416 research outputs found

    Diseño de circuitos analógicos y de señal mixta con consideraciones de diseño físico y variabilidad

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    Advances in microelectronic technology has been based on an increasing capacity to integrate transistors, moving this industry to the nanoelectronics realm in recent years. Moore’s Law [1] has predicted (and somehow governed) the growth of the capacity to integrate transistors in a single IC. Nevertheless, while this capacity has grown steadily, the increasing number of design tasks that are involved in the creation of the integrated circuit and their complexity has led to a phenomenon known as the ``design gap´´. This is the difference between what can theoretically be integrated and what can practically be designed. Since the early 2000s, the International Technology Roadmap of Semiconductors (ITRS) reports, published by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), alert about the necessity to limit the growth of the design cost by increasing the productivity of the designer to continue the semiconductor industry’s growth. Design automation arises as a key element to close this ”design gap”. In this sense, electronic design automation (EDA) tools have reached a level of maturity for digital circuits that is far behind the EDA tools that are made for analog circuit design automation. While digital circuits rely, in general, on two stable operation states (which brings inherent robustness against numerous imperfections and interferences, leading to few design constraints like area, speed or power consumption), analog signal processing, on the other hand, demands compliance with lots of constraints (e.g., matching, noise, robustness, ...). The triumph of digital CMOS circuits, thanks to their mentioned robustness, has, ultimately, facilitated the way that circuits can be processed by algorithms, abstraction levels and description languages, as well as how the design information traverse the hierarchical levels of a digital system. The field of analog design automation faces many more difficulties due to the many sources of perturbation, such as the well-know process variability, and the difficulty in treating these systematically, like digital tools can do. In this Thesis, different design flows are proposed, focusing on new design methodologies for analog circuits, thus, trying to close the ”gap” between digital and analog EDA tools. In this chapter, the most important sources for perturbations and their impact on the analog design process are discussed in Section 1.2. The traditional analog design flow is discussed in 1.3. Emerging design methodologies that try to reduce the ”design gap” are presented in Section 1.4 where the key concept of Pareto-Optimal Front (POF) is explained. This concept, brought from the field of economics, models the analog circuit performances into a set of solutions that show the optimal trade-offs among conflicting circuit performances (e.g. DC-gain and unity-gain frequency). Finally, the goals of this thesis are presented in Section 1.5

    An automated design methodology of RF circuits by using Pareto-optimal fronts of EMsimulated inductors

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    A new design methodology for radiofrequency circuits is presented that includes electromagnetic (EM) simulation of the inductors into the optimization flow. This is achieved by previously generating the Pareto-optimal front (POF) of the inductors using EM simulation. Inductors are selected from the Pareto front and their S-parameter matrix is included in the circuit netlist that is simulated using an RF simulator. Generating the EM-simulated POF of inductors is computationally expensive, but once generated, it can be used for any circuit design. The methodology is illustrated both for a singleobjective and a multiobjective optimization of a low noise amplifierMinisterio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad TEC2013-45638-C3-3-R, TEC2013-40430-RJunta de AndalucĂ­a PIC12-TIC-1481Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas 201350E05

    Modeling, Optimization and Testing for Analog/Mixed-Signal Circuits in Deeply Scaled CMOS Technologies

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    As CMOS technologies move to sub-100nm regions, the design and verification for analog/mixed-signal circuits become more and more difficult due to the problems including the decrease of transconductance, severe gate leakage and profound mismatches. The increasing manufacturing-induced process variations and their impacts on circuit performances make the already complex circuit design even more sophisticated in the deeply scaled CMOS technologies. Given these barriers, efforts are needed to ensure the circuits are robust and optimized with consideration of parametric variations. This research presents innovative computer-aided design approaches to address three such problems: (1) large analog/mixed-signal performance modeling under process variations, (2) yield-aware optimization for complex analog/mixedsignal systems and (3) on-chip test scheme development to detect and compensate parametric failures. The first problem focus on the efficient circuit performance evaluation with consideration of process variations which serves as the baseline for robust analog circuit design. We propose statistical performance modeling methods for two popular types of complex analog/mixed-signal circuits including Sigma-Delta ADCs and charge-pump PLLs. A more general performance modeling is achieved by employing a geostatistics motivated performance model (Kriging model), which is accurate and efficient for capturing stand-alone analog circuit block performances. Based on the generated block-level performance models, we can solve the more challenging problem of yield-aware system optimization for large analog/mixed-signal systems. Multi-yield pareto fronts are utilized in the hierarchical optimization framework so that the statistical optimal solutions can be achieved efficiently for the systems. We further look into on-chip design-for-test (DFT) circuits in analog systems and solve the problems of linearity test in ADCs and DFT scheme optimization in charge-pump PLLs. Finally a design example of digital intensive PLL is presented to illustrate the practical applications of the modeling, optimization and testing approaches for large analog/mixed-signal systems

