4,826 research outputs found

    On continuity of solutions for parabolic control systems and input-to-state stability

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    We study minimal conditions under which mild solutions of linear evolutionary control systems are continuous for arbitrary bounded input functions. This question naturally appears when working with boundary controlled, linear partial differential equations. Here, we focus on parabolic equations which allow for operator-theoretic methods such as the holomorphic functional calculus. Moreover, we investigate stronger conditions than continuity leading to input-to-state stability with respect to Orlicz spaces. This also implies that the notions of input-to-state stability and integral-input-to-state stability coincide if additionally the uncontrolled equation is dissipative and the input space is finite-dimensional.Comment: 19 pages, final version of preprint, Prop. 6 and Thm 7 have been generalised to arbitrary Banach spaces, the assumption of boundedness of the semigroup in Thm 10 could be droppe

    Exact observability, square functions and spectral theory

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    In the first part of this article we introduce the notion of a backward-forward conditioning (BFC) system that generalises the notion of zero-class admissibiliy introduced in [Xu,Liu,Yung]. We can show that unless the spectum contains a halfplane, the BFC property occurs only in siutations where the underlying semigroup extends to a group. In a second part we present a sufficient condition for exact observability in Banach spaces that is designed for infinite-dimensional output spaces and general strongly continuous semigroups. To obtain this we make use of certain weighted square function estimates. Specialising to the Hilbert space situation we obtain a result for contraction semigroups without an analyticity condition on the semigroup.Comment: 17 page

    Funnel control for a moving water tank

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    We study tracking control for a moving water tank system, which is modelled using the Saint-Venant equations. The output is given by the position of the tank and the control input is the force acting on it. For a given reference signal, the objective is to achieve that the tracking error evolves within a prespecified performance funnel. Exploiting recent results in funnel control we show that it suffices to show that the operator associated with the internal dynamics of the system is causal, locally Lipschitz continuous and maps bounded functions to bounded functions. To show these properties we consider the linearized Saint-Venant equations in an abstract framework and show that it corresponds to a regular well-posed linear system, where the inverse Laplace transform of the transfer function defines a measure with bounded total variation.Comment: 11 page

    When Do Measures on the Space of Connections Support the Triad Operators of Loop Quantum Gravity?

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    In this work we investigate the question, under what conditions Hilbert spaces that are induced by measures on the space of generalized connections carry a representation of certain non-Abelian analogues of the electric flux. We give the problem a precise mathematical formulation and start its investigation. For the technically simple case of U(1) as gauge group, we establish a number of "no-go theorems" asserting that for certain classes of measures, the flux operators can not be represented on the corresponding Hilbert spaces. The flux-observables we consider play an important role in loop quantum gravity since they can be defined without recourse to a background geometry, and they might also be of interest in the general context of quantization of non-Abelian gauge theories.Comment: LaTeX, 21 pages, 5 figures; v3: some typos and formulations corrected, some clarifications added, bibliography updated; article is now identical to published versio

    Revisiting the Fradkin-Vilkovisky Theorem

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    The status of the usual statement of the Fradkin-Vilkovisky theorem, claiming complete independence of the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky path integral on the gauge fixing "fermion" even within a nonperturbative context, is critically reassessed. Basic, but subtle reasons why this statement cannot apply as such in a nonperturbative quantisation of gauge invariant theories are clearly identified. A criterion for admissibility within a general class of gauge fixing conditions is provided for a large ensemble of simple gauge invariant systems. This criterion confirms the conclusions of previous counter-examples to the usual statement of the Fradkin-Vilkovisky theorem.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, to appear in Jnl. Phys.

    Functional calculus for C0C_0-semigroups using infinite-dimensional systems theory

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    In this short note we use ideas from systems theory to define a functional calculus for infinitesimal generators of strongly continuous semigroups on a Hilbert space. Among others, we show how this leads to new proofs of (known) results in functional calculus.Comment: 6 page

    Multicolored Temperley-Lieb lattice models. The ground state

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    Using inversion relation, we calculate the ground state energy for the lattice integrable models, based on a recently obtained baxterization of non trivial multicolored generalization of Temperley-Lieb algebras. The simplest vertex and IRF models are analyzed and found to have a mass gap.Comment: 15 pages 2 figure
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