10 research outputs found

    Reduction of Circulating Current Flow in Parallel Operation of APF Based on Hysteresis Current Control

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    Capacity enhancement and operation flexibility are two of the important limitations of the centralized Shunt Active Power Filter (APFsh) unit. This can be overcome by multiple and parallel APFsh units (in distributed mode) with a common DC link. In that case, a circulating current (CC) can flow. In the case of a hysteresis current controller based multiple APFsh units in load sharing mode, this CC control is not yet achieved. One of the difficulties of this CC flow control or reduction is the variable switching frequency of the APFsh units. In this paper, the model for CC flow is derived by the switching dynamics study of the APFsh units. Detailed simulation and real time study show that the reduction of CC flow can be achieved at an acceptable level by proper selection of design parameters

    Reduction of Circulating Current Flow in Parallel Operation of APF Based on Hysteresis Current Control

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    Capacity enhancement and operation flexibility are two of the important limitations of the centralized Shunt Active Power Filter (APFsh) unit. This can be overcome by multiple and parallel APFsh units (in distributed mode) with a common DC link. In that case, a circulating current (CC) can flow. In the case of a hysteresis current controller based multiple APFsh units in load sharing mode, this CC control is not yet achieved. One of the difficulties of this CC flow control or reduction is the variable switching frequency of the APFsh units. In this paper, the model for CC flow is derived by the switching dynamics study of the APFsh units. Detailed simulation and real time study show that the reduction of CC flow can be achieved at an acceptable level by proper selection of design parameters

    Reduction of circulating current flow in parallel operation of APF based on hysteresis current control

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    Capacity enhancement and operation flexibility are two of the important limitations of the centralized Shunt Active Power Filter (APFsh) unit. This can be overcome by multiple and parallel APFsh units (in distributed mode) with a common DC link. In that case, a circulating current (CC) can flow. In the case of a hysteresis current controller based multiple APFsh units in load sharing mode, this CC control is not yet achieved. One of the difficulties of this CC flow control or reduction is the variable switching frequency of the APFsh units. In this paper, the model for CC flow is derived by the switching dynamics study of the APFsh units. Detailed simulation and real time study show that the reduction of CC flow can be achieved at an acceptable level by proper selection of design parameters

    An Effective Solution for Regeneration Protection in Uninterruptible Power Supply

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    Design And Implementation Of Co-Operative Control Strategy For Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids

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    This thesis is mainly divided in two major sections: 1) Modelling and control of AC microgrid, DC microgrid, Hybrid AC/DC microgrid using distributed co-operative control, and 2) Development of a four bus laboratory prototype of an AC microgrid system. At first, a distributed cooperative control (DCC) for a DC microgrid considering the state-of-charge (SoC) of the batteries in a typical plug-in-electric-vehicle (PEV) is developed. In DC microgrids, this methodology is developed to assist the load sharing amongst the distributed generation units (DGs), according to their ratings with improved voltage regulation. Subsequently, a DCC based control algorithm for AC microgrid is also investigated to improve the performance of AC microgrid in terms of power sharing among the DGs, voltage regulation and frequency deviation. The results validate the advantages of the proposed methodology as compared to traditional droop control of AC microgrid. The DCC-based control methodology for AC microgrid and DC microgrid are further expanded to develop a DCC-based power management algorithm for hybrid AC/DC microgrid. The developed algorithm for hybrid microgrid controls the power flow through the interfacing converter (IC) between the AC and DC microgrids. This will facilitate the power sharing between the DGs according to their power ratings. Moreover, it enables the fixed scheduled power delivery at different operating conditions, while maintaining good voltage regulation and improved frequency profile. The second section provides a detailed explanation and step-by-step design and development of an AC/DC microgrid testbed. Controllers for the three-phase inverters are designed and tested on different generation units along with their corresponding inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) filters to eliminate the switching frequency harmonics. Electric power distribution line models are developed to form the microgrid network topology. Voltage and current sensors are placed in the proper positions to achieve a full visibility over the microgrid. A running average filter (RAF) based enhanced phase-locked-loop (EPLL) is designed and implemented to extract frequency and phase angle information. A PLL-based synchronizing scheme is also developed to synchronize the DGs to the microgrid. The developed laboratory prototype runs on dSpace platform for real time data acquisition, communication and controller implementation

    Modular uninterruptible power supply system

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    Power Quality Improvement of Distributed Generation Integrated Network with Unified Power Quality Conditioner.

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    With the increased penetration of small scale renewable energy sources in the electrical distribution network, maintenance or improvement of power quality has become more critical than ever where the level of voltage and current harmonics or disturbances can vary widely. For this reason, Custom Power Devices (CPDs) such as the Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) can be the most appropriate solution for enhancing the dynamic performance of the distribution network, where accurate prior knowledge may not be available. Therefore, the main objective of the present research is to investigate the (i) placement (ii) integration (iii) capacity enhancement and (iv) real time control of the Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) to improve the power quality (PQ) of a distributed generation (DG) network connected to the grid or microgrid

    T茅cnicas de control para la conexi贸n en paralelo de inversores aplicadas a convertidores de interconexi贸n entre los buses de CC y CA de microrredes h铆bridas e inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados de alta potencia.

