20 research outputs found

    Rekurencja jako narzędzie do tworzenia segmentów językowych współczesnej polszczyzny

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    In the present text, we discuss the phenomenon of recurrence with a special focus on the issue of its formal, mathematical description. Words as well as linguistic and extralingusitic expressions created by the means of recurrence have been described along with their subject references (denotants), the methods of their construction and record. The restrictions implied on their creation were shown in the classes defined by the areas of language: system, norm and usage. We also analysed their intonation in speech. In the description, a formalism based on the theory of sets was used (set theory, abstraction classes, n-dice theory). The examples came from a corpus of Polish

    Laboratoria wspólnoty? Wokół literackich świadectw i pedagogicznych rozpoznań

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    The article is dedicated to answering the question of whether school can be thought of as a laboratory of community. The analysis focuses on the images of various relations functioning in the school environment which are present in literature of different epochs. Indicated are these directions in educational practice which allow the development of the culture of coexistence that prevents the phenomena of exclusion or ostracism. The inspiration for such an approach was provided by the concept of future-oriented humanities, which Ewa Domańska called prefigurative. According to this idea, the objective of humanities is to imagine tomorrow and shape its possible scenarios. The anthropological approach made it possible to combine the literary and pedagogical perspectives. The practice of eutorics (a term introduced by Dorota Korwin-Piotrowska, who also described this field of rhetoric) was considered the basis for thinking about school as a laboratory of community.Artykuł poświęcony jest odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy o szkole można myśleć jako o laboratorium wspólnoty. Analizie zostały poddane obrazy rozmaitych relacji funkcjonujących w środowisku szkolnym, które przynosi literatura różnych epok. Wskazano te kierunki w edukacyjnej praktyce, które pozwalają na rozwijanie kultury współbycia, zapobiegającej zjawiskom wykluczenia czy ostracyzmu. Inspiracji do takiego ujęcia dostarczyła koncepcja humanistyki skierowanej ku przyszłości, którą Ewa Domańska nazwała prefiguratywną. W myśl tej idei celem humanistyki jest wyobrażanie sobie jutra i kształtowanie jego możliwych scenariuszy. Podejście antropologiczne pozwoliło na połącznie perspektywy literaturoznawczej i pedagogicznej. Za podstawę myślenia o szkole jako laboratorium wspólnoty uznano praktykowanie eutoryki (termin wprowadzony przez Dorotę Korwin-Piotrowską, która opisała również tę dziedzinę retoryki)

    Szkolne wyobcowanie. Inny Niziurski

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    The subject of my dissertation is a "mature" reading of Edmund Niziurski's youth prose. Previous research on this literature has largely focused on its didactic aspect. I want to prove that such interpretations are insufficient and make it impossible to discover the more serious message Niziurski conveyed in his novels. In my research I refer to philosophy, sociology, psychology and even theology. Thanks to this cross-disciplinary approach, I discover completely new ways of interpreting the construction of the main characters and teachers. I apply research methods from the aforementioned areas to analyze in more depth the way of thinking and behavior of the chosen characters. In the first chapter, I focus on the reception of Niziurski's novels, both for teenagers and for adult readers. I also present the themes of adventure and school in this prose. I study both similarities and differences between Niziurski's and other authors' novels, which also feature the above-mentioned leitmotifs. The second chapter is an analysis of selected structures of pupils and teachers in terms of otherness, strangeness or, in the case of educators, „divinity”. The question of identity becomes important when I analyze the otherness of the characters. I use the Riceurian term "self" in order to describe as accurately as possible how the characters try to keep their „I” intact. With regard to strangeness, psychological issues such as stigma or stereotype are relevant. I indicate and analyze situations in which the characters are 'marked' by schoolmates or teachers with the stigma of strangeness, and how it affects their relationship with the school environment. I examine the construction of selected teachers in the mystical-religious context. The last chapter is devoted to the issue of power and how it is implemented at school. In the first part, I focus on the function of informer, the system of punishments and teachers' autocratic approach to students. The second part describes the ways students defend their sovereignty. Referring to Jacek Kuroń's philosophy of social resistance, I present the aspects of particular protagonists' activities that can be considered an attempt to build students' solidarity, which in the long term could cause a change in their relationship with teachers

    Diversity and multiculturalism in the Detektywi na kółkach Series by Marcin Kozioł

