61,809 research outputs found

    Kinesin-II is required for axonal transport of choline acetyltransferase in Drosophila

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    KLP64D and KLP68D are members of the kinesin-II family of proteins in Drosophila. Immunostaining for KLP68D and ribonucleic acid in situ hybridization for KLP64D demonstrated their preferential expression in cholinergic neurons. KLP68D was also found to accumulate in cholinergic neurons in axonal obstructions caused by the loss of kinesin light chain. Mutations in the KLP64D gene cause uncoordinated sluggish movement and death, and reduce transport of choline acetyltransferase from cell bodies to the synapse. The inviability of KLP64D mutations can be rescued by expression of mammalian KIF3A. Together, these data suggest that kinesin-II is required for the axonal transport of a soluble enzyme, choline acetyltransferase. in a specific subset of neurons in Drosophila. Furthermore, the data lead to the conclusion that the cargo transport requirements of different classes of neurons may lead to upregulation of specific pathways of axonal transport

    Identification of critical residues of the serotype modifying O-acetyltransferase of Shigella flexneri

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    BACKGROUND Thirteen serotypes of Shigella flexneri (S. flexneri) have been recognised, all of which are capable of causing bacillary dysentery or shigellosis. With the emergence of the newer S. flexneri serotypes, the development of an effective vaccine has only become more challenging. One of the factors responsible for the generation of serotype diversity is an LPS O-antigen modifying, integral membrane protein known as O-acetyltransferase or Oac. Oac functions by adding an acetyl group to a specific O-antigen sugar, thus changing the antigenic signature of the parent S. flexneri strain. Oac is a membrane protein, consisting of hydrophobic and hydrophilic components. Oac bears homology to several known and predicted acetyltransferases with most homology existing in the N-terminal transmembrane (TM) regions. RESULTS In this study, the conserved motifs in the TM regions and in hydrophilic loops of S. flexneri Oac were targeted for mutagenesis with the aim of identifying the amino acid residues essential for the function of Oac. We previously identified three critical arginines-R73, R75 and R76 in the cytoplasmic loop 3 of Oac. Re-establishing that these arginines are critical, in this study we suggest a catalytic role for R73 and a structural role for R75 and R76 in O-acetylation. Serine-glycine motifs (SG 52-53, GS 138-139 and SYG 274-276), phenylalanine-proline motifs (FP 78-79 and FPV 282-84) and a tryptophan-threonine motif (WT141-142) found in TM segments and residues RK 110-111, GR 269-270 and D333 found in hydrophilic loops were also found to be critical to Oac function. CONCLUSIONS By studying the effect of the mutations on Oac's function and assembly, an insight into the possible roles played by the chosen amino acids in Oac was gained. The transmembrane serine-glycine motifs and hydrophilic residues (RK 110-111, GR 269-270 and D333) were shown to have an affect on Oac assembly which suggests a structural role for these motifs. The phenylalanine-proline and the tryptophan-threonine motifs affect Oac function which could suggest a catalytic role for these amino acids.This work was supported by a grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia

    Evaluation of the endogenous glucocorticoid hypothesis of denervation atrophy

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    The effects are studied of the oral administration of RU38486, a potent selective glucocorticoid antagonist, on muscle weight, non-collagen protein content, and selected enzyme activities (choline acetyltransferase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and glutamine synthetase) following denervation of rat skeletal muscle. Neither decreases in muscle weight, protein content, and choline acetyltransferase activity, nor increases in the activities of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogernase and glutamine synthetase were affected by RU38486. These data do not support the hypothesis that denervation atrophy results from enhanced sensitivity of muscle to endogenous glucocorticoids

    Distribution of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunoreactivity in the brain of the teleost cyprinus carpio

