73 research outputs found

    Aardverwarming en die kompetisie tussen onkruid en gewas

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    Daar is een fundamentele lewensproses wat alle lewende organismes onderhou en slegs in groen plante voorkom, naamlik fotosintese - 'n proses wat suurstof (O2) in die atmosfeer vrystel en koolstofdioksied (CO2) tydens die produksie van energieryke koolhidrate vasvang.http://www.veeplaas.co.za/am2016Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    Pharos 1, Afri-kaans–Engels/English–Afrikaans Woordeboek/Dictionary.

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    Madaleine du Plessis (Hoofredakteur/Chief Editor). Pharos 1, Afri-kaans–Engels/English–Afrikaans Woordeboek/Dictionary. Eerste uitgawe/ First edition. 2005, xx + 1 552 pp. ISBN 1868900444. Kaapstad/Cape Town: Pharos Woordeboeke/Pharos Dictionaries. Prys: R450

    Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) as a language support strategy in a grade 8 natural sciences classroom

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    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an innovative educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both language and subject content. Content and Language Integrated Learning is not commonly used in South African classrooms, but its application internationally has been shown by empirical research to significantly improve overall language competence in the target language. Reports indicate increased learner motivation and support for the learning of the content subject. This study sought to consider whether CLIL intervention would improve both language and science skills amongst Grade 8 learners in a Natural Sciences classroom. The researcher used a concurrent embedded mixed method design, including both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to gather data. An experimental test design with English Home Language classes and Afrikaans Home Language classes was employed. Hypothesis Testing was used as a statistical analysis to compare the pre-test and post-test results in order to ascertain the impact of CLIL intervention. In addition, the poster-activity and an open-ended questionnaire was used to qualitatively ascertain the impact of CLIL on learner literacy skills. The results showed that CLIL intervention improved learner performance significantly when compared to learners who were not exposed to CLIL. In addition, CLIL lessons were perceived as effective and learners verified that the approach was beneficial to their learning process

    International and national policy responses to combating global warming and climate change in Nigeria

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    Oil and gas exploration in Nigeria has contributed to global warming and climate change. The growing global impact of climate change and the need for resilience demand action to reform the impact thereof. This article reviews policy responses to reform climate change and global warming in Nigeria in light of oil exploration and gas flaring in the Niger Delta region. A desktop study of related literature, drawn from repositories such as SCOPUS, Google Scholar, and Web of Science, provided policy responses such as the Climate Change Act 2021, the implementation of the Nigeria Gas Flare Commercialisation Programme, and other gas utilisation programmes by the Nigerian National Petroleum Company, the Petroleum Industry Act 2021, and other global commitments to end gas flaring by 2030. The article reviews the provisions of climate change mitigation in these policy responses and how it was implemented in Nigeria. The review revealed the need for more commitment from Nigeria to various international agreements on climate change. It, therefore, recommends, among others, a better utilisation of gas from its oil-rich regions to meet the nation’s power-generation need and other needs

    Die kartering van ’n distopiese Suid-Afrika in Lien Botha se Wonderboom (2015)

