376 research outputs found

    Bibliography of Sequential Sampling Plans in Insect Pest Management Based on Wald\u27s Sequential Probability Ratio Test

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    This paper contains 65 references dealing with the development of sequential sampling plans in insect pest management based on Wald\u27s Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT), 25 in forest entomology and 40 in agriculture entomology. The insect(s) sampled, whether the decision procedure was based on one or two SPRTs, and the mathematical distribution and probabilities of Type I and Type II errors used to develop the SPRTs are also given for each sequential sampling plan

    Plant pathology

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    Se resumen las actividades de la seccion de Fitopatologia del Programa de Pastos Tropicales del CIAT durante 1982, cuyos objetivos incluyen: (1) evaluar todo el germoplasma por resistencia a enfermedades en las principales localidades de investigacion: (2) detectar, identificar y estudiar enfermedades del germoplasma en evaluacion y (3) evaluar y desarrollar medidas de control de enfermedades de las especies forrajeras promisorias. La evaluacion del germoplasma continuo en Carimagua y Quilichao en Colombia y en el Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria do Cerrado (CPAC), Brasil. Se colecto mas informacion sobre la distribucion de 33 enfermedades en 7 ecosistemas. Continuaron los estudios de evaluacion de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides en Stylosanthes guianensis y S. capitata y de Sclerotium rolfsii y Rhizopus spp. en S. capitata. Se estudiaron enfermedades especificas de Desmodium spp. (Synchytrium rolfsii), Leucaena sp. (Pseudomonas fluorescens Biotipo 2), Zornia spp. (Sphaceloma sp. y Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens), Centrosema brasilianum (Pseudomonas sp. y Rhizoctonia solani) y Andropogon gayanus (Rhynchosporium sp.). Se presentan los resultados del control biologico de ninfas y adultos del mion (Zulia colombiana) con el hongo Metarrhizium spp. Se incluyen resultados sobre estudios del efecto de la fertilizacion en la reaccion de forrajes tropicales a plagas y enfermedades, estudios sobre enfermedades y plagas de gramineas y leguminosas nativas e introducidas, estudios sobre clasificacion de enfermedades segun el hospedante y el pais y estudios de patologia de la semilla (Aspergillus spp. en S. capitata). (CIAT

    Técnicas de criação, em latoratório, de Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae)

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    Devido à importância da cigarrinha como praga da cultura da cana-de-açúcar, diversos estudos tem sido conduzidos para elucidar aspectos relacionados à bioecologia e controle desses insetos. Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de desenvolver uma técnica de criação para Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) sobre cana-de-açúcar, em laboratório (25 ± 1ºC, UR de 70 ± 10% e fotofase de 14 horas). Adultos foram isolados em gaiolas cilíndricas, com uma planta de cana-de-açúcar, contendo um disco de algodão úmido, envolto à base, como local de oviposição. Os ovos foram retirados mediante lavagem em água corrente sobre peneiras e mantidos em placas de Petri sobre papel filtro umedecido até a eclosão das ninfas. Logo após, as ninfas foram transferidas para raízes da planta e acondicionadas em caixa com tampa, para manter um ambiente úmido e escuro, favorecendo o seu desenvolvimento e a manutenção do sistema radicular, proporcionando locais de alimentação em quantidade. O método permite a produção de insetos com características semelhantes aos indivíduos selvagens e a manutenção de populações de M. fimbriolata em laboratório durante o ano todo, o que não ocorre na natureza, facilitando assim, o desenvolvimento de pesquisas com esse inseto.Due to the importance of cercopids as pests in sugarcane and forage grass, researches have been conducted in order to address aspects related to the bioecology and control of these insects. The objective of this study was to develop a rearing technique for Mahanarva fimbriolata (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) on sugarcane, in the laboratory (25 ± 1ºC; 70 ± 10% RH; and 14-hour photophase). Adults were isolated in cylindrical cages containing one sugarcane plant, with a moistened cotton disc surrounding the base of the plant as a site for oviposition. Eggs were removed from the cotton disc by washing it in running water over sieves and maintained in Petri dishes on moistened filter paper until the nymphs hatched. The newly hatched nymphs were transferred to sugarcane roots and placed into boxes with lids, to keep a moistened and dark environment favoring their development and maintaining the root system, providing food access to the developing nymphs. This method allowed M. fimbriolata to be maintained in laboratory conditions throughout the year, which would certainly foster research on this insect

    Determinação de danos da cigarrinha-das-pastagens (Deois incompleta) à Brachiaria humidicola e B. decumbens.