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    Cholinergic systems play a role in basic cerebral functions and its dysfunction is associated with deficit in neurodegenerative disease. Mechanisms involved in human brain diseases, are often approached by using fish models, especially cyprinids, given basic similarities of the fish brain to that of mammals. In the present paper, the organization of central cholinergic systems have been described in the cyprinid Cyprinus carpio, the common carp, by using specific polyclonal antibodies against ChAT, the synthetic enzyme of acetylcholine, that is currently used as a specific marker for cholinergic neurons in all vertebrates. In this work, serial transverse sections of the brain and the spinal cord were immunostained for ChAT. Results showed that positive neurons are present in several nuclei of the forebrain, the midbrain, the hindbrain and the spinal cord. Moreover, ChAT-positive neurons were detected in the synencephalon and in the cerebellum. In addition to neuronal bodies, afferent varicose fibers were stained for ChAT in the ventral telencephalon, the preoptic area, the hypothalamus and the posterior tuberculum. No neuronal cell bodies were present in the telencephalon. The comparison of cholinergic distribution pattern in the Cyprinus carpio central nervous system has revealed similarities but also some interesting differences with other cyprinids. Our results provide additional information on the cholinergic system from a phylogenetic point of view and may add new perspectives to physiological roles of cholinergic system during evolution and the neuroanatomical basis of neurological diseases

    Pyrophosphate-Dependent ATP Formation from Acetyl Coenzyme A in Syntrophus aciditrophicus, a New Twist on ATP Formation.

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    UnlabelledSyntrophus aciditrophicus is a model syntrophic bacterium that degrades key intermediates in anaerobic decomposition, such as benzoate, cyclohexane-1-carboxylate, and certain fatty acids, to acetate when grown with hydrogen-/formate-consuming microorganisms. ATP formation coupled to acetate production is the main source for energy conservation by S. aciditrophicus However, the absence of homologs for phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase in the genome of S. aciditrophicus leaves it unclear as to how ATP is formed, as most fermentative bacteria rely on these two enzymes to synthesize ATP from acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) and phosphate. Here, we combine transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolite, and enzymatic approaches to show that S. aciditrophicus uses AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase (Acs1) for ATP synthesis from acetyl-CoA. acs1 mRNA and Acs1 were abundant in transcriptomes and proteomes, respectively, of S. aciditrophicus grown in pure culture and coculture. Cell extracts of S. aciditrophicus had low or undetectable acetate kinase and phosphate acetyltransferase activities but had high acetyl-CoA synthetase activity under all growth conditions tested. Both Acs1 purified from S. aciditrophicus and recombinantly produced Acs1 catalyzed ATP and acetate formation from acetyl-CoA, AMP, and pyrophosphate. High pyrophosphate levels and a high AMP-to-ATP ratio (5.9 ± 1.4) in S. aciditrophicus cells support the operation of Acs1 in the acetate-forming direction. Thus, S. aciditrophicus has a unique approach to conserve energy involving pyrophosphate, AMP, acetyl-CoA, and an AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase.ImportanceBacteria use two enzymes, phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase, to make ATP from acetyl-CoA, while acetate-forming archaea use a single enzyme, an ADP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase, to synthesize ATP and acetate from acetyl-CoA. Syntrophus aciditrophicus apparently relies on a different approach to conserve energy during acetyl-CoA metabolism, as its genome does not have homologs to the genes for phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase. Here, we show that S. aciditrophicus uses an alternative approach, an AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetase, to make ATP from acetyl-CoA. AMP-forming, acetyl-CoA synthetases were previously thought to function only in the activation of acetate to acetyl-CoA