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    Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study researches Lien Botha’s novel Wonderboom (2015) and how the narrative and paratextual elements produce different visual and textual cartographies of a dystopian South Africa. The different storylines are interwoven with South African history and geography. The mappings form an image of a dystopian society and are told achronologically. This study utilises Timothy Morton’s ecocritical concept of dark ecology as well as Franco Moretti’s model of distant reading to analyse the narrative and visual mappings. Botha plays with the idea of a place and a person’s remembrance of that place. Magriet Vos (the protagonist) lives in a South Africa that is on the brink of collapse, but she also lives in an imagined world (in her memories). The visual inserts in Wonderboom are metatextual references to Botha’s Parrot Jungle-exhibition (2009), Yonder-exhibition (2014) and private photographs that visually map the journey. The plotlines produce a literary cartography. South Africa’s existing cartography is remapped narratively, cognitively, and visually by Magriet. It correlates and differs from the existing cartographical illustration of South Africa. The protagonist’s fading memory influences her cartography: the mapping of the country correlates with her memory of that place. She becomes a cataloguer of individual and collective history which she maps throughout her travels. The thesis analyses the different of mappings presented and observed in the novel. The textual elements in the novel are categorised and explained. Wonderboom consists of different plotlines which are extricated. The plotlines form a master narrative. Together the construction of Magriet’s travels in the different plotlines and smaller mappings form a dystopian mapping of South Africa. The study concludes that the mixing of close- and distant reading produces a richer textual analysis because it focuses on the macro and micro level. The narrative can differ from the visual paratextual elements. The different mappings researched indicate that there are gaps in the protagonist’s narrative. The mapping reflects or rejects the protagonist’s spatial awareness. This study draws a map of Magriet’s travels which differs from the map that is included in the novel. Wonderboom (2015) maps a future that is dystopian due to humans’ destructive nature which has far-reaching ecological consequences.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek Lien Botha se roman Wonderboom (2015) en hoe die narratief en paratekstuele elemente verskillende visuele en tekstuele karterings van ’n distopiese SuidAfrika produseer. Die verskillende verhaallyne word verweef met die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis en geografie. Die karterings, wat ’n beeld van ’n distopiese samelewing vorm, word achronologies vertel. Die studie betrek Timothy Morton se ekokritiese konsep van duister ekologie sowel as Franco Moretti se konsekwentleesmetode (distant reading) om die narratiewe en visuele karterings te ondersoek. Botha speel met die idee van ’n plek en die mens se herinnering aan daardie plek. Magriet Vos (die protagonis) leef in ’n Suid-Afrika wat besig is om in duie te stort, maar sy leef ook in ’n verbeelde wêreld (wat in haar herinneringe bestaan). Die visuele insetsels in Wonderboom is metatekstuele verwysings na Botha se Parrot Jungle-uitstalling (2009), Yonder-uitstalling (2014) en privaatfoto’s wat die reis en landskap visueel karteer. Die verhaallyne produseer ’n literêre kartografie. Suid-Afrika se bestaande kartering word narratief, kognitief en visueel deur Magriet geherkarteer. Dit stem ooreen en verskil van die bestaande kartografiese uitbeelding van Suid-Afrika. Die protagonis se wegkwynende geheue beïnvloed haar kartografie: die kartering van die land korreleer met Magriet se herinnering aan daardie plek. Sy word ’n katalogiseerder van individuele en kollektiewe geskiedenis wat sy deur die reis karteer. Die tesis analiseer die verskillende soorte karterings soos dit in die roman gerepresenteer en waargeneem word. Die tekstuele elemente in die roman word gekategoriseer en uiteengesit. Wonderboom word in die verskillende verhaallyne, wat ’n gesamentlike narratief vorm, verdeel. Die uiteensetting van Magriet se reis in die verskillende verhaallyne en kleiner karterings vorm saam ’n kartering van ’n distopiese Suid-Afrika. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die vermenging van stiplees en konsekwentlees ’n ryker tekstuele analise produseer omdat daar op die makro-en mikrovlak gefokus word. Die narratief kan verskil van die visuele paratekstuele elemente. Die verskillende karterings wat ondersoek word, toon aan dat daar gapings in die protagonis se narratief is. Die kartering weerspieël of verwerp die protagonis se ruimtelike bewustheid. Die studie teken ’n kaart van Magriet se reis op, wat verskil van die kaart wat in die roman voorkom. Wonderboom (2015) karteer ’n toekoms wat distopies is weens die mens se destruktiewe aard en dit het verrykende ekologiese gevolge.Master

    Kontekstualisering: geologiese tydskaal en preservering van die fossielrekord

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    Contextualising: geological time scale and preserving of the fossil record Our point of departure is that the universe came into existence 13 000 million years ago as a result of a big bang. The earth formed in the known galactic system 4 600 million years ago. The concept of geological time and its measurement changed during the course of the history of man. In the 18th century, some natural scientists formed the view that the earth was very old, although it was not possible to determine the absolute age of the earth before the discovery of radioactivity (1896) and its application in the dating of rocks (1905). The principle of uniformity (the present is the key to the past) of James Hutton (1726-1797) is replaced in modern geology with the constancy of natural laws and uniform processes, while acknowledging that the rates of processes may vary considerably. It is also acknowledged that natural catastrophic occurrences, like meteorite impacts and earthquakes, can occur and that they are ordinary geological processes. Since the 17th century geologists in Europe and Britain, and later North America found that they could determine the relative ages of rock successions and could compare the rock successions over long distances, by applying stratigraphic principles. The result of this research was the geological timescale, as well as a description of the broad history of life on earth. This geological timescale was already completed at the end of the 1830s. This completion happened more or less 55 years before the publication of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection in 1895. By using radiometric dating, it became possible to assign absolute ages to the different Periods of the geological timescale. That provided a good test for the reliability of the principles applied when the timescale was compiled. Nowhere were any contradictions found between the relative ages of Periods in the timescale and their absolute ages. The geological timescale is not invalidated by limitations in the application of radiometric dating, because the timescale is based on relative age and fossil content. The concept of deep space is readily accepted by Christians, but not the concept of deep time. It is important to remember that deep space and deep time are scientific concepts; findings, theories and concepts that may change when new knowledge is gained. Our faith, however, is not subject to scientific theories. We steadfastly stand by what we know and believe: God is the Creator and Sustainer of everything – of the whole universe. Scientific findings serve to bring us a deeper awareness of God’s omnipotence

    ’n Voorlopige navorsingsagenda vir die spirituele re-kapitalisasie van die werksplek – ’n Prakties teologiese rekonstruksie?

