village, Umbulharjo District, Yogyakarta City. This research uses qualitative analysis research methodology; the data types in this study are primary and secondary data, data obtained through documentation, direct field observations, and interviews with the affected Balirejo community and the Social Service. This study also uses secondary data collected from previous studies. The findings show that the city refuses due to: a). Social impact with the emergence of an entire society, the entry of modern society will affect culture. b). Damage to the environment, such as water resources that will be disrupted, and the situation during the development process will disrupt people's lives. And then the form of resistance from the community, namely: a). Making a petition against development that will be submitted to government officials. b) Put up billboards on the road, even in front of apartment construction. c) Conduct hearings with non-governmental organizations and government officials. d). the return of the certificate of RT and RW management was caused by not attending the community when discussing the AMDAL. There is also an impact on community life after resistance to apartment construction because people are more careful about information and irregularities in the community's social conditions: the pros and cons of development

    Construction industry forecasting system dynamic model

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    In a paper construction branch forecasting model which allows to estimate the industry development problems is shown. Difference from anthers models, in given paper the main attention is turned to the building of the living area. Model stands from sub model (blocks): amount of apartments, real estate prices, necessity of apartments and living area forecasting models. Their essence and necessity are shown in separate sections. In the paper final, produced model is applied practical, are given model forecasts. The apartments amount forecasting model show supposition, in which, if there is deficit of dwellings in the economic system, then, first of all, are finance and construct apartments with little areas, i.e., multistory buildings with one-room apartments. Apartment’s amount increase depends from the building financing, as also from middle apartment area and building costs of square meter. The real estate prices forecasting model show supposition, that the once certain price is actual while it is not changed with prices influential parameters. The prices influential parameters are: extend (or diminish) of the live fund, the total market influence on separate market segments (and vice versa). The apartment’s necessities forecasting model show supposition, that in beginning a certain volume of necessities remains not changed, while on their has not changed with influential factors. Between the influential factors there are: apartments amount increase – it diminish apartments amount necessities; apartments wear (amount diminish) - it increase apartments amount necessities; improve of live circumstances - it diminish apartments amount necessities. The live area forecasting model is an additional model, which provides functioning of another’s models. Shown supposition was related with a population tries to purchase apartments with such properties which is similar to present at the market apartments. Till with it the middle area in each analyse group is not changes. In not changes middle area circumstances, knowing apartments amount, it is possible to calculate the total live area. Accumulating statistical data it is to adjoin with a problem, that not all data was certain, for a few data only possible borders of oscillations are certain. Till with that, in the paper are examined a few possible situation development variants. Buildings and real estate market development simulated on separate its segments and in an aggregate. Analysing the forecast data for aggregate apartments building in Latvia, in basic scenario it is certain, that the counterbalanced apartments building volume is about 1800 apartments in the year, but noticing oscillations of overproduces and necessities, this size can brief hesitate from 1434 to 2019. A sensitiveness analysis confirms basic scenario, complements it and extends with credible horizon borders.construction demand, housing fund, system dynamic, market modeling, simulation, economic forecasting

    Housing Price Bubbles and their Determinants in the Czech Republic and its Regions

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    This working paper, based on an empirical analysis, discusses factors affecting property prices and tries to identify periods of property price overvaluation by three approaches: using simple ratios related to house prices (price-to-income and price-to-rent), using time series analysis for the Czech Republic as a whole, and using panel regression for the Czech regions. The time series analysis and the simple indicators of housing price sustainability identified overvalued property prices in 2002/2003 and partly also in 2007/2008. According to the time series analysis, however, the size of the housing price overvaluation in 2007/2008 was relatively low, as the rise in property prices in this period was largely explainable by fundamentals. From the regional perspective, there is a higher degree of overvaluation in regions with higher property prices. The exception is Prague, which seems to be a ñ€Ɠspecificñ€ region.Asset price bubbles, Czech Republic and its regions, housing prices, panel regression.

    Plaster Layout Process in Civil Works with a Focus on Clean Production

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    The constant expansion of civil construction and the increasing use of plaster gives rise to a solid waste generation problem causing difficulties for the disposal or reuse of this material. The generation of plaster waste represents an economic problem, with serious consequences and impacts. In order to contribute to sustainability, this study sought to evaluate the reduction of plaster waste in an apartment construction project, employing the layout method. With the adequate arrangement of plates, a reduction of 4.41% in the use of plaster could be obtained, This reduction will consequently result in the minimization of waste from civil works, bringing invaluable economic and environmental benefits

