911 research outputs found

    Transmission of PAM4 signals in intra-datacenters connections with direct-detection and multicore fibers limited by inter-core crosstalk

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    Nowadays, traffic in datacenters has been dramatically increasing over the last few years. As such, it is necessary to scale the connections of the datacenters, to accommodate such increase of traffic. The solution proposed in this work is to use four-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) and multicore fibers (MCFs) to support intra-datacenters connections. However, transmission in MCFs is significantly degraded by inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) between cores. In this work, the impact of ICXT on the performance of PAM4 transmission in short-haul directdetection links, emulating intra-datacenters connections, is analyzed. To evaluate the ICXT impact on the performance of the system, several metrics are used such as: bit error rate, eye-pattern analysis, power penalty and outage probability (OP). Our numerical results show that the ICXT levels that lead to 1 dB power penalty degradation with low skew-symbol rate product are at least 2.3 dB above the ones found with high skew-symbol rate product. For these crosstalk levels, the PAM4 system is probably unavailable with an OP above 102. To reach an acceptable reference OP of 3.8 103, the ICXT level must be reduced at least 5 dB, when compared to the ICXT level that leads to the 1 dB power penalty. Hence, the OP is an essential performance metric instead of the 1 dB power penalty to guarantee quality of service in PAM4 direct-detection systems supported by MCFs. Furthermore, comparing to OOK systems, a much higher ICXT level above 7.6 dB is required to achieve the same OP in the PAM4 system.Actualmente, o tráfego nos centros de dados tem aumentado dramaticamente nos últimos anos. Como tal, é necessário uma grande evolução nas ligações dos centros de dados para acomodar esse aumento de tráfego. A solução proposta neste trabalho é usar a modulação de amplitude por impulsos com quatro níveis (PAM4) e fibras multinúcleo (MCFs) para suportar ligações dentro de centro de dados. Contudo, a transmissão nas MCFs é significativamente degradada pela diafonia entre núcleos (ICXT). Neste trabalho, o impacto da ICXT no desempenho de sistemas PAM4 correspondentes a ligações curtas com detecção direta, emulando ligações dentro de centros de dados é analisado. Para avaliar o impacto da ICXT no desempenho do sistema, várias métricas são usadas como: análise do diagrama de olho, taxa de erro bit, penalidade de potência e probabilidade de indisponibilidade (OP). Os resultados numéricos mostram que os níveis de ICXT que conduzem à degradação da penalidade de potência de 1 dB com um produto ritmo de símboloskew baixo estão, pelo menos, 2.3 dB acima dos valores encontrados com um produto ritmo de símbolo-skew elevado. Para estes níveis de ICXT, o sistema PAM4 apresenta-se indisponível com uma OP acima de 102. Assim demonstra-se que a OP é uma métrica de desempenho essencial relativamente à penalidade de potência de 1 dB para garantir a qualidade de serviço em sistemas PAM4 com deteção direta e suportados por fibras multinúcleo. Além disso, comparando com os sistemas OOK, é necessário um nível ICXT acima de 7.6 dB para obter a mesma OP no sistema PAM4

