105 research outputs found

    Expression of Zm13, a pollen specific maize protein, in Escherichia coli reveals IgE-binding capacity and allergenic potential

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    AbstractPlant proteins belong to the most frequent elicitors of type I allergic symptoms in industrialized countries. Several relevant plant allergens have been found to be either specifically expressed or highly upregulated in mature pollen. The cDNA coding for a pollen specific maize protein, Zm13, shows significant sequence homology with a number of pollen or anther specific proteins from monocot and dicot plants as well as with recently described allergens from olive and rye grass. To test whether the Zm13 protein might possess IgE-binding capacity, Zm13 was expressed in E coli. The coding region of Zm13 was PCR amplified from a genomic clone and expressed as as a glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein. The recombinant Zm13 fusion protein bound a Zm13 specific rabbit antiserum and reacted with serum IgE from grass pollen allergic patients indicating that Zm13 and homologous proteins represent a family of conserved plant allergens

    Intervening Mgii absorption systems from the SDSS DR12 quasar spectra

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    We present the catalogue of the Mg II absorption systems detected at a high significance level using an automated search algorithm in the spectra of quasars from the twelfth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. A total of 266,433 background quasars were searched for the presence of absorption systems in their spectra. The continuum modelling for the quasar spectra was performed using a mean filter. A pseudo-continuum derived using a median filter was used to trace the emission lines. The absorption system catalogue contains 39,694 Mg II systems detected at a 6.0, 3.0σ level respectively for the two lines of the doublet. The catalogue was constrained to an absorption line redshift of 0.35 6 z2796 6 2.3. The rest-frame equivalent width of the λ2796 line ranges between 0.2 6 Wr 6 6.2 ˚A. Using Gaussian-noise only simulations we estimate a false positive rate of 7.7 per cent in the catalogue. We measured the number density ∂N2796/∂z of Mg II absorbers and find evidence for steeper evolution of the systems with Wr > 1.2 ˚A at low redshifts (z2796 6 1.0), consistent with other earlier studies. A suite of null tests over the redshift range 0.5 6 z2796 6 1.5 was used to study the presence of systematics and selection effects like the dependence of the number density evolution of the absorption systems on the properties of the background quasar spectra. The null tests do not indicate the presence of any selection effects in the absorption catalogue if the quasars with spectral signal-to-noise level less than 5.0 are removed. The resultant catalogue contains 36,981 absorption systems. The Mg II absorption catalogue is publicly available

    Controlling and Synchronizing Combined Effect of Chaos Generated in Generalized Lotka-Volterra Three Species Biological Model using Active Control Design

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    In this work, we study hybrid projective combination synchronization scheme among identical chaotic generalized Lotka-Volterra three species biological systems using active control design. We consider here generalized Lotka-Volterra system containing two predators and one prey population existing in nature. An active control design is investigated which is essentially based on Lyapunov stability theory. The considered technique derives the global asymptotic stability using hybrid projective combination synchronization technique. In addition, the presented simulation outcomes and graphical results illustrate the validation of our proposed scheme. Prominently, both the analytical and computational results agree excellently. Comparisons versus others strategies exhibiting our proposed technique in generalized Lotka-Volterra system achieved asymptotic stability in a lesser time

    Mutagenesis analysis of the zinc-finger antiviral protein

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    BACKGROUND: The zinc-finger antiviral protein (ZAP) specifically inhibits the replication of certain viruses, including murine leukemia virus (MLV), by preventing the accumulation of viral mRNA in the cytoplasm. ZAP directly binds to the viral mRNA through the zinc-finger motifs and recruits the RNA exosome to degrade the target RNA. RNA helicase p72 is required for the optimal function of ZAP. In an attempt to understand the structure-function relationship of ZAP, we performed alanine scanning analysis. RESULTS: A series of ZAP mutants was generated, in which three consecutive amino acids were replaced with three alanines. The mutants were analyzed for their antiviral activities against pseudotyped MLV vector. Out of the nineteen mutants analyzed, seven displayed significantly lower antiviral activities. Two mutations were in the very N-terminal domain, and five mutations were within or around the first and second zinc-finger motifs. These mutants were further analyzed for their abilities to bind to the target RNA, the exosome, and the RNA helicase p72. Mutants Nm3 and Nm63 lost the ability to bind to RNA. Mutants Nm 63 and Nm93 displayed compromised interaction with p72, while the binding of Nm133 to p72 was very modest. The interactions of all the mutants with the exosome were comparable to wild type ZAP. CONCLUSIONS: The integrity of the very N-terminal domain and the first and second zinc-finger motifs appear to be required for ZAP's antiviral activity. Analyses of the mutants for their abilities to interact with the target RNA and RNA helicase p72 confirmed our previous results. The mutants that bind normally to the target RNA, the exosome, and the RNA helicase p72 may be useful tools for further understanding the mechanism underlying ZAP's antiviral activity

    Entwicklung von „near isogenic lines“ als Basis zur nachhaltigen ZĂŒchtung von Basilikum-Sorten mit Resistenz gegen den Falschen Mehltau

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    Die Produktion von Basilikum-Frischware erfolgt in hoher IntensitĂ€t in spezialisierten Betrieben. Der Anbau ist seit einigen Jahren regelmĂ€ĂŸig durch das Auftreten des Falschen Mehltaus, verursacht durch den Erreger Peronospora belbahrii, bedroht, fĂŒr deren Kontrolle derzeit keine geeigneten Verfahren zur VerfĂŒgung stehen. Eine umwelt-, verbraucher- und produzentenfreundliche Strategie, dem Auftreten des Falschen Mehltaus entgegen zu wirken, ist der Anbau von resistenten Sorten. In einem voraus-gegangenen Projekt konnte eine Resistenzquelle bzw. resistenter Basilikumgenotyp aufgefunden wer-den, die genutzt wurde, um die Resistenz in den vom Verbraucher bevorzugten Genoveser-Typ einzukreuzen. Ziel dieses Projektes war die Erstellung von Near Isogenic Lines (NILs) durch wiederholte RĂŒckkreuzung von bestimmten Elterlinien von Basilikum mit Resistenz gegenĂŒber dem Erreger des Falschen Mehltaus als Basis fĂŒr eine Marker-basierte ZĂŒchtung von Basilikumsorten. Eine vorliegende F2-Population aus Kreuzungen von Genoveser-Typ und dem Wildtyp ‚Apfelbasilikum‘ wurde eine F3-Generation generiert, in der sich einige Pflanzen als resistent erwiesen. Aus weiteren RĂŒckkreuzungen mit dem rekurrenten Elter und einer abschließenden Selbstung wurde die F3BC3-S1 Generation generiert mit 140 resistenten bzw. wenig anfĂ€lligen Pflanzen gegenĂŒber dem Falschen Mehltau. Ein weiteres Ziel des Projektes war, zu prĂŒfen, ob die epidemiologische Entwicklung des Falschen Mehltaus im Basilikumbestand durch Reduktion der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit unter GewĂ€chshausbedingungen reduziert werden kann. Der Erreger P. belbahrii benötigt fĂŒr die Keimung der Sporen und die Infektion von Basilikum eine bestimmte BlattnĂ€sse und –dauer, die durch die Luftfeuchtigkeit im Bestand beeinflusst wird. Um die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit im Bestand von Basilikum zu reduzieren, wurden GewĂ€chshauskabinen mit entsprechenden Heizrohren ausgestattet. In mehreren SĂ€tzen von Basilikum wurde die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit im Bestand in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Vorlauftemperatur in den Heizrohren (40°C) und dem Abstand der Heizrohre zum Tischboden (ca. 9, 15 und 22 cm) im Vergleich zu einem Bestand ohne WĂ€rmezufuhr untersucht. Die Ergebnisse von fĂŒnf Versuchen zeigten, die niedrigste rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit im Bestand wurde durch eine Vorlauftemperatur von 40°C mit einem Abstand der Heizrohre von 9 und 15 cm erzielt. Die epidemiologische Entwicklung des Falschen Mehltaus im Bestand wurde daher in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von den genannten Bedingungen geprĂŒft. Die Ausbringung des Erreger-Inokulums erfolgte mittels infizierter Pflanzen, die in den Bestand gesetzt wurden. Nachfolgend wurde die epidemische Entwicklung des Falschen Mehltaus im Bestand bonitiert. Durch Reduzierung der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit konnte die epidemische Ausbreitung des Erregers deutlich reduziert werden. Die Beeinflussung der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit kann in der Praxis genutzt werden, um dem Auftreten des Falschen Mehltaus entgegen zu wirken

    Generation of Tandem Direct Duplications by Reversed-Ends Transposition of Maize Ac Elements

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    Tandem direct duplications are a common feature of the genomes of eukaryotes ranging from yeast to human, where they comprise a significant fraction of copy number variations. The prevailing model for the formation of tandem direct duplications is non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR). Here we report the isolation of a series of duplications and reciprocal deletions isolated de novo from a maize allele containing two Class II Ac/Ds transposons. The duplication/deletion structures suggest that they were generated by alternative transposition reactions involving the termini of two nearby transposable elements. The deletion/duplication breakpoint junctions contain 8 bp target site duplications characteristic of Ac/Ds transposition events, confirming their formation directly by an alternative transposition mechanism. Tandem direct duplications and reciprocal deletions were generated at a relatively high frequency (∌0.5 to 1%) in the materials examined here in which transposons are positioned nearby each other in appropriate orientation; frequencies would likely be much lower in other genotypes. To test whether this mechanism may have contributed to maize genome evolution, we analyzed sequences flanking Ac/Ds and other hAT family transposons and identified three small tandem direct duplications with the structural features predicted by the alternative transposition mechanism. Together these results show that some class II transposons are capable of directly inducing tandem sequence duplications, and that this activity has contributed to the evolution of the maize genome