    Infill: New Housing for Twenty-First Century America

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    The Ministry of Public Statement tried to overcome the problems of urban settlement through the approach of “1000 Towers” program, which is the provision of 1000 units of apartments for urban people. However, it is a pity that, that approach was only from its physical aspects; meaning that when the government provided those apartments, it paid its attention only on the tehnical and economic aspects. Whereas, on the other side, people who will live in those apartments are people that have the habit of neighbourhood life with specific and unique socio-cultural behaviors that had been constructed for so long. When they live and use the apartments, they need a long adaptation process, even in a certain extent; it may causae pronologed stress for the inhabitants. Government policy to provide apartments for the low economic people deserves to be appreciated, however, from the aspect of design approach, it still requires further attention. The mass apartment construction on one side causes problems because not all prospects of inhabitant have the same perception and aspiration; as a result, the well-prepared apartment design is eventually unable to accommodate the needs of its inhabitants. This research tries to reveal the behaviors of the inhabitants, why they have the tendency of changing form and pattern of their spatial arrangement especially at the Pekunden Apartments of Semarang. The research results do not reveal only the background of inhabitants motivation, however, they also reveal what the changes of form and pattern of spatial arrangement look like and the impacts emerging after the changes. The result of the act of revealing of inhabitants motivational background and occurring changes of form and pattern of spatial arrangement will be used as the evaluation materials for improvements of the design of apartment, not only in Pekunden, however they are also for other apartments that have not been built yet. Keywords : slum settlement, apartment, form and pattern spatial arrangement. 1 Staf pengajar, Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegor

    Customer-oriented value creation in apartment construction contracting

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    Asiakaskeskeinen arvonluonti on jatkuvasti kasvava teema liikemaailmassa ja asuntorakennuttamisessa. Rakennuttajat pyrkivÀt ottamaan asiakkaitaan enemmÀn huomioon ja tekemÀÀn asuntojen valmistamisesta yhÀ asiakaslÀhtöisempÀÀ, jotta asiakkaat arvostaisivat asuntoja ja kokonaisia kiinteistöjÀ taloudellisesti enemmÀn. Asiakkaat puolestaan haluavat sujuvuutta, vaikutusvaltaa ja arvostusta asunnon hankiprosessin aikana sekÀ asunnoiltaan jatkuvasti enemmÀn toiminnallisuutta. Työn tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ, miten asiakkaan arvomaailma tulee ottaa huomioon rakennuttamisprosessissa ja asunnon ominaisuuksissa, ja mitÀ asunnoilta vaaditaan, jotta asiakas arvostaa niitÀ mahdollisimman paljon. LisÀksi tutkimus selvittÀÀ kuinka asuntorakennuttajan tulee asiakkaan kanssa toimia, jotta asiakasarvo kehittyy koko hankkeen ajan. Työ on kokonaisuudessaan kirjallisuustutkimus, joka lÀhestyy työn aihetta asiakasarvon ja asuntorakennuttamisen aihepiireistÀ. Työn perimmÀinen tarkoitus on kerÀtÀ nÀistÀ kahdesta aiheesta riittÀvÀ mÀÀrÀ pohjatietoa, jotta aiheet voidaan yhdistÀÀ yhdeksi työn aiheen mukaiseksi laajemmaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, ettÀ aiempia tutkimuksia asiakaskeskeisestÀ arvonluonnista rakennuttamisessa on hyvin vÀhÀn, mikÀ johdatti työn soveltaen yhdistÀmÀÀn eri aihepiirien tietoja kokonaisuudeksi. TyössÀ havaittiin, ettÀ asiakkaiden arvomaailmat eroavat merkittÀvÀsti toisistaan, mutta jokaiselle on silti mahdollista rakennuttaa toiveiden mukainen asunto, kun rakennuttaja osaa lÀhestyÀ asiaa oikein menetelmin. Tutkimuksen tulokseksi saatiin useita eri lÀhestymistapoja asiakasarvon kasvattamiseen. Emotionaalisuuteen vetoavalla toiminnalla voidaan luoda hyvÀt edellytykset asiakasarvon tuottamiselle. Kuitenkin kun kyseessÀ on asuntorakennuttaminen ja asiakkaan osalta asunnon hankinta, on suurin painoarvo kiinteistön taloudellisella arvolla, sen sÀilymisellÀ ja asuntojen toiminnallisuudella. Asiakkaat arvostavat heidÀn tarpeisiinsa sopivaa asuntoa, jonka hankkimiseen kÀytetyt uhraukset ovat yksilöllisesti sopivassa suhteessa siitÀ saataviin hyötyihin. Jokainen arvostaa eri asioita erilaisella painotuksella, jolloin rakennuttajan tehtÀvÀksi jÀÀ tuottaa asuntoja, jotka vastaavat kunkin asiakkaan tarpeita. Asiakaskeskeisyys ja taloudellinen toiminta ovat merkittÀvimpiÀ tekijöitÀ onnistuneessa asuntorakennuttamisessa