    Analysis of the impact of impulse noise in digital subscriber line systems

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    In recent years, Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology has been gaining popularity as a high speed network access technology, capable of the delivery of multimedia services. A major impairment for DSL is impulse noise in the telephone line. However, evaluating the data errors caused by this noise is not trivial due to its complex statistical nature, which until recently had not been well understood, and the complicated error mitigation and framing techniques used in DSL systems. This thesis presents a novel analysis of the impact of impulse noise and the DSL framing parameters on transmission errors, building on a recently proposed impulse noise model. It focuses on errors at higher protocol layers, such as asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), in the most widely used DSL version, namely Asymmetric DSL (ADSL). The impulse noise is characterised statistically through its amplitudes, duration, inter-arrival times, and frequency spectrum, using the British Telecom / University of Edinburgh / Deutsche Telekom (BT/UE/DT) model. This model is broadband, considers both the time and the frequency domains, and accounts for the impulse clustering. It is based on recent measurements in two different telephone networks (the UK and Germany) and therefore is the most complete model available to date and suited for DSL analysis. A new statistical analysis of impulse noise spectra from DT measurements shows that impulse spectra can be modelled with three spectral components with similar bandwidth statistical distributions. Also, a novel distribution of the impulse powers is derived from the impulse amplitude statistics. The performance of a generic ADSL modem is investigated in an impulse noise and crosstalk environment for different bit rates and framing parameters. ATM cell and ADSL frame error rates, and subjective MPEG2 video quality are used as performance metrics. A new modification of a bit loading algorithm is developed to enable stable convergence of the algorithm with trellis coding and restricted subtone constellation size. It is shown that while interleaving brings improvement if set at its maximum depth, at intermediate depths it actually worsens the performance of all considered metrics in comparison with no interleaving. No such performance degradation is caused by combining several symbols in a forward error correction (FEC) codeword, but this burst error mitigation technique is only viable at low bit rates. Performance improvement can also be achieved by increasing the strength of FEC, especially if combined with interleaving. In contrast, trellis coding is ineffective against the long impulse noise error bursts. Alien as opposed to kindred crosstalk degrades the error rates and this is an important issue in an unbundled network environment. It is also argued that error free data units is a better performance measure from a user perspective than the commonly used error free seconds. The impact of impulse noise on the errors in DSL systems has also been considered analytically. A new Bernoulli-Weibull impulse noise model at symbol level is proposed and it is shown that other models which assume Gaussian distributed impulse amplitudes or Rayleigh distributed impulse powers give overly optimistic error estimates in DSL systems. A novel bivariate extension of the Weibull impulse amplitudes is introduced to enable the analysis of orthogonal signals. Since an exact closed-form expression for the symbol error probability of multi-carrierQAM assuming Bernoulli-Weibull noise model does not exist, this problem has been solved numerically. Multi-carrier QAM is shown to perform better at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), but worse at low SNR than single carrier QAM, in both cases because of the spreading of noise power between subcarriers. Analytical expressions for errors up to frame level in the specific case of ADSL are then derived from the impulse noise model, with good agreement with simulation results. The Bernoulli-Weibull model is applied to study the errors in single-pair highspeed DSL (SHDSL). The performance of ADSL is found to be better when the burst error mitigation techniques are used, but SHDSL has advantages if low bit error rate and low latency are required

    Robust and scalable barcoding for massively parallel long‑read sequencing

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    Nucleic-acid barcoding is an enabling technique for many applications, but its use remains limited in emerging long-read sequencing technologies with intrinsically low raw accuracy. Here, we apply so-called NS-watermark barcodes, whose error correction capability was previously validated in silico, in a proof of concept where we synthesize 3840 NS-watermark barcodes and use them to asymmetrically tag and simultaneously sequence amplicons from two evolutionarily distant species (namely Bordetella pertussis and Drosophila mojavensis) on the ONT MinION platform. To our knowledge, this is the largest number of distinct, non-random tags ever sequenced in parallel and the frst report of microarray-based synthesis as a source for large oligonucleotide pools for barcoding. We recovered the identity of more than 86% of the barcodes, with a crosstalk rate of 0.17% (i.e., one misassignment every 584 reads). This falls in the range of the index hopping rate of established, highaccuracy Illumina sequencing, despite the increased number of tags and the relatively low accuracy of both microarray-based synthesis and long-read sequencing. The robustness of NS-watermark barcodes, together with their scalable design and compatibility with low-cost massive synthesis, makes them promising for present and future sequencing applications requiring massive labeling, such as long-read single-cell RNA-Seq.Fil: Ezpeleta, Joaquín. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; Argentina.Fil: Labari, Ignacio Garcia. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; Argentina.Fil: Bulacio, Pilar. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; Argentina.Fil: Tapia, Elizabeth. Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas; Argentina.Fil: Ezpeleta, Joaquín. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura; Argentina.Fil: Bulacio, Pilar. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura; Argentina.Fil: Tapia, Elizabeth. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura; Argentina.Fil: Villanova, Gabriela Vanina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Lavista Llanos, Sofía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Villanova, Gabriela Vanina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio Mixto de Biotecnología Acuática. Centro Científico Tecnológico y Educativo Acuario del Río Paraná; Argentina.Fil: Posner, Victoria María. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio Mixto de Biotecnología Acuática. Centro Científico Tecnológico y Educativo Acuario del Río Paraná; Argentina.Fil: Arranz, Silvia Eda. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Laboratorio Mixto de Biotecnología Acuática. Centro Científico Tecnológico y Educativo Acuario del Río Paraná; Argentina.Fil: Krsticevic, Flavia. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment; Israel