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    [ES] En este trabajo se proponen t茅cnicas de control espec铆ficas para la paralelizaci贸n de inversores sin transformador conectados a red, en aplicaciones de interconexi贸n de buses de microrredes h铆bridas e instalaciones fotovoltaicas de gran potencia. La paralelizaci贸n de inversores presenta m煤ltiples ventajas como la modularidad, la redundancia o la flexibilidad para ampliar la potencia de un sistema o de una instalaci贸n. En el caso de inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados, tambi茅n permite la conexi贸n/desconexi贸n de m贸dulos inversores conectados en paralelo permitiendo una mayor eficiencia global cuando se trabaja a bajas potencias. Sin embargo, la paralelizaci贸n de inversores provoca la aparici贸n de corrientes de circulaci贸n que pueden provocar efectos indeseables en el sistema o en la instalaci贸n. Las contribuciones que se llevan a cabo en esta tesis est谩n todas ellas orientadas a la mejora de la operaci贸n de inversores en paralelo en las aplicaciones descritas y son las siguientes: 1) Se presenta un modelo preciso en peque帽a se帽al de n inversores conectados en paralelo con filtro de conexi贸n a red LCL, en el cual se tienen en consideraci贸n los t茅rminos de acoplamiento entre fases de los inductores trif谩sicos. 2) Se propone una t茅cnica de control en la que se emplean n-1 lazos de regulaci贸n que controlan la componente homopolar de las corrientes e imponen un valor nulo en r茅gimen permanente, a fin de eliminar las corrientes de circulaci贸n. 3) Se propone el uso de moduladores en espacio vectorial de tres dimensiones (3D-SVM) para implementar el control de la componente homopolar de las corrientes. 4) Se muestran resultados anal铆ticos, de simulaci贸n y experimentales que validan el esquema de control propuesto considerando la aparici贸n de corrientes de circulaci贸n debido a distintos factores: desbalanceo de inductancias entre las fases de un inversor y de distintos inversores, desbalanceo de potencia entre inversores y empleo de modulaciones distintas en los inversores conectados en paralelo. Los ensayos experimentales se realizan sobre un convertidor trif谩sico de 10 kW formado por la conexi贸n en paralelo de dos m贸dulos de 5 kW cada uno. 5) Se muestran resultados de simulaci贸n y experimentales de la aplicaci贸n de las t茅cnicas de reducci贸n de corrientes de circulaci贸n a convertidores de interconexi贸n entre los buses de alterna y continua de microrredes h铆bridas. Los ensayos experimentales se particularizan a un convertidor trif谩sico de 7.5 kW formado por un m贸dulo de 5 kW y otro de 2.5 kW conectados en paralelo, emulando una eventual ampliaci贸n de potencia del 50%. 6) Se lleva a cabo el estudio por simulaci贸n de un sistema fotovoltaico de 2 MW compuesto por cuatro inversores de 500 kW conectados en paralelo, demostrando que el control de las componentes homopolares de las corrientes reduce en gran medida el valor de las corrientes de circulaci贸n y mejora el desempe帽o de la instalaci贸n. 7) Por 煤ltimo, se propone una t茅cnica de control para mejorar la eficiencia global de inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados de potencia elevada, el cual se basa en la utilizaci贸n de modelos funcionales bidimensionales de eficiencia para activar/desactivar los m贸dulos de potencia en funci贸n del punto de operaci贸n del campo fotovoltaico.[CA] En aquest treball es proposen t猫cniques de control espec铆fiques per a la paral路lelitzaci贸 d'inversors sense transformador connectats a la xarxa, en aplicacions d'interconnexi贸 de busos de micro-xarxes h铆brides i instal路lacions fotovoltaiques de gran pot猫ncia. La paral路lelitzaci贸 d'inversors presenta m煤ltiples avantatges com ara s贸n la modularitat, la redund脿ncia o la flexibilitat per ampliar la pot猫ncia d'un sistema o d'una instal路laci贸. En el cas d'inversors fotovoltaics centralitzats, tamb茅 es permet la connexi贸/desconnexi贸 de m貌duls inversors connectats en paral路lel permetent una major efici猫ncia global quan es treballa a pot猫ncies baixes. En canvi, la paral路lelitzaci贸 d'inversors provoca l'aparici贸 de corrents de circulaci贸 que poden provocar efectes indesitjables en el sistema o en la instal路laci贸. Totes les contribucions que es porten a terme en aquesta tesi estan orientades a la millora de la operaci贸 de inversors en paral路lel en les aplicacions descrites i son les seg眉ents: 1)Es presenta un model prec铆s en xicoteta senyal de n inversors connectats en paral路lel amb filtre LCL de connexi贸 a xarxa, en el qual es tenen en consideraci贸 els termes d'acoblament entre fases dels inductors trif脿sics. 2) Es proposa una t猫cnica de control en la que s'usen n-1 lla莽os de regulaci贸 que controlen la component homopolar de les corrents i imposen un valor nul en r猫gim permanent, a la fi d'eliminar les corrents de circulaci贸. 3) Es proposa l'煤s de moduladors en espai vectorial de tres dimensions (3D SVM) per implementar el control de la component homopolar de les corrents. 