81 research outputs found

    Ab Initio Prediction of Transcription Factor Targets Using Structural Knowledge

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    Current approaches for identification and detection of transcription factor binding sites rely on an extensive set of known target genes. Here we describe a novel structure-based approach applicable to transcription factors with no prior binding data. Our approach combines sequence data and structural information to infer context-specific amino acid–nucleotide recognition preferences. These are used to predict binding sites for novel transcription factors from the same structural family. We demonstrate our approach on the Cys(2)His(2) Zinc Finger protein family, and show that the learned DNA-recognition preferences are compatible with experimental results. We use these preferences to perform a genome-wide scan for direct targets of Drosophila melanogaster Cys(2)His(2) transcription factors. By analyzing the predicted targets along with gene annotation and expression data we infer the function and activity of these proteins

    A Novel Bayesian DNA Motif Comparison Method for Clustering and Retrieval

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    Characterizing the DNA-binding specificities of transcription factors is a key problem in computational biology that has been addressed by multiple algorithms. These usually take as input sequences that are putatively bound by the same factor and output one or more DNA motifs. A common practice is to apply several such algorithms simultaneously to improve coverage at the price of redundancy. In interpreting such results, two tasks are crucial: clustering of redundant motifs, and attributing the motifs to transcription factors by retrieval of similar motifs from previously characterized motif libraries. Both tasks inherently involve motif comparison. Here we present a novel method for comparing and merging motifs, based on Bayesian probabilistic principles. This method takes into account both the similarity in positional nucleotide distributions of the two motifs and their dissimilarity to the background distribution. We demonstrate the use of the new comparison method as a basis for motif clustering and retrieval procedures, and compare it to several commonly used alternatives. Our results show that the new method outperforms other available methods in accuracy and sensitivity. We incorporated the resulting motif clustering and retrieval procedures in a large-scale automated pipeline for analyzing DNA motifs. This pipeline integrates the results of various DNA motif discovery algorithms and automatically merges redundant motifs from multiple training sets into a coherent annotated library of motifs. Application of this pipeline to recent genome-wide transcription factor location data in S. cerevisiae successfully identified DNA motifs in a manner that is as good as semi-automated analysis reported in the literature. Moreover, we show how this analysis elucidates the mechanisms of condition-specific preferences of transcription factors

    Evolutionary divergence of intrinsic and trans-regulated nucleosome positioning sequences reveals plastic rules for chromatin organization

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    The packaging of eukaryotic genomes into nuclesomes plays critical roles in chromatin organization and gene regulation. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae indicate that nucleosome occupancy is partially encoded by intrinsic antinucleosomal DNA sequences, such as poly(A) sequences, as well as by binding sites for trans-acting factors that can evict nucleosomes, such as Reb1 and the Rsc3/30 complex. Here, we use genome-wide nucleosome occupancy maps in 13 Ascomycota fungi to discover large-scale evolutionary reprogramming of both intrinsic and trans determinants of chromatin structure. We find that poly(G)s act as intrinsic antinucleosomal sequences, comparable to the known function of poly(A)s, but that the abundance of poly(G)s has diverged greatly between species, obscuring their antinucleosomal effect in low-poly(G) species such as S. cerevisiae. We also develop a computational method that uses nucleosome occupancy maps for discovering trans-acting general regulatory factor (GRF) binding sites. Our approach reveals that the specific sequences bound by GRFs have diverged substantially across evolution, corresponding to a number of major evolutionary transitions in the repertoire of GRFs. We experimentally validate a proposed evolutionary transition from Cbf1 as a major GRF in pre-whole-genome duplication (WGD) yeasts to Reb1 in post-WGD yeasts. We further show that the mating type switch-activating protein Sap1 is a GRF in S. pombe, demonstrating the general applicability of our approach. Our results reveal that the underlying mechanisms that determine in vivo chromatin organization have diverged and that comparative genomics can help discover new determinants of chromatin organization.Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Fellowship

    BioBayesNet: a web server for feature extraction and Bayesian network modeling of biological sequence data

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    BioBayesNet is a new web application that allows the easy modeling and classification of biological data using Bayesian networks. To learn Bayesian networks the user can either upload a set of annotated FASTA sequences or a set of pre-computed feature vectors. In case of FASTA sequences, the server is able to generate a wide range of sequence and structural features from the sequences. These features are used to learn Bayesian networks. An automatic feature selection procedure assists in selecting discriminative features, providing an (locally) optimal set of features. The output includes several quality measures of the overall network and individual features as well as a graphical representation of the network structure, which allows to explore dependencies between features. Finally, the learned Bayesian network or another uploaded network can be used to classify new data. BioBayesNet facilitates the use of Bayesian networks in biological sequences analysis and is flexible to support modeling and classification applications in various scientific fields. The BioBayesNet server is available at http://biwww3.informatik.uni-freiburg.de:8080/BioBayesNet/