    A Review of Bayesian Methods in Electronic Design Automation

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    The utilization of Bayesian methods has been widely acknowledged as a viable solution for tackling various challenges in electronic integrated circuit (IC) design under stochastic process variation, including circuit performance modeling, yield/failure rate estimation, and circuit optimization. As the post-Moore era brings about new technologies (such as silicon photonics and quantum circuits), many of the associated issues there are similar to those encountered in electronic IC design and can be addressed using Bayesian methods. Motivated by this observation, we present a comprehensive review of Bayesian methods in electronic design automation (EDA). By doing so, we hope to equip researchers and designers with the ability to apply Bayesian methods in solving stochastic problems in electronic circuits and beyond.Comment: 24 pages, a draft version. We welcome comments and feedback, which can be sent to [email protected]

    System level performance and yield optimisation for analogue integrated circuits

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    Advances in silicon technology over the last decade have led to increased integration of analogue and digital functional blocks onto the same single chip. In such a mixed signal environment, the analogue circuits must use the same process technology as their digital neighbours. With reducing transistor sizes, the impact of process variations on analogue design has become prominent and can lead to circuit performance falling below specification and hence reducing the yield.This thesis explores the methodology and algorithms for an analogue integrated circuit automation tool that optimizes performance and yield. The trade-offs between performance and yield are analysed using a combination of an evolutionary algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation. Through the integration of yield parameter into the optimisation process, the trade off between the performance functions can be better treated that able to produce a higher yield. The results obtained from the performance and variation exploration are modelled behaviourally using a Verilog-A language. The model has been verified with transistor level simulation and a silicon prototype.For a large analogue system, the circuit is commonly broken down into its constituent sub-blocks, a process known as hierarchical design. The use of hierarchical-based design and optimisation simplifies the design task and accelerates the design flow by encouraging design reuse.A new approach for system level yield optimisation using a hierarchical-based design is proposed and developed. The approach combines Multi-Objective Bottom Up (MUBU) modelling technique to model the circuit performance and variation and Top Down Constraint Design (TDCD) technique for the complete system level design. The proposed method has been used to design a 7th order low pass filter and a charge pump phase locked loop system. The results have been verified with transistor level simulations and suggest that an accurate system level performance and yield prediction can be achieved with the proposed methodology

    Circuit Design

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    Circuit Design = Science + Art! Designers need a skilled "gut feeling" about circuits and related analytical techniques, plus creativity, to solve all problems and to adhere to the specifications, the written and the unwritten ones. You must anticipate a large number of influences, like temperature effects, supply voltages changes, offset voltages, layout parasitics, and numerous kinds of technology variations to end up with a circuit that works. This is challenging for analog, custom-digital, mixed-signal or RF circuits, and often researching new design methods in relevant journals, conference proceedings and design tools unfortunately gives the impression that just a "wild bunch" of "advanced techniques" exist. On the other hand, state-of-the-art tools nowadays indeed offer a good cockpit to steer the design flow, which include clever statistical methods and optimization techniques.Actually, this almost presents a second breakthrough, like the introduction of circuit simulators 40 years ago! Users can now conveniently analyse all the problems (discover, quantify, verify), and even exploit them, for example for optimization purposes. Most designers are caught up on everyday problems, so we fit that "wild bunch" into a systematic approach for variation-aware design, a designer's field guide and more. That is where this book can help! Circuit Design: Anticipate, Analyze, Exploit Variations starts with best-practise manual methods and links them tightly to up-to-date automation algorithms. We provide many tractable examples and explain key techniques you have to know. We then enable you to select and setup suitable methods for each design task - knowing their prerequisites, advantages and, as too often overlooked, their limitations as well. The good thing with computers is that you yourself can often verify amazing things with little effort, and you can use software not only to your direct advantage in solving a specific problem, but also for becoming a better skilled, more experienced engineer. Unfortunately, EDA design environments are not good at all to learn about advanced numerics. So with this book we also provide two apps for learning about statistic and optimization directly with circuit-related examples, and in real-time so without the long simulation times. This helps to develop a healthy statistical gut feeling for circuit design. The book is written for engineers, students in engineering and CAD / methodology experts. Readers should have some background in standard design techniques like entering a design in a schematic capture and simulating it, and also know about major technology aspects

