28,175 research outputs found

    Courage And Loss Reflected In Paulo Choelo The Zahir: A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    The object of this study is The Zahir novel is directed by Paulo Choelo. This study is how the courage and loss are reflected in The Zahir using Psychoanalytic Approach. The researcher proposes to analyze id, ego, and superego in the novel with title The Zahir using Psychoanalytic Approach. There are two objectives of the study. Firstly, it is to analyze the structural elements of The Zahir and secondly is to analyze how the courage and loss based on the psychoanalytic approach. The researcher employs the descriptive qualitative as a type of the research. The data source in this research is divided into two types that are primary data and secondary data. Primary data source is The Zahir novel and secondary data source is any information related to the novel. The writer also gathers information of Pulo Coelho background and his works from many books. The method of collecting data is documentation. The technique of analyzing data in this research paper is descriptive. The result of the study comes to two following conclusions. First, based on structural element in The Zahir, it describes that character and characterization, setting, plot, point of view, style and theme. Second, based on theory courage and loss, It describes loss is problem that causes courage be important in the problems. So, The courage changes new life in the future

    Aplikasi Akuntansi untuk Menyusun Laporan Keuangan pada Koperasi Amanah Jakarta

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    Cooperative Amanah is one of the enterprises engaged in services. The occurrence of errors also allows occurs when making financial reports that lack of accuracy of reports generated and the delay in the search for the required data. Amanah Cooperative require once the existence of an accounting application that support and provide ease in processing financial data and make informed business decisions quickly and accurately. To the authors make the final project on the processing of financial transactions using Zahir Accounting 5.1, as Zahir Accounting 5.1 is not just a mere report provider device and easy to use without having to learn accounting theory directly. By using the application program Zahir Accounting 5.1, it can reduce errors that may occur in the processing of financial data.   Keywords: accounting applications, cooperative, financial reporting, zahir accountin


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin cepat berdampak pada dunia pendidikan. Sekolah dan Perguruan Tinggi dituntut untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang melek teknologi agar cepat terserap di dunia kerja. Salah satu teknologi yang sering digunakan oleh perusahaan adalah pelaporan keuangan berbasis aplikasi, contohnya adalah aplikasi Zahir Accounting. Selama ini Siswa hanya memperoleh pengetahuan pelaporan keuangan secara manual, belum ada pembelajaran akuntansi yang dikombinasikan dengan aplikasi computer akuntansi . Mahasiswa pun hanya sebagian yang kenal dengan aplikasi Zahir Accounting. Melihat hal tersebut maka kami tertarik untuk melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan peserta dari Siswa SMK dan Mahasiswa di kota Banjarmasin. Adapun metode yang digunakan yaitu pelatihan dan pembimbingan penggunaan aplikasi Zahir Accounting yang terdiridari 3 metode, yaitu metode ceramah ( pemberian materi), metode tutorial (praktik secara langsung), dan metode diskusi (Tanyajawab). Hasil dari kegiatan PKM ini yaitu pertama kegiatan PKM berjalan dengan baik. Kedua Peserta mampu membuat laporan keuangan dengan menggunakan Zahir Accounting. Ketiga, sofware Zahir Accounting dapat diimplementasikan pada pembelajaran. Keempat peserta yang semula di targetkan sebanyak 20 peserta dan pada kenyataannya di ikuti oleh 30 peserta


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    The literalistic paradigm or classical Islamic law paradigm with a discussion of the style of Arabic texts both in terms of grammar and syntax that tends to ignore the discussion about the basic intentions of the revelation that is behind the literal text. Simply put, the literalist paradigm rests on the text both directly and indirectly. In the tradition of literalistic reasoning, there are two ways to get knowledge from the text, which are to hold the zahir text and to hold the intention of the text, not the zahir text. Sticking to the zahir text and the intent of the non-zahir text is characteristic of the reasoning process in Islamic law to draw a conclusion in the form of knowledge. Reasoning in Islamic law aims to produce knowledge that is associated with thinking and not with curiosity. However, not all thinking activities can be said as reasoning because reasoning is a thought activity that has certain characteristics in finding the truth.Paradigma literalistik atau paradigma hukum Islam klasik dengan corak pembahasan tentang teks berbahasa Arab baik dari segi grammar maupun sintaksisnya yang cenderung mengabaikan pembahasan tentang maksud dasar dari wahyu yang ada dibalik teks literal tersebut. Secara sederhana paradigma literalstik bertumpu pada teks baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Dalam tradisi penalaran literalistik dikenal dua cara dalam mendapatkan pengetahuan dari teks yaitu berpegang pada teks zahir dan berpegang pada maksud teks bukan teks zahir. Berpegang pada teks zahir maupun pada maksud teks bukan teks zahir merupakan ciri khas proses penalaran dalam hukum Islam untuk menarik suatu kesimpulan berupa pengetahuan. Penalaran dalam hukum Islam bertujuan menghasilkan pengetahuan yang dikaitkan dengan berpikir dan bukan dengan penasaran. Namun demikian, tidak semua kegiatan berpikir dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah penalaran karena penalaran merupakan kegiatan berpikir yang mempunyai karakteristik tertentu dalam menemukan sebuah kebenaran