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    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja sposobów opisywania różnorodności i wielokulturowości w serii Detektywi na kółkach Marcina Kozioła. Seria ta składa się z trzech książek: Skrzynia Władcy Piorunów (2014), Tajemnica Przeklętej Harfy (2017) oraz Gwiazda Blachonosego (2020). Autorka wychodzi od problemów związanych z reprezentacją różnych systemów wartości i kultur we współczesnej Polsce, w tym braku widoczności poszczególnych typów różnorodności (takich jak odmienna od dominującej religia czy nieneurotypowość). Następnie przechodzi do analizy różnych aspektów wielokulturowości w serii Kozioła. Na podstawie tych analiz można stwierdzić, iż sposób ujęcia różnorodności społecznej w tych trzech powieściach stanowi etap pośredni między tradycyjnymi przedstawieniami tego tematu a wrażliwością czytelników XXI wieku.The aim of this paper is presentation of the way of describing diversity and mul-ticulturalism in the Detektywi na kółkach [Detectives on Wheels] book series by Marcin Kozioł. This series consists of three books: Skrzynia Władcy Piorunów [The Lord of The Thunders’ Chest] (2014), Tajemnica Przeklętej Harfy [The Secret of the Cursed Harp](2017), and Gwiazda Blachonosego [The Plate-Nose’s Star] (2020). The author of the article first examines problems related to the representation of diverse value systems and cultures in contemporary Poland, including invisibility of particular types of diversity (like different than dominant religion or neurodi-versity). She then moves on to analyse multiple aspects of multiculturalism in the series written by Kozioł. Based on these analyses, it can be concluded that the way of describing social diversity in these three novels represents a transitional stage between traditional representations of this topic and sensitivity of readers in the 21st centur

    Lekcje (nie tylko) religii : język szkolny a T(t)ajemnica w poezji księdza Jana Twardowskiego

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    The text focuses on the use and function of educational terminology and situations in the works of Fr. Jan Twardowski. The chapter Language of school — in a school is an attempt to analyse how this poet presents the lessons of religion. Fr. Twardowski often uses scenes from the religion lessons to teach tolerance (Do moich uczniów) and to show how religion should be taught at school (Wizytacja, W klasie, Spór, Śmietnik). This vision of teaching, that lets the pupils have their doubts, has its own poetic presentation in the poem Lekcje religii z księdzem Twardowskim by Tomasz Jastrun. The chapter Language of school — in life deals with Twardowski’s works which use school to talk about things not connected with school itself. The school is here just a metaphor of life — according to the theory of conceptual metaphor by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Fr. Twardowski familiarises the past (Pierwsza klasa, Szkoła, Rozmowa z harcerzem, O wspomnieniach szkolnego mundurka), the future (Pożegnanie szkoły) and the human unimportance (Korepetycje, Grono pedagogiczne). This language, with its roots in school, is also useful in preaching proper ways of believing (Jeszcze nie, Więcej, Uczy, Wiara). Fr. Twardowski also shows that scientific approach to life is incompatible with the truth of existence (Studentowi). Avoiding the invasive didactics, the poet uses educational terminology and situations to talk about M(mystery) and in this way his poems always seem like “the lessons of religion”

    W poszukiwaniu szkoły idealnej : opowiadania z serii "Z naszej szkoły" Janiny Mortkowicz

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    The article presents the most important attributes of the rural and urban school described by Janina Mortkowicz in the collection of short stories „From our school” published in 1918 and 1919. I present described schools as ideal educational institutions. I consider several issues: developing the pupils’ imagination, education through art, nature education, independence of students and the teacher. At the end I briefl y compare this ideal school with the main features of the contemporary Finnish school, described by T.D. Walker in Teach like Finland: 33 simple strategies for joyful classrooms

    La voix du traducteur et l’image de la Grande-Bretagne dans les traductions française et polonaise des aventures de Harry Potter

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    Les aventures de Harry Potter sont bien ancrées dans la réalité britannique et leur traduction peut constituer un défi pour le traducteur, surtout vu le caractère cognitif et informatif de la littérature de jeunesse en traduction. Les livres traduits deviennent une leçon sur les autres cultures. Le but de notre étude est de montrer comment la voix du traducteur peut aider à créer l’image d’une autre réalité culturelle et à transmettre un savoir sur un autre pays. Dans ce but, nous avons analysé les solutions adoptées par les traducteurs français et polonais pour traduire des éléments contribuant à l’image de Hogwarts en tant que boarding school typique.J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter stories are anchored in British reality and therefore their translation can become a challenge, especially given the cognitive and informative aspects of children’s literature in translation. The translated books become a lesson about other cultures. The aim of our study is to show how the translator’s voice can help create the image of other cultural realities and transfer knowledge about a different culture. For this purpose, we analyzed the solutions adopted by French and Polish translators for the elements of the text contributing to the image of Hogwarts as a typically British boarding school