    Lysine acetyltransferase 5 in EGFR mutated non-small cell lung cancer

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    Histone modifications are crucial in activities such as transcriptional activation, gene silencing, and epigenetic cellular memory. In particular, lysine acetylation via lysine (K) acetyltransferases (KATs) has been implicated in cancer development. Interestingly, KAT5, also known as Tip60 (tat-interactive protein-60kDa), has been reported to possess both tumor promoting and tumor suppressing properties depending on the context of malignancy. Herein we report that KAT5 contributes to tumorigenesis in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutated lung cancer, and Kat5-knockout mice models demonstrate significantly reduced lung tumor burden. To probe the aberrant modification of KAT5, we demonstrated that KAT5 binds to and is phosphorylated by oncogenic EGFR in co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Next, to investigate whether KAT5 is involved in cell proliferation and survival, H1975 cells harboring L858R-T790M double-activating mutations were transfected with doxycycline inducible short helical RNA (shRNA) targeting KAT5 (shKAT5). Following treatment, shKAT5 cells were observed to have suppressed proliferation rates. Pharmacological inhibition using TH1834, a known KAT5 inhibitor, also suppressed proliferation rates in shKAT5 cells; in contrast BEAS2B cells, an immortalized normal human bronchial cell line, surprisingly exhibited increased viability compared to transformed human lung H1975 cells. This finding supports KAT5’s context-dependent role in in normal and abnormal cell homeostasis. To further investigate KAT5 in lung tumorigenesis in vivo, we generated EGFR-mutant conditional Kat5 knockout mice using a tetracycline-induced Cre/loxP system. Following doxycycline treatment for 10 weeks, isolated mice lungs for EGFRTL/CCSP-rtTA/Cre/Kat5F/F possessed significantly lower tumor volume compared to EGFRTL/CCSP-rtTA/Cre/Kat5wt/F and EGFRTL/CCSP-rtTA/Cre/Kat5wt/wt mice lungs. Hemotoxylin and eosin staining showed no evident hyperproliferation in lungs isolated from EGFRTL/CCSP-rtTA/Cre/Kat5F/F mice whereas lungs isolated from EGFRTL/CCSP-rtTA/Cre/Kat5wt/wt and EGFRTL/CCSP-rtTA/Cre/Kat5wt/F did, signifying that KAT5 has a potential regulatory role in cellular proliferation. RNA-Seq analysis of shKAT5 H1975 cells identified downstream targets involved in tumorigenic pathways. Subsequent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of shKAT5 cells served to validate the reported targets. Taken together, these data offer insight into a KAT5 mediated oncogenic pathway that can provide novel therapeutic approaches in treating lung cancer

    Controlled biotechnological production of polyhydroxyalkanoates

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    Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá produkcí polyhydroxyalkanoátů (PHA) bakterií Cupriavidus necator H16. Cílem práce byla příprava, selekce a charakterizace mutantních kmenů schopných vyšší produkce PHA. V teoretické části byla zpracována literární rešerše zabývající se nejdůležitějšími typy PHA, bakterií Cupriavidus necator a způsoby indukce mutageneze. V experimentální části byly připraveny mutantní kmeny pomocí fyzikální a chemické mutageneze. Mutantní kmeny schopné nadprodukce PHA byly selektovány pomocí kultivace na minerálním médium s olejem. Pro další studium byly vybrány 4 mutantní kmeny schopné nadprodukce PHA. Tyto mutantní kmeny byly dále podrobeny biochemické charakterizaci. Byly naměřeny specifické aktivity vybraných intracelulárních enzymů včetně enzymů podílejících se na biosyntéze PHA. Také byla naměřena resistence mutantů vůči oxidačnímu stresu. Bylo zjištěno, že mutantní kmeny schopné nadprodukce PHA mají vyšší aktivity enzymů produkujících NADPH. NADPH je jeden z klíčových substrátů ovlivňujících směr toku acetyl-CoA metabolizmem. Vyšší intracelulární koncentrace NADPH parciálně inhibuje Krebsův cyklus a aktivuje akumulaci PHA. Aktivity acetoacetyl-CoA reduktázy a PHA syntázy, enzymů zapojených do syntézy PHA, těchto mutantů proto byly také vyšší stejně jako molekulová hmotnost připravených polymerů. Aplikace fyzikálních a chemických mutagenů je způsob, kterým lze připravit biotechnologicky perspektivní mutantní kmeny schopné nadprodukce PHA.This diploma thesis deals with production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) by bacterial strain Cupriavidus necator H16. Goal of this work was preparation, selection and characterization of mutant strains overproducing PHA. Theoretical focuses on the most important PHA, bacteria Cupriavidus necator and mutagenesis techniques. In practical part mutant strains were prepared through physical and chemical mutagenesis. Mutant strains overproducing PHA were selected by cultivation in mineral medium with oil. For further study, 4 mutant strains overproducing PHA were selected. These mutants were biochemically characterized. Specific activities of several intracellular enzymes including enzymes involved in PHA biosynthesis were measured. Resistance of mutants against oxidative stress was measured as well. Mutant strains overproducing PHA revealed higher enzymatic activities of NADPH producing enzymes. Generally, NADPH is one of the substrates influencing flux of acetyl-CoA throughout the metabolism; higher intracellular concentration of NADPH partially inhibits TCA cycle and activates accumulation of PHA. Therefore, activities of acetoacetyl-CoA reductase and PHB synthase, enzymes directly involved in PHA synthesis were higher as compared to wild strain as well as molecular weight of produced materials. It can be concluded that biotechnologically perspective mutagens capable of PHA overproduction can be prepared by application of chemical and physical mutagens.