21 research outputs found

    The HOM problem is EXPTIME-complete

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    We define a new class of tree automata with constraints and prove decidability of the emptiness problem for this class in exponential time. As a consequence, we obtain several EXPTIME-completeness results for problems on images of regular tree languages under tree homomorphisms, like set inclusion, regularity (HOM problem), and finiteness of set difference. Our result also has implications in term rewriting, since the set of reducible terms of a term rewrite system can be described as the image of a tree homomorphism. In particular, we prove that inclusion of sets of normal forms of term rewrite systems can be decided in exponential time. Analogous consequences arise in the context of XML typechecking, since types are defined by tree automata and some type transformations are homomorphic.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A simple and efficient step towards type-correct XSLT transformations

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    XSLT 1.0 is a standardized functional programming language and widely used for defining transformations on XML models and documents, in many areas of industry and publishing. The problem of XSLT type checking is to verify that a given transformation, when applied to an input which conforms to a given structure definition, e.g. an XML DTD, will always produce an output which adheres to a second structure definition. This problem is known to be undecidable for the full range of XSLT and document structure definition languages. Either one or both of them must be significantly restricted, or only approximations can be calculated. The algorithm presented here takes a different approach towards type correct XSLT transformations. It does not consider the type of the input document at all. Instead it parses the fragments of the result document contained verbatim in the transformation code and verifies that these can potentially appear in the result language, as defined by a given DTD. This is a kind of abstract interpretation, which can be executed on the fly and in linear time when parsing the XSLT program. Generated error messages are located accurately to a child subsequence of a single result element node. Apparently the method eliminates a considerable share of XSLT programming errors, on the same order of magnitude as a full fledged global control-flow analysis

    Pebble alternating tree-walking automata and their recognizing power

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    Pebble tree-walking automata with alternation were first investigated by Milo, Suciu and Vianu (2003), who showed that tree languages recognized by these devices are exactly the regular tree languages. We strengthen this by proving the same result for pebble automata with "strong pebble handling" which means that pebbles can be lifted independently of the position of the reading head and without moving the reading head. Then we make a comparison among some restricted versions of these automata. We will show that the deterministic and non-looping pebble alternating tree-walking automata are strictly less powerful than their nondeterministic counterparts, i.e., they do not recognize all the regular tree languages. Moreover, there is a proper hierarchy of recognizing capacity of deterministic and non-looping n-pebble alternating tree-walking automata with respect to the number of pebbles, i.e., for each n ≥ 0, deterministic and non-looping (n+1)-pebble alternating tree-walking automata are more powerful than their n-pebble counterparts

    On the complexity of typechecking top-down XML transformations

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    AbstractWe investigate the typechecking problem for XML transformations: statically verifying that every answer to a transformation conforms to a given output schema, for inputs satisfying a given input schema. As typechecking quickly turns undecidable for query languages capable of testing equality of data values, we return to the limited framework where we abstract XML documents as labeled ordered trees. We focus on simple top-down recursive transformations motivated by XSLT and structural recursion on trees. We parameterize the problem by several restrictions on the transformations (deleting, non-deleting, bounded width) and consider both tree automata and DTDs as input and output schemas. The complexity of the typechecking problems in this scenario ranges from PTIME to EXPTIME

    Frontiers of tractability for typechecking simple XML transformations

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    AbstractTypechecking consists of statically verifying whether the output of an XML transformation is always conform to an output type for documents satisfying a given input type. We focus on complete algorithms which always produce the correct answer. We consider top–down XML transformations incorporating XPath expressions and abstract document types by grammars and tree automata. By restricting schema languages and transformations, we identify several practical settings for which typechecking can be done in polynomial time. Moreover, the resulting framework provides a rather complete picture as we show that most scenarios cannot be enlarged without rendering the typechecking problem intractable. So, the present research sheds light on when to use fast complete algorithms and when to reside to sound but incomplete ones

    The HOM problem is decidable

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    We close affirmatively a question which has been open for 35 years: decidability of the HOM problem. The HOM problem consists in deciding, given a tree homomorphism HH and a regular tree languagle LL represented by a tree automaton, whether H(L)H(L) is regular. For deciding the HOM problem, we develop new constructions and techniques which are interesting by themselves, and provide several significant intermediate results. For example, we prove that the universality problem is decidable for languages represented by tree automata with equality constraints, and that the equivalence and inclusion problems are decidable for images of regular languages through tree homomorphisms. Our contributions are based on the following new results. We describe a simple transformation for converting a tree automaton with equality constraints into a tree automaton with disequality constraints recognizing the complementary language. We also define a new class of automaton with arbitrary disequality constraints and a particular kind of equality constraints. This new class essentially recognizes the intersection of a tree automaton with disequality constraints and the image of a regular language through a tree homomorphism. We prove decidability of emptiness and finiteness for this class by a pumping mechanism. The above constructions are combined adequately to provide an algorithm deciding the HOM problem.Postprint (published version