    Advanced Digital Signal Processing Techniques for High-Speed Optical Links

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    Observing and Modeling the Physical Layer Phenomena in Open Optical Systems for Network planning and management

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    Contributions to network planning and operation of Flex-Grid/SDM optical core networks

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de les TICThe ever demanding bandwidth requirements for supporting emerging telecom services such as ultra-high-definition video streaming, cloud computing, connected car, virtual/augmented reality, etc., bring to the fore the necessity to upgrade continuously the technology behind transport networks in order to keep pace with this exponential traffic growth. Thus, everything seems to indicate that fixed-grid Wavelength-Division Multiplexed (WDM) networks will be upgraded by adopting a flexible-grid, thus providing finer bandwidth allocation granularities, and therefore, increasing the Grade-of-Service by packing more information in the same spectral band of standard Single-Mode Fibers (SMFs). Nevertheless, unfortunately, the fundamental Shannon’s limit of SMFs is rapidly approaching, and, then, the research efforts to increase the SMFs' capacity will be useless. One solution to overcome this capacity crunch effect is to enable one extra dimension in addition to the frequency one, namely, the spatial dimension, thus deploying S parallel paths in order to multiply, in the best case, by S the capacity of SMF-based networks. However, additionally, it is necessary to decrease the cost and energy per bit in order to provide economically attractive solutions. For this purpose, a smooth upgrade path has to be carried out as new integrated devices and system components are developed for Space Division Multiplexing (SDM). This thesis is concentrated on the planning and operation of the combined flexible WDM and SDM networks (i.e., Flex-Grid/SDM networks) proposing several strategies aimed at optimizing network resources usage with hardware complexity analysis. For this purpose, firstly, network problems are carefully studied and stated, and then, mathematical and/or heuristic algorithms are designed and implemented in an optical network simulator. Specifically, after an introduction to the thesis, chapter 2 presents the background and related work. Next, chapter 3 concentrates on the study of spatially fixed Flex-Grid/SDM networks, i.e., when a rigid number of spatial channels are reserved per allocated traffic demand. In its turn, chapter 4 studies the case of Spectrally-Spatially Flexible Optical Networks (SS-FONs), as the ones providing the upper-bound network capacity. Costs and hardware requirements implied on providing this flexibility are analyzed. Network nodes aimed at reducing the cost of SS-FONs are presented and evaluated in chapter 5. Finally, this thesis ends with the presentation of the main contributions and future research work in chapter 6.La demanda de ancho de banda cada vez más exigente para soportar servicios de telecomunicación emergentes tales como la transmisión de video de alta calidad, computación en la nube, vehículo conectado, realidad virtual/aumentada, etc.…, ha puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de actualizar constantemente la tecnología detrás de las redes de transporte óptico con la finalidad de ir a la par de este incremento exponencial del tráfico. De esta manera, todo parece indicar que las redes basadas en la multiplexación por division de longitud de onda (Wavelength Division Multiplexing, WDM) de ancho espectral fijo serán actualizadas adoptando un ancho de banda espectral flexible, que ofrece asignaciones de ancho de banda con granularidad más fina acorde a las demandas de tráfico; y por lo tanto, incremanta el Grado de Servicio de la red, ya que se permite acomodar mayor información en la misma banda espectral de las fibras monomodo (Single Mode Fibers, SMFs). Sin embargo, desafortunadamente, el límite de Shannon de las fibras monomodo se está aproximando cada vez más, y cuando esto ocurra las investigaciones para incrementar la capacidad de las fibras monomodo serán infructuosas. Una posible solución para superar este colapso de las fibras monomodo es habilitar la dimensión espacial a más de la frecuencial, desplegando � caminos paralelos con la finalidad de multiplicar por � (en el mejor de los casos) la capacidad de las fibras monomodo. No obstante, es necesario disminuir el costo y la energía por bit con la finalidad de proveer soluciones comerciales atractivas. Para tal propósito debe llevarse a cabo una actualización moderada conforme nuevos dispositivos y componentes integrados son desarrollados para la implementación de la tecnología basada