819 research outputs found

    A survey of carbon nanotube interconnects for energy efficient integrated circuits

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    This article is a review of the state-of-art carbon nanotube interconnects for Silicon application with respect to the recent literature. Amongst all the research on carbon nanotube interconnects, those discussed here cover 1) challenges with current copper interconnects, 2) process & growth of carbon nanotube interconnects compatible with back-end-of-line integration, and 3) modeling and simulation for circuit-level benchmarking and performance prediction. The focus is on the evolution of carbon nanotube interconnects from the process, theoretical modeling, and experimental characterization to on-chip interconnect applications. We provide an overview of the current advancements on carbon nanotube interconnects and also regarding the prospects for designing energy efficient integrated circuits. Each selected category is presented in an accessible manner aiming to serve as a survey and informative cornerstone on carbon nanotube interconnects relevant to students and scientists belonging to a range of fields from physics, processing to circuit design

    Nanoelectronic Design Based on a CNT Nano-Architecture

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    6T CMOS SRAM Stability in Nanoelectronic Era: From Metrics to Built-in Monitoring

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    The digital technology in the nanoelectronic era is based on intensive data processing and battery-based devices. As a consequence, the need for larger and energy-efficient circuits with large embedded memories is growing rapidly in current system-on-chip (SoC). In this context, where embedded SRAM yield dominate the overall SoC yield, the memory sensitivity to process variation and aging effects has aggressively increased. In addition, long-term aging effects introduce extra variability reducing the failure-free period. Therefore, although stability metrics are used intensively in the circuit design phases, more accurate and non-invasive methodologies must be proposed to observe the stability metric for high reliability systems. This chapter reviews the most extended memory cell stability metrics and evaluates the feasibility of tracking SRAM cell reliability evolution implementing a detailed bit-cell stability characterization measurement. The memory performance degradation observation is focused on estimating the threshold voltage (Vth) drift caused by process variation and reliability mechanisms. A novel SRAM stability degradation measurement architecture is proposed to be included in modern memory designs with minimal hardware intrusion. The new architecture may extend the failure-free period by introducing adaptable circuits depending on the measured memory stability parameter

    CMOL: Second Life for Silicon?

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    This report is a brief review of the recent work on architectures for the prospective hybrid CMOS/nanowire/ nanodevice ("CMOL") circuits including digital memories, reconfigurable Boolean-logic circuits, and mixed-signal neuromorphic networks. The basic idea of CMOL circuits is to combine the advantages of CMOS technology (including its flexibility and high fabrication yield) with the extremely high potential density of molecular-scale two-terminal nanodevices. Relatively large critical dimensions of CMOS components and the "bottom-up" approach to nanodevice fabrication may keep CMOL fabrication costs at affordable level. At the same time, the density of active devices in CMOL circuits may be as high as 1012 cm2 and that they may provide an unparalleled information processing performance, up to 1020 operations per cm2 per second, at manageable power consumption.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Redundant Logic Insertion and Fault Tolerance Improvement in Combinational Circuits

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    This paper presents a novel method to identify and insert redundant logic into a combinational circuit to improve its fault tolerance without having to replicate the entire circuit as is the case with conventional redundancy techniques. In this context, it is discussed how to estimate the fault masking capability of a combinational circuit using the truth-cum-fault enumeration table, and then it is shown how to identify the logic that can introduced to add redundancy into the original circuit without affecting its native functionality and with the aim of improving its fault tolerance though this would involve some trade-off in the design metrics. However, care should be taken while introducing redundant logic since redundant logic insertion may give rise to new internal nodes and faults on those may impact the fault tolerance of the resulting circuit. The combinational circuit that is considered and its redundant counterparts are all implemented in semi-custom design style using a 32/28nm CMOS digital cell library and their respective design metrics and fault tolerances are compared

    Emerging physical unclonable functions with nanotechnology

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    Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are increasingly used for authentication and identification applications as well as the cryptographic key generation. An important feature of a PUF is the reliance on minute random variations in the fabricated hardware to derive a trusted random key. Currently, most PUF designs focus on exploiting process variations intrinsic to the CMOS technology. In recent years, progress in emerging nanoelectronic devices has demonstrated an increase in variation as a consequence of scaling down to the nanoregion. To date, emerging PUFs with nanotechnology have not been fully established, but they are expected to emerge. Initial research in this area aims to provide security primitives for emerging integrated circuits with nanotechnology. In this paper, we review emerging nanotechnology-based PUFs

    Robust and Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Validation of RFIC Isolation

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    Modern communication and identification products impose demanding constraints on reliability of components. Due to this statistical constraints more and more enter optimization formulations of electronic products. Yield constraints often require efficient sampling techniques to obtain uncertainty quantification also at the tails of the distributions. These sampling techniques should outperform standard Monte Carlo techniques, since these latter ones are normally not efficient enough to deal with tail probabilities. One such a technique, Importance Sampling, has successfully been applied to optimize Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) while guaranteeing very small failure probabilities, even going beyond 6-sigma variations of parameters involved. Apart from this, emerging uncertainty quantifications techniques offer expansions of the solution that serve as a response surface facility when doing statistics and optimization. To efficiently derive the coefficients in the expansions one either has to solve a large number of problems or a huge combined problem. Here parameterized Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques can be used to reduce the work load. To also reduce the amount of parameters we identify those that only affect the variance in a minor way. These parameters can simply be set to a fixed value. The remaining parameters can be viewed as dominant. Preservation of the variation also allows to make statements about the approximation accuracy obtained by the parameter-reduced problem. This is illustrated on an RLC circuit. Additionally, the MOR technique used should not affect the variance significantly. Finally we consider a methodology for reliable RFIC isolation using floor-plan modeling and isolation grounding. Simulations show good comparison with measurements

    Semiconductor Nanowire MOSFETs and Applications

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    Semiconductor nanowires have aroused a lot of scientific interest and have been regarded as one of the most promising candidates that would make possible building blocks in future nanoscale devices and integrated circuits. Employing nanowire as metal‐oxide‐semiconductor field‐effect transistor (MOSFET) channel can enable a gate‐surrounding structure allowing an excellent electrostatic gate control over the channel for reducing the short‐channel effects. This chapter introduces the basic physics of semiconductor nanowires and addresses the problem of how to synthesize semiconductor nanowires with low‐cost, high‐efficiency and bottom‐up approaches. Effective integration of nanowires in modern complementary metal‐oxide‐semiconductor (CMOS) technology, specifically in MOSFET devices, and non‐volatile memory applications is also reviewed. By extending the nanowire MOSFET structure into a universal device architecture, various novel semiconductor materials can be investigated. Semiconductor nanowire MOSFETs have been proved to be a strong and useful platform to study the physical and electrical properties of the novel material. In this chapter, we will also review the investigations on topological insulator materials by employing the nanowire field‐effect transistor (FET) device structure