    A Nucleosome-Guided Map of Transcription Factor Binding Sites in Yeast

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    Finding functional DNA binding sites of transcription factors (TFs) throughout the genome is a crucial step in understanding transcriptional regulation. Unfortunately, these binding sites are typically short and degenerate, posing a significant statistical challenge: many more matches to known TF motifs occur in the genome than are actually functional. However, information about chromatin structure may help to identify the functional sites. In particular, it has been shown that active regulatory regions are usually depleted of nucleosomes, thereby enabling TFs to bind DNA in those regions. Here, we describe a novel motif discovery algorithm that employs an informative prior over DNA sequence positions based on a discriminative view of nucleosome occupancy. When a Gibbs sampling algorithm is applied to yeast sequence-sets identified by ChIP-chip, the correct motif is found in 52% more cases with our informative prior than with the commonly used uniform prior. This is the first demonstration that nucleosome occupancy information can be used to improve motif discovery. The improvement is dramatic, even though we are using only a statistical model to predict nucleosome occupancy; we expect our results to improve further as high-resolution genome-wide experimental nucleosome occupancy data becomes increasingly available

    FABIAN-variant: predicting the effects of DNA variants on transcription factor binding.

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    While great advances in predicting the effects of coding variants have been made, the assessment of non-coding variants remains challenging. This is especially problematic for variants within promoter regions which can lead to over-expression of a gene or reduce or even abolish its expression. The binding of transcription factors to the DNA can be predicted using position weight matrices (PWMs). More recently, transcription factor flexible models (TFFMs) have been introduced and shown to be more accurate than PWMs. TFFMs are based on hidden Markov models and can account for complex positional dependencies. Our new web-based application FABIAN-variant uses 1224 TFFMs and 3790 PWMs to predict whether and to which degree DNA variants affect the binding of 1387 different human transcription factors. For each variant and transcription factor, the software combines the results of different models for a final prediction of the resulting binding-affinity change. The software is written in C++ for speed but variants can be entered through a web interface. Alternatively, a VCF file can be uploaded to assess variants identified by high-throughput sequencing. The search can be restricted to variants in the vicinity of candidate genes. FABIAN-variant is available freely at https://www.genecascade.org/fabian/

    On Weight Matrix and Free Energy Models for Sequence Motif Detection

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    The problem of motif detection can be formulated as the construction of a discriminant function to separate sequences of a specific pattern from background. In computational biology, motif detection is used to predict DNA binding sites of a transcription factor (TF), mostly based on the weight matrix (WM) model or the Gibbs free energy (FE) model. However, despite the wide applications, theoretical analysis of these two models and their predictions is still lacking. We derive asymptotic error rates of prediction procedures based on these models under different data generation assumptions. This allows a theoretical comparison between the WM-based and the FE-based predictions in terms of asymptotic efficiency. Applications of the theoretical results are demonstrated with empirical studies on ChIP-seq data and protein binding microarray data. We find that, irrespective of underlying data generation mechanisms, the FE approach shows higher or comparable predictive power relative to the WM approach when the number of observed binding sites used for constructing a discriminant decision is not too small.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure and 4 table

    VOMBAT: prediction of transcription factor binding sites using variable order Bayesian trees

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    Variable order Markov models and variable order Bayesian trees have been proposed for the recognition of transcription factor binding sites, and it could be demonstrated that they outperform traditional models, such as position weight matrices, Markov models and Bayesian trees. We develop a web server for the recognition of DNA binding sites based on variable order Markov models and variable order Bayesian trees offering the following functionality: (i) given datasets with annotated binding sites and genomic background sequences, variable order Markov models and variable order Bayesian trees can be trained; (ii) given a set of trained models, putative DNA binding sites can be predicted in a given set of genomic sequences and (iii) given a dataset with annotated binding sites and a dataset with genomic background sequences, cross-validation experiments for different model combinations with different parameter settings can be performed. Several of the offered services are computationally demanding, such as genome-wide predictions of DNA binding sites in mammalian genomes or sets of 10(4)-fold cross-validation experiments for different model combinations based on problem-specific data sets. In order to execute these jobs, and in order to serve multiple users at the same time, the web server is attached to a Linux cluster with 150 processors. VOMBAT is available at