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    In this article practical theology is portrayed as a work-zone under construction. In order to understand the architecture associated with the construction work, the impotence of so called zombie categories and shell institutions are used to illustrate that practical theology needs to be re-constructed. This re-construction is being developed throughreconsidering paradigm, epistemology and methodology operating within a relevant re-constructed practical theology. Theoretical principles are embodied in the use of the qualitative Delphi forecast method, documenting the consensus opinion of 10 informed participants on the possible role of spirituality within the workplace. Building on these accents, some markers are mapped for the further development of the so called recapitalisation of practical theology with emphasis on a possible meaning for the workplace. Future perspectives for the facilitation of spirituality in the workplace aremapped in conclusion

    “Al half dier”: objekgeoriënteerde ontologieë, gestremdheidstudies en Siegfried (Willem Anker)

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    Willem Anker’s debut novel, Siegfried, deals with the experiences of the eponymous character, who is mentally disabled and whose hands and feet are webbed. In this article, an attempt is made to investigate how the theories of Deleuze and Guattari, as well as object oriented ontologies, can be used to argue that the representation of the character of Siegfried involves a blurring of the boundaries between the human and the nonhuman. The second aim of this article is to establish whether such a blurring is ethically problematic, given the cruel ways in which people considered less human than others are often treated. Where the first aim is concerned, it is argued that Siegfried’s interaction with the world challenges hegemonic ideas of human subjectivity, especially ideas of what constitutes normal humanity. In the character of Siegfried traces are found of what can be described, in Deleuze and Guattari’s terms, as becomings. These becomings serve as lines of flight from blocked forms of human subjectivity. The boundaries between what is considered human and what is considered nonhuman are therefore indeed blurred. Concerning the second aim, it is argued that the novel can be read as a critique of the ways in which society treats disabled people, and that it can therefore be brought into dialogue with disability studies. The potential for object oriented ontologies to be apolitical (and even unethical, in this respect), is countered in the analysis of the novel by disability studies’ activism and social commentary.&nbsp

    A sustainable livelihood cost-benefit model to enhance the understanding of the dynamics between low income housing and location

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    To keep pace with increasing urbanisation pressures and a substantial inherited backlog, subsidised low-income housing and services have predominantly been provided on the peripheries of South African cities where land is cheaper and more readily available. While this strategy has been widely praised for its rapid delivery of more than a million low-income housing units. it has been severely critiqued for perpetuating the marginalisation of the poor by restricting their access to urban opportunities and leading to extensive commuting. which absorbs a disproportionate share of their time and already limited disposable income. with associated environmental costs in terms of resource use and greenhouse gas emissions. The alternative proposed has been the compact city model, involving curtailing outward expansion. increasing housing densities and promoting public transport. The merits of this model, have however. only been subjected to scant empirical testing in South Africa. This article seeks to make a contribution to the 'location-question' by empirically testing the hypothesis that low income housing in peripheral localities is more costly and less beneficial to society than the same housing provided in more central localities. In order to do this. a sustainable livelihood cost-benefit model was developed and applied in eight subsidised housing locations in two cities. Amongst others, measured variables were transportation costs, travel times. fuel consumption and accessibility to employment and other urban opportunities and amenities. The results indicate that more central localities do not necessarily perform better overall than more peripheral localities on the scores as measured. This is attributed to: the polycentric nature of our cities: and  the relatively lesser importance of access for lower-income households to formal employment nodes than to informal job opportunities within or near the low income settlement itself and in middle to high income residential areas. In addition to this. the needs of low-income households were found to change over time. which suggests that no single type of location will optimally serve all low income households, while at the same time being affordable to households and government

    From the guest editors

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    Cities are engines of socio-economic growth and development. In facilitating this growth, cities have been notorious for delivering inequality and spatial imbalances, spatially accentuating the socio-economic population groups’ differences across income groups, social class, gender, minorities, and vulnerable groups, and thereby impacting on spaces, places, cultures, inclusion, and diversity. Perhaps, more challenging, and subtle but starkly disappointing has been that cities have been efficient machines in ejecting approximately 70% of greenhouse gas emissions on this planet (Xue, 2022: 102699). This is a great concern in a context in which over half of humanity (this figure is projected to reach 68% by 2050) lives in urban areas (Wheeler, 2021: 10). The onslaught of climate change is meeting our biggest urbanisation and settlement dynamics wave and drive in human civilization, as millions of people continue to migrate into cities in the hope of a better life. This phenomenon and momentum do not seem to show any signals of slowing down soon and is occurring despite the reality that many of our cities are already showing cracks and gaps in respect of their ability to act on climate change and impacts. The need to achieve net zero CO2 emissions in future makes the call for climate action an urgent priority for all
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