    Una aproximación multinivel para el diseño sistemático de circuitos integrados de radiofrecuencia.

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    Tesis reducida por acuerdo de confidencialidad.En un mercado bien establecido como el de las telecomunicaciones, donde se está evolucionando hacia el 5G, se estima que hoy en día haya más de 2 Mil Millones de usuarios de Smartphones. Solo de por sí, este número es asombroso. Pero nada se compara a lo que va a pasar en un futuro muy próximo. El próximo boom tecnológico está directamente conectado con el mercado emergente del internet of things (IoT). Se estima que, en 2020, habrá 20 Mil Millones de dispositivos físicos conectados y comunicando entre sí, lo que equivale a 4 dispositivos físicos por cada persona del planeta. Debido a este boom tecnológico, van a surgir nuevas e interesantes oportunidades de inversión e investigación. De hecho, se estima que en 2020 se van a invertir cerca de 3 Mil Millones de dólares solo en este mercado, un 50% más que en 2017. Todos estos dispositivos IoT tienen que comunicarse inalámbricamente entre sí, algo en lo que los circuitos de radiofrecuencia (RF) son imprescindibles. El problema es que el diseño de circuitos RF en tecnologías nanométricas se está haciendo extraordinariamente difícil debido a su creciente complejidad. Este hecho, combinado con los críticos compromisos entre las prestaciones de estos circuitos, tales como el consumo de energía, el área de chip, la fiabilidad de los chips, etc., provocan una reducción en la productividad en su diseño, algo que supone un problema debido a las estrictas restricciones time-to-market de las empresas. Es posible concluir, por tanto, que uno de los ámbitos en los que es tremendamente importante centrarse hoy en día, es el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías de diseño de circuitos RF que permitan al diseñador obtener circuitos que cumplan con especificaciones muy exigentes en un tiempo razonable. Debido a las complejas relaciones entre prestaciones de los circuitos RF (por ejemplo, ruido de fase frente a consumo de potencia en un oscilador controlado por tensión), es fácil comprender que el diseño de circuitos RF es una tarea extremadamente complicada y debe ser soportada por herramientas de diseño asistido por ordenador (EDA). En un escenario ideal, los diseñadores tendrían una herramienta EDA que podría generar automáticamente un circuito integrado (IC), algo definido en la literatura como un compilador de silicio. Con esta herramienta ideal, el usuario sólo estipularía las especificaciones deseadas para su sistema y la herramienta generaría automáticamente el diseño del IC listo para fabricar (lo que se denomina diseño físico o layout). Sin embargo, para sistemas complejos tales como circuitos RF, dicha herramienta no existe. La tesis que se presenta, se centra exactamente en el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías de diseño capaces de mejorar el estado del arte y acortar la brecha de productividad existente en el diseño de circuitos RF. Por lo tanto, con el fin de establecer una nueva metodología de diseño para sistemas RF, se han de abordar distintos cuellos de botella del diseño RF con el fin de diseñar con éxito dichos circuitos. El diseño de circuitos RF ha seguido tradicionalmente una estrategia basada en ecuaciones analíticas derivadas específicamente para cada circuito y que exige una gran experiencia del diseñador. Esto significa que el diseñador plantea una estrategia para diseñar el circuito manualmente y, tras varias iteraciones, normalmente logra que el circuito cumpla con las especificaciones deseadas. No obstante, conseguir diseños con prestaciones óptimas puede ser muy difícil utilizando esta metodología, ya que el espacio de diseño (o búsqueda) es enorme (decenas de variables de diseño con cientos de combinaciones diferentes). Aunque el diseñador llegue a una solución que cumpla todas las especificaciones, nunca estará seguro de que el diseño al que ha llegado es el mejor (por ejemplo, el que consuma menos energía). Hoy en día, las técnicas basadas en optimización se están utilizando con el objetivo de ayudar al diseñador a encontrar automáticamente zonas óptimas de diseño. El uso de metodologías basadas en optimización intenta superar las limitaciones de metodologías previas mediante el uso de algoritmos que son capaces de realizar una amplia exploración del espacio de diseño para encontrar diseños de prestaciones óptimas. La filosofía de estas metodologías es que el diseñador elige las especificaciones del circuito, selecciona la topología y ejecuta una optimización que devuelve el valor de cada componente del circuito óptimo (por ejemplo, anchos y longitudes de los transistores) de forma automática. Además, mediante el uso de estos algoritmos, la exploración del espacio de diseño permite estudiar los distintos y complejos compromisos entre prestaciones de los circuitos de RF. Sin embargo, la problemática del diseño de RF es mucho más amplia que la selección del tamaño de cada componente. Con el objetivo de conseguir algo similar a un compilador de silicio para circuitos RF, la metodología desarrollada en la tesis, tiene que ser capaz de asegurar un diseño robusto que permita al diseñador tener éxito frente a medidas experimentales, y, además, las optimizaciones tienen que ser elaboradas en tiempos razonables para que se puedan cumplir las estrictas restricciones time-to-market de las empresas. Para conseguir esto, en esta tesis, hay cuatro aspectos clave que son abordados en la metodología: 1. Los inductores integrados todavía son un cuello de botella en circuitos RF. Los parásitos que aparecen a altas frecuencias hacen que las prestaciones de los inductores sean muy difíciles de modelar. Existe, por tanto, la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos modelos más precisos, pero también muy eficientes computacionalmente que puedan ser incluidos en metodologías que usen algoritmos de optimización. 2. Las variaciones de proceso son fenómenos que afectan mucho las tecnologías nanométricas, así que para obtener un diseño robusto es necesario tener en cuenta estas variaciones durante la optimización. 3. En las metodologías de diseño manual, los parásitos de layout normalmente no se tienen en cuenta en una primera fase de diseño. En ese sentido, cuando el diseñador pasa del diseño topológico al diseño físico, puede que su circuito deje de cumplir con las especificaciones. Estas consideraciones físicas del circuito deben ser tenidas en cuenta en las primeras etapas de diseño. Por lo tanto, con el fin de abordar este problema, la metodología desarrollada tiene que tener en cuenta los parásitos de la realización física desde una primera fase de optimización. 4. Una vez se ha desarrollado la capacidad de generar distintos circuitos RF de forma automática utilizando esta metodología (amplificadores de bajo ruido, osciladores controlados por tensión y mezcladores), en la tesis se aborda también la composición de un sistema RF con una aproximación multinivel, donde el proceso empieza por el diseño de los componentes pasivos y termina componiendo distintos circuitos, construyendo un sistema (por ejemplo, un receptor de radiofrecuencia). La tesis aborda los cuatro problemas descritos anteriormente con éxito, y ha avanzado considerablemente en el estado del arte de metodologías de diseño automáticas/sistemáticas para circuitos RF.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Fiabilisation de Convertisseurs Analogique-Num´erique a Modulation Sigma-Delta