    Peningkatan Soft Skill Siswa SMK PGRI Kediri Melalui Pelatihan Zahir Accounting

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    This activity aims to increase the knowledge and soft skills of SMK students regarding accounting software. Students are given knowledge, understanding, and training to update accounting software from the software MYOB to Zahir Accounting, which is more developed following changes in accounting science and the needs of the modern business world. The activity was carried out at SMK PGRI 3 Kediri City. The participants of the exercise were students of SMK class XII. Implementation of activities in the form of training. The method of implementing the conditioning is done through lectures, practicum, and question and answer. The action is divided into two sessions. In the first session, the material explained Zahir Accounting software. In the second session, the Zahir Accounting software practicum was held, where participants could practice the accounting cycle directly using Zahir Accounting software. The participants participated in the training activities in a conducive and enthusiastic manner. The participants had no difficulty in implementing the trainin

    Sosialisasi Penerapan Zahir Accounting Pada Klinik Pratama Harapan Jaya Medan

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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memberikan sosialisasi sebagai salah satu upaya meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai penerpana aplikasi Zahir Accounting pada Klinik Pratama Harapan Jaya Medan. Pegawai yang awalnya kerap melakukan kesalahan pelaporan keuangan seperti laporan keuangan yang tidak tepat waktu, angka yang tidak dapat ditelusuri dan terkadang terdapat nilai yang tidak balance dan nilai awal periode yang tidak sama dengan periode sebelumnya. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu : (1) Pengetahuan dasar tentang laporan keuangan yang lebh baik yang ditunjukkan dari kemampuan peserta dalam menjelaskan pentingnya laporan keuangan dan akuntansi. (2) Kemampuan skill dasar tentang penggnaan Zahir Accounting dari banyaknya kesalahan pada tahap awal meningkat hanya terdapat beberapa kesalahan teknis. Kesalahan kesalahan ini lebih dikarenakan karena peserta baru mengenal pertama kali program Zahir Accounting

    Nafkah Sebagai Konsekuensi Logis Pernikahan

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    This research aims to find out what are the forms of zahir (material) and inner (non-material) livelihood that a husband must give to his wife? Is the living provided by the husband because of the obedience of the wife or because of the marriage contract? By using a qualitative approach. Zahir livelihoods are related to basic daily necessities, which can be classified as الكسوة (clothing), الطعام (food) and السكن (board), household costs and maintenance, the cost of children's education. While the inner livelihood can be classified as: 1) Husband teaches the values of tauhid, morality and worship. 2) Husband treats wife well, gently. 3) Husband gives sovereignty to wife to interact with society. 4) The husband gives an explanation of what the wife is lacking. 5) Having an intimate relationship between husband and wife. Livelihood is the logical consequence of the marriage contract, both zahir and inner. Zahir is a gift from the husband that must be given to the wife when the marriage contract is completed, provided that they both exercise their rights and obligations. If a wife does not fulfill her obligations as a wife, then the husband is not obliged to provide zahir support to his wife. Meanwhile, the inner livelihood is the living that the husband must give to the wife from the completion of the marriage contract until the end of the marriage, whether the wife is obedient or not


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    Institution Awareness to the citizens in order to increase the quality of education is a part of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. To apply the program, it needs a plan. Community service program. The general purpose of this community service program is to increase the competency of citizens of RW 003 Babakan Village, Kelapa Dua, Setu, South Tangerang using Zahir Accounting Software training. The activity of this community service program entitled Computerized Accounting. The trainers and the source speakers are from the lecturers of Accounting Major of Pamulang University (Universitas Pamulang). The result conducted on November, 1,2,3 2019 was increasing their ability to use computer and computerized accounting with Zahir Accounting Software. The trainees was enthusiastic with the material they had from the lecturers of Accounting Major of Pamulang University (Universitas Pamulang). The trainees directly used the software.Zahir Accounting Software becomes an attention for the entrepreneurs who need accounting software to support financial noting in their business easily, fast and accurately, so by practicing Zahir Accounting Software will increase the citizens' competence to look for a job Keywords: Software Zahir Accounting ; Computerized Accountin
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