en la multiplexación por división de espacio (Space Division Multiplexing, SDM). Esta tesis se concentra en la planificación y operación de la combinación de las redes WDM flexibles y SDM (es decir, de las redes Flex-Grid/SDM) proponiendo varias estrategias dirigidas a optimizar el uso de los recursos de red junto con el análisis de la complejidad del hardware que viene acompañada. Para este fin, primeramente, los problemas de red son cuidadosamente estudiados y descritos. A continuación, se han diseñado e implementado algoritmos basados en programación lineal entera o heurísticas en un simulador de redes ópticas. Después de una introducción inicial, el capítulo 2 de esta tesis presenta el marco teórico sobre los conceptos tratados y los trabajos publicados anteriormente. A continuación, el capítulo 3 se concentra en el estudio de las redes Flex-Grid/SDM con la dimensión espacial rígida; es decir, cuando un número fijo de canales espaciales son reservados por cada demanda de tráfico establecida. Por su parte, el capítulo 4 estudia las redes Flex-Grid/SDM considerando flexibilidad tanto en el dominio espacial como espectral (Spectrally and Spatially Flexible Optical Networks, SS-FONs), las cuales proveerían la capacidad máxima de las redes SDM. Adicionalmente, los costos y requerimientos de hardware implicados en la provisión de esta flexibilidad son analizados. El capítulo 5 presenta la evaluación de nodos orientados a reducir los costos de las SS-FONs. Finalmente, el capítulo 6 expone las principales contribuciones y las posibles líneas de trabajo futuroEls requisits incessants d’ample de banda per al suport de nous serveis de telecomunicació, com poden ser la difusió en directe de vídeo de molt alta definició, la informàtica en el núvol, els cotxes intel·ligents connectats a la xarxa, la realitat virtual/augmentada, etc…, han exigit una millora contínua de les tecnologíes de les actuals xarxes de transport de dades. Tot sembla indicar que les xarxes de transport òptiques actuals, basades en la tecnologia de multiplexació per divisió de longitud d’ona (Wavelength Division Multiplexing, WDM) sobre un grid espectral rígid, hauran de ser reemplaçades per tecnologies òptiques més flexibles, amb una granularitat més fina a l’hora de suportar noves connexions, incrementat el grau de servei de les xarxes gràcies a aprofitament major de l’ample de banda espectral proporcionat per les fibres òptiques monomode (Single Mode Fibers, SMFs). Tanmateix, estem exhaurint ja la capacitat màxima de les fibres òptiques SMF segons ens indica el límit fonamental de Shannon. Per tant, qualsevol esforç enfocat a millorar la capacitat d’aquestes xarxes basades en SMFs pot acabar sent infructuós. Una possible solució per superar aquestes limitacions de capacitat és explorar la dimensió espacial, a més de l’espectral, desplegant camins en paral·lel per tal de multiplicar per , en el millor cas, la capacitat de les SMFs. Tot i això, és necessari reduir el cost i el consum energètic per bit transmès, per tal de proporcionar solucions econòmicament viables. Amb aquest propòsit, pot ser necessària una migració progressiva, a mesura que es desenvolupen nous dispositius i components per aquesta nova tecnologia de multiplexació per divisió espacial (Spatial Division Multiplexing, SDM). La present tesi es centra en la planificació i operació de xarxes òptiques de nova generació que combinin tecnologies de xarxa WDM flexible i SDM (és a dir, xarxes Flex-Grid/SDM), proposant estratègies per a l’optimització de l’ús dels recursos de xarxa i, en definitiva, el seu cost (CapEx). Amb aquest propòsit, s’analitzen en primer moment els problemes adreçats. Tot seguit, es dissenyen algorismes per tal de solucionar-los, basats en tècniques de programació matemàtica i heurístiques, els quals s’implementen i es proven en un simulador de xarxa òptica. Després d’una introducció inicial, el capítol 2 d’aquesta tesi presenta tots els conceptes tractats i treballs relacionats publicats amb anterioritat. Tot seguit, el capítol 3 es centra en l’estudi de les xarxes Flex-Grid/SDM fixes en el domini espai, és a dir, on sempre es reserva un nombre rígid de canals espacials per qualsevol demanda suportada. El capítol 4 estudia les xarxes flexibles en els dominis espectrals i espacials (Spectrally-Spatially Flexible Optical Nextworks, SS-FONs), com aquelles que poden proporcionar una capacitat de xarxa màxima. En aquest context, s’analitzen els requeriments en termes de cost i hardware per tal de proporcionar aquesta flexibilitat. Llavors, en el capítol 6 es presenten opcions de node de xarxa capaces de reduir els costos de les xarxes SS-FONs. Finalment, en el capítol 7 es repassen totes les contribucions de la tesi, així com posibles línies de treball futurAward-winningPostprint (published version