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    Spittlebugs: Bioecology, Host Plant Resistance and Advances in IPM

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    Several species and genera of spittlebugs (Homoptera: Cercopidae) are economic pests of grasses in tropical America. These insects compete with grazing animals by reducing forage availability and quality. They may cause serious losses on millions of hectares of improved pastures based on cultivars of several species of Brachiaria (signal grasses). Except for the cultivar Marandu, most of the available commercial cultivars of Brachiaria are susceptible to spittlebugs. In spite of their economic importance, much research need to be done yet. Such insect-plant system encompasses a diverse group of spittlebug species, a diverse group of forage grass species, which are under different management systems, in a broad range of ecological zones. Control efforts have been directed to host plant resistance, alternative that has been recognized as being of easy adoption and of low cost to farmers. It is probably the best control measure for controlling insect pests in low value crops, like pastures, widely established over vast areas. Screening for spittlebug resistance has been conducted both at CIAT and Embrapa-Beef Cattle Center, and promising accessions have been found. It is important however, that additional biological and behavioral studies of these insects, together with evaluations of other control techniques, like biological control and cultural practices, are also performed. Promising control measures and future research needs are discussed


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    The spittlebug (Aeneolamia spp.) has become an endemic plague in recent years, damaging sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) fields in the central region of Veracruz, México, where the losses are quite significant and various control strategies have been used. A preventive measure has been the control of hibernating eggs during the dry season, through the use of mechanized tasks based on phytosanitary rakes, whose incorporation is justified in areas of high incidence of eggs, or where the economic threshold of the damage is found. Three agro-climate zones in the area of influence of the Central Motzorongo sugar plant were studied, and in each zone one site, cycle and variety were selected, which showed a high egg infestation, to evaluate three raking distances, from the center of the stump to the mid-furrow (0-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-45 cm) and five depths (1,2,3,4,5 cm), and the egg extraction was done previously through the soil sampling technique with a metallic frame of 15X15X5. It was determined that there was no significant difference in terms of percentages of concentration of eggs between the distances evaluated; however, between depths, in all sampling zones, it was found that the highest average concentration is located in the first 3 cm of depth (90.39 %) as preventive control of the plague.Dado que la mosca pinta (Aeneolamia spp.), se ha convertido en los últimos años una plaga endémica y dañina al cultivo de la caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) en la región Centro de Veracruz, México, donde las pérdidas son muy significativas y se han empleado diversas estrategias de control. Una medida preventiva, ha sido el control de huevecillos hibernantes durante la época seca, mediante el uso de labores mecanizadas a base de rastras fitosanitarias, cuya incorporación se justifica en áreas con alta incidencia de huevecillos, o donde se registra el umbral económico de daño. Se estudiaron tres zonas agroclimáticas del área de influencia del ingenio azucarero Central Motzorongo, y en cada zona se seleccionó un sitio, ciclo, y variedad que registrara alta infestación de huevos, para evaluar tres distancias de paso de rastra, a partir del centro de la cepa hacia el entresurco (0-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-45 cm) y cinco profundidades (1,2,3,4,5 cm), y mediante la técnica de muestreo de suelo con marco metálico de 15X15X5 se realizó la extracción de huevecillos previamente. Se determinó que no hubo diferencia estadística significativa en cuanto a porcentajes de concentración de huevecillos entre las distancias evaluadas, sin embargo, entre profundidades en todas zonas de muestreo, se registró que la mayor concentración promedio se ubica en los primeros 3 cm de profundidad (90.39%) como control preventivo de la plaga

    Avances en investigaciones sobre resistencia de Brachiaria a salivazo

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    Description of the immature stages and new host plant records of Deois (Deois) mourei (Berg) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), a species newly recorded from Argentina and Paraguay

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    Deois (Deois) mourei Cavichioli & Sakakibara (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) is recorded for the first time from Argentina and Paraguay. The eggs and immature stages of the species are described and illustrated; the main characters that distinguish instars are body size, color, number of flagellomeres, and number of tibial and metatarsomere spines. A key for identification of nymphs of D. (D.) mourei and a key to differentiate nymphs of the sympatric species D. (D.) mourei and Notozulia entreriana Berg are provided. In addition, a list of host plants of D. (D.) mourei in Argentina is given.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    New record o f Hexamermis dactylocercus Poiner Jr. and Linares (Nematoda: Mermithidae) parasitizing red hairy caterpillar, Amsacta albistriga (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Arctidae) from India

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    Not AvailableNatural parasitism of the red hairy caterpillar, Amsacta albistriga (Walker) by a mermithid nematode, Hexamermis dactylocercus Poinar Jr. and Linares is reported for the first time. Higher parasitisation by H. dactylocercus was recorded during epidemic outbreak of A. albistriga during 2007 (28.5%) and in 2008 (6.5%) when the pest incidence was relatively lower due to late onset of monsoon. The mermithid activity was associated with high rainfall in both the years. Seasonal dynamics of H. dactylocercus is discussed.Not Availabl