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    Due to the continuously scaling down of CMOS technology, system-on-chips (SoCs) reliability becomes important in sub-90 nm CMOS node. Integrated circuits and systems applied to aerospace, avionic, vehicle transport and biomedicine are highly sensitive to reliability problems such as ageing mechanisms and parametric process variations. Novel SoCs with new materials and architectures of high complexity further aggravate reliability as a critical aspect of process integration. For instance, random and systematic defects as well as parametric process variations have a large influence on quality and yield of the manufactured ICs, right after production. During ICs usage time, time-dependent ageing mechanisms such as negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) and hot carrier injection (HCI) can significantly degrade ICs performance.La fiabilit´e des ICs est d´efinie ainsi : la capacit´e d’un circuit ou un syst`eme int´egr´e `amaintenir ses param`etres durant une p´eriode donn´ee sous des conditions d´efinies. Les rapportsITRS 2011 consid`ere la fiabilit´e comme un aspect critique du processus d’int´egration.Par cons´equent, il faut faire appel des m´ethodologies innovatrices prenant en comptela fiabilit´e afin d’assurer la fonctionnalit´e du SoCs et la fiabilit´e dans les technologiesCMOS `a l’´echelle nanom´etrique. Cela nous permettra de d´evelopper des m´ethodologiesind´ependantes du design et de la technologie CMOS, en revanche, sp´ecialis´ees en fiabilit´e

    Fiabilisation de convertisseurs analogique-numérique à modulation Sigma-Delta

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    This thesis concentrates on reliability-aware methodology development, reliability analysis based on simulation as well as failure prediction of CMOS 65nm analog and mixed signal (AMS) ICs. Sigma-Delta modulators are concerned as the object of reliability study at system level. A hierarchical statistical approach for reliability is proposed to analysis the performance of Sigma-Delta modulators under ageing effects and process variations. Statistical methods are combined into this analysis flow.Ce travail de thèse a porté sur des problèmes de fiabilité de circuits intégrés en technologie CMOS 65 nm, en particulier sur la conception en vue de la fiabilité, la simulation et l'amélioration de la fiabilité. Les mécanismes dominants de vieillissement HCI et NBTI ainsi que la variation du processus ont été étudiés et évalués quantitativement au niveau du circuit et au niveau du système. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées aux modulateurs Sigma-Delta afin de déterminer la fiabilité de ce type de composant qui est très utilisé

    Circuit Design

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    Circuit Design = Science + Art! Designers need a skilled "gut feeling" about circuits and related analytical techniques, plus creativity, to solve all problems and to adhere to the specifications, the written and the unwritten ones. You must anticipate a large number of influences, like temperature effects, supply voltages changes, offset voltages, layout parasitics, and numerous kinds of technology variations to end up with a circuit that works. This is challenging for analog, custom-digital, mixed-signal or RF circuits, and often researching new design methods in relevant journals, conference proceedings and design tools unfortunately gives the impression that just a "wild bunch" of "advanced techniques" exist. On the other hand, state-of-the-art tools nowadays indeed offer a good cockpit to steer the design flow, which include clever statistical methods and optimization techniques.Actually, this almost presents a second breakthrough, like the introduction of circuit simulators 40 years ago! Users can now conveniently analyse all the problems (discover, quantify, verify), and even exploit them, for example for optimization purposes. Most designers are caught up on everyday problems, so we fit that "wild bunch" into a systematic approach for variation-aware design, a designer's field guide and more. That is where this book can help! Circuit Design: Anticipate, Analyze, Exploit Variations starts with best-practise manual methods and links them tightly to up-to-date automation algorithms. We provide many tractable examples and explain key techniques you have to know. We then enable you to select and setup suitable methods for each design task - knowing their prerequisites, advantages and, as too often overlooked, their limitations as well. The good thing with computers is that you yourself can often verify amazing things with little effort, and you can use software not only to your direct advantage in solving a specific problem, but also for becoming a better skilled, more experienced engineer. Unfortunately, EDA design environments are not good at all to learn about advanced numerics. So with this book we also provide two apps for learning about statistic and optimization directly with circuit-related examples, and in real-time so without the long simulation times. This helps to develop a healthy statistical gut feeling for circuit design. The book is written for engineers, students in engineering and CAD / methodology experts. Readers should have some background in standard design techniques like entering a design in a schematic capture and simulating it, and also know about major technology aspects
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