4) Es mostren resultats anal铆tics, de simulaci贸 i experimentals els quals validen l'esquema de control proposat considerant l'aparici贸 de corrents de circulaci贸 degut a diversos factors: desbalanceig d'induct脿ncies entre les fases d'un inversor i de distints inversors, desbalanceig de pot猫ncia entre inversors i 煤s de modulacions distintes en els inversors connectats en paral路lel. Els assajos experimentals es realitzen sobre un inversor trif脿sic de 10 kW format per la connexi贸 en paral路lel de dos m貌duls de 5 kW cadascun. 5) Es mostren resultats de simulaci贸 i experimentals de l'aplicaci贸 de les t猫cniques de reducci贸 de corrents de circulaci贸 a convertidors d'interconnexi贸 entre els busos d'alterna i cont铆nua de micro-xarxes h铆brides. Els assajos experimentals es particularitzen a un convertidor trif脿sic de 7.5 kW format per un m貌dul de 5 kW i altre de 2.5 kW connectats en paral路lel, emulant una eventual ampliaci贸 de pot猫ncia del 50 %. 6) Es duu a terme l'estudi per simulaci贸 d'un sistema fotovoltaic de 2 MW format per quatre inversors de 500 kW connectats en paral路lel demostrant que el control de les components homopolars de les corrents redueixen en gran mesura el valor de les corrents de circulaci贸 i millora l'acompliment de la instal路laci贸. 7) Per 煤ltim, es proposa una t猫cnica de control per a la millora de l'efici猫ncia global d'inversors fotovoltaics centralitzats de pot猫ncia elevada, el qual es basa en la utilitzaci贸 de models funcionals bidimensionals d'efici猫ncia per activar/desactivar els m貌duls de pot猫ncia en funci贸 del punt d'operaci贸 del camp fotovoltaic.[EN] In this work they have been proposed specific control techniques for the parallelization of transformerless inverters connected to the grid in two specific applications: i) the interlinking converter between ac and dc bus of hybrid microgrids and ii) high power photovoltaic farms. Paralleling of inverters presents some advantages as modularity, redundancy or flexibility for increasing the power of a system or of a plant. In photovoltaic centralized inverters, the parallel inverters can be connected and disconnected in order to improve the global efficiency when the system works at low power. However, the inverters paralleling causes the appearance of circulating currents which can produce undesirable effects in the system or in the plant. The contributions that are carried out in this thesis are all of them aimed at improving the operation of parallel inverters in the described applications and they are as follows: 1) It has been presented an accurate small signal model of n parallel inverters with an LCL grid filter, in which the mutual coupling terms of the three-phase inductors has been considered. 2) It has been proposed a control technique with n-1 control loops that control the zero-sequence current component by setting a zero value in steady state, looking for eliminating the circulating currents. 3) It has been proposed the use of three-dimension space vector modulator (3D SVM) to implement the zero-sequence currents control. 4) The analytical results have been validated by means of simulation and experimental results, showing the performance of the proposed control scheme considering the appearance of circulating currents due to different factors: i) inductor imbalances between the phases of an inverter or ii) between different inverters, iii) power imbalances between inverters and iv) the use of different modulation techniques in the parallel inverters. The experimental tests have been carried out on a 10 kW three-phase converter composed by the parallel connection of two 5 kW modules. 5) They have been shown both simulation and experimental results of the application of circulating current reduction techniques to interlinking converters between the DC and the AC buses of hybrid microgrids. The experimental tests have been particularized to a 7.5 kW three-phase converter composed by a 5 kW and a 2.5 kW module connected in parallel, emulating an eventual 50 % power expansion. 6) Is has been carried out the simulation study of a 2 MW photovoltaic system composed by four 500 kW inverters connected in parallel, showing that the control of the zero-sequence currents greatly reduces the value of the circulating currents and improve the system performance. 7) Finally, it has been proposed a control technique for the improvement of the global efficiency of high power photovoltaic centralized inverters, which is based in the use of bidimensional functional efficiency models to activate/deactivate the power modules according to the operation point of the photovoltaic farm.Liberos Mascarell, MA. (2021). T茅cnicas de control para la conexi贸n en paralelo de inversores aplicadas a convertidores de interconexi贸n entre los buses de CC y CA de microrredes h铆bridas e inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados de alta